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Persia Movies to Give Bethlehem Church of God WOMEN WIDER FREEDOM Important Notice which THE WORKIAN PRINTERY On Sunday, Nov. 18th there was a farewell service held at the abovenamed Church by and for the Rev. Francis of the Independant Bap tist Church in Colon The Rev.
Geotleman being an assidous worker in the gospel of Jesus Christ and intimate friend of the Bethlehem Church came over to give us his last farewell sermon before he should leave for his native home Jamaica 1: He preached the mid day sermon and was taken from Mark chapter 9, verses 50, Have salt in yourselves.
He, in a most laudable and explanaítary ma explained the mean.
ing of salt troi a Christian standpoint, defin. alt as Love, Faith, Hope Charity, wisdom, etc He again occupied the pulpit at 7, 30 His text was on this occasion Daniel 13, verse 35, from the French version of the Bible Sasanah looked steadfast into Heaven, for she had confidence in God He demonstrated the power of God to such an eifect that the audience was held spell bound through the intire service. At the close of his seramon then came the fare well address, he said in part that he felt sorry at leaving but it was the Lord bidding therefore he must go and his assurance that God would take care of us according to His Sister Robinson and Catherpromise.
wood sadg a parting solo, to which too much praise cannot be given, it was so full of the sadness of parting that it brought tearsto the eyes of man that were present The doors was thronged with friends and well wishers After the costomary injunction that the members continue to be faithful, the the meeting come to a close by singing God be with you till we meet again The Rev Gentleman then challenged the members to meet him on the banks of the beautiful iver when ork on earth is done.
CHURCH SERVICES Press despateh, states that in Jerusalem the revolution that has taken place in the customs of Islamic countries is spreading. Not only does Afghanistan under the influence of the recent European tour of its ruler purpose following Mustapha Kemal example by allowing western customs to replace many of the timehonored Moslem practices but Persia, too, seems bent on following in the footsteps of the Ghuzi.
This is of special significance because the empire of Shah Pahlavi is the greatest Meslem state to lay that is free of all foreign control.
Just now, in view of the far reaching reform proposals to be submitted to Parliament during its next sion, the Persian press is devot ng much attention to the problem of woman emancipation. It may be said that public interest in this movement has greatly increased. The general opinion is that the time las come for woman to be accorded the rights and privileges to which the dignity of her position entitles her.
In Teheran this new conviction al.
ready said to have been putartially into practial effect; it is reported that women there are now permitted to attend public perfonances in the theaters and to visit the cinemas and restaurants. libert tes that previously no one weld have dared even consider, Such a decided step has been taken on the road to progress that Persian women may even go about in closed motor cars. It seems hard to understand why hitherto this should have been prohibited, for women always have been free to ride on donkeys or mules, notwithstanding the fact that thereby they were exposed to the publie gaze in their veiled beauty, the animals in question provided no closed tonnenu.
The new liberal tendency which aims at freeing women of many petty Oriental restrictions and giving to them the freedom of civilization, on the other hand, requires compliance with certain demands. General opinion inclines to the belief that women should prove herself worthy of her new rights and privileges by making it her business to acquire more knowledge of the art of housekeeping than she row possesses. Her scant knowledee of this art is partly responsible for her teek of popularity at least from the point of view of matrimonyamong her fellow countrymen.
Nine out of every ten propestive Persian brides have not the slightest notion of household affairscertainly not those of the upper classes. It seems not quite logical, however, that in connection with the emancipation movement the men should insist on this blissful ignorance being done away with.
It looks as if the coming session of the Medjlis will have some interesting debates.
Is Now Located in more spacious quarters at No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street Wesleyan Methodist Church Where with the more modern facilities such as a Linotype Machine Dinting Presses we are better able to men the demands of many patrons. British Conference. 25th Sunday After Trinity Panama, 11, Mr. Walters 30 Rev. E Wade Subject; Under the Juniper Tree The Men league of Service will meet in Geddes Hall at 30, Colon. Nr Jones, and 30 Rev. S Cousius La Boen. 9, a. Rev E.
Wade p Jexmile Mission meeting.
The entire pogaam in the hands of the Juniors. Colleetion for Methodist Mission. 30 Supplied Providence, 11. Rev. Cousins.
Paraiso. 11. Rev. E. Wade, Communion 30 Mr. H. Walters.
of our Salvation Army 11. am Holiness meeting Sunday School Salvation Meet.
ing Adjutant DADD.
Resume of the Weeks SPARKLETS. VISIT to our new Place of business (Continued from page 1)
stipulated import duties, anotther system almost similary to beat the Government is alleged to have been uncovered by the Post Office Department. This system is said have been operating for some time and includes merchants, principally, Italians, who mark down prices of imported jewelry and Panama Hats so as to pay a minimum of ad veleren import tax.
to (Continued from page 1)
boys and girls are expected from the five societies comprising the League. You may take your Roberts Felt or Cushing rules of parliamentary procedure, as Mr. Jump, official parliamentartan, is still in the States and will not arrive in time for tonight session.
will Convince you that CHURCH SERVICE Seventh Day Adventist THIS IS NO BLUFF BUT REALITY RUMOUR WINS SWEEPSTAKES Rumors went wild on the Pacific side of the Isthmus this week that a West Indian, supposedly an employee of the Panama Canal, had won a fourth of a first prize drawing in the British Derby, which is said to have netted him the tidy little fortune of about 50, 000. 00 No confirmation of the rumour nor the name of the winner could be obtained STREET CALIDONIA ROAD near Isthmian Park Panama.
Sabbath (Sturd y) 45 am Sabbath School; 11. 15. a, to. Genral Worship p. Spanish The Workman Printery Christian Mission of Panama 30 80. N: 72 Carlos Mendoza Street Crewster Panama 11. a.
Burk Chorillo 11. a. Springer La Coga 11. a. 7. 30 Taylor Paraiso 11. a 30 Jarvis Gatun 11 am 80 Neblett Colon 80 Dash PRESIDENT ELECT NOT COMING HERE Finding it impracticable to visit Panama on his present South American goodwill tour, President eleet Herbert Hoover of the United States of America radioed from board the Maryland, the battleship on which he is travelling, his regrets to President Arosemena.
President Arosemena replied, also expressing his regrete. Mosley AND CORNER JAVILLO Bro Griffith 11. m Sis Nicholls view to recommending to what rest win we UV


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