
The British Pharmacy COLON 11. 1154 That at there PHARMACY turn out to was NEURALGINA NEURALGINA styles even into referred and andrew cannot hold his adapt themselves to the English NEED the 1995 toer PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17 1928 statement ring is the Bar The West Indian Cricket Tour dos Advocate of the Oct. which has been brought to my stie, to To England the effect that the handling of the was be putting good piece of cloth Some Impression by Trinidad Dinto the best ny bawetge and belief this statement was not Representatives uttered by any of the Trinidad regre sentatives and we done anys tries to any reporters Barbados CONSTANTINE GIVES INTERVIEW Why should we have done so, when they could get the first hand information from the Barbados e According to the Port of Spain And what about the patchy batt presentatives themseivesWhiel Gazette of the 21st site a brief and in several factors contributdiscuss the IS NOW LOCATED AT separed its of that incon Iconly informal interviews with Messrs. Lled to it. The varying conditions of the wickets spin bowling and chang Costantine and Small we style of bating. These three fact it regrettable that rightlygiy shared by other of the Trinidad players on the Westers, particularly the last, account for 11th STREET should be put into the mouth of TriIndies Cricket Team which recentisur indifferent batting in the Test midas players tered England, furnish some Matches especially. The wickets.
th Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIOVAL BANK am somewhat married to find teresting impressions of the Tourse them any way. were over soch opinion both here stich, viewed from every point of ample, was most sports. We very prepard at Lords for and in Bar Grenada. Where our customers will receive the usual. has been success. Although seldom found any two wickets alike tain. Whether such a view is largely reticent at first, and disinclined to Of course a great deal in the precourtesies shared by wmbers of the testis alike themselves to be interviewed. paration and life of the wickets de not necessary for me to say. But ty followers of the time and both players were at pains to em ad upon the subsoil. Let met phasize the great improvement which explainstancewe know For difference between the army of arm chair Critics. gather that this impression is creat has taken place in English Cricket se Turf wickets at Bearda (Deme the ly influenced by his performances since 1923 when they also formed rura) and LOOK FOR THE SIGN Kensington Barbados. as wicketkeeper part of the West Indies Team; the well the difference between the dit beendless hospitality of the English Lerent types of wicket upon But do you share the viewe which played was even greater. With BRITISH people, the keen sporting spirit olise seather, we would play in ce pressed in the Advocate column that the results of the tour would the crowds and the invariable kind counts on a wicket which is pretty have been for better had Major nees of Mr. Mallet. Manager fast. The next day, with the weath Austin seen his way to undertake of the Team, were points to which another wicket which would the Captaincy?
be slow, though the am sure you don expect me they made frequent reference weather was damaged, one would to answer such a goste was the LN. CONSTANTINE. commence a match. This cautious reply. Evelda. enjoyed my trip immensely, more noticiable as we went North Small press an opinion he way or another majd X. Constantine; but ward. That affected most if not all would take nowhere. Besides DENTIST ald joyed my cricket more in 1923, beofas.
mere speculation and cause the tour was less strenuous Then the spin bowling worried MASONIC TEMPLE nothing more. Yus see, people seem and carried less responsibility thens allIn addition, many of our batsOffice Hours: am to 12 pm so forget the state of English cricket The strenuousness of this tour was men were not accusttmed to seeing 30 pm to 30 1923, that on that tour we had offset somewhat by the sight seeing the in the ball turn, as it does on matching Should be in every office to immediately the services of Dewhunt and that be we were able to do. Nevertheless, it wickets. The result was that the Sundays. by Special Appointment Challenor Masonic Temple 11th St, ostly bright bat proved strain to me, and was something more than the mere soothe any neuralgic pain caused by sing was always warce of inspirawas all over. do not share aming of the ball in the cunning glad Box 787. CRISTOBAL Lice to the team when you remes tion the view that the tour has been dis deliveries of the artful English ber these facts you will agree that PHONE: OFFICE 1664 bowlers.
excessive mental work, accounts of Eng.
there is no basi appointing. From able como ish Cricket which had read read behan Changed style of play on the part RESIDENCE 535 fore leaving for England, realised of most of our batsmen, must also e must rent that Major that English cricket had gone up taken into account. The English a tin is a veteran the game, 22 great deal, since the 1923 Tour and bowler is most deadly when you atcourant with all its points and Should be in every school to soothe bad subtleties. bom leader of men be personally, do not think we have tempt to depart from your ssual (as most of did) and play can coas the best fort set of out you dute so badly as is generally made safely first innings Then you when oct. If those who hold opposite Play headaches and reduce the fever of their hands by playing you are dead tind be is never lacking in inspiratie views were conscious of the improve their game You may make ment to which crucial moments. There is no doubt have children.
runs then, but if you at least that as a Captain in 1923 be could over 1923, they would think other place accurately you are so cut his own with the best of Eng.
lish rise. If we had met England be. In any case, you are sure to be tied NEURALGINA captains. But it does not neces Whether consciously or not, our sarily follow that he was that of fore they had beaten Australia, the stors might have been different. As batsmen, more often than not, tried standing success aCaptain in it is not only their cricket hastyle of play, sometimes in the midA Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes Yo see my point improved but also their spirit. They die of an innings with the disas.
Even in England the home of the are full of confifence, and you know trous result that you know of. To the heart great game, every County Cap WATCH?
tain has the eitt leadership and what that means.
Do you think the team would have casions, over long distances tired Town it all, travelling overnight on cricketing stof Douglas er For sale both Wholesale and Retail DROP IN AT given a better display if the tour had can Fender do all of them pos a great deal, and you must also sess the same sheet bees less strenuous knowledge remember that we are only accustom AT THE do not think so, was the reply to Saturday in cricket craft. If we realise these afternoon cricket Not if we had played in the same here. On the other hand, facts it will be seen hoe undesirable generally AMERICAN PHARMACY it is to make comparison of the spirit.
speaking, the weather was more kind What do you mean by that, ask. favourable to us than in 1923. 122 CENTRAL AVE. From my point of view, Mr. NeWEAK POINTS IN FIELDING.
bes, apart from temperament was Our slip fielding was more You ill Find Them Panama.
perhaps affected by his heavy res It is perhaps difficult to explainless rotten.
crities ponsibilities as a Captain, with the but somehow or other do not feel point out to us, however, that while Moderately Priced.
added ches as wicket keeper und that the team blended together as there is much room for improvepossibly handicaped in the exercise in 1923. To my mind, we were not ment, it is not as bad as is thought of his judgement as a Captain by as happy a family as in 1923.
the desire to please everybody, which that there were any serious differ they describe as our marvellously in some quarters, in view of what of course no man can do His reences or bickerings, but something list bowling from both ends for pro and the importance of was missing. While everyone un tracted periods. The same observaCALL IN AT occasions to a to us as West Indians doubtedly tried to do his best, yet tion applies perhaps, to some extent, Knocking at door of Test Match there seemed to be something lack the wicket keeping which imposcricket, weighed very heavily with ing in keeping us together partsd more and unusual work upon the Beyond doubt be was worried of great whole, on the field. Then slip fielders, sometimes handicaping and often at a loss where it turned again, not at all times was it realis them. At times, our outfielding was out that we were weak just where ed that the success of fortunate also rotten. The fact however is that we thought our strengh layer batplayers who, of course, were always with the possible exception Advertise in the Workman ting. Of course it is superfluous to lavishly praised by the English stips, no player had particular pays.
say that he did his best whatever rain men who were idea!
No. 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET were the results team as whole. In my opinion, one in giving positions couud not rise to BEST PERFORMANCES of the few matches in which feel the same standard as others. Then DENTIST HOWELL AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL suppose it is difficult to get you that we really played as a team with we had some of our reliable bats to say exactly what you consider proper cricket understanding be who were remarkably slow in House No. 912 La Boca your best performances!
tween us, was the Kent match. It positions as mid off and third GOOD SELECTION OF was one of the rare occasions when and who probably in every innings Canal Zone Well, not exactly was the reply NEW we all managed to pull together atrave away between 30 and 40 runs.
BIBLES As to batting do not think there OPPOSITE RESTAURANT What about the wicket keeping?
the right time and to do the right was anything did to qual my PHONE 1941 BALBOA thing at the precise moment. You Weil, la rather not make any comHymn ayer Books Middlesex innings of and 108 ment upon it, nevertheless felt e quick reply felt that my best Perhaps it was due to an element of It already has been established by ning were against Surrey 50 and not on. It is true that in both cases selfishness by which certain players, even the most sympathetically inelinthe moment they managed to come ed that the Team lacked wicket RYCE was up against the clock; but the Surrey bowling made it a strenucos oft, felt that having done ttheir share keeper of International standard. Of WIL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR matter for me to collect the rums and their responsibilty seemed to cease course you know how the wicketRENOVATOR In other words, certain players, how keeping was divided up. To had always to be watching the my mind DYEING PRESSING bowlers ever moderate their performances Rat, of the three performers show As to bowling of course, regard happened to be seemed delighted is the greatest pretensions to LADIES SKIRTS the sole the Northamptonshire match as my that moderate performance was the wicket keeper possibly best feat not so much because of the best of the team efforts. regret justification for his inclusion in the SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO No hot irons or special combs required record as a West Indian player in to have to say so, but it the cold side, with Fernandes coming next HOUSE 19 21st STREET was the only bowler to taking 13 wickets in a match as of truth which feel bound to out if we are to remedy eur faults and Scott also. Pernandes stood up whom the wicket keepers stood up: GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY the hat trick record. My total of SOLD IN DRUG STORES and cultivate the necessary 10 for 29. Cambridge and for 11 out of for 57 in the second innings sipirt for future occasions. Despite to Griffith. Not even Small delithis, however, the tour has been officiently veries could be taken and held, sufof Middleses, were among the many wonderful value to us and shoul re batsmen taking andue liberties. But, up. L FLOWERS thrilling moments for me. The dieser The Midmatch of course in great improvement in each as have said already, some English Abogado. Attorney at Law ADVERTISE forget because of the warm and and every one of us.
rics point out that very generous sporting THE BOWLING AND BATTING.
OFFICE: No. 44 ST wicket keepers are called upon to spirit towards me at Lands of the mans Tell me something about your take such fast staff for such long BOX NO. 35 PANAMA CITY souvenirs which have received one bowling was our next poin.
TELEPHONE No. 1377 prize most is a gold wristlet watch With characteristic modesty he re really graelling and painful work. Practicing before all the courts of IT PAYS given to me by some Jamaicans replied It is not for me to speak of the bulk of which the skipper very siding at our hotel and engraved as follows: our bowling. That has already been unselfishly bore. It is true that at th Republic since April 1914 fally dealt with by the English Press times, the results were not what one LN. CONSTANTINE and believe has greatly influenced desired or even anticipated. But, level with him.
from a few the invitation to Australia, in which speaking for myself, never allow with greater test and depend upon is natural that one should be disTHE CAPTAINCY DISJamaicans Admirers faney the great George Macartney ed errors in either the slip fielding my own resources as much as could appointed, but these are the inevithelped West Indies. Middlesex CLAIMER a great deal. would like to or the wicket keeping to dampen my for success. In the true sportsman, able accidents of the game, but for add that few people realise the value ardour. realised that each player muffled chances should arouse a wave which might have broken Sydney don suppose you would care Not the least prin of other sure 9th, 11th and 12 June 1928 of Small bowling and how splendid. as doing his best and each fai of sympathy with his co fielder who Smith record. However, am to discuss the position of capitaines mins are a Cricket Due presented me ly he and Browne did their part lure which at times meant great he knows has done his best, instead grateful for that co operation which we asked. Ah drawled Constantine by Mr. Dowd of Denmar Name with the ball deal to us, simply made me bowl of chagring and anger. Of course, it still enables me to at least draw that just it. But want to refute ing Director of Menon Wa. FULLER ed our man Not sponsibilites and at the hi The Workman BOOK STORE of the Press, reflected the the success of the the position. Certain in such Contra Crespo point am close to prevent the can sever ter exhibited In the Workman spells and at and at both ends, too too. It was


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