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PRICE CENTS Horrifying Scene Witnessed Prominent Business Purse Snatching Men Arrested Becomes prevalene Fifty Thousand Labourers As Steamer Sinks Required For Cubas Sugar Crops to more one of eye, In Connection With Liquor Passenger Relieved of Smuggling Scandal Purse on La Boca Road Sharks Attack Struggling Passengers, Fines amounting than fifty thousand dollars have been imThe city of Colon used to be conand Feasts on Bodies May be Drafted From West Indies Says posed, to date, on Antonio Guerra, sidered a reservation for the boys one of the most prominent business who go about snatching handbags Press Despatch Another grim disaster of the deep capsized while leaving the ship de men in this Republic, whom it is and purses from ladies, especially, is gripping the attention of the en positing their human cargoes into alleged figured most prominently in who are walking the streets or shopIf, as seems very probably, the a good proportion of the labour tire civilized world. It is the sink the sea. Wives stood by helpless and smuggling deal. bringing into the house. This had been for many years. Cuban Government remain firm required for the coming a crop ins, last Sunday, of the 10, 494 ton saw their husbands and children cº Republic. without paying the requir Now, it seems that Balbon Road and in their decision not to limit the will come from Jamaica.
British Steamship Vestres of the down never to return, while survived national duties, hundreds of cases La Boca Road, by way of the tram output of Cuban sugar this comWhen Mr. Ewen, Lamport and Holt Line bound from ors witnessed huge sharks detach way line, on the Pacific side, shoulang crop, some 50, 000 inore lab Protector of Jamaica Immigrant imported liquors.
New York for Barbados, Rio de Jan. limbs of strugglers in the water.
be regarded as a new playground: urers will be required to take in Cuba was last over here, he The smuggling scheme has been for about a month ago Moses Me off the crop than are at present put up the suggestion to the Ja eiro, Montevideo and Buenos Aires Some survivors told of putting ou Pentiy bared by officials of with a compliment of two hundred from the Vestres in damaged reasury Department. Besides Gues boys from Chorrillo, were convicted of this labour will have to the Kensie and Alfred Trotman, colored available in Cuba, and the majori and ten in the crew and 130 pas. Lifebonts; of seeing the shipra, Seiristinn Grau and Thomas of snatching a handbag from maica Government that in the come from the West Indies: event of the sugar output not swingers, 250 miles from Hampton down with lifeboats occupied Erre revenue officers, are Roads. News of the disaster reach people, and of seeing sharks feat also Mrs. Brady of Balboa while she was though the Cuban Government being limited and labour being ing the Isthmus, estimate that the on bodies of those who had died in vived, it being alleged that they walking in company with another are now making strenuous ef required from here, this labour ent assistance to Guerra in evading woman from the lives of 114 men, women and child the water from exposure. Whik Limit towards forts to get over more Spanish should be sent over to Cuba un he payment of customs ron have been wrung out and their some recited stories of heroism; of duties on Balboa, and these boys have been and other European labour than contract. claiming that the con tract system is much better for ho liquors. These two officers, it is sent to the Gamboa Pen for years formerly was the case.
bodies taken over by the monsters how the Captain went down with his labourers, enabling them to come carnt, have been subsequently dis and 15 years respectively, to think of the deep, washed ashore after be ship and of the noble ministrations harged from the Government of it over; then on the niht of the 5th setween fiity and a hundred the inoney they have earned, inAt present there are probably back at the end of the crop with ing battered and drowned or rescued of Negroes to passengers.
lices in the revenue Department.
lifeless to be buried later.
instant there was another snatching thousand West Indian labourers stead of remaining idle in Cuba.
In addition to the human cargo, The disaster is described as one of Judge Francisco de la Ossal of the on La Boca Rond, near the old com idle in Cuba awaiting the com. wasting their pay and eventualthe greatest in years, and was caus the Vestres carried more than one thousand sacks of mail and general Superior Court of Panama has order. missary. One Mrs. Opdyke, a tourist ing crop to obtain work but becoming destitute there, ed, apparently, from automatie od the arrest of the trio and indica passenger on the CALIFORNIA with the increase in the output cargo consisting of automobiles, shifting of cargoes, etc. as well as farm machinery, ete, aggregating tions are that some other startling enroute from Los Angeles to New and the fact that Hayti (who UNDER CONSIDERATION.
from defects of the ship, although revelations in connection with the York, was returning from Panama usually sends over about 20. 000 The Government have had this 000 tons.
she had been released as seaworthy smuggling scandal are not impro City to the ship which was tied up labourers) has this time declined proposal under consideration.
by competent officials.
In view of the many reports from bable. Guerra and Grau have already at Dock La Boca, when her purse to allow any to leave Hayti at and now that Cuba has decided The high percentage of life lost is survivors charging inefficiency and been arrested, it was learnt yester with contents of considerable value all; there will be necessity as not to limit the output. have attributed in some quarters to un mismanagement of the situation at day, but Herrera had not yet been was snatched from he by some color. above indicated for possibly 50 communicated with Mr. Even 000 more.
Continued on Page 8)
necessary delay of the master of the tendent upon the saving of passen located.
to ask him what his views now PERMISSION GIVEN ship, William Carey, Commodore gers, a Federal probe into the sinkare in the matter. reply is exof the Lamport Holt Line, to re ing of the ship will be started in The United Fruit Company pected shortly from Mr. Ewen.
United States, while the British ques help, but principally to defecSPARKLETS has already obtained a concesTo recruit labour by contract be tive life boats and inefficient mem Board of Trade is reported to sion from the Cuban Govern in Jamaica it is necessary to bers of the ship crew; while some considering an investigation into the (By ment to enlist 10. 000 contract have special license and permisof the survivors blamed much of the entire situation.
It a flimsy line that separates dny of my career on this column. estates in Cuba. Formerly, they it may be stated that, up to the labourers for work on their own sion from the Government, and loss of life on an inefficient handlThe passenger list of the Vestres ing of the lifeboats by incompetent included prominent men and women motorists and their driving com. there was one with my then have obtained practically all present, no application has been panions from the local hoosegows; temporaneous collaborator Mr. these from Hayti, but will now made to the Government for men. Lifeboats filled with men, wo from various countries, some moreso is it true in this city where, Gaskin, the boy whose criticism of men and children were said to have whom went down with her.
in the twinkling of an sliek Milton Garvey drama The Prince have to look elsewhere.
such permission, either by the It is in fact fairly certain that United or any other Company.
fingers relieve autos of vital parts of Wall Street was clipped from the JAMES WALFORD IN TRAFFIC which shrewd traffic cops exned ev newspapers by Mr. Darnley Tait, THE BROTHERLY HAND ACCIDENT IN BALBOA ery ounce of their energis to enforce stenographer de luxe, and tucked EVELYN BRENT GIVES MRS THOMAS TO traffic laws. Under the circum away among his treasured literary HINTS FOR FALL WARD. CELEBRATE HER BIRTH On Sunday morning the 11th stances, and apart from probable gems. Gaskin had attacked me for ROBE DAY this month we got a copy of About the afternoon of the 13th consequences of riding with a mo having recommended thrift to the Volume 1, No. 1, of The PAN instant, while James Walford, adern Jehu, it is unsafe for henpeck. Silver employees of the Panama Evelyn Brent, one of the best There is a jolly time in store AMA TRIBUNE a wekly illustrated West Indian paper which colored West Indian lad, was opera ed husbands, for instance. to leave Canal, subjecting me to a barrage of dressed players in Hollywood. for these who are invited to the ting his private automobile on Bartheir homes ostensibly visit words which affected my stand on offers an interesting index to birthday party of Mrs. Thomas saw the dawn on that same date nebey Street in Balboa. with a lady friends of the family but with the the question in a similar way as the successful fall wardrobe. which will take place at her rein this city had real motive of attending stag parties. Gulliver was affected after he had Miss Brent who is featured in sidence in Colon on Wednesday As the only surviving child acquaintance as passenger, he the misfortune to knock down and For there is no assurance of their penetrated the Lilliputions little bow Paramount Pictures, believes night the 21th instant.
of the many brought forth in injure a little white American girl immunity from getting behind the and arrow offensive and landed safe that the woman of moderate The occasion will be a success the family, and as senior of 16 about or years old. According to bars without the option of a fine ly on the miniature island of Lilli. means will find the following if there is no rain, as she has summers and over, we great pleasure in extending the Walford and his passenger, as wella popular ante climax of a merry put. If friend Gaskin were here now equipment chic and offering suf engaged an orchestra for the as circumstances, the child ran into auto ride. Which reminds me that a would, at this time when the Naicient changes to keep the ward night.
brotherly hand to Those are invited to the gala brother. We are not merely of the right side of the car while at few days ago a school teacher and tional City Bank is busy charging robe becoming monotonous.
TRANSIENTS WITH BOOZE fering him the hand, but we are tempting to cross the street. They were ushered before a Panamanian the local ats mosphere with thrift party can bring their friends BEATING CHAUFFEURS along taking hold of his hand and giv say that another car had just past Night Judge. limb of the law had talk and offering money to school the opposite direction, detected the absence of the rear children for their best ideas on the It seems that certain seamen on This gesture of ours is no indica when an impact was felt on their light of the teacher Chevrolet and subject, arouse the boy and dispose News Notes merchant ships and soldiers passing tion that we are supposing that car, and that on their stopping al was unwilling to take our word for of him in short order.
thru on Government Transports, the infant is toddling: he may most immediately the unfortunate it that wilely hands had but a few Be that as it may, maybe you have have lately developed the habit of be a monstrosity, able to takep child was seen lying in rear of the minutes before robbed the electric THE PORT OF SPAIN GAZETTE OF is made because we are satisfied ed their car, but had rather been Vamos a la Guardia. an equiva. Mr. Sidney Young, ex Editor of beating the bodies of the chauffeurs, The 3RD INST SAYS: care of himself at once, but it car; that she had evidently not notic light bulb from the rear light socket. already heard, gentle reader, that engaging autos in Panama and then In view of the improved financial that by holding hands, we shall concerned with the other car only, lent to Come on and tell it to the Sorts of the Panama American in addition to beating them of their each be stronger. To this end we with the result that as it had passJudge. thundered forth from the as Section, has promoted himself to fares, when they get back near their position of the colony, the Government will undertake to the tute limb of the law. Then, Shueks! a position of supreme importance. ships. About four or five seamen necessary public works which in the carry out certain across hope that instead of competition ed she started to run street from the same side of that Gosh! SHUCKS! It the FIRST that of Editor and Publisher having have been arrested for this at Pedro past had been unavoidably postponed.
there will be co operation.
We desire also to congratulate time a thing of the kind has happen jumped semi independently into the Miguel, and then in each case there Among them is the unfinished office the founders on the production The child was rushed to the Bal La to me. King, YOU speak Spanish, iccal journalistie ring last Sunday has been an additional charge of buldings of the Agricultural Depart ment at St. Clair sixteen breaking the Volstead Act. It was of such a splendid paper, to boa Dispensary and from there to don you. followed in quick suc morning and introduced a cession from the quivering lips of page weekly tabloid to wish them the best of luck in Gorgas Hospital, at which latter the com just yesterday that two soldiers off the local field of journalism. place she is still patient. She has my friend, in a tone almost equal to munity. It was a pleasure for me to the CAMBRAI got 50 fine and 30 It is proposed, at an expenditure of which is fraught with difficult. gone unconscious on several ocassions an appeal to the stern, inattentive have given him on the following days in jail, each, for beating up one 1, 700, to instal a wireless telephone policeman who now sitting Monday evening the current scrib Pedro Puyol, a chauffeur. service between Port of Spain and ies probably peculiar to the since. Walford was detained by the Toco, to be connected up with the locality, and to wish the paper police for only couple of hours, pretty on the front seat of the car blers password, in the midst of wishand showing signs of not even Telephone Coy System. In the event a long, brilliant and useful when he was released with instruc. knowledge of a spattering of Enging him a long life and a merry one of meeting are Mr. Geo. Roberts of the experiment proving successful.
Now, if you tarry with me until and Reynolds, as well as Miss the Government contemplates an ex career.
yhon, too, sail on Ship. Balboa for the purpose of ascertain lish. sat in the rear seat and look o clock this evening. will lead you! Lilias Cragwell and Mr. Russell tension of the service to other isolated parts of the colony.
ed sorrowfully on my friend at the to La Boca Clubhouse and have you Phillips, elocutionists; the young and ing the child condition from time wheel arrested. But within ten min enjoy an honest to goodness literary dextrous violinist, Miss Daisy White, NEW BORN to time. Walford is said to be a cautes later we were set at liberty by and musical program which will be terer for private social parties give merciful Panamanian Judge with presented by some of our bright and Mrs. Olga King, local first line In his minute to the Legislature The home of the Ballens at No. on the Pacific side.
en by officers of the Army a working knowledge of English. He boys and girls who posess a more or singer. And tha not all. You will yesterday when laying the draft estimates for 1929 His Excellency the Calidonia was glad on Thursday last had given us the benefit of the less thorough knowledge of the art also meet Miss Doris Rodney and Governor intimated the intention of when that happy family was augmendoubt.
of speaking and singing correctly, Mr. Dottin among others who the Government to re introduce Deney ted by a new ten pound baby boy Mother and babe are doing well and of When a woman falls in loves she and proven ability of playing ac will entertain you on the ivories. postage to places within the British Empire and to the United States of course Sam is wearing the usual smile thinks her man perfect except for the You will no doubt remeber that, curately and entertainingly on mu Yes, this affair promises to be a America It is also proposed to reduce which he has become somewhat broad few little details she intends to be among other major encounters in sical instruments. Among the ag modest one, but a classy presenta the stamp duty on flanques and on reer and he is handing round cigars once change.
ceipts from 1d.
which took part during the hey gregation you will have the pleasure tion of rare talent.
to take our infant ing him the grip of the craft. going in car.


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