
OUR SPORTING PAGE McCauley Bayne Canal Trip: TotalAbolition of Firpo to Return to The Submarine Ring is a Things The Workman Would Like to see The spirit of practical UN JACQUIRE USEFUL TRADES. By ELLAH HUNTER)
ITY amongst West Indians. SCHOOL for HIGHER We wrote the other day in com the way was the longest one we had Was Proposed By Great Britain to recent issue of the Jamaica Mail The West Indian worker and TECHNICAL EDUCATION mendation of the splendid effort ever seen, before or since. France Says British Acting Foreign states that:converted to the DOCTRINE for West Indian CHILDREN by bcing put forth by Mr. MsCauley The Canon had brought words of Secretary Bayne in arranging a Canal trip for sympathy and parcels of practical Despite the fact that Luis Angie OF UNIONISM and COLLEC WEST INDIAN EFFORT.
Firpo (the retired boxer) is luxuri; TIVE BARGAINING.
Nov. 28th, Thanksginving Day. We utility from West Indians on CORPORATION to take the ously housed in one of the principal Blackpool, October 26th. Great thoroughfares of the Argentine Re made reference to the disasterhmus. This was splendid, and this Britain proposed total abolition of public, his two years of inactivity ZONE and PANAMA paid the CIAL INTERESTS. Wages in the CANAL cere of West Indian FINAN which had come upon certain Islands was an act sufficient to establish a submarines in consulting of the West Indies by the terrible seiing of satisfaction and pride, France regarding further naval ar weight and return to his old vocat race, color, or citizenship a job by a company with makes him very rectless, and he is undergoing training to reduce his worker without regard to his The Wor OWNED hurricane of September 12 to18, and or a duty had been done, and donemament limitation proposals but a: WEST IN we invited the support and co oper well.
for a man and not a man for a JDIANS.
France, would only agree to limita The pampas bull states that he wil ation of the West Indian Community job.
Again, at the time of the Castriestion of the larger ocean going un be ready for engagements in the United Every West Indian drinkhere. To day, we wish to emphasize tive, West Indians gave towards the derwater craft this was acepted by States by next spring, the receipts of West Indian PARENTSing BALBOA and SILVER our appeal in this respect and to whi will go toward charity. He helping their CHILDREN to SPRAY.
relief of human suffering, and de Great Britain, Lord Cushendun, act hes already deelped an offer from say further that this thing nonstrated once more that they are ing Foreign Secretary said in an Tex Rickard, but will make his dewhich is worth while doing.
Passessed of a charitable spirit, and address here last night concerning cision as to whom he will meet later We are enjoined to do well what that they are familiar with the the Anglo French poposals. Further in the year we have to do. and in this con term DUTY.
more he vigorously denounced those nection, the West Indian has time Now, the West Indian people have persons who were aroused to anger Educational Motion and again demonstrated his proper Brown much older than they were and suspicion by the agreement beunderstanding of this axiom.
France. The those days, and a people under tween Britain and Picture For instance; at the time of the standing should improve with their very persons who most incessantly Jamaice earthquake, West Indians are, so, it is confidently expected cry out for agreement between na PROGRAMS FOR COLORED CHILon the Isthmus rose valianty to the at this time again, when another tions are thrown into paroxysms of DREN ON THE CANAL ZONE occasion and subscribed money and oportunity presents itself for a anger and suspicion by the Govern food, and donated clothing for the Arther demonstration of willingness ment coming to an admirable ar relief of their suffering brothers.
to give to those who are in distress, ringement with France, said Lordi new step towards visual educa We have vivid recollections of the tl loftiness of such performance Cushendun. It is difficult to see tion in the interest colored day when, standing with others on wl not be lost sight of.
how we could ever maintain good re children on the Canal Zone has the Victoria pier in Kingston We are informed that the ir tions all round if friendliness to been recently undertaken by the slight earth tremors were still ocvorite is all ready to make the one nation is always taken as hastil. school authorities, and the addition eurring the smoke still exuded from ilty to another. It was the aim of of this scheme as an educational Cnal trip on Thanksgiving Day the ruins of burnt buildings the November 29th. from Cristobal to the British policy to be on equally factor is lauded by the colored comsearch for lost human beings good terms with all countries. There munity on the Isthmus.
Balboa that the tickets still proceeding, and now and again, was no new entente with France The children are requested to at.
le at the places indicated in the for the old one had never been dis tend educational motion picture prothe charred remains of somebody p0 that the price, including redarling was recovered and conveyed solvd. There was not word of grams and write essays on the subairn trip on Special train has been truth in Lloyd George theory that jets they have visualized, this gives to the cemetery. The sea at the reduced to 00, an extremely atpier seemed still angry as the surging billows rolled towards and from netive price we think, when thea Geneva or elsewhere the Govern them a splendid opportunity of de went had been subservient to France veloping both their occular purpose is considered.
the shore. In the distance, baffling with injustice to Germany. con mental visions.
Finally, we feel justified to ex es the outlook for disarmament is with choppy seas was a small boat This is a quality which is sorely which had put off from a ship an. oss our gratitude for the beautiful not particularly promising at the lacking in many folk, today to exchored in the stream.
Arriving at srit exemplified by the Governor moment, Lord Cushendun said. We press what they have seen, or on the the pier, it was observed that some of the Canal Zone and other Officials shall not relax our efforts. but it is other hand, to observe things eight persons had come ashore. One facilitating the trip as they have not easy to see what we can do it around them.
of these was Canon Hendricks of so splendidly done, according to whenever we manage to come to who pross announcements, and we opine an agreement with any power we high stand among other subjects.
This process of education takes a Christ Church, Colon (then)
said, as he stepped on to the pier, cut our people will take full advan are ti be denounced as furtive thank God, we have arrived safe age of those facilities, and so help conspirators or helpless blunderers ly on our mission of mercy. Thein ample measure the cause which for not having achieved more. We Canon showed signs of fatigue for needs assistance, proposed total abolition of subma Impressions of the he anxious throughout the rines but all we could get voyage which was rather rough and Rent Receipt Books in Spanish limitation of the larger submarines Concert Given by the AND exciting; but he looked venerable in and English for sale at the and as half a loaf was better than Workman Printery.
Literary and Musical Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 his stately frock coat which, by nc bread, we accepted it.
League Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages of Chlorodont the best Dental Cream WAS are on a and STILL ONS LE West Indies Cricket history was was FOR SALE CHEAP Good Assortment of League spell bound Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Bóoks Souvenirs, etc. etc.
a At the La Boca Clubhouse Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years (BY AN OBSERVER)
Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, The Literary and Musical League Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, with its head quarters at Cristobal is Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, is an organisation which comprises (5)
societies from Panama to Colon; Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua three of the five confine their activi Players ties mostly to the Atlantic side, while the other two do so at the Pacific Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and end, the La Boca Athenaeum and the Etude Club, members of the Interesting met at the La Boca Club House on Saturday night last tand demonstrated Price 50cts.
to a small but appreciative audience their ability in elocution and music.
Messrs Wliliam DeSouza, Rus Secure yours now there will be a great rush sel Phillips, George Roberts and Mrs.
for them, Florence Smith were heard to advantage in their elocutionary items and Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN kept the audience throughtout their renditions, Mr.
Panama Frank Sewell was called upon at the last moment to give an elocutionary item in place of Miss Rodney Piano further extent self goverment can forthe Selection.
Men Adrift Hoy!
be granted, is getting to close grips The contributors to the Musical with the problem of devising part of the program were Dottin, the Misses Udine and Edna Smith scheme reconciling the differing (Continued from page 3)
who enraptured the audience with political views.
their instrumental selections; a study of the works of the masters such as ence in conjunction with deputaSitting as a joint free confer being allowed to wander.
Avenues of Usefulness Too Beethoven and Verdi will be a great asset to these two musical aspirants. tion appointed by the Legislature, Numerous Mrs, Olga King also rendered two the committee today first heard the Even in Porto Obaldis there are of her classic vocal selections which Hindu and then the Moslem viewwere efficiently accompanied by Miss point. The Hindu deputation opposs healthy eployment in which even many avenues of wholesome Rodnev.
ed any reform, if any form of com convicts can be made to profit by, Mr WC King was the Chairman munal representation were be for the evening and assisted in carry as well as being a source of wholeing through the entertainment to a continued. It favored a strong censome income to the state such as successful termination It is hoped tral government and urged that the that improvement in membership and Provincial Ministry should be formtimber cutting, gathering rubber, and ability will mark the future aeti ed of representatives of all com the returns or proceeds of could be agriculture and many other callings, vities of the society.
made to reimburse the government The Moslem deputation, led by for the maintenance and caretaking Simon Indian Com.
Sir Mohammed Shafi, insisted on a as well as provide to the surplus a mission separate electorate as the only safe fair amount to aid said deportees guard of Moslem interests. He con along the paths of rectitude and selftented that Hindu agitation against help when it seems safe to permit Hears Hiudus and Moslems the separate electorate was aimed them to return to society.
at creating an oligarchy.
LAHORE, Indian, Nov. (CanaSir Mohammed advocated adult dinn Press, via Reuters. The If communal electorates were withSimon Statutory Commission, form suffrage for the Provincial Council drawn, he said, Moslem would urge should ed to study conditions in Indian with and that residuary powers the withdrawal of exsisting rea view to recommending to what rest with the Provincial Government. forme.
and to Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 72 Carlos Mendoza Street and corner Javillo Fill OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD SA ta Control PNAMA CITY


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