
As cooling plunge cood faith.
Try this Bemana Sherbet ST. CHARLES same.
EVAPORATED ST. CHARLES MILK There Cream in every Drop ге.
The Open Forum THE WORKMAN The Editor Workman Panama SIR: In the three last issues of your ap Published on Saturday by Rates for Advertisement on valuable paper the subject of Adult WALROND, at the office No. 72 plication, correspondence on all mat Carlos Mendoza Street, Panama, ters of public interest invited.
as a Education was lengthily produced.
It is my intention to use every All copy for publication must be energy avaible in promoting not Box 74, Panama Huritten on one side of paper only, only Adult education but efficient Box 1102, Aneon and must be accompanied by the and proper educational Institutions RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION name of the writer sarily for the young. We are confronted mark of One Year. 40 for publication but as a trithmany peeuliar phases in the de.
Six Months. 20 elopment of our young men and wo Three. 60 We do not undertake to return Tien, We see the dificiences and inOne Month. 25 rejected correspondence.
capabilities, alsot Talen and ambi tions of our d girls. We see The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS niso the powerful Fluences of pre vailing environment, and the weakTHE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 24 1928.
ness of many to combat and overcome said influences, Can we then remain Idle saying, Am my WHAT IS AN ORGANIZATION?
rother keeper. and allow them to be lost in the whirl pool of their passions? Content ourselves with We are tempted to bring this question before the criticizing their parents for the public for a little dicussion, because we have for some landipas of their children when time been wondering whether or not in the common ELICIOUS tempting frozen desserts made come of the very parents and frequent use of the ter organization there has are in been a clear and informed acquaintance with its meanricher and smoother. They have that butter need of guidance themselves. Never ing. We believe that this word is, like the word unity creamy flavor that is so much appreciated.
forget That the pain of one is the for instance, one of those words that are very much pain of all.
Here the Recipe!
St. Charles Evaporated Milk is always uniused but not very clearly u nderstood.
form in quality, more than twice as rich as There are many private English Peel and scrape six thoroughly ordinary milk and at the same time easier In our view organization means a collection of orvipe bananas. Throw away the Schools in our Comumnity, some of scraped part. Mash the bananas to digest.
them prize themselves as leading gans or parts, which are adjusted in such a way that and press them through a coarse Just keep a few tins handy, and you will while each part is working independently, there is such sieve. Mix in thoroughly cups have a supply of pure, clean milk at all times institutes of learning, yet take a of white sugar, add cups of a correlation of part to part and part to whole at the Śt. Charles Evaporated Milk and available, ready, convenient and economical.
majority of the chi. dren, examine same time, that there is an unbroken connection be cup of orange juice and stir All Don forget to save your St. Charles labels hem in the work generally given well together. Cool in ice box for for extra value in the form of premiums tween means and end. Organization and organism are half hour to chill and then place them and they do not fit the rades in freezer. Use a freezing mixture given out by they are in, many of them are besynonymous. It may be a living being, a plant, or a piece of one part salt to six parts of ice.
NESTLÉ S, Box 803 Panama City or of machinery. In fact, it has been said that the Greek Box 300 Colon ing Crammed, being passed from rade to rade without proper examinaPhilosopher Plato got the idea of this word from a piece tion, and in one year the child tho of machinery; and thus it sprang from a group of tools or instruments. To paraphrase this definition we might rading with much rouble the third book, when tal back to the 1st say it is a structure of associated parts, designed to a cok cannott prurly read specific end and functioning in conformity with its This is because teachers force the design.
children and do not observe their If correlated organs or parts do not function acnacent period. This is really getting cording to design, they do not constitute an organizathe most out of life and giving in tion, in the same way that a structure designed like a return very little for Life upkeep.
sewing machine will not be accepted as a sewing maHence did not hesitate to chine if it fail to sew. The manifestation of life is an escomend the formation of a Board sential in an organization, and failure to function acthat would put Public of Private cording to design is evidence of want of life. Another Schools within the proper scope, matter of great importance an organization is the and thus give to children a proper smooth adjustment of the parts, their working hartraining which will eventually fit moniously each to each and to the whole, and each in them for their place in the world, its duly appointed place. On the question of the maniMerely being able to read and write festation of life, we might add that there are some Panama Wesleyan Christian should not be cur greatest ambition.
organisms that are so rudimentary in structure that it Neither should we give the coming is often very difficult to perceive with the naked eye Endeavor Activitics generation such examples. Trades, that they are showing any sign of life, and even when Professions, Arts and Science should it may be clearly seen that they are alive their funcAN EVENING WITH ELLEN be encouraged and fostered.
tions are so slight and unimportant that they are reWHELLER WILCOX garded as of no value.
The children we neglected to day to We have already stated that we believe there is a are our own offspring, having made The membership of the prevalent misconception of the meaning of the word above them what they are, we yet foolishorganization. Here we find the term applied to every named society was treated to aly expect them to be good men and association of persons for any purpose, so every lodge, most delightful evening on Wednes women, these are oversights usually or club, is an organization. There is evidently some day last when the life and works of committed by those who confusion between this word and the word society.
Ellen Wheeler Wilcox was depicted take the greatest of their What organization is that? is not infrequently heard, by the Rev. and Mrs Wade children education, but if we look which would much better have been What society is and Miss Doris Rodney.
into the common management of that. But this confusion of terms should not be, for Poems were recited from works Chidren, we shall have while every human community is a society it is not an Open a savings account today and you of the famous authoress by the wonder in the great dissoluteness organization althought it may be. This puts us in mind Missess Hilda Forthe, Dalia Staples of manners, which the world comof a phrase that we frequently used in our boyhood, will take your first step toward inde and Vida Stephens. Among other plains of, that they are any foot.
when attempting to show a little swank over some other interesting subjects given under the steps at all left of virtue. desire boy: it was, All gentlemen are men, but all men are pendence. No man is really free unless auspices of the Society, an evening to know what vice can be named, not gentlemen.
he is in a position to act unhampered with the poets is always greatly en which parents, and those about As a matter of fact, the lodges or friendly societies joyable, especially when the pro hildren, do not season them with, instead of being organizations, are organs or parts of by financial needs. savings account gram is supplemented with musical and drop into them the seeds of, organizations the Orders. For local purposes they items.
as often as they are capable to reshould be so adjusted to one another that they will func cuts the ropes that bind a man and It is hoped that the time is not reive them.
tion smoothly, each to each and to the whole, so that far distant when the members will SMITH there be an unbroken connection between means and permits him to walk freely and act free enjoy biographies of famous ond the designs of the Orders. Some of the local benpainters, as art is one of the means Woman Day evolent societies have set their faces toward organizingly when his opportunity arrives. Open which helps a nation or community (establishing a central body for coordination and unifito rise, this opportunity is being AT CHAPTER NO. 14 cation of efforts. but how soon this will become a fact your way to independence, to. freedom, eagerly looked forward to. Mr.
it is impossible to measure from present indications. to happiness start an account today Harris lead in prayer, and the Then the churches are having their local societies also, evening terminated with the Mizpah. As is the custom, Woman Day but as far as we know they are working as separate and with us at per annum.
at Chapter No, 14 will be celebrated disconnected parts. And now we come to the social clubs tomorrow evening at 30 and societies. Many of these are so rudimentary in FARMER COLUMN special program is being prepared structure that they are practically valueless. Of the The National City Bank of New York Looke out for our Farmer olumn Woman department under the direcfor this important occasion. The others of higher types, there is no evidence of coordinagiving tip on Agriculture and Domestion of the Lady President Mrs.
tion amongst them that would create the impression Panamá (olón tic Animals, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dennis, proposes to entertain the that they mean to organize, except the present attempt Pigs, Dogs, Cats, Poultry, Birds, etc. public with some of the best musito organize the literary and musical societies for the How to buy keep well and treat them cal and elocutionary items, ete.
purpose of fostering and intensifying studies in these Our Savings Department is open for deposits when sick.
arts, and ultimately to raise the cultural standard of Tuesday evenings from to o clock and We will open this column in our Many prominent contributers are the people.
from to o clock.
next issue. Your are also invited it engaged for the program. which is The complaint that has often been made that we desire, to contribute.
expected to produce an are having too many organizations is one that we readiordinary impression on the literary ly support, on the theory that the idea is correct but that and music loving public. Mrs the word used to express it is not. The complaint really later) we believe economic pressure, if nothing else, SILVER SPRAY Collins, and Mrs Toussan of Diviemphasizes that we need to be organized. One of the will force them to it: and yet we would rather prefer The Beer that brewed with skill, sion No. 17 is also scheduled to be primary objects of organization is the elimination or it should be an act of their own choice, from a converSold with pride on the program. Heretofore the woreduction of waste on the one hand, the production and sion to a better understanding.
men of this Chapter have been very increase of efficiency and success on the other. So if the Bought with confidence The question of repairs to an organization, the reintrumental through their untiring three lodges of a certain order that hold independent moval of unfit parts, has not been touched upon; and And drank with satisfaction. efforts to assist in the propagation meetings in the same rooms in the city of Panama, were it is also very important, but we shall be content to pass BARBER of this great work and for which to amalgamate, they would better adjust themselves it by for this time, only with the remark that it should credit should be given them for what as a part of their organization (the Order) and thus always be done with due regard for the rules and praceliminate or reduce waste and produce and increase tice of such removal.
If you have a Prescription to they have achieved.
be made up take it to the It is hoped that the general public efficiency and success. We are not unfamiliar with And now, what have we to say about organizing National Pharmacy, Santa Ana will avail themselves of the opsome of the chief causes of these parts not coordinat the workers? If we suceed in this we shall surely have Plaza, where you will get cour portunity of listening to some of the mest till be coonan than in natoommunitas teons and oblicing service hastalinn Open the Way FREEDOM seem to care reason to art extra


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