
Murray and the Panama Symphony In Musical Array THE WORKMAN GAS STOVES ON TIME PAYMENT The Comtemplated. Reorganization OF THE 100 4 WORKMAN Newspaper has Begun MR. WHYTE. La, Boca, has been added to the Editorial Staff as Contributing Editor MR. KING Author of Sparklets)
will re organize his well known Column MR. Elijah. HUNTER Silver City, will be a regular Contributor MRS. EDITH COLE, La Boca, is now writing La Boca Social Notes Plans are being developed to have permanent representatives of the Paper at La Boca, Red Tank Paraiso, Gatun, Silver City. In Colon the Paper is being handled by HASKINS NEWS AGENCY The Coloured element here is showing decided signs of dnfting together for their common good, and the WORKMAN, the paper which for the past sixteen years has been standing by them in its humble way, has now been given the assurance of some of our active progressive and constructive thinkers that a reorganization of its forces is now in order, therefore, Get your Copy of the WORKMAN every Saturday (By Moulton)
The last occasion when the writer enjoyed the pleasure of hearing such extremely rich music, as was heard at the Excelsior Theatre on Sunday, October 21st, when Professor Garfield Murray directed his Panama Symphony with a spectacular showmanship that quickened the harmony which enraptured his audience; was, in 1922 when Professor Padovanni, the direcespre tor of the great Italian Bracale Company visited Cartagena with a galaxy of artists. Among them being Tito Ruffo, Tina DOWN aggi and other celebrants of DOWN the musical and theatrical world Padovanni orchestra comprised sixty pieces, and when he left Cartagena, his name, associated with music, was the talk of that city. It was though PUTS THIS WONDERFUL some heavenly host had visited the city with a new evangelization: that the time was coming ROPER STOVE when the world would discard language, and man would communicate with man in the Strains of music Into your Home with a Complete But while Professor Padovanni combine comprised sixty new Installation.
musicians and a complete and first line of technicians at that.
among the members of his or You pay the Balance in Ten chestra were Italians, Spaniards Americans and othter nationali.
Small Installments ties, including Austrians. This is the striking difference beASK FOR DETAILS tween Padovanni combine and the band of our local Symphony director, Professor Garfield Murray Murray, with approximately THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS thirty men, the majority of whom are colored, gave a de(FUERZA LUZ)
monstration in the ecstasy of tatusic, on October 21st, that shall remain in the annals of PANAMA At Your Service COLON musical history by colored peole in this country, as one of the keystones to the building up of high class music. With Beetho If you have a Prescription to ven Fifth Syymphony for the be made up take it to the Jamaica Public Serbackground of his program, the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana vice Company orchestra seemed to soar to the Plaza, where you will get courheights of Mount Olympus, teous and obliging service.
while the director opened the Continue Development of portals of his soul to the God Advertise in the Workman Utilities in Kingston Orpheus. The hearers were it will bring good results.
looking up as the psaltery echoes The Jamaica Mail of the 27th wafted from one side of the beyond measure.
building to the other. But when Both Miss Alma Buchanan and Public Service Company, Ltd. ulto states that the Jamaica the program was over the au Miss Lena Moulton could not continues its progressive policy dience still found themselves in assist on the program, due to for the development of its plant the Excelsior Theatre of this throat trouble, for which due apology was announced by the electric service being made by to meet the growing demand for Not only did the instrumental very able vocero, the Rev.
the public in the company terists, on one hand, display mark Nightingale, mastership in dispensing those Now, the march Three Links ritory of operations.
Many persons have been wonrapturous harmonics as to tan written by Murray himself: talize any audience, but on the Here Mr. Murray almost inyldering what three large steel tanks which have been depositother hand, the concert party, down on his baton, after leading comprising a distinguished num off his thirty men to the end of ed on the company plot of land ber of colored songbirds, added the first bar. Now and then he at the corner of Gold and Harbour Street are intended for, vocal essence to the program. would spontaneously lift the state Madam Walker Headley who hand to vimify or add a little. This journal is able to sang Drink To Me Only With more quickening power to the that these tanks are transformThine Eyes lured her hearers notes of Three Links. Members ers, aggregating 250 kilowts, which form part of an outdoor into a state of almost delirious of the Three Links Club enthusiasm which bursted forth there who cheered with glad ac man Street, and North Street when she came to the end of her claim. Those who believe in for the purpose of supporting warbling. Miss May Malcolm a heaven and a hell were there. the conductors which will conwith her elocution on Music Those who believeth nor were, nect the new transformer sta(Continued on Page 7)
was impressive and interesting. also there. However, whether Our local tenor, Mr. Davis there exist such places or not, who sang Let Me Like a Sol the work of the Panama Sym.
dier Fall, was encored for his phony Orchestra demonstrated Novelty Rally interpretation and delivery. that if there is a heaven, harBut going back to the Sym mny atid every ching hat Its something unusually grand in phony, it is necessary to say a charms, must be the essence of the form of rally and dance to take word of praise for our local mas it all.
place in the La Boca Athletic shed ter of the flute, Mr. Benjamin The Panama Symphony Or The St Peter Friendly and Benevolent Society, under the leadership Jayes, whose tone and syncopat chestra will be going to Colon of Mr N. McCarthy are driving ed delivery in interpreting The on Armistice Day, November 11 hard for the putting over of a Novelty Captive Bird, accompanied with They will run excursion. It Rally and dance. Three ladies of this several members of the Sym the people of Panama and Colon society are handling the intellectual side of this program.
phony, brought the audience al who love real good, sweet, rich the contesting parties namely faith, They are nost to its entire feet. Mmusic, desire to dispel their Hope, and charity, tags are being Jayes was there recalling to monotony and cares of the day sold and right now everyone is pur mind, how much behind his pic or wish to see and hear men chasing their favorite it speaks of calo, years ago, he played some play on such strains as lift the inst, because we are not sure if the a warm time on the night of the 13th touching strains as a junior mu soul, with almost overwhelming greatest of these ladies will be sician in the Colon Municipal inspiration, it would be best to charity All lovers of music will be Band. Aside from the march hear the Panama Symphony Or amply satisfied on this occassion, as Three Links of the program, chestra in Colon at the Cristobal the popular Syncopaters Orchestra certainly there will be none other than it seemed that The Captive Silver Clubhouse at p. on Prices of adtimission are ladies 250 Bird vaptivated the audience that day.
and gentlemen 50e It now a Question of a Short Time and you will be having the Workman Twice a Week city. STOP! LISTEN. full Assortmet of CRICKET GOODS Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards Etc. Etc. Etc.


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