
IN THE REPUBLIC Always Fresh Quality Unsurpassable The Prosperity Tailor JAMAICA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY (Continued from Page 3)
tion to the Orange Street subsation. Some of the wires on these poles have been partly installed, and from all appearances, the whole job seems to have been very substantially and satisfactorily executed.
CLEANER DYER on tion with his captors or his crew Trinidad Sailing who were in prison. Bristol was Sloop Seized at released without any ceremony and the crew and passangers re.
Venezuela turned to the sloop. Before leaving the ship however the guards Crew Thrown into Prison helped themselves to a quantity of spice and sheep, part of the For Five Days. sloop cargo alleging that it was done in satisfaction for exThe Trinidad Guardian of penses incurred in repatriating the 8th October just to hand re two Venezuelans previously takports the following: en to Trinidad in another sloop Adella The sloop, May and Clarissa, arrived in the harbour on Sun Trinidad and arrived safely on The sloop then set sail for day morning after having driftSunday morning ed to the Venezuelan coast, where she was seized by the The treatment meted out to Venezuelan authorities and re the Capain and crew of he sloop leased after being relieved of a is in sriking contrast to the hosportion of the cargo which she pitality which Bristol as a marhad loaded at Grenada for Tri iner of many year experience nidad.
extended only three weeks ago The sloop cleared from Gre. to a Venezuelan Captain who nada on Saturday morning, Sep became standed at Carriacou in tember 29th, with a cargo of his ship, Maria, while on his way fruit and 38 head of live stock to Martinique. According to in charge of Captain Bris. Bristol, the Maria left Margarita tol. When she had covered about and for want of stores that be.
half the voyage she was caught came exhaused after a protractin a squall and drifted before a ed voyage tossed about by the strong south wind towards recent storm which was travell.
Aquere. As soon as the sloop ing over the Caribbean, was was sighted off the Venezuelan forced to call in at Carriacou.
coast the captain, in an interest. The captain had no money to reing story related to a plenish his stores and when the representative of the Trinidad Guard matter was brought to Bristol ian yesterday said coast guards notice he voluntarily furnished pulled out in a boat from their him at his own exepnse with mooring and came alongside stores to complete the trip to the drifting sloop. They board Martinique ed the ship and taking posses Tha Bristol said, he felt was sion proceeded with their prize the duty of mariner a broto Amaccouri to which port the ther mariner in distress but the captain said he was directed to treatment he and his men resteer at the point of an officer ceived from armed coastguards gun.
was unexpected and surprising, The captured sloop, reached particularly from Venezuelans Amaccouri on Wednesday night one of whom he had so recently after being five days at sea befriended in similar circumst where the boat crew of five ances.
men and the two passengers Not only was a deaf ear turnJoseph Hilaire and Gracias Val ed to his plea of innocence as lesine a speculator were taken to any suspected infringement off and thrown into prison leav of the Venezuelan laws but the ing the captain, Britol, alone in story of his kindness to the the boat over which the coast stranded Venezuelan in Bristol guards kept watch day and home waters went also unheednight. At the end of three cheered and he and his ship held in less days with out communica custody for six days.
CRICKET COACH ARRIVE AT No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue JAMAICA PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 According to the Jamaica Mail of the 27th ulto; DYEING, BLEANING PRESSING Mr. Humphries, the wellknown cricket coach is back in Jamaica, having arrived OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Thursday afternoon by the Camito from England.
Mr. Humphries has made several visists to this island, and Work Done While You Wait has done a great deal in instruct ing our cricketers in regard to the various branches of the game. His last visit to Jamaica TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED was during the latter part of 1925 and the early months of Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices 1926; and he was here when the team, under thecaptaincy Ladies Garments carefully handled of the Hon. Calthorpe visited the island. Mr. Humpries will be here for about five REID Propietor months, coaching our cricketers, and will be able to give them some good practice before Mr Cahn team arrives in Jamaica next February. He told a representative of the Jamaica Mail on sub station which the Public Thursday that he intends first Service Co. to erect on of all to visit the cricket fields that lot of land, in order to of the various schools and try step up the 22, 000 volt current and find some bowlers from generated at present in their among the youngsters, with the steam station in Gold Street to hope of bringing forward new Why throw away your old, but no 13, 000 kilowats, to their Orange blood in this direction. He rea Street sub station.
lises as the the cricketers here doubt interesting, books when you It is unedrstood that a ship realise that our weak point at can haue them neatly bound at ment has been made from New the prsent time is our bowling, York, this week, of the neces and we must find young bowlers sary steel work and fitting from the schools to augment THE WORKMAN.
which will be used to construct our attack.
a switching tower on the spot.
Mr. Humphries was met on the No. EAST 16 STREET In connection with this work. vessel by Major Cox, and it will be observed that the com others and was given a right Opposite the Wesleyan Chucrh pany has already erected sixty hearty welcome back to our or more steel poles, forty feet in land of perpetual sunshine. height, along Gold Street, Wild and abundant hospitality.
Book Binding!


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