
garty Ltd, after the Surrey match, and a fine bat given me by Ernest Tyldesley and autographed by him, when we played against Lancashire. Oh. replied Constantine, there is only one cateh that stands out in my memory, that of Crawley of Oxford off Scott bowling on the boundary line, had to make a big effort to avoid getting over and to poise myself for the jump in the air.
But for my inches would have taken an almost similar one from Calthorpe off Browne. (To be continued)
No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 DYEING, GLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER McBayne Canal Excursion Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled REID Proprietor The Barbados Weekly Herald of Will Not be Registered in recent date says: British Guiana Last Thursday the Vestry proceeded to fill the first 15 Exhibitions Says the New Daily Chronicle at the St. Michael Girl School, of British Guiana of recent date. There were 37 applicants, one of In Saturday Gazette it is record. whom, Harriet Sealy, daughter of ed that the Quebec Medical qualifica Mrs. Ouida Sealy, was over age and tions and Province of another Erlo Hassell, was debarred Quebec. McGill Uni owing to her parents not being Barversity. Lowel University) badians. report was received from and University of Montreal) the Headmistress on each applicant are no longer registrable in this cold and this report together with the ony. This has come about by an Or. circumstances of the parents, was der in Council of 22nd March last considered by the Vestry.
The effect of this Order is to re On the first ballot being taken move all medical qualifications issu the following candidates were suced in the Province of Quebec from cessful: Andrew Ramsay, of Needthe list of qualifications entitling ham Point 11 votes. Myra Mekenthe holder to be placed on the Colon sie, of Hindsbury Road, and Marjoial list of the British Medical Re rie Griffith, of King Street (10 votes gister, without prejudice to the right each) Phyllis Barrow, of Jemmotts of any persons whose names have Lane, Ellaine Griffith, of Gill Road already been entered on that Re. votes each. Carmen Codagan, of gister.
Tudor Street, Enid Millington of COUNSEL DECLINE CROWN Beckwith Street votes each. Ilene BRIEF Blackman, of Tweedside Road: Pearl CHIEF JUSTICE CHALLENGES Corbin, an inmate of the Almshouse, RIGHT.
The Chief Justice: It is a shock to PRIVATE EXPLANATION OF BEASON to me, DENIED.
Shortly after the opening of the me.
The Attorney General: It was a Supreme Court in Criminal session on the 2nd inst. Sir Anthony de shock to me also.
Freitas Chief Justice question The Chief Justice: There may be ed the right of a member of the Bar a plausible excuse which he is willto decline a brief assigned him by a ing to communicate to me in domesjudge of the Supreme Court address tie privacy but of course. wouldn ing Mr. Hector Joseph, Attor have that.
ney General he said:The Attorney General: It is not shall be glad if you will take the usual at the Bar, Your Honour.
The matter then dropped.
case of Harris as the last of the It was learnt that the barrister asmurder the reason for that)
being that counsel whom have assigned is Mr. Shankland and that counsel now assigned is Mr.
signed for the defence telephoned Marshall.
this morning to say that he cannot The Barbados weekly Herald of take the defence. He has also informrecent date says: ed the Registrar that he proposes to see me to explain his reason, but VERY HIGH INCREASE OF do not think he would have an op DEATHS OVER BIRTHS IN CITY portunity throughout these sessions During September there were 134 of seeing me because cannot allow deaths in the City, while for the him to occupy any of my time. same period there were 94 births.
doubt that did allow any such do There were also 12 still births. For mesticity as counsel seeing me to ex the same month there were ten notiplain why he refuses a brief and fication of infectious diseases. Of propose when can find the time to these five were of tuberculosis two go into the matter to find out if of diptheria, two, of enteric fever there is any power on the part of and one of chicken pox. Of the two counsel to refuse any brief at all. cases of diphtheria, one occurred in have since assigned another counsel Bourda and in Charlestown for the case.
while the case of chicken pox oeThe Attorney General: It is new cured in Charlestown. WORTHY CAUSE Work Done While You Wait By During the construction of the Great Waterway, many of us who TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED were non employees of the were compelled to through the big ditch to reach certain points on either side. To overcome warious obstacles along the route, it was necessary sometimes to replace walking by creeping and sliding converted suddenly at intervals into rolling!
Those were indeed record breakir. days for venturesome ecclesiasties. One evening distinguished dignitary of the Episcopal Church on whose behalf the Churchwarden ventured at dusk to cross the made an ardent appeal. votes troublesome Caucauracha Slide with each) Beryl Fergusson of Fontabelle out a lamp or guide from Paraiso to Ruby Gaskin of Lakes Folly, Gwen. Enterprise where he was slated to dolin Moore, of Bannister Land and preach at a special service at 30 Rubie Ramsay, of Milk Market (6 He paid top price that night for votes each. On the second ballot his experience. Hurrying over what Miriam Eastmond, of Barbarees Hill, at first appeared to him to be solid received votes and on the third ground, he suddenly sank to his and final ballot for the last exhibi waist in mud. After yelling and tion between Thelma Hamblin, of struggling for some time, he extriWelches Road and Evelyn Ramsay, cated himself from the trap set by of St. Barnabas Village, the latter old Caucauracha. Imagine his state was defeated by one vote.
on reaching the church! He didn preachin fact he could not 30 be beat it. despondently muttering, a Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can haue them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET Dr. Fred Sterling You see what have suffered to AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL help you and your people!
THE NEW YORK DENTST It was regrettable our gallant 182, BOLIVAR STREET brother did not remain on the Zone CULON, till the great job was completed hind the two oceans lovingly embraced Box. 71, Cristobal each other. Had he stayed he would TELEPHONE247 COLON undoubtedly have been extended the courtesy to be among the first batch Rent Receipt Books in Spanish of elite who sailed through the Cut and English for sale at the shortly after the dyke at Gamboa Workman Printery.
Continued on Page 8)
House Rent Receipt Books one IN SPANISH ENGLISH For Sale at the WORKMAN PRINTERY


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