
FOR SALE CHEAP to of whiskey Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books. Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY as IS PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10 1928. Good Man and Adult Education. COLON NEWS Good Band The Workman Printery. Climbing Greased Pole (Continued from page Panama To the Editor the one which attracted the Sir: Caused Much Excitement writer attention to the band In your edition of November functioning, who, with a bit of a martial or disciplinary tempera3rd an attempt was made Over one thousand persons witnessed Good Assortment of ment himself and the fact of re.
revive interest in the rise and the climbing of a greased pole by many sidence made it impossible not education of our present com members of the younger set on Sunto have observed where that munity Certain suggestions day last 4th inst. Permission having orderly, disciplined and of course were made which hope will been given by Mr. Jolly the AB calde Secretary, a start was made subordinate spirit of co operameet with the approval of those at 10 in the evening; the first mentioned in said article and climber having made several trials tion was so sadly lacking if the band and its very life were to that something will be done in without any success and the others in same the near future which will be of turn shared the fate be realized in its necessary Juan, Enrique a young Panamanian functioning benefit to our people here. am seemed to have possessed more The Writer recollects somenow presenting for thoughtful grift than his contemporaries, carried readers the system of adult away the whole prize which consisted thing of how things stood at education in England.
of ham pair of boots rolls of the time when five months ago paper bottle of a few dolProvision for education in any lars in a bag and a Panamanian flag the Director took leave of absence from his job democratic state cannot be con which also formed part of the decorfor three months and sailed for sidered complete until adequate ation; Juan was cheered and greeted the states, The said band didnot opportunity for study, research, as he descended the pole.
survive its good and capable and intelliectual life is offered Director return. It however de to all the people, irrespective of Miss Inez Reid to Celebrate serves mentioning that during age, social or occupational staHer Birth Day the latter vacation or leave in tus. The fundamental principles the States, his capabilities and underlying the movement are The home of Miss Inez Reid will stated by the British Adult be transformed into a veritable fairyabilities as Al in the judgement Education Comittee.
land on 12th Instant the of any who might profess themselves judges locally has not The main purpose of edu occassion being the celebration of her lacked in special mention up caion is to fit a man for life, and birthday. Her many friends have therefore in a civilized commu occasion to enjoy the good things been requested to be present on this north where of course they know what they mean when they nity, to fit him for his place as which have been prepared and to exdeclare Mr. Nello Lugli to be a a member of that community. press their felicitations little terror of a band Director The goal of all education and who has the stuff where must be citizeship Last Sunday Even3. In a democracy citizenship those under his control are equal must be defined including ing Band Concert to his demands.
Mr. Editor, feeling in my humintelligent and active participa 72 Carlos Mendoza Street tion in the life of the state.
ble opinion that because of The capacity to develop an Last Sunday evening band contrary opinions locally more and ccrner Javillo sentimental open habit of mind, and, to ab concert in the Colon de Les than real which sorb essential facts on all cues sopp park, said by those acmay have helped along the direc tions as effecting the relation quanted with the facts to have OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD tions of thwarting the progress of man to man in actual society been an impromptus one, the of the constant and successful ought to be a practically uni band master, Director Nello Luas well as expected services of PANAMA CITY versal doctrine.
gli having arrived from the the right man and a good band The necessary conclusion states just in the nick of time in Colon till we came So near is that adult education a and with extra agility made it having to celebrate Colons or permanent national and commu possible to acquiesce to the rePanama quarter century anninal necessity. This should be uquests of Colon highest ofversary in Colon without that niversal and lifelong.
ficials to contribute something which on Sunday evening almost BEST OF ALL The opportunity for adult along the liness of a band peras a share accident proved itself education should spread uniform formance to suit the Country the crowning event and the one ly and systematically over the festive ocassion.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK long to be remembered in the It jolly to feel you re doing your entire community, The Music And Its Enjoyment.
best, history of the Windy city in the Intelligent public opinion seventy trained musi. It jolly to know you ve earned a Panama, performances of some seventycan be created only by a long cians from Coco Solo and two of Uncle Sam Army and Navy rest, thorough, universal process of army posts at the Atlantic Side It joily to struggle along SCHOOL CONTEST FOR ESSAYS ON THIRIFT and trained and properly disciplined education continuing through rendered with telling effect to strive, The National City Bank of New York offers to the students musicians and again under the out the life of the adult. an immense gathering fully ap Directorship of the redoubtable In fact, it jolly to be alive. of all schools duly established in the Republic of Panama and the England claims to have been preciative in very degree a fitIt jolly to knod you re going Canal Zone the following prizes, according to merit, for the best little bandmaster who has been th pioneer in the modern move ting program of sweet and strong, Essays submitted; as follows. The title of the essay is to be chosen kicking up a stir during his ment, with a history that can be lively airs, which it was regrett. It jolly to leave of absence in the States find you re getting by the student)
where he took on duty as directraced at least to the eighteenthed had to be curtailed somewhat along, schools were for lack of time and the drive But a jollier thing, without a doubt, FOR THE SCHOOL IN THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA century. Adult tor of the band of the Scudding (Essay in the Spanish. What savings mean to the individual) Fleet of the Arkanfounded early in the eighteenth on the good players energy and Is helping the fellow that down century by the society for the skill exacted by the Director in and out.
sas, being one of the best of 50. 00 Gold six bands of the said fleet.
promotion of christian know the rendition of same.
It jolly to give, it jolly to take, ledge. The Society of friends It jolly to work for somebody 2nd Prize.
Mr. Bandamster Nello Lugli 25. 00 Gold and other denominations and Causa That Lacks is on six weeks vacation visitsake, societies established schools in Assistance And it jollier still, when your work FOR THE SCHOOLS IN THE CANAL ZONE ing his family resident in Colon.
tended chiefly for religious inis through. Essay in English. What savings mean to the individual)
He will thereafter rejoin his struction, but also in part for fleet and band until his term of To know that somebody waiting secular studies. Natural science To the Editor the Workman.
1st Prize. 50. 00 Gold services expires in the for you.
and industrial revolution called Sir in the last issue of your periodican stand 2nd Prize.
Navy in February when he will forth the demand for mechanics cal, my attention was drawn to a very It jolly to know you 25. 00 Gold return to the isthmus and doubt interesting article by N. Smith along, institutes for the instruction of which if read and digested, should It might be jolly the earth to own, FOR THE WEST IDNIAN SCHOOLS IN THE REPUBLIC less engage in an active and mechanics, first established in serve a most worthy purpose, and prominent way in the realms of OF PANAMA AS WELL AS IN THE CANAL ZONF music in more than one of its 1799, for the popularization and any consideration is taken of it by any But a jollier thing than all the rest It to know that somebody loves you application of physical scince. Republic, the leaders of the same or of the leading Organisations of the Essay in English. What savings mean to the individual)
various and attractive ramificabest.
Political Radicalism, under the ganisations will think and try to act tions. PHILLIP HARRISON. 1st Prize. 50. 00 Gold leadership of Robert Owen and in the same vein in which the letter NOTE William Lovell wrote the phylo was written.
out 2nd Prize. 25. 00 Gold hope that am not premature sophy of the movement, and Thinking about one future or gen BOWEN in gving out the tip as know established on a firm foundation eral interest cannot be taken too seri This contest will be limited to Students under Eighteen (18) Years it that Mr. Lugli has a broad a system of adult Civic Educa cretion in so doing, we cannot under No. M Street San Miguel while we should use our dis TAILOR The Essays must be presented at the Bank before November 20, 1928 and noble plan to organize and tion The first people College estimate the important of same, and There will be three Committees, one for the Schools in the Republic utilize all the avaible musical Shieffield was founded in 1842 in this material age where sane action Panama City of Panama, one for the Schools in the Canal Zone, and one for the talent in youth, not only among The Christian Socialists under is required to obtain the best results, West Indian Schools. The Judges Composing these Commttees wil the boys in our community bethe lead of Frederie Maurice addition for a premier already a standing Dr. Fred Sterling the need be persons prominent in each Locality as Regards Education and tween the ages of eight and John Ruskin, and Charles King odes) are sorely needed.
Business twenty four years, but the girls sley took up the movement for THE NEW YORK DENTST Mr Smith article is worthy of Information Regarding this contest may be obtained from our Branches as well as soon as his term of the establishment of organic comment, and it is hoped that he will 182, BOLIVAR STREET in Panama and Colon.
naval service expires.
education, at once humane and make his contributions to this column COLON, In fact Mr. Lugli plans insocial, not so much a system of as often as convenient. Box 171, CRISTOBAL, clude a school of music to deinstruction as a way of life shar X ed by student and teacher. The TELEPHONE247 COLON velop first rate bands and or chestras in the community. No Rochdale Pioneers and the other various systems operating in our Colon Panama City musical talent, be it instrumenBIRTH operatives were the first and very midst. Let us follow the DAY tal or vocal will be overlooked, chief working class bodies that footsteps of the noble past great AND while the organization will be consistently and persistently, who worked for the good of on broad lines.
stood for humane education as others, and whose combined Wedding Cards Ways and means are under essential to the establishment devotion to keep others from FINE SELECTION ATVERTISE consideration to secure and place and preservation of any race, being misled, to help their reaAT THE musical instruments and the anation, or people.
soning and intellectual faculties WORKMN PRINTERY bility to play them at the comJudging from the past, can we and to open to the less fortunate mand of our boys and girls in still remain content wih the slow a higher view of life and its No. 72 humble walks of life on the progress of individualism. Are essential value.
easiest terms immaginable.
To be Continued.
our eyes closed to the great deCarlos Mendoza Street More to follow.
velopments of the age and the SMITH.
CORNER JAVILLO ome 1st Prize.
ously, o 171, Caterie The National City Bank of New York in the WORKMAN IT PAYS

    DemocracyEnglandIndividualismWorking Class

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