
The West Indian Cricket Tour To England Some Impressions by Trinidad Representatives CONSTANTINE GIVES INTERVIEW The British Pharmacy COLON 11. 1154 11th STREET Where our customers will receive the usual BRITISH PHARMACY NEURALGINA Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by all NEURALGINA is to Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes parting of any kind, however beneficial that parting may turn out to be in the long run. shall miss my early associations; the scenes of my boyhood days, the familiar faces which always hold a smile for me and those stalwart patriots who are kind enough to see virtue even in my cricketing vices. Above all, know shall miss our sunshine but the putting is not a complete one for shall be backward and forward (Continued from last issue)
as frequently as circumstances perIMPROVED HIS BATTING As to Hallows, not a few were sur IS NOW LOCATED AT mit. Also know shall meet a TRIBUTE TO SIR FRANCIS prised that he did not get his pick warm hearted body of people who LACEY.
for Australia. It is felt that his field play the game and among whom To what do you attribute your ing let him down. Sutcliffe is always look forward to making many great success in batting. The the man for big occasions and his friends. know to that shall miss Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK usual things, was the reply. style of play may make you feel those friends stood by me in quick eye and alertness of movement that it is impossible to get him out dark hours to lieve me, young From the outset decided to play Sandham whose style rather fancy as my cricketeing career is have my own game that is after my is a great baton all occasions.
had my dark hours. In some of those own style and to try to do with the Some of his shots are so much like courtesies moments, notably in 1926 have they bali just what the bowler did not Hobbs that you would think felt like chucking up the game.
expect. decided to make up my were executed by Hobbs There are many friends whose pracmind, decisively what to do and next But Hobbs is still the great master tical support received on those to hit the ball away from me as not as risky as and perhaps slower LOOK FOR THE SIGN occasions and whose words of enhard as could. But, above all is the than, in 1923; but there he is incouragement made me stick to the question of distance. Soon after comparable and always graceful and game. To all these take this oparrived in England in 1923, Sir defiantly. defensive. In the younger portunity of returning my deepest Francis Lacey (he was not yet generation, there are Robins (Camthanks. Above all, recall not only knighted) then Secretary of the bridge) a great all rounder; Duthe general advice of your kind very kindly arranged for me leepsinhji of Cambridge one of the Editor who, apart from his great in reply to a request from Mr. Mal best bats of England, Frank Wat.
love of the am has always shown let to receive two or three week son of Lancashire; Gregory of Sur.
great interest in me and give me Lords coaching at This proved rey a wonderful player and Small practical and tangible support.
most valuable to me. From that Crawley (Oxford) a fine batsman The people of Trinidad will not, course time changed my style to the two who hits the ball hard of DENTIST feel sure begrudge Major Austin eyed stance which enables me to these are but a few names.
MASONIC TEMPLE that meed of thanks which know score more freely all around the of bowlers there are Larwood of Office Hours: 8, am to 12 pm he deserves from me. recall his wicket. This is not merely an illus Notts, Nicholas of Essex with the 30 to 5, 30 help and influence which brought tration of the lessons to be learnt artful Freeman and Maurice Tate, Sundays, by Special Appointment me into the limelight in making during a tour, but it also indicates ever to be watched and the danger Masonic Temple ilth St.
the 1923 tour and what is more, his course, it the true sporting spirit of the Engous Sydney Barnes, of O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL dogged championship of my position Tish people.
is superfluous to mention Hammond PHONE: OFFICE 1664 excessive mental work.
ir my dark day of 1926 when the of SOME WEST INDIAN PLAVERS who is in the first rank toured West Indies. Whatrounders.
RESIDENCE 588 ever little success have achieved It was with great diffidence that onstantine was got to say anything stantine said his radio talk on the Reverting to otther topics Con and whatever more awaits me due and will be due in great part to about individual players. Roach in his opinion will benefit most by this 4th August after the first day of Should be in every school to soothe bad the early support. received from the match with Glamorgan, was one that broad hearted veteran, and tour. Smalls inability repeat of his most delightful experiences headaches and reduce the fever of father of West Indies cricket.
his 1923 performance was largely due to departing from his wonted HIS CONTRACT WITH THE NELchildren. SMALL style in trying to play too quietly. SON CLUB AND HIS STATUS IN Although wearing his usual broad Like Challenor, the opposing sides CRICKET NEURALGINA and cheery smile, Mr. Small, contrived to block all his scoring You are familiar with the terms from the very outset and almost shots especially his off play. Not so of my contract with the Nelson simultaneously with the exchange with Browne, however, who when Club which by the way, signed or of greetings, proclaimed his objec.
he did get going, scored all around my 27th birthday the 21 Septemthe heart, tion to giving any interviews.
the wicket and whose century ber last. The League matchesThis however, did not prevent our against Kent was one of the best there are about eleven clubs in the representativ, by a dexterous manexibitions, it not a record for fast Lancashire League from one or two DROP IN AT For sale both Wholesale and Retail oeuvre of the conversation, the bene.
seoring in the attainment of the of whom overture had come to me fit of which other scribes enjoyed, century. As to Fernandez, Con indirectly are played on Saturdays.
AT THE from elieiting informationg of some stantine added, can never forget think there is a Challenge Cup kind from the famous West Indian his wondeful and heroic innings of but the real attraction is the gatemedium paced bowler.
54 in the Middlesex match. From money. The Lancashire folk are 122 CENTRAL AVE.
He confessed that he had enjoyed the individual point of view, that exceedingly sporty, you see. The You ill Find Them JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor the trip, the best evidence of which victory was his as much as mine, if season starts from the last SaturPanama.
was his robust appearance. In adI may use such a phrase. Bartlett, day in April (27th) to 21st Septemdition, his post war knee you know is dashing, forceful ber 22 weeks and matches start at which manifested itself from the player with fine shots. p. up to 30 Then am 1923 tour appeared to have been What about St. Hill? His was to put in practice daily from p.
cured by a Dr. Blake by whom the the usual run of hard luck in los till the close of the day. My contract injured member was treated at the ing some of his innings by what is signed for the next season and would call hard chances. Whenever therefore, there is no question of CALL IN AT end of the tour. The net result is that Small is now as sound in his he did get going he played his my professional status and my in pins as ever.
usual game and had he so continued ability to play for Trinidad in the Like Constantine Small says that despite the disastrous results at next Intercolonial Tournament. As a he enjoyed his 1923 trip better, times, things would have been dif matter of fact shall have to redespite the more favourable weathferent. As you know, with him it main out here as long as can and Advertise in the Workman er conditions of this tour. In his is largely always a question of try to arrange to be in Lancashire opinion, that just concluded was too temperament. Suspense of any kind for a short a time as possible be pays.
strenuous and affected the performtells upon him and can help feel fore the League commences because ing that the suspence which shall have to live on my ances of the team generally. Had own DENTIST HOWELL at AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL there been fewer matches, say as in times he underwent over his selec hook as my salary only starts with tion in matches and the knowledge the season. This, therefore, disposes House No. 912 La Boca 1923 the team would have given GOOD SELECTION OF better results. The practice matches, that upon his performances depen of the question of my status up to Canal Zone ed subsequent selection, affected his and until the season commences. NEW BIBLES in all of which he played, served OPPOSITE RESTAURANT play considerably. This, with to increase the strenuousness of the the intend to play Shannon and to inereased responsibility which ev. take part in the Bonanza Competi PHONE 1941 BALBOA Hymn ayer Books tour by which reason the benefits these matehes were supposed to ery batsman who was being depend tion as long as can ed upon felt, because of the patchy At the end of the season my time bring to them, were almost offset by the corresponding outlay of butting and the acutely crucial is my own and as do not intend RYCE energy.
moments at which he invariably qualifying for Lancashire, shall WIL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR RENOVATOR commenced his innings, seemed to come back home afterwards. am The in and out batting performance of the team he opined was due me to interfere with his play. Un undecided as to my plans for the DYEING PRESSING in part to the necessity of having certain of himself at times, in the future apart from the question of LADIES SKIRTS to travel long distances lung run he unfortunately departed my cricket; and may probably take overnight from his forceful style of play. Of my wife with me next year as SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO arriving at times on the field of play a few hours before scheduled course, you know, great things were have already made arrangements to HOUSE 19 21st STREET time and often without a sleep expected of him and the position live in Howard Street which is in GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY SOLD IN DRUG STORES which was rendered impossible by was rendered even more tense for Nelson proper. My engagement did the conditions of travelling.
him because his shortcomings were not come to me altogether as a surSmall does not subscribe to the never overlooked and he was made prise following as it did Jack L FLOWERS with the enthusiastic sporting Lanto feel them. But don be mistaken, Hobbs article and Mr. Mallett had he caught the eye of many com already hinted to me that might cashire crowds. realise, too, that Abogado. Attorney at Law ADVERTISE view that the tour was not a sucpeten terities and we shall yet et be approached.
from him many masterly and dash THE MANAGEMENT AND THE OFFICE: No. 44 ST cess. He thinks that English crieP. BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY CROWDS ing innings, even away from home.
ket has inmproved considerably TELEPHONE No. 1377 since 1923, and that there also has BOME ENGLISH PLAYERS. want to take this opportunity Practicing before all the courts of IT PAYS been some improvement in West Tell me what Engish players im of saying how grateful am to the Indian cricket although not to the presed you most. One of the English crowds for their encourage the Republic since April 1914 corresponding extent. Every County best players in Englang is Ernest ment and appreciation of my efhad improved greatly and West InTyldesley. He is most attractive as forts; for the boundless hospitality dian players would benefit immensea batsman and is not of the slow, extended to me and the courtesies casions. So far as am concerned, in addition to the financial benefitsTHANKS TO MAJOR AUSTIN.
ly by the tour.
stoday type and is a very genial showered upon me upon all sides. never thought he was so nice. shall have the chartce of improvAND OTHERS.
Another reason to which he also sportsman. Watson who was a mem to particular refer to Mr. Mallet. Naturally, am eagerly looking ing myself by rubbing shoulders Concluding his interview Constan ascribes the patchy batting was the Cilthorpe Team is also an with him associate Mr. Seheult, forward to fulfilling my engagement with some of the top notchers in tine said: Of course, there is always condition of the wickets, the pretonin scannibance the comme the inevitable sorrow associated with (Continued on Page 7)
trouble The Workman BOOK STORE No. 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required In the Workman


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