
THE OPEN FORUM THE WORKMAN Adult Education TRUE FACTS ABOUT as Nestle good faith. 25 Milk Open the the Way to FREEDOM The Workman Printery Panama Published on Saturday by Rates for Advertisement on apTo the Editor Sir: WALROND, at the office No. 72 plication, correspondence on all mat!
Carlos Mendoza Street, Panama, ters of public interest invited.
In continuation of my article on ADULT EDUCATION it is hoped All copy for publication must be that readers of your worthy JourP. Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, their Box 1102, Aneon nal will not fail to express and must be accompanied by the RATES OF SU opinions in an unbiased way pro or SCRIPTION name of the writer, not necessarily NESTLE mark of for publication but com.
One Year. 40 Cy.
MIL Six Months. shall now start on the third see1. 20 tion of said article Three. 60 We do not undertake to return at One Month University extension started rejected correspondence.
Cambridge in with a clear The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS conception of ipatetie university for working men and women.
19 pints of water and one tin of NESTLE make the Best Milk in Although suffering from insufficient the world support, the movement was moderately successful from the first in 1903 SERVING THE PUBLIC Nestle Milk dissolved in water is equal to the very best of fresh pure at the instance of a group of workmilk with the whole of its cream ing men, the tutorial class system was devised to overcome the shortIn the affairs of this world there is no higher serA tin of Nestle is four times as nourishing as the same weight of fresh comings of the lecture system, and vice that one can render than that to one community.
milk the workers educational association The community conprehends the interest of all, and was organized, chiefly by working In the manufacture of NESTLE MILK, purity and cleanliness are first must therefore be above any of its individuals or secclass organizations, to provide conessentials tion of individuals. The Ron ans used to teach that the tinued support of the enterprise welfare of the community is the highest law as the NESTLE MILK is sterilized and condensed and consequently causes no The new system has been called the first great principle in good citizenship. The old Athenmovedigestion troubles most promising educational ains used to administer an oath to their boys in which men in England today, and has its it was undertaken, among other things, to strive unNESTLE MILK is obtained in one quality only. The Best Not with sinificance in bring a practical alceasingly to quicken the public sense of civic duty.
standing how good the milk you are using may be liance of the universities, labor orgaIt is the practice to day in most of the advanced governnizations, and the State Educational ments to carry Civics as a regular course of study in TRY NESTLE Boards in furthering a thorough systheir education systems.
tem of adult working class educaThis early and general training in Civics, whether You will find it beter tion. The tutorial system provides a serious and continuous course of by precepts as given by the Romans, or by the administration of an oath as done by the old Athenians, or by study, usually of three years duration and grade. It includes essay a course of study in the schools, by which the duties of work and original study. One year citizenship and the workings of the various branches of courses are als ovided. Summer a political government are taught, has always been residential sch at the universities productive of good in the turning out of citizens who students the are more or less prepared to fill their places in the comImpressive Installation provide for tuurial advantages of academic life and munity. Thus from these we get the statesmen and the associations. The course Ceremony lesser politicians, the soldiers and sailors, journalists, of study philanthropists, etc. who have made some countries has been consistently liberal, being devoted chiefly to economic, govern great or greater than others beloved at home, reverBY DAUGHTERS OF ed abroad. And it is worthy of note that the welfare ment, and other subjects of particGOOD SAMARIA of the community depends upon the degree of publiccular importance to the labor govern ment. There has been evidenced spiritedness possessed by its citizens. very unique Installation strong antagonism to Vocational There are some persons who think so much in terms was performed at Grove Hall, training. This is of particular in of self, that they find it very difficult and sometimes La Boca Canal Zone on Tues terest and signif cance as the cour impossible to devote any time to the service of the comday last 13th Instant under the ses are determined by the preference munity in which they live. They do not seem to know auspices of the above named of the working class students. The that by that kind of selfishness they are injuring themSociety. Mr. Nurse of the No. association over 2, 700 support selves and their community. In reality the primary District of the Order acted as ing societies, er 14, 000 members motive for community service is intelligent selfishness.
installing Master, and per and over 200 lanches. The moveIn the first instance, it was the self preservation idea, formed the ceremony very crement has spread to Australia, New on which principle it is supposed that human society Open a savings account today and you ditably.
Zealand, and recently to Canada was founded (or had to be founded. so that each indiThe following persons were the ideals of the association vidual could enjoy mutual protection against intrusion. will take your first step toward indeJinstalled in Offices :summed up in the motto, That Heckel in his work The Hiddle of the Universe emJA. Agard Worthy Chief Education is not a ladder from gutphasises the ego (self) al ove the alter (the other) pendence. No man is really free unless William, Office Chiefter to university, but a public highas the basis of community service. He thinks altruism he is in a position to act unhampered Oxley Recording Secretary, way on which all are free to walk.
begins with egoism. Thus, one desires to live in an Sealy, Financial Secretary Adult education in England is organized and disciplined community, to enjoy culture, Culley Treasurer Ash firmly established, and has won a refinement, and progress, one will have to see to the by financial needs. savings account ford Prelate Galleon Con large measure of suport from the organizing of the community. We can see no good cuts the ropes that bind a man and ductor.
working people, the universities and reason to differ from these very practical views. We Lowe Outside Guard Mur the state. Its chief handicaps have could continue to some considerable length to illustrate permits him to walk freely and act freerel Inside Guard.
been inadequate financial support them, but such should not be necessary. Suffice it to The following persons acted and prevailing industrial conditions.
say it is a very short sight d, and we might say blindly when his opportunity arrives. Open as Associates :A serious attempt is being made to and stupid, course for persons of some degree of intelfreedom, Sister your way to independence, Hunte. Presiding consider the entire subject of adult lectual fitness to follow that of refusing to render Daughter Sister Bonnie education with a view of establishany public service. We serve ourselves when we serve to happiness start an account day Daughter of Feasting it as a permanent part of the our community.
Sister Roach Daughter of national educational system.
Our local West Indian community has unfortunatewith us at per annum.
Records Sis. Husbands The adult Education Committee of ly not been well supplied with public spirited individuals, Daughter of Finance Sis.
the Ministry of Reconstruction has in the first place, our education has been rather deHenry Daughter of Lessons issued four important reports and fective in this respect; thus we lack training and preSis. Smith Daughter of has not hesitated to recomend radparation in Civics. Then many of those who come forConductorsward for service, in addition to partaking more or less Panamá ical economic and social changes in. olón Sis Bascome Daughter of order that education may become, in of the disability of want of preparation, are not faithPasses Brathwaite Grand fact, free and popular as is the pubful to the community. Then the community as a whole Conductor, Sis. Edward lie highway. The Committee re.
Our Savings Department is open for deposits has been generally indiffercnt, disconnected, and hopeConductress.
Tuesday evenings from to o clock and commends as a first step the doing less, in spirit. This is a state of things that we think is After the Installation, the away with conditions that stand in worthy of serious consideration. If our community is from to o clock.
members repaired to the ban the way of the development of adult to rise above the low level of serfdom, it will only be quet hall where refreshments education. Long hours of labor, by the amount and quality of community service it were served and toasts on the everstrain, economie embarassments, receives. In the good book we read, No man liveth order were made. This ceremony and such hindrances as would tend unto himself. The fanatie might say that this applies marked another milestone in to retard and overtax the brain functo spiritual things alone; but we can afford to leave New Age Encouragement history the Order.
tions of the working class.
him to his opinion, for that matter. There is a great Let us take into consideration the cleal of work of practical nature that we need to do ADVERTISERS You are hereby Strengthen ye the weak hands; Plans for a Trans Isth principle, motive, and objective in ourselves, if our group is to rid itself of much of the respectfully requested to advertise and confirm the feebleness this scheme for adult education. It stigma that is attached to it: work that the newspapers thru the WORKMAN NEWEPAPER Your God will come and save you mian Highway on Foot would not be amiss if we cannot do, although they can be very instrumental in which is now being Reorganized.
on this And the ransomed of the Lord rousing interest in. Individuals with ability should not It has a stick to it iveness reputa Shall return and come side, tho without government subto Mount try to deceive themselves that they can live better, by tion in the Community beyond ques Definite plans are being made (by sidies, would combine in a way which (Zion the Municipal Department of the Can would make it possible for us to denot serving with the community; for there are unchangeable laws by which we are all bound together, and any kind of printing work.
tioning and is fully equiped for all With songs and everlasting joy al Zone) for a trans Isthmian high vote our energies in such direcUpon their heads; they shall obtain way of sixty miles route which will tions and enterprises as would tend and they con no more vary those laws than they can We can fix for you.
extend from Alhajuela. to Porto Belvary the course of the sun. We are therefore urging (joy and gladness, lo and will be covered with a Colon to raise the moral, financial, educaWe can arrange for you. And sorrow and sighing shall flee outlet tional, and intellectual status of that it is prudent that each take a lively interest in We can import for you. away. Isaish 35; 3, 4, 10.
the welfare of the group. staff of trained Engineers has our people. We should not be conWe can sell for you.
And against the good times a com been requisitioned to carry out the tent to drag along in a matter of We can figure for you. ing work which will be supervised by Mr.
individualism. Malsbury of Cristobal. Work fact way of mere OPENS WANTS COLUMN TRANSFORMATION OR REORGA We can buy for you.
The poet sings: in connection with the scheme will be We should strive to help others, so NIZATION By our close contact with the Daughter of Zion! The power that started as soon as the dry season be that they may be able to see and people who, from our special posi(hath saved thee gins, and is expected to last three or off set the influence of enviroment Six (6) boys wanted at once, must Ition alone can offer.
Extoiled with the harp timbrel four months; the outlet of this pro and unjust legislation which would be recommended, to do, canvassing if Since each of the above words conscientious service. should be: posed project is expected to be placed somewhere about Fort Randolph. tend to dampen and retard the with the ability for brain work carries 14 letters copulatively then What is in a Name and What does shout! for the foe is destroyed that It is also assumed that the ac exercise of their inalienable rights.
learn Commercial practical work. its the aeme of the human thought a Name achieve?
enslaved thee; complishment of the project will solve shall be glad to know that the age See in person of write this paper. for cooperation, we re askin for You must only judge from its The oppresor is vanquished and Zion tranportation facilities which previous of slumber is long past and that ly puzzled the residents of Colon and and strontimentales (is free. Porto Bello (Continued on page 5)
are The National City Bank of New York NIZACE

    EnglandIndividualismWorking Class

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