
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable West Indian Cricket Juryman Objecting Subject to be DisTo Capital Punish cussed ment AT WEST INDIES CONFERENCE Was Ordered by Judge to Remain in Court During To be Held at Barbados In The Trial January Next The Prosperity Tailor CLEANER DYER DYEING, GLEANING PRESSING (Continued from Page 2)
paration of which, he says, WAS calculated to give more help to the bowler.
Asked whether his bowling suffered by reason of faulty fielding near the wickets Small declined to say naything because any statement on the matter might, in his opinion, result in bringing him into disfavour.
Reverting to the varying conditions of the English wickets, he described their vagaries and emphasised how a batsman was always kept guessing at the course of a ball pitched the same spot and which caused several lbw. decisions.
Small considers that his best performances with the bat was in the second innings of the first Test Match when he never felt like getting out and against Harlequins when he was two runs short of his hundred not out. This was sheer hard luck, especially in view of Frances heroie effort on the occasion and his desire to facilitate his partner in reaching the coveted century.
The indiscreet interpolation by persons other than members of the Press, brought the unwillingly grant.
ed interview to a close. REID Proprietor The Trinidad Weekly Guardian of According to a Pacific Cable the 27th ulto says:despatch from British Guiana, dated Mr. Leon Cipriani was excused October 23, the report of the ComNo. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue from serving on the Basta Hall mittee appointed to advise what murder case in the Hall of Justice subjects shall be submitted by Bri PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 on Monday but was ordered by Sir tish Guiana for the consideration Geo. Walton to remain in Court of the West Indies Conference in during the trial.
Barbados next January is being reWhen his name was called Mr. viewed by the Government. The Cipriani told His Honour that he Committee has recommended that did not like to sit on murder cases, the following subjects be considerOF THE HIGHEST ORDER His Honour: No one does. Laughed: ter. 1) Whether the quota of British Mr. Cipriani: and against capital films should not be made compulpunishment Work Done While You Wait sory in all imports of films by the His Honour: You have to obey Colonies concerned and whether the the law of the land. You have noth certificate of the Board of Censors ing to do with the punishment that of any one colony should not be suf matter for the Judge. You have ficient for the purpose of exhibiTRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED to find whether the prisoner is tion in all colonies.
guilty or not on certain facts. 2) Appointment of Commission of Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Mr. Cipriani: certainly disagree Conference to study the question of with capital punishment.
West Indian currency and report on Ladies Garments carefully handled His Honour: It is no ground for the possibilities of establishing a excusing a man because he happens separarte system for British Guiana not to like capitai punishment.
and the West Indies. 3) Whether The Solicitor General: But the the colonies should have a joint practical question arises whether it trade representation in the United would not be advisable to excuse Kingdom and Canada. 4) Question him.
of intercololonial air service. 5)
His Honour: The power lies with West Indian immigration to Bri cerned. 11) Introduction of a model the Judge.
tish Guiana. 6) Postage rates merchant shipping Ordinance for The Solicitor General: am inform possibility of reverting to pre war British Guiana and West Indies.
ed that that power has been exereis scale and extending domestic rates (12) Following resolution on cable ed in this Court by the present of postage in each colony to other rates: Be it resolved that this Chief Justice. am told that the colonies adhering to the Confer conference views with disfavour any learned Chief Jusitee ordered the ence and, if possible, throughout alteration of the existing cable juror to be excused and to remain the British Empire. 7) Steps to be system and rates which would result Why throw away your old, but no in Court during the trial.
taken to deal with exporters mak in any increase of the present cost His Honour: Let him stand aside ing false declarations through neg of cabling, and records its entire and remain in Court during the pro ligence or with intent to perpe agreement with the proposals for gress of this trial.
tuate fraud on Customs declara federation of the Chamber of Comtions claiming admission preference merce of the British Empire.
If you have a Prescription to be under 25 per cent. provision; need in regulations DORCAS ENTERTAINMENT made up take it to the National for penal clause POSTPONED Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where governing entry of goods at preferyou will get courteous and obliging ence rates. 8) That basic value on which ad valorem rates of duty This Sacred Concert under the service.
AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL should be assesed be instead of Auspices of the above named Socief. o. Question of restrieting ty which was originally planned for sub Sunday last 18th inst, ha sbeen postDr. Fred Sterling importation of saccharine stitute for sugar. 10) West Indies poned indifinitely owing to nature THE NEW YORK DENTST Customs Union. With the establish of the weather.
ment of free trade in native pro Announcements in connection with 182, BOLIVAR STREET ducts and freedom from port dues new arrangements relative to a fix House Fent Receipt Books COLON, and formalities to intercolonial ed date, will be made later both in Box 171, CrisToBALC. craft trading exclusevely in teri the columns of this journal and IN SPANISH ENGLISH TELEPHONE 247 CONN torial waters between colonies con also in the Star and Herald For Sale at the WORKMAN PRINTERY Jamaica Tramway to Have Motor Buses as Auxiliaries Book Binding!
doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET The Jamaica mail of 1st in st states that the Jamaica Public Service Co. have taken steps to secure four motor buses to work in districts of Kingston and St Andrew; these buses will be constructed at the garage of the Motor Car and Supply Co. Ltd. in Kingston.
The Public Service also contemplated to run motor buses of the weight of 10. 00) lbs to accomodate 30 passengers and the request had already been filed with Kingston and St. Andrew Coporation and also with the Government, but it is understood that it has not been granted, but further resentations will be made in the Farther developments of scheme are being eagerly watched with interest nearfuture.
If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging service.


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