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PRICE CENTS If The State is to Survive The Tail Seven Inches British King II Aviation to Aid Development in Long Tiger Must be Eliminated British Gujana Says British Premier Speaking at Local Company Has been Formed to Mass Meeting Carry Out Enterprise comnineconneeman in Unruly Father Draws 10. 00 Fine some Discovered Appended to Physicians Says one Baby Girl at Knoxviild. Lung Is Congested BALTIMORE. Nov. 10 human cable despatch from London on tail of almost record breaking length the 22nd inst states that King London Press despatch dated policy. Our interests and our inelinato a baby girl born at Knoxville in from severe attack of influenza. seribed as the Cinderella amongst islands and countries. on has just been discovered appenden George of England is suffering British Guiana has aptly been de in British Guiana and adjacent October 26th states that Premier tions have alike prompted us to pre Tennessee, the state that outlaws His physicians stated that lines Stanley Baldwin of Great Britain serve and even strengthen the soli evolution, Science Service reports. his lungs was congested one of the colonies which belong to the milar to what we want to see adoptspeaking at a mass meeting at the darity of our relations with Ger. This tail was reported to be seven his condition had grown worse.
and that British Empire. This may be due to ed throughout Latin America and Albert Hall on the occasion of the many as well as with France and inches long. The record is a the fact that perhaps she has been the Tropies generally. This celebration of the Tenth Anniversary Italy, Mr. Baldwin dealt with the ineh tail on a twelve year old boy mere neglected than other centers peny incorporated as The British of the League of Nations Union evil influence of war on national from, French Indo China.
aze known as the small bones of the by the Imperial Goyernment and Guiana Air Transport. Co, Ltd.
said that Great Britain had no iden character particularly as illustrated Only about twenty five authentic coccyx at the end of the spine. consequently practically undeveloped. has acquired the present aerial plant of building a navy in competition by the World War. He said that cases of babies born with tails are casionally, the tail persists and ap Perhaps, the principal cause for her of the Balata with the United States. He express this showed that makind descended ed profound at what, he declared, not only from the ape but also has known to science. However, every sexually as in the case of backwardness is lack of sufficient Estates Ltd. and a new and inprov Funda labor to conquer the 78. 000 square ed type of seaplane built and special was only a temporary failure to inherited characteristics of the tiger iam Jennings Bryan, had a tail at human being, including the late Will this new daughter of the mentalist State.
miles of forests, out of a total arealy adapted for local conditions by reach an agreement with the United The tiger is very close to surface, an early stage of his life, stated Dr.
Man evolutionary relatives, the or 90. 000 squares miles. In these leading aircraft manufacturers. States on naval matters and he also he said. If the States is to survive Adolph Schultz, associate pro higher apes, have even less of a tail forests areas, apart from very val An important factor in decried the suspicions concerning the tiger must be eliminated, but fessor of physical anthropology at than man himself, Dr. Schultz said. uable timbers, including the famous tion with the formation of the cuan British action which, he said, had our experience of 13 years ago show the Johns Hopkins University and in the orang outang the embroyonie Greenheart which is impervious pany is that the Government has gained currency in some Americaned that these base intinets are redcricles. Our poliey in naval build dy to be summoned from their hid. research associate of the Carnegietail disappears more completely, leavto the marine borer (the tredo) and guaranteed an annual revenue of a Institution of Washington. Doctor ing only two or three rudimentary is used to dock and wharf construc proximately 16. 000 say. 200)
ing is to go slow he said. We have den lair at a moment notice. No Schutz has asked that the unique aptail vertebrae. In there are tion throughout the world. there is which is the equivalent of 160 Flying no intention of competing with the two bodies of persons are more popendage be sent him for study.
four or five of these and sometimes much hidden wealth, viz, bauxite, hours per. annum. This, presumably, United States and we came to our tent to summon these ancient imBefore birth, when man is in the six at the base of the spine. gold and plenty of diamonds, As re will be largely used by the Gover.
decision to go slow long before we pulses than are the politicians and embryo stage of his life, he has a When the tail persists externally gards the latter, considerable activi ment for the pur ose of carrying Paet. We are grateful to Mr. Kel fight can resist these instinet. Generally this tail disappears be up of nerves, blood vessels were asked to sign the Kelloge the press. Only an intense spiritual tuil one sixth the lenght of his body. it never has any bones but is made us has been evinced of late years out aerial surveys of the interlur and and many millions of dollars worth and is a move in the right direction logs for bringing the treaty to Eu Viscount Grey presided at the meet. fore birth, though the rudiments of museles. In man and apes it is evid of these precious gems have been towards the general development of rope. It gives us what in our spiri ing and in opening it praised the the Colony and the adoption of airtual life we should be grateful for: good work done by the League of the vertebrae in it may be found in ence of evolution from a tailed an produced.
man spinal column, where they cestor.
In face of this, it is encouraging craft to help in such work. All thi.
an opportunity for a fresh start. Nations. Referring to the position to know that recently a local com will, it is hoped, be one of several doubt whether the world yet realizes of the United States, he said it pany was formed to carry on, dev means of attracting capital and the full importance of the Kellogg was more serviceable to the cause Pact. The Prime Minister concluded of World Pence that the United SPARKLETS elop and turn to account the busi brains to British Guiana. Tropical with an appeal for faith the States should be taking an initiative ness of aviation in all its branches Life.
League of Nations as an instrument action parallel to the work of the (By of peace. Erlier in his addres he League and thus be establishing BAYNE CANAL SPECIAL Those A. Pranks alluded to uneasiness reflected in a barrier against aggressive war in Very recently diagnosed my have always admired the Uninewspapers recently who addition to the protection afforded mentality. The result confirms pre versal Negro Improvement Associathought that by the Franco British by the League Covenant. He said vious ones which took over a petion on account of its revolutionary UNRULY FATHER AT LA.
Naval Accord this country had been this was preferable to having theriod of several years commencing activities. Out of revolutions general The Worker Corner Abraham Layne, black Barbadian, committed to the French view con United States join the League as a arrival in ly comes proper understanding, the 43 years old, a resident of La Bocerning army reserves without ob reluctant and hesitating member. twelve months after my Panama nearly twenty years ago. basic foundation of progress. But Ica, was assessed a 10 fine by Members wanted. taining any adequate naval conces Other speakers at the meeting in.
This diagnosis reveals that, while disagree with the boys and girls of Judge Blackburn in the Magistrate The Panama Canal West Indian sion. wish to contradiet the idea cluded John Robert Clynes, Chair li do not come within the category that elan for their love of arraigning Court at Balboa yesterday. As far Employees Association is still solithat we have abandoned our posi man of the Parliamenary Labour Par of constitutional inferiority. one themselves in courts and their over as being the father of a nation, eiting membership. its policy has tion of impartiality adopted at the time of the Locarno Pact said Mr. ty, Lord Cecil and Eric Drummond, or the terms which the psychia developed liking for notoriety in the Layne is quite an Abraham, for he been found to be the best and most fellows newspapers whenever they wish to claims to have Baldwin. We have made no new Secretary General of the League of trists use to describe the nine children; but successful, and its demands the most engagements and there has been no Nations, who journeyed from Gene whose standard of intelligence falls settle some little internal affair, in when it comes to the question of reasonable of all similar associeto and remains at zero. have been which cases they sometimes wantonly being peaceful he is different from tions here. It endeavors to enlighten change in the orientation of our va especially for the event.
relegated to a point which now waste the money they collect from the old Abraham. He is not going to the employer in a clear and respectrenders me fundamentally incapable the poor, or that saved by themselves any east if the other fellow wantsful way of the needs of the emof ever again developing into an under the most acute adverse econo to go to the west: his policy is toployees; to enlighten to employees extemporaneous public speaker above mic conditions. For fear my tried mix it up with the other fellow. And as to their rights as workers and the grade of the ten minute class. and true friend Dalrymple may re he has a little boy about 11 to 12 their obligation to their employer With a potential speaking ability at new his membership in that organ years of age, who seems to favorfor honest service. By this dual serTO PROTECT COMMERCIAL POLICEMEN AND LAWYERS fifteen, and at seventeen, whe help ization and thereby order the clo mixing it up also with anyone who vice it hopes to raise the status of LABORERS LET OUT the West Indian worker The Assoed to win the negative of a school sure of this classic column, or that might come along school mate debate Resolved That it is right some 100 percent descendants ciation is confident that, since the of teacher, no matter. Bill now before the National The new Government policy of for teachers to whip boys at school Ham misunderstand my way of wAmerican people are lovers of freeWell, on Thursday last youngdom, a square deal, and a high Assembly, already passed in first economy, among other things. lets showing therby unmistakable signs pressing myself in Kings English Layne, who is a pupil at the La Bo standard of living, intelligent conthe hours of six in the evening and yers. entirely abolishing the positions rare versatility, snapped off and of Negro Progress. had for some in a fight with another kid at the part of the West Indian workers, reading, aims at closing between out eight policemen and five law. of becoming a brilliant orator of and censure me for being an enemy ca School. was weilding a stick duct and cogent reasoning on the five in the morning, as well as all held by the latter. Official lawyers took to the mason trade following time withheld all comments in the school just when they had formed must ultimately produce the desired day on Sunday, all dry goods stores, are retained by the Government to a brief Jack of all trade career. premise. But now that my old up in line to march in to work. His results, despite the influences of shops and bazaars in this and other defend those who cannot afford to Hence, gentle reader, would not be friend and collaborator, Brother teacher intervened to put an end to rave prejudice. The Association has cities and towns in the Republic. hire counsel. According to the Pre able to convince you from a plat Ivanhoe Myers, has unsheathed an the fight, but before this could be already done much in the interest The original intention of the Bil issident Decree in this connection, form of the one hundred and one uneducated journalistic pen and accomplished the youngster had also unhesita sworn tr write vengeance against taken a whack at the teacher. Then for workers in its ranks.
of the workers; it is calling loudly to defend commercial workers who only the Provinces of Panama, Co reasons why you should in spite of the hard labor to lon, Chiriqui and Bocas del Toro re tingly spend two dollars, if you can Financial Secretary, friend a slap from the latter sent young which they are submitted, and intain Government attorneys. afford that much, on McCauley Hutchins, both of the same divi Layne running home, and in less The Thrift Campaign: spite of their almost rediculous Bayne Panama Canal Special nextsion of tə elan, this column is auto time than it takes to tell it Father The Panama Canal West Indian salaries, are compelled to slave for BRITISH TO CHALLENGE Thursday. Fortunately, you do not matically drawn in as arbitrator. Abraham was at the school with a Employees Association desires to unusually long hours without sufAUTO SUPREMACY need to be swept by any such elo Rising to the occasion, recommend menacing countenarice and very congratulate the National City Bank ficient time for rest and recreation. Press reports from London state quence. You are well aware of Mr. that Merett Myers and Hutchinson firm statement that he was there to of New York, Panama City Branch, that a new British combine has de Bayne prowess as a promoter de use disctelon, in that they take all return the slap. There was hot on its working this thrift camBRANCH ROYAL BANK OF CANcided to challenge the American luxe of excursions on land and sea; precaution against financial suicide pace from this teacher room down paign. and it is appealing to ev: motor car supremacy by putting that the result of his efforts flue and chen notoriety, and make a stairs up to the room of the prinery worker to make every effort ADA TO OPEN IN JANUARY Cheaper car on the world market, tuate alternately, rising as it were quicker ind more satisfactory re cipal upstairs, by the teacher fol to avail himself of this splendid employing The initial capital of the company to the sublime when there are ex concialiatson by one lowed by Abraham and the boy, and opportunity. We can do this only by it against the other, in Press announcements contained the is given as one and a quarter million curtionists, and descending as strictly as many of the children of that room self denial; but it is under such were to the ridiculous when Fate friendly manner, the manly art of as were unruly enough to get some conditions generally that difficulties information that Isthmian pounds sterling.
works against him. With Bayne self defe, healing any ill effects kick out of the affair. The principal are solved.
Branch of the Royal Bank of CanCanal Special, however, there is, which may result from such an en denied father Layne the right to ada will thow open its doors for GÒVERMENT CONTINUES AFTER Linked a cause which you dare not couter with generous application entry, and he left.
business during the first fortnight CHEATERS Not long after of January 1929. It was explained deny help the relief of your hurri of Silver spray.
this the teacher got a warrant for attempt a little corporal punishment that the delay in opening the Branch Following closely upon recent li cane stricken brothers and sisters his arrest, and while he prag with the poor innocent children are tak.
is due to necessary changes to the quor scandals in which a prominent back in the West Indies. This phase Before closing am asked to re the boy in the police station coming advantage of this silly protecstructure in which it intends to do liquor dealer and two employees of of the effort almost assures its mind you of the Quarterly Meeting plaining the teacher brought in his tion and are thereby discouraging business, the structure having been the revenue department are involved League which in there.
originally inttended to house the the former having been fined thou success. And Bayne sSpecial Reduced the Isthmian Literary Musical warrant and he was nailed then and the teachers from showing interest in their welfare.
French Bazaar. The Bank premises sands of dollars for alleged smugg Rate For This Trip Only, guarantee Boca Clubhouse tonight beginning Father Layne is said to be sorry will be situated at the corner of ling into the Republic of hundred of ing a sail through the Canal and a at o clock, and to which you are for his conduct. As it is the praeCentral Avenue and 12th Street, cases of liquor without paying the return ride over the Panama Rail. most cordially invited. Some bright tice for the perents in La Buca to All rond leads to Jun Frenco East.
Continued on Page 8) road, is an added attraction.
Continued on Page 8) bally the teachers whenever they race track Tomcricw.
Resumé of the Weeks News or the

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