
packet. cents Splendid Literary might of the 19th. The pictures are highly and are And Musical Pro while seeing, large numbers turned out on Thursday including many gram children, Parents and guardians should embrace the opportunity of At Clubhouse Tonight seeing these pictures. Their presence will serve a double purpose not only This (Saturday) evening at of seeing the pictures but also the o colek, one of the best literary purpose of seeing to their children and musical programs to be givand restraining them in their conen in the La Boca Clubhouse duet, such as the manner of showing will be presented at that place their appreciation when the pictures under the auspices of the Isthſ are being shown.
inian Literary and Musical Owing to heavy showers of rain League. Among the contributors for the last two weeks, the Life are some of our leading colored Problem Club and a few other activities of this town which meet in artistes, The elocutionists include Miss the Afternoons have been somewhat Lilias Cragwell (medalist. Mr. suspended. The last two evenings Geo. Roberts, Mr. William have been more sunny and it is hopDeSouza and Mr. Russell Piled that this will continue.
lips, the latter also a medalist. SAILED ON THE SIXAOLA.
Mrs. Olga King, soprano soloist, will contribute two items, and Mr. Cole well known resiMiss Daisy White of La Boca, dent of La Boca left for this home young violinist of great promise, Black River, in the Island of Jamaia violin solo. Among those who ca, on the Sixaola which will contribute piano numbers sailed from Cristobal at 11. 30 a.
are Mr. Dottin, Miss Doris on Thursday, Mr. Cole is gone for Rodney and the Misses Smith. two months vacation. Friends and There will also be at least two relatives wish him Bon Voyage, items from the Etude Club.
The efforts of the League are ACTIV. TES solely for the welfare of the colored community of the Isth(Continued from Page 3)
mus. The contributors mention1 he TEA with the Exquisite ed above will be contributing have not readily grasped the free of charge to this evening opportunity which this envie Flavour entertainment.
program offers. It would be a fine thing if our people could The Quarterly Session of the see things alike and work te Isthmian Literary and Musical that end. The blunders which League will be held at the La are numerous on account of our Boca Clubhouse on the evening varied opinions and the found of the 24th inst. according to ing of myriad society in our information received yesterday midst have proven to be a de from the President of thetriment to our wellare, this is League.
observable in our daily custom FOR SALE EVERYWHERE This meeting will be an im and habits.
portant one as, among other im As a peopel we ought to have portant items listed on the an objective and strive toward genda, there will be nomination that to acepmplish our ains, if and election of officers for the we are to become a serious na January December 1929. term. tion building entity.
also important matters pertain One of the glaring causes of The Open Forum Thanksgiving ing to the League proposed our indolence is attributable to THE WORKER CORNER Day magazine.
the lack of proper education which qualifies the standard of (Continued from page 4)
can logically think of Thanksgiving Day without thinking The Jumps Returning a people and fits them for that a ACTIVITIES OF THE PANAMA CANAL WEST INDIAN the lodges are awake to their res of poultry, and it is also important standard of consideration and EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION posibility that they do not exist what particular kind of poultry you Soon respect from other people with the mere purpose of receiving month you do, you would be wrong; but rethink of not chicken of course, for if whom we come in contact.
LA BOCA. PANAMA DISTRICT: ly dues, and the paying of sick member the turkey which is a someMr. Mrs William Jump and Through our divided interest and funeral benefits, but that successful meeting was held in Panama, at the Baptist higer obligation of fraternal bro and whether you are able to purchase awbat bigger bird than the chicken, their youngest daughter, Rosa, we are kept as penitents at the Church school room on the 9th; and at La Boca, at the Club therhood is exacted of them, that might make a great deal of difference.
one or not Thinking about one who are spending a two months bar of justice and fairplay; we house on the 15th. Attendance was very good at each meet.
vacation in New York, are consciously or unconsciously brotherhood is axected of them, that ing, and the enrollments were encouraging.
You will also think of the various are expected back on the trying to correct these evils by the principle of their origin should excursions to be run on that day, and steamship Ancon. leaving laying the blame on somebody CRISTOBAL COLON: be carried out in life and practice. if the excursions and the turkeys have Meetings were held at the Silver Clubhouse on the 5th SMITH not many little matters in common New York on or about the 27th else, ignoring the fundamentals am not a man and 12th. The usual standard of the meeting of this branch inst. and due to arrive Cris that we should all strive inde was maintained.
pendently and with that amount Dentista wbal on December 5th.
To the Editor the Workman The Jumps home of self reliance establish for our GATUN: are Sir during a conversation sometime guests of Mr. Mrs Bar selves a foundation which would Very successful community meeting came off on the ago with my Literary friend N Smith Dramatic Production ker of New York. Mrs Barker be a pillar of support to our 6th. members from Colon and Silver City were in attendance, fo the Commissary Department on is a sister of Mr. Jump and was posterity.
and helped to fire the spirit of the district.
finally reach where it is necessary to, on Lindbergh Career formerly Mrs Ruth Briggs, and discuss the merits of colored orchesa resident here.
PANAMA WESLEYAN HARVEST RED TANK: tras on the Isthmus, and although Meeting will be held here on Monday night the 19th FESTIVAL Mr. Jump and family have is not strickly musical, yet, he Written by Sacha GuitryThe President of the Association will be present. This district, hold his own opinion on things been spending an enjoyable time has at last come to life and is going strong.
musical and convincing him on any up North and, according to re Owing to the inclemency of the opinion which he holds is by FRENCH PLAY WRIGHT ports, have also been putting on weather, the services in connection PARAISO: means a walker over avoirdupois.
with the Harvest Festival were not meeting is to be held here on Wednesday night the He has his opinion with regard to So impressed was Sacha Guitry as well attended as theiy might have 21st, for the purpose of establishing a district in answer to the colored Musical Organisations on (French Dramatist) with Colonel Linthe call of the employees here.
the Isthmus which he holds as sacred bergh aerial achievements, that he been on Sunday last; a short service Harvest thanksgiving and only in rare cases will he divulge has found it possible to express in took the place of the beautiful Can ELECTION OF OFFICERS: anything in this connection; he also drama the trans. atlantic flight of the tata. Ruth the Boabitees) which was Next month will see the regular election of officers of has his views with regard to Litera: hero of the air (Lindy)
The Thanksgiving Services held at scheduled for 30 in the evening.
but the Association and District. It is evident that employees are ture among Colored folks here, He states that the government has St, Peters Church La Boca, on Sun The usual night service was conductwhatever may be the personal opinions of this Literary aspirant, they are has found it possible and convenient going to make these proceedings interesting. It is very expressed in medals and honors, he day 11th, were among the most in ed by the Rev. Wade and appropriate desirable that the Board of Directors shall be well represen not for the public, there are however to express in his favorite art, and has spiring of its kind ever held here. Harvest Hymns were sung. It is tative of the various departments and divisions of the service many things both in the interest of (by his artistic eye) taken keeper Services were conducted by the Rev. being planned to have the Cantata Literature and Music he would like to vision of The Laborer is worthy of his hire. Muzzle not the ox that see.
Lindy achievements than Mulcare Priest in charge. In at a more convenient date.
treadeth out the corn. Labor is not a commodity. living wage This gentleman has been styled on that Linbergh attitude and personmany others have. He also states spite of the heavy showers of rain It is very interesting to mention many occasions as Fairplay and it and the manner in which he acall afternoon, the audience was a that photographs of the interior of Is that which enables the worker to live in reasonable decency and is hoped that these views which he complished his feat made very good representative one. Fruits of all the Church (including the Harvest comfort.
holds so sacred will in the near future material for the sereen and he once kinds were offered for the decora field) have been taken and may he be read by the general public in the columns of the Workman set to work to interpret his message tion of the church; and the beauti had from the Superintendent on re SPORTMAN LEAGUE CLUB which is be produced at the Theatre ful flowers and fruits so skillfully quest. The prices of these PhotograYOURS FOR PROGRESS Church Services du Chatelet Paris, in the near future MEETS MONDAY NIGHT REFEREE The production will be taken to the adorning the interior of the church phic shetches are within the reach United States where it will find a made the appearance of a beauti of all.
place in the hearts of Americans At ful garden. grand musicale proA very important meeting will Christian Mission of Panama present the plot of the play has not gram was rendered at 30, be held in Color next Monday This All Roads will lead to Juan night, November 19th, by the In Quebec, a boy who has attained yet been revealed consisted of anthems from the choir, Franco Race track tomorrow Sportman League Club.
Panama 11 a. J. Benskin 30 the age of fourteen years, may, with H Herbert Chorillo 11 am the consent of is parents, contract Solos from a few ladies and violins, If you have a Prescription to the consent Organ and Saxophone recitals all of If you have a Prescription to The meeting will take place 11. a. m, Moseley 30 Lloyd of is parents, he cannot go to. mov. be made up take it to the which were very highly appreciated at 45 at their usual hall Paraiso 11. a. Jarvis 30. ing picture show until he is sixteen. National Pharmacy, Santa Ana by the audience and made the after be made up take it to the between 6th and 7th streets Brewster Gatun 11 a. WilPlaza, where you will get cour.
National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Broadway.
liams 30. Nicholls Colon 11 noon a pleasurable one.
teous and obliging service.
a Miller 30. m Boyce Advertise in the Workman EDUCATIONAL MOVIES.
Plaza, where you will get courAmong the many transactions it will bring good results.
teous and obliging service.
of vital importance to be tran All road leads to Juan Franco Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Series of Educational Movies are If you have a Preseription to be and English for sale at the sacted is the arrangement for a race track tomorrow.
being shown at the La Boes Club made up take it to the National Workman Printery.
House, children and Teachers Rent Receipt Books in Spanish benefit vaudeville show to be All members are requested to Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where admitted free of charge. About the and English for sale at the staged at said meting hall for bring their friends along at the you will get courteous and obliging Advertise in the Workman the good of the club.
abovementioned hour.
third of its kind was shown on the Workman Printery.
service it will bring good results.
No one no are


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