
OUR SPORTING PAGE Member of Recent West Indies termes Beale oath, subscribed the Well known Cyclist Topaz November Stone Cricket Team Is Emblem of Friendship the are you in of the Sir George Walton said: Mr.
Dies Roach your papers are in order and your are entitled on your VICTIM OF MOTOR COLLI EMBLEM of strengh and friend she wears.
Admitted to Trinidad Bar petition to be enrolled as a ship is the beautiful Topaz your SION Scorpio is the zodiacal sign for Solicitor of the colony of Trini birthstone if you were born in No November; Mars is your ruling pladad and Tobago. We welcome Sir Frank Jones, a well known vember. The ancients believed the net; and the chrysanthemum your MR. ROACH GETS WARM WELyou and we wish you every suc testantin intrcolonial and power of the topaz inereased as the complementary flower. The people of local cycle racing, died at cess in your chosen profession the moon increased; that COME FROM EHE BENCH is banished Scorpio are exceedingly magnetie, Your career in the field of San Fernando Hospital at 30 a terrors of the night; protected the dramatic and ardent. Often they are during (From the Trinidad Guardian)
was sure to allorn it. In due sportyour exploits with them. on Wednesday from injuries wearer epidemies and supersensitive. ess they are liked they become ved and difficult Mr. Clifford Archibald Roach, course Mr. Roach passed the In bat, are a good indication of received in a collision at Moruga strengthened the mind.
last Saturday.
Leonardus found the gem a charm to understand.
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs termediate Examination for So what you will do in your closer Mr. Jones was riding a motor against asthma and in the Book of Roach and a member of the licitors and under the terms of profession. The spirit of the Their birthstone is believed to West Indies Cricket Team which the Solicitors Ordinance sat his game which you play with such a ele on a visit to his brother at Wings it is recommended that have love magie for those who know recently toured England, was finals in May this year. But ow advantage will, hope, be the oruga. On reaching by Herre topaz, engraved with the figurator. ra Estate he came into collision flying faleon, be worn whenever it its sacred word of invocation and inadmitted as a Solicitor on Tuesing to having to be in another spirit with which you will with a motor car. By the im is desired to obtain favor of importone it rapidly over and over with day before the Full Court in place on that date the Chiei through your profession. The a topaz firmly held in the left hand.
the presence of his relatives and Justice with the concurrence of promptitude with which you pact he was thrown some distant personages.
Like many other precious stones Charubel, writing of this gem, a large number of friends and the Incorporated Law Society have come to this Court to be ance up in the air, and when thought fit to amend the mate enrolled at the very first oppor eges were found to be fractured healing powers. St. Hildegrade re hopeless help to those who picked up afterwards both his the topaz was long credited with says it begets hopefulness in practitioners.
The petition was presented by rial rule under the Solicitors tunity possible as was onlyle was rushed to the San Fer commended it above all other stones out of sight or in the shade.
Mr. Worrell.
Ordinance thereby enabling Mr. reading in this morning papers With the new vogue for acceptMr. and Mrs Roach and their Roach to sit and pass his finals of your return shows that you mando Hospital and there he was as a remedy for dimnesothof visitors warded for treatment. At that its greatest virtue is told in these ance rings, jewelers find that birthtwo younger sons were present outside the colony. In that he have got in you the aptitude for time he was conscious but early oft quoted lines.
stones are becoming increasingly Mr. Worrel said he had great was very materially assisted by doing things and that as Firm Friendship is November popular as gifts for men, and the pleasure in presenting the petir. Arnold Hamel Smith of the will not miss a ball so you will on Sunday he lapsed into un not miss any chance that arises consciousness and remained so and she bears topaz is one of the preferred stones tion of Mr. Clifford Archibald firm of Hamel Smith True love beneath the topaz that for this purpose.
Roach. Mr. Roach was the eld pite of the assiduous labour to in your profession. We welcome until he died. His body was tak est son of two esteemed town prepare himself, it gave him you and wish you every successen up to Arima for burial.
people Mr. and Mrs. Roach, the great pleasure to state that Mr. and hope that your success as Avoid Questionable Things The Workman Would Like to see former of whom carried out with Roach also found time to attain Solicitor will be as good and a the bright as that on the cricket great dignity and charm the considerable eminence Occupations The spirit of practical UN ACQUIRE USEFUL TRADES important duties of Cashier of realm of sport. At St. Mary field.
ITY amongst West Indians. SCHOOL for HIGHER Mr. Justice Thomas: also apthe Municipality. The petitioner College he had the honour of The West Indian workerſ and TECHNICAL EDUCATION It is pitiable to see being captain of both the cricket prove of your petition and wel rceived his early education at strong, converted to the DOCTRINE for West Indian CHILDREN by the Tranquility Boy Govern and football teams. Since leaving come you upon entering your bright, promising young man, capable of filling a high position, try.
ment School and after at the St. school he joined one of the pre profession.
TIVE BARGAINING. COR Mr. Roach: ATION to take Thomas School from which he mier clubs playing both football thank Your ing to support himself and family in an occupation which has Wages in the CANAL care of West Indian FINAN entered St. Mary College. Af and cricket, and if he might say Honours.
ter a bright career there he left so, it was his sterling merit as Mr. Roach was the recipient not received his approval, which is ZONE and PANAMA paid the CIAL INTERESTS, in July, 1923, having pasesd the a batsman that forced the select of numerous congratulations.
lowering his ideals, which dwarfs worker without regard to his The Workman OWNED his nature, which makes him despise race, color, or citizenship a job by a company of WEST INJunior Cambridge Local Examiors to invite Mr. Roach to form himself, which strangles all that is for a man and not a man for a DIANS.
nations a qualifying examination one of the West Indian combina1 BIRTH for entering upon the profession tion which toured Englan in the DAY best and noblest within him, and job.
which is constantly condemning him Every West Indian drinkof his choice. In September of summer of this year. During AND West Indian PARENTS ing BALBOA and SILVER that year without very much that tour he had lived up quite and ostracizing him and his family helping their CHILDREN to SPRAY.
from all that is best and truest in delay he entered into articles of fully to his earlier promise and Wedding Cards had now, Cousel thought, earned life.
Clership with one of the more for himself the right to be con FINE SELECTION progressive of the younger geIt takes only a little influence 1500999669900059946 AT THE just a little foree to pull the needle neration of Solicitors Mr. Mursidered in the forefront of West away from its natural pointing.
chison Rigsby who had asked Indians batsmen. He returned to Your conscience compass must not be him to state that he found Mr. the colony on Sunday and with WORKMAN PRINTERY influenced by greed or expediency.
Roach a pupil of great ability characteristie promtitude prayed and outstanding integrity and Their Honours to be admitted. No. 72 You must not trammel it. You must leave it free. The man who character. He need hardly say It gave him especial pleasure in that bringing such qualities to asking Their Honours to grant Carlos Mendoza Street tampers with the needle of his conscience, who pulls it away from its the profession of his choice he the petition.
CORNER JAV ILLO natural love, and who tries to convince himself that there are other standards of right, or other stars as reliable as the pole star of his character, and proposes follow them in some questionable business, is a deluded fool who invites disaster. great many young men try to justify themselves and check internal protests by the perpetual selfA Good suggestion that it is better to keep on, for the present, in questionable occupations, because the great financial reward will put them in position to do better later. This is a sort of sedative to the conscience to keep it quiet until they can af.
ford to listen to it. his to FOR SALE CHEAP Chlorodont the best Dental Cream Assortment of Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Charity Concert at La Boca Clubhouse STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 AND Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Under the Aspirants Club of La Boca a grand Charity Concert will be given in the Clubhouse on Saturday night, the 24th inst.
The entire membership of the Club is made up of blithsome teens girls under the leadership of Mrs Neeley, and the captainship of Miss Leonora Jump of community prestige.
The object of the entertainment is two fold to help finance the annual treat given the children in the community at Christmas time, and to aid the unfortunate storm stricken sufferers of Montserrat.
The move of these thoughtful and kindhearted young ladies is so unquestionably commendable, that it ought to be given the support it deserves, especially as the price of admission has been fixed to suit the purse of all concerned.
The worthy Aspirants are practieing hard with a view to satisfying their patrons and admirers who intend putting in their appearance.
Rain or no rain, YOU are expected.
come on time that YOU may enjoy the whole thing Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
72 Carlos Mendoza Street and corner Javillo Fill OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD PANAMA CITY Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama


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