
PAGE THREE Murray Symphony Orchestra THE WORKMAN GAS STOVES ON TIME PAYMENT The Comtemplated Reorganization 100 00 ROPER STOVE Get your copy of the WORKMAN every Saturday Or Confessions of Neglected Talents By PILGRIM WILKINS.
Dear friends: Have you ever had the experience of enjoying something equisitely fine or nice then; but with a sort of remorse? wondered then, and am still wondering if any, or many of the fairly good out to take in OF THE Garfield Murray Symphony Or.
chaestra production for the first WORKMAN Newspaper has Begun time had the feeling your humble servant is making an effort at expressing, as was exactly his as he espre MR. WHYTE. La, Boca, sat and listened on Sunday last to the rare musical treat prepared has been added to the Editorial Staff as and given us at such great pains and cost and as good as for nothing.
Contributing Editor How Did You Feel, Friend And DOWN DOWN Brother?
If had been asked to make an MR. KING Author of Sparklets)
oral comment on the performance of the orchestra at the time, felt will re organize his well known Column there and then would have selected PUTS THIS WONDERFUL picture out of the one our Dear Savious drew in His picture and MR. Elijah. HUNTER Silver City, parable of the talents; those buried will be a regular Contributor or neglected and those cultivated or improved on felt myself like the old evanMRS. EDITH COLE, La Boca, gelists of old and better times who Into your Home with a Complete themselves first confessed their own sins and short comings and then is now writing La Boca Social Notes new Installation.
called upon their defaulting hearers to confess where they came short in leaving undone those things which You Pay the Balance in Ten they may easily have done both of Plans are being developed to have permanent representatives themselves as well as helping others Small Installments of the Paper at La Boca, Red Tank Paraiso, Gatun, Silver to do.
There were among the average City. In Colon the Paper is being handled by ASK FOR DETAILS four or five hundred auditors who 80 commendably sat and took in the HASKINS NEWS AGENCY symphony concert in all of its need definition, here but say then THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS parts and features a very large The Coloured element here is showing decided signs of drifting together portion who must have thought of for their common good, and the WORKMAN, the paper which for the their youth and the more youthful (FUERZA LUZ)
past sixteen years has been standing by them in its humble way, has now years of their wards, when those been given the assurance of some of our active progressive and construcsweet voices that sung around the PANAMA At Your Service family alter, or for that, the school COLON tive thinkers that a reorganization of its forces is now in order, therefore.
and chapel alters when a purer religious thought atmosphere and aspirations no doubt) permeated our youth with those of our families and the Great Apostle verifies it that: cccccccccc.
associates. God giveth life to all, and hath Activities of The We were then possessed of beauti made of one. and the same sort)
It now a Question of a Short Time and you will ful aspirations before the days of blood al nations of men (mankind)
the Jazz craze. But where are they to dwell on the FACE of the earth CHAPTER 14 be having the Workman Twice a Week today? They are not all dead and (despite ungodly discriminators and gone mean such aspirations. And idolaters: self worshippers like those the possibilities of achievement as is of the very portion of Seripture man interviewed Secretary BiA representative of the Workevidenced at the present time even from whence we are citing who were shop of Chapter 14 of the Uni inspite of the fact that like the wan worshipping they knew not what on versal Negro Improvement As.
dering people of Jehovah of old be. Mar hill. sociation and gathered from his cause of their disobedience they And hath determined the times be the following information as to sat by the way side willows and fore appointed (but now coming to the operation of said organizawept when required to sing the the oppressed and segregated. and tion:songs of Israel in a strange land, the (very) bounds of their habita am not disposed at this or like the sweet Psalmist of Israel tion. Acts 17: 22 26. time to discuss the merits of the at the very moment his life was in What a sad thing, What a chagrin Association, but will briefly at his hands with the instrument of it will mean to some who have never your request do so for your in death in Saul s, instead of seeking created as much dust as to formation full Assortmet of revenge, he tranforms the murderous one of their toe nails and are only Judging the amount of desires and intentions of his adver aliens themselves on earth and in sary into those of admiration and the Western hemisphere, too, should membership and well wishers of interest manifested through the centrition with the sweet notes of that appointed place that God might the organization it is apparent his harp: so too might we be a Jalot to Negroes be around and about that Chapter NO. 14 wil in the greater power for good in our seyor below the Mason and Dixon line near future reach the mark it Bats. Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards eral communities and environments, or even the Canal Zone. The has held in the past. Enthusiasm though we be aliens in a strange of Democrats. by the way.
Etc. Etc. Etc.
land for it has been often vindicat The Great Revelator The Apoca auxiliaries of this unit are sais rife on every side; all the ed the truth of holy writ where lyptic Seer Speaks Too.
tisfactorily operating. Criticisms man gift hath made a way for And (John) saw a new heaven him. And We too are MEN or and a new earth; for the first from within and without do not ALL BEING OFFERED AT SACRIFICE PRICES.
heaven (hypocritical ecclesiastical or efforts of those who are engagseem to embarrass the untiring humans What Mean Ye This Service. der) and the first earth (corrupt ed in this uphill task of organiz We well recollect at this time too human society) were pased away: COME IN AND INSPECT THE STOCK with the musical awakening among and there was no more sea (disturbing.
The Chapter stands as one BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE our poor opressed and down trod ed and perplexed, oppressed human den race (but not for long now, for elements. And John saw the holy man in the fight for Negro liber govern ty; we have had very many ob surely Joy Comes in the morning. city (Almighty God new that during the exiles of the Hebrew ment of the nations. New Jerusa stacles to encounter which have race in their wilderness, journeyings lem (the same as above: the govern impeded our progress, but these among other servias they were ins men of human affairs from heaven) conditions were only temporary: God out of being armed with that amount (M. CARDOZE Jr. tructed to perform a very solemn coming down from and sacred one.
heaven (the heaven of heavens or of determination and zeal to CATHEDRAL PLAZA The leader was instructed by the God dwelling place) prepared as a perfect our program and to voice of ispiration or Divinity to bride adorned for her husband (with make permanent this institution as the for the good of the race, note its significance for generation time and order instead of BRANCH STORE to follow who would be led to ask ereeds teach with hell fire and dam were able to surmount the alof humanity. most impossible barriers which the question: What mean ye by nation destruction of, heaven were thrown in our pathway.
125 Central Avenue this service. The rendition of the And heard a voice There is one thing which is Panama Negro Symphony Orchestra saying. Behold, the tabernacle (place in a Negro auditorium prepared of worship and communion) of God deplorable and which affects the us by our modern masters as ex. is with men, and he will dwell with our community as emplified 11 28 from them through the spirit of truth and organization is concerned, that, BOWEN time to time is far from accidental. universal goodwill obtaining then. is, the majority of our people (Continued on page 5)
ADVERTISEWhat does it signify? it means that and they shall be his people and God TAILOR approved ones: prices then are himself shall be with them and be coming out of Egypt (the House of their God (instead of the false gods to Jehovah. For such a time, Ne.
No. M Street San Miguel bondage. That Bekiopia or Negro of christendom et al) etc. ete. Rev. eroes too, all over the wide world in Panama City are awakening and preparing though groups are holding forth their 21; 5 etc. hand (taking posedission of what Then will al human voices, be they some are unconscious to the fact theirs as an integral part and por that of black, yellow or white learn and know not why this general serAdvertise in the Workman tion of their god provided heritage) and be happy, glad and willing to vice of song now coming into play lit will bring good resulte anto God. Since it is a true sin unison sing their sweet raises STOP! LISTEN. make CRICKET GOODS.


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