p. 8


McBayne Canal Excursion omorrow Races The following is the Program for tomorrow races:FIRST RACE Furlongs. Purse 100 Important Notice May THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Borba Roja 115 Zapo 126 Fenomeno 95 Silver Spray 126 112 Diereis 119 SECOND RACE Furlongs Purse 100 Cococha 126 El Chichi 10)
Dardanels 112 Hopey Dew 98 Lema 102 THIRD RACE Furlongs Purse 125 Muroria 120 La Chiquilla 100 Frivolous ex. 63 90 San Chee 126 Col. Arango 120 Garzona Super Gloria FOURTH RACE Furlongs Purse 100 Dempsey 12 Silver Spray 113 Candlewood 9!
Pistol 126 Tunney 124 FIFTH RACE Furlonga Purse 100 Don Simon 112 Barba Roja 115 Zapo 121 Fenomeno SIXTH RACE 69 Furlongs Purse 125 (Kitty Gill 12 (Socis Chombo Gerda Copi 100 (Dixie 121 Billy Dennis 110 SEVENTH RACE 69 Furlongs Purse 100 Tunney 115 Pistol 120 Dempsey Paul nie 126 Lens 126 Honey Dew 122 (Continued from page 7)
had been blown into the air by the late President Wilson from the White House in Waishington.
Well, colored friends and country.
men, especially you old timers whose brawn was regarded as being indispensible in the digging of the Canal don you think we have a right to feel as proud of the gigantic Water way as the Americans who brought here to help them dig it? And houldn we appreciate the privilege and indisputable right to enjoy a trip through it the Favor ite made por y the entiring seal of our cou. ty service man, Mr. McAuley Bayne and the outstanding concesion of the Marine Superintendent authorized by the magnanimous Governor of the Canal Zone?
To assist in rehabilitating our storm stricken brethren in the West Indies is the primary object of Mr.
Bayne Canal Exeursion on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 29, 1928 It may be well to offer the sus.
picious the assurare that every cent of the net profits will be remitted to the Relief Committee in the Lee ward Finally. It prople of other nationalities are giving the laudable effort their moral support, why should West Indians be slow in manifesting their ability and willingness to make sacrifice onbeh tit of their friends and relatives who lost their all through the unprecedented hurricane of Sept. 12th and sth. Three Cheers hearty, ringing ors for McAuley Bayne, and one undred Per cent GOOD LUCK to the Excursion. Is Now Located in more May אוד spacions quartersat No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street CHURCH SERVICES CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Purse Snatching St. Peter y the Sea, La Boca Matins and ads 11. am: Mr. McCarthy, Readpr pun Church Sc! 30p.
Choral Evensongan mon The Rector MULCARE Rector (Continued from paae One)
ed youngster, who made good his es cape. Thie was about 10:30 About noon on the following day this purse with some of the content: was found in a path near a bath house in La Boca. Subsequently two boys of the town, Jacob Bennet ane Reuben Johnson, were arrested in connection with this robbery; but a the preliminary hearing in the Ma gistrate Court on the 15th they were discharged Where with the more modern facilities such as a Linotype Machine Printing Presses we are able to better meet th» demands of our many patrons.
St Barthelomow s, LosCascadas.
Morning Prayer and sddress, 11. a Mr Brathwaite, Lay Reader Church School and Confirmation Class, 30 MULCARE Priest in Charge St. Simon s, Gamboa Panamà Wesleyan Harvest Festival The Litany Holy Communion and sermon 10. 45. a. Church School, 30 pm MULCARE Priest in Charg Salvation Army The usual Owing to the inclemency of the weather, the services in conection with the Harvest Festival were not as well attended as they might have been or Sunday last; a short service took the place of the beautiful Cantata. Ruth the Moabitess) which was scheduled for 3, 30 in the evening: night service was conducted by the rest Hymns were sung. It is being planned to have the Cantata at a more convenient date. It is very interesting to mention that photographs of the interior of the Church including the Harvest Field have been taken and may be had from the superintendent on request. The prices of these Photographie shetches are within the rear of all 11. am Holiness meeting Sunday School Salvation Meet.
ing Adjutant DADD. VISIT to our new Place of business Wesleyan Methodist Church will Convince you that (British Conference. 24th Sunday After Trinity Panama, 11, Mr. Henry Harewood. 30 Rev. Cousins. Colon and 15 Rev. E. Wade.
La Boca, Missionary Anniversary, 11.
Mr. Jones of Colon 30 Juvenile Service. 30 Mr. K. Walters.
Monday Missonary Meeting at 30 Paraiso Harvest Thanksgiving 11.
Rev Cousins 30 Harvest Festival 30 Mr Frank Reed. New Providence, 11. Mr. D. Mudie.
THIS IS NO BLUFF BUT REALITY If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging service.
Seventh Day Adventist The Workman Printery 72 Carlos Mendoza Street BIRTH DAY AND Wedding Cards FINE SELECTION AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street CORNER JAV ILLO STREET CALIDONIA ROAD near Isthmian Park Pasma.
Sabbath (Sturday) 45 am Sabbath School; 11. 15, a. General Worsbip Spanish If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get cour AND CORNER JAVILLO Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the Workman Printery.


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