
League Unostenta tious Program THE WORKMAN Promises Good Results NOTICE VALUE OF SAVINGS TO THE INDIVIDUAL Ancon Clubhouse up the Published on Saturday by Rates for Advertisement on apThough not being ushered in with WALROND, at the office No. 72plication, correspondence on all matthe characteristie ostentation of Carlos Mendoza Street, Panama, ters of public interest invited.
most of our local entertainments, indications are that a good literary All copy for publication must be Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and musical program will be given Box 1102, Ancon and must be accompanied by the at the Children interested in Contest for Best La Boca Clubhouse next RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION name of the writer, not necessarily Saturday night under the aupices of One Year.
as a mark of Cor publication but. 40 Cy.
Essay in English on the the Isthmian Literary and Musical good faith.
now Six Months. 20 League. This organization, it Chree. 60 We do not undertake to return appears, is bent on carrying out an Ome Month. 25 rejected correspondence.
unostentatious but, nevertheless, serious program of community welfare The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS work, which promises to attract enough support in course of time to THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10 1928)
enable it to carry on successfully, There are at present five societies OUR CASE IN COURT composing the League member.
May obtain rules and certificates at the ship: the Etude Club the La Boca Athenaeum, the Forum, the Alliance The chief purpose for which judicial courts are following Club Houses.
Literary and Debating Association established is the protection of rights; and it is in the and the A. Technical School.
contemplation of this purpose that, except persons who These socioties have been doing are regarded as unable to take care of themselves, those more or less crediatble work in our whose rights are being invaded are required to seek Balboa Clubhouse various communities. Foremost the law protection with due diligence, or run the risk among the literary societies is the of suffering wrongs. This institution is an open ackLa Boca Athanaeum of the La Boca nowledgement of the fact that human nature is such Clubhouse. This society has an enthat it will always require some means whereby its vious record of not only being the wrong doings may be reasonably adjusted. The instituLa Boca Clubhouse oldest organization of the kind tion is therefore intended to act justly (rightly) or to Canal Zone, but one whose record do justice (right. but because its agents are also themselves human, it is also subject, through them, to the Cristobal Clubhouse can be looked back to with much pride by our entire community. The human frailty to err. Then in order to minimize the Alliance Literary and Debating Asliability to error, courts are conducted according to Silver City Clubhouse sociation of the Cristobal Silver Clubcertain well defined and tested rules, customs, and house has also been doing very good usages. Thus, there are two sides to every matter in work, while the Techadjudication, to which the term evidence is applied; nical School is reputed as an eduand on the evidence the courts give their verdicts (or THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK cational institution which has been true sayings. showing excellent results for many Yes, it is well known that it is on the evidence beyears. The Etude Club of Panama fore it that the court gives its decision: that is the rule.
Colon Panama City is the only musical member Of course, there are exceptions to this, as where a court of the League, and while not an old refuses to believe the evidence tendered by both parties society its membership compose an being irreconcilable and improbable, or where it allows aspiring group, as exemplified by its mind to be influenced by some circumstance that its recent display of lively interest is foreign to the issue; but in the overwhelming majoriA Novel Harvest in the work of the League. The ty of cases, decision is according to the evidence. So, Ferum represents the literary activifor instance, if moves a court for the acquisition AT WESLEY CHURCH ties of the Gatun Silver Clubhouse.
of a right that belongs to and neglects to offer Although lately organized, it is reevidence in rebuttal of s claim, notwithstanding The Wesleyans are striking an ported to be s dishonesty (of which the court is not supposed making appreciable progress.
to be aware. will lose his right. He will be unwise Original Note at their Harvest on The League has struck a very to refuse to defend it, simply because he knows it is his.
Sunday, the 11th. The usual thing good note when it takes The court will regard him as sleeping on his right, and is to pile up a heap of Yams and question of higher education by way therefore not entitled to its protection.
Pumpkins, festoon with Coco nut There is another very important matter by which leaves, string up on the walls, often could be no better way of promoting of a Scholarship Fund; and there courts are influenced. It is the manner in which the with some injury to the plaster, a this than through magazine, evidence is presented. Many a right has been lost by few appropriate texts and call it a poor and indifferent presentation, and many won by soberly and intelligently conducted.
Harvest Thanksgiving. This Year Having, as it does, a member in astuteness and sheer intellectual brilliance. We are not there has been an attempt to get each of the principal colored comunfamiliar with the attitude of the public towards away from the old confusion. The munities, it should experience very some great lawyer, how he is sought rich and poor Chancel of the Church will enfold little if any difficulty in carrying the best within its boundary a alike, spoken highly of, respected, honored all because miniature out its program of his ability to present evidence above the average in Harvest Field. The Farm House, a highly ambitious, is well within the which, although his profession.
typical structure complete to details reach and possibilities of our comWe come now to the concrete case at bar of the will be the prominent feature of the munity, it taken seriously by the Negroes hailing from the British West Indies and now picture. One will see the poultry, League.
resident in the Republic of Panama or employed in the the pigs, the watch dog a fierce Canal Zone. We are the industrial and economic backfellow! and the hundred and one bone of the cities of Panama and Colon and of the things one expects to see in a farm Panama Wesley Canal Zone. We have been here since 1850 or 78 years yard. As a side line the Harvest of ago, when we were brought to build the Panama Railthe Sea will be represented and in Activities road after other sources of labor had failed. We were a strikingly novel form. No pains about 90 per cent of the construction force of the Panhave been spared, and if the weather WHAT THE WORLD OWES TO ama Canal, and in cleaning the cities of Panama and permits, we shall see a crowd. At Colon of filth, in the days when yellow fever was the 3:30 the Musical programme RELIGIOUS LEADERS will destroying angel here, and since the place has been open with a solo by Mrs. French of Among the very appropriate and made habitable for others, we have never been less than September last, one poor American worker here says the Cathedral of St. Luke The modern subjects dealt with 75 per cent of force on the Canal. The service we have they some times feel discouraged, being so far away Wesleyan Choir wil present Ruth, time to time under the auspices of rendered to Panama and the United States has been from home, to see how the West Indian Negroes are the Moabitess the charming Har the above named Society, What the acknowledged and testifie:l to by the great builder of world owes to religious leaders the Panama Canal and his successors in office; for all ruining them pitiable, indeed to contemplate these vest Cantata. For all this one might of which we are not being paid, and have never been, get garage acommodation for, getting three, four, and to the afternoon service would be we wery interesting points poor Americans with more automobiles than they can reasonably expect that the admission took a very important place, introduced in connection with same anything near a living wage, and the conditions sur umpteen times the wages of the well treated West In One Dollar but the Wesleyon Wednesday last at Greddes Hall.
rounding us are nothing short of servitude. Our chil dian.
ans are not always reasonable as all the world knows so the admission Among the dren are denied every opportunity to develop into a inventors mentioned respectable and dependable citizenry; are denied the Such is the kind of evidence they have been getting will be by Harvest Envelope or 25 were Mr. Thomas Edison, who is benefits of higher education, whether academic or in against us. The campaign has been running for years, cents On Monday the strains responsible for Electricity. George technical, and on account of the very low wages that and they are employing additional advocates with of a Band will entertain during the Stephenson, the founder of the locowe receive there are very few of us that can attemptability and influence from time to time. Are we putting Social Sale in the School Hall. motive, and a few others.
to send them elsewhere to be trained.
in any evidence in rebuttal? lawyer friend of ours Guessing Competition will provide The Rev.
cited Despite the excellent record of service that we have some years ago used to say he was always glad when diversion and a big prize for the many instances of men who, altho, in this country during these 78 years, we have recently the other side resorted to lieing, for he could always winner. Refreshments will be on not strictly connected to the Church, been legislated against in Panama as undesirables sub discredit their evidence false in one thing false in all. sale and attractions for everybody. seemed to have had divine ject to restrictions in our movements from and to the Are we organized to carry on this suit? and are we Cordial invitation is given to all inspiration by doing things which benefitted humanity all through country, have been restricted almost to the point of pro prepared to employ advocates with ability to present hibition in obtaining employment in the Republic, and our evidence to advantage? We think it is time that we the gold (white American. force on the Zone, through seriously set ourselves to getting in our evidence, and Panama Symphony Close attention was paid to the their labor organization, after conducting a fight in the most effective way possible. If we continue to Orchestra speaker; papers were also read in against our being employed except as ordinary labor sleep on our rights, we will surely lose them. If we are relation to the subject by Messrs ers since 1915, by local representation as well as by prepared to defend them they will remain ours, but not Dottin, Rollocks, and Grant. The Will fitingly celebrate Armistie Day meeting also took the form of the propaganda in the United States, have this year intro by merely commenting on the dishonesty or unchariduced us into the national political campaign. They are tableness of the other fellows. The Panama Canal West begining at am, tomorrow when regular monthly consecration special will leave Panama pleading with every organization in the States that has Indian Employees Association has been about the only Colon, returning from Colon at emony and terminated with any considerable influence, to help them screw us down. agency trying to get in some evidence, it might be well which has been arranged chiefly Doxology.
They say we are cheap, and by our cheapness we are for all to help it. Let us get in the evidence every enable the Orchestra and Concer undermining them in the trades and clerical positions, avaible particle, before it is too late.
Party to render their Third Annua Advertise in the Workman and according to the Electrical Workers Journal of Continued on page 5) will bring good results.
a Chlorodont Dental Cream from and were Wade some the ages.


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