
Have you Tried Salada Orange Pekoe Tea Nena Thomas TEA MATE ORACAO oz. packet cents THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10 1928.
PAGE FIVE Grand Thanksgiving Good Man And Program Good Band At St. Peter La Boca in Demand Members and friends are once more reminded that the annual (By Harvest Thanksgiving Services will The writer believes that the be held at St. Peter tomorrow. No head line is as adequate in conChristian man or woman, however nection with the idea he has in backward in spiritual advancement, his mind and has undertaken to can fail to grasp the meaning and make a few comments on it as helpfulness of these yearly Harvest he can think of at the present Festivals, and every member of the time.
Church should regard their obseryThat a good band of music ance as being imperatively binding.
under the Directorship of a good is, moreover, a great privilege to and capable man has proven itparticipate in such services. We self in demand in Colon, where therefore extend to one and all a apparently inspite or because of very cordial invitation to the the fact that the ciy is renown services tomorrow. At the close of the Flower Service, commencing at for its cosmopolitan population 3, there will be a grand Musical and atmosphere as well as its location in one of the main Program under the auspices of the Choir, which will be as follows:cross roads of the world some Anthem Praise Ye The Lord institution in which there is life Choir and other things to attract as Vocal Solo Sowing Seeds. Mr.
an approved and profitable diF. Smythe.
version immediately presents itSaxophone Selection Mrs.
And it is superfluous to state Quartet Ever with Thee Miss that the people of the windy city Lilian Jones others have on all occasions proven Vocal Solo Selected Mrs Rose themselves music lovers. good Anthem. The Cornis ripe for musical entertainment is never reaping Choir lacking in appreciation and supDuet. He in mine Messrs port in Colon. Yet at the 11th Marshall Palmer hour almost, it seemed that at Organ Solo Selected Master an epoch now to be looked back Estwick at and go down in the history Duet will lift up mine eyes of Colon as a very eventful one, Miss Campbell Mrs Clarke The TEA with the Exquisite very nearly fell short of the Vocal Solo The Palms. Mrs.
entertainment which is spoken Estwick of by hundreds of tongues toFlavour Saxophone Selection. Mrs. Nena day as the crowning one of said Thomas festive event.
Anthem. Thou crownest the Band Performances year Choir.
When Colon celebrated her Doxology. Closing Prayers and 24th birth date as the second Blessing city of importance in a republic of he same age, it is known that Veritable Remedia combination of three bands of able Nuisance music wonderfully helped to tell out the joy its people felt on sc FOR SALE EVERYWHERE great and festive an occasion.
By VERITAS Sixty muWhere Are The Inspectors And sicians with their instruments Manager Or Leaders?
peeled forth sweet and jubilant am very sorry to be the one to airs under the Directorship of a ask the following questions, but music expert, a little man, but who will forward manly Things the Workman Would like to see on who has the goods where answer them? Namely: music of a martial type and perIs it a fact it is forbidden for The spirit of practical UN JACQUIRE USEFUL TRADES.
formance is concerned.
the Camp Bierd population (Negro ITY amongst West Indians.
Whoever was responsible for employees of the Govt) to cross SCHOOL for HIGHER 2. The West Indian worker and TECHNICAL EDUCATION retaining the services of so cathe rail road lines to get to the higpable a music professor to conway to join vihicles of transporta converted to the DOCTRINE for West Indian CHILDREN by trol the destiny of the music tion? Is it not known that there be OF UNIONISM and COLLECWEST INDIAN EFFORT. department of the Colon Muniing no right of way for said vihi TIVE BARGAINING.
cipality did a wise and profitable cular traffie between town, Silver CORPORATION to take Wages in the CANAL thing for the Windy City. DurCity and the Camp Bierd village, if ZONE and PANAMA paid the CIAL INTERESTS.
care of West Indian FINAN ing the year from November the residents of the last named worker without regard to his 1927 to November 3, 1928, many place do not cros sthe rail road tracks it must happenings have taken place in needs cost them race, color, or citizenship a job The Workman OWNED around three times the amount of for a man and not a man for a by a company of WEST INconnection with the particular CUILD the regular fare between colon and job.
department among the various DIANS.
institutions of the Municipality silver city to get to Camp Bierd4. West Indian PARENTS Every West Indian drinking of Colon. Tis not pleasurable Is it not known too that with the to PURITY Balboa and Silver Spray.
to state that all has not been heavy rain season the Old Cristobal helping their CHILDREN calm in the functioning of the district is often flooded, making it At all our dealers or a phone call Municipality band. What was than difficult for people PANAMAKSYMPHONY THIRTY DAŇSKIFOR the chief hindrance? That is a (People too mean and not quadru ORCHESTRA SPEEDING brings the goods to your door question which had better be peds) who wear shoes as most of left unanswered although it us do and even quadrapeds wear shoesoto foot it back and forth, and Concert Programme at the Christel a Jamaican, drow 80 day fall mouWilford Morrison, 19 oreld.
happened to have been exactly THE Silver Clubhouse which will con(Continued on page 6)
the best way then to get around is mene at precisely and retur tence in the same court on the 8th across the tracks. in time for the many night working He was openrating a chiva on Gail PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Say, is not Silver club house con members to take up their various lord Highway, on the evening bePurpose of Life tantly patronized by our human live duties.
There are, however, indications that fore, and was using too much gas, PANAMA 65 PHONES COLON 84 For what purpose does one ve. crowd will take in the day thereby developing a speed of about large Has this club house to date any outing, as many have expressed their 35 miles an hour in going through The individual does not know. Finding other means of getting to it than desire to attend the concert in Colon. Fort Clayton. At that time he was Manufacturers of ourselves alive we live not by choice did we come into existence Some across the Tracks, why not It has been given out that their taking home a number of workmen have made that fact only too evident since or if it is forbidden for regular will be a reduction made for the CLEAN GOODS by putting an end to life when it be dwellers to cross the tracks to tº Panama, providing that such tickets the idea that all the autos on the benifit of those parties travelling from from the Pacific Locks, and he held comes burdensome. Even the secrets back and forth and myself agree are purchased on the train.
of astrology when revealed cannot tell road were just crawling, so he just an individual the purpose of his or that it is dangerous especially for Dr. Jos. Hamlet will serve stepped out to show them how. It Spanish and Canary Isher creation. The Creator holds the children, deaf and groggy persons as Chairman of the very elaboraro key to that secret and the individual doing so? Why not build a proper programme and a big time is in sttee was said that Morrison had been land Labourers Contest on Thrift works out his purpose accordingly and way to get back and forth to the for all who avail themselves the warned by the police about a week unconsciously In spite of this fact before, concerning his bad record in Continued from page Essay Interesting and from the Camp Bierd opportunity to attend.
men form ideals their own and strive There will be music on the train, the operation of motor vehicles and uary makes it necessary for the settlement to the regular highway. Refreshments: Swimning at to attain whatever happens Such the Silver City Residential Entrances. Wąller New Beach at Cristobal and chauffeur license in consequence. to get their working forces recruitthe possibility of his losing his mill owners to get busy immediately ideals are generally formed in youth and there we find later an individual The above and the following can various other attractions, One of the most interesting events of riper years living for the betterLooks like he has no license now.
reasonably be elassed nuisances, but ed to the neessary number during of the season is the Essay Contest ment of this world. There is no fate such as are easily remedied at no These young chiva drivers do not the month of December, and there is for school children in the Republic of which dooms any person to live for no If you have a Prescription to be seem to care about the safety of no time to be lost now if this is Management of the National City live for a purpose and who can tell Panams to be conducted by the purpose form ideals set up standards great cost. But when one has had to try to get into house No. 6001 made up take it to the National their passengers. Thirty days in jail to be done by sending to Spain for Bank in this city on November 21st. that might have been the Creators (No. then) Silver City, and has Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where should have a good moral effect on the workers. It is known that there. The Inportant feature about it is purpose.
are several agents in Spain that unlike many other ventures, it found this almost impossible except you will get courteous and obliging the craft, anyhow.
has ereated enthusiasm among all getting the forces together. It is a If you have a Prescription to servies we were quadraped and such animals live there regardless of havAccording to Professor Lloyd Dal pretty hard matter to do now, for classes of the community, for the be made up take it to the parents of the children and also the ing to walk in a mud pool, one can Rent Receipt Books in Spanish at Herrold of Northwestern Univer the last two seasons have not been teachers will take a keen interest in National Pharmacy, Santa Ana the sity, within fifteen years men will use very favourable ones for the work the venture. No one can deny that Plaza, where you will get cournot but ask for the Inspectors, and English for sale at rouge and carry vanity cases. Workman Printery. Continued on page 8)
teous and obliging service.
SERVE W2 AND WLWMI. ZU you more SO now ens.
managers and london


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