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British Representative) Pride of Color Soviets Boosting Alleged Slayer of Two in South Africa a Black Republic at Cuba Seeks Redress in South Africa West Indian Women For West Indians alleged to have been RUSSIAN PLAN TO CAMPAIGN Found Not Guilty By Jury After Short murdered in that Republic Deliberation on Tuesday Last:is is room a tions.
JOHANNESBURG. forceful ad DENT BLACK REPUBLIC The Jamaica Gleaner of the 14th, was learned that a certificate of dress on the barriers which divide uito, states that the British Minis death from natural causes has been race and race and class and class LONDON, Nov. From this city Early Tuesday morning of this during an incident of that kind; and Wer at Havana, Mr. Morris, in issued without apparently a proper in relationship to the position of the Johannesburg and Moscow comes week, a Panamanian jury compos while the result has caused almost. communication to the Governor of autopsy having been performed. Up Indian, colored and native commu light on the speech of Tielman ed of five men returned, after five popular rejoicings among the Pan.
Jamaica, tells of the steps which on representations being made, how. nities of South Africa was given Roos, Minister in the Government of minutes deliberation, a verdict of amanian element, the West Indians have been taken to seek redress in ever, By Mr. Ewen. charge of recently by Mr. Sastri, agent general the Union of South Africa, which not guilty in favour of the young have been visibly adversely affectcases of natives of this colony who murder was preferred aginst two for the government of India in he made at Joahnnesburg on Satur Panamanian, Pedro Campis Ortega, ed.
are alleged to have been murdered rural guards. It was subsequently South Africa, at a public meeting day, attacking what he termed Bol who was charged with the murder, The grim tragedy took place at in Cuba ascertained that the case had gone called by the Transvaal Eurafrican shevist attempts to put newfangled on the afternoon of October 30, house number 181 Central Avenue The letter to the Governor is as to the Military Courts, and en Teachers Association.
ideas into the heads of South Afri 1927, of two West Indian women, where both the Ortega and Lesley follows: quiries are now being made of the Too many pleope, said Mr. Sastri, cans natives.
Dutris Lesley, 38, and her eighteen families lived, and was the outBritish legation, State Department to ascertain whe were filled with the pride of race, detailed Russian plan of cam year old daughter, Doris, by inflict come of an alleged neighbours quar ther the rural guards have yet beerut the pride of color was about the paign to create in South Africa aning abdominal and other wounds up rel of long standing. Ortega, Havana, Cuba.
brought to trial. As regards th worst and most baseless of all forms independent black republic de on them with a stilhetto.
popular athlete and said to have 2nd May, 1928.
case of Edward Walker, this man of pride. For a long time ahead the scribed by Riga correspondents, who For the past couple of months, been of prominent social standing Sir, have the honour to trans. who had been imprisoned on a doubt ride of race and pride of color say the Communist International some Panamanian papers gave wide in Panamanian society, returned mit to Your Excellency the accom ful charge, has now been given his were going to affect the relations has isseud final orders to the Com and prominent spaces to the case, home from training for the 1927 panying report drawn up by the freedom. The case of the alleged various communities, and poison munist Party in South Africa for arguing for the better part on be Third of November Marathon races, Secretary for Immigration regard murder of Benjamin Scott he springs of common life we all intensified agitation among the Ne half of the alleged criminal, inson and was attracted from his ing the work of his office during still under trial.
took from Him who made us, and groes. These instructions are based much that in course of the trial the to what was reported as clash the year ending 31st March, 1928.
make the task even more Reviewing the year work, it apdifficult on the personal report of Miss Re defence attorneys referred to opin between his sister and the elder Les Under the head of claims and pears that relations between Jafor those who wished to reform becca Bunting, South African com ions expressed in signed articles ley. The younger Lesley was also complaints, Mr. Ewen makes par maica immigrants and human nature and human the Local institu rade, who visited Moscow specially published in those papers as proof drawn in. Ortega, who it is reported ticular mention of the cases of the Authorities are on the whole fairly to describe the progres of the ra that the acquittal Ortega of the told the court that at the time he accidental shooting of Byron Lewin, satisfactory, although there is It seemed to him that if but evereial war in South Africa the alleged murder of Arthur Grant, faint hope of an there was going to be a cure charge of murder would be support committed the rash act he had amelioration of the ill treatment of Edward Walker actual conditions of emplyoment.
ed by Panamanian public opinion. lost his mind. employed a stiletto The Friend House in London has this poison of social pride it must o nboth members of the Lesley The Prosecuting Attorney of the family, leaving Dutris with and the alleged murder of Benbe through educational institutions. now isseud an appeal for donations five am, etc. jamin Scott. As reported in my No education system that was wise to the native legislation group. Republic in a brilliant plea for a wounds including one which is said letter of the 2nd March the case of (Sgd. Morris. ordered should tolerate these The appeal is signed by ten persons. verdict of guilty, after having made to have purtruted her abdomen, dy.
the shooting of Byron Lewin has The document was laid on distinctions, continued Mr. including Willoughby Dickinson, As a graphic description of the crime been settled. In the case of the table of the Legislative Council yes.
sistant Chief Secretary to the Go in all its horrible phases, classified ing in the hallway, and her daughter who is said to have been enciente, alleged murder of Arthur Grant it terday, In India the educational system vernment of Northern Rhodesia, who Ortega, among other things in the also with four wounds inflicted by established by the English for all served in the air service from 1916 class, known as occasional crim. the same cruel instrument, The classes of Indian peoples has greatly to 1917 and in the Coldstream inals.
mother succumbed to her wounds on Stubborn Reminder helped to break down the barriers Guards until 1919, winning the The trial created one of the most the way to the Government hospital of class. In South Africa, however, o. and Croix de Guerre. Joseph tense periods ever experienced here a few minutes later, while the the educational system was working Burtt Davy, consulting agriculturist both by the Panamanian and West daughter breathed her last within a Mr. Editor: tended to supplement, if possible, against the colored people instead and authority on South African bota Indian communities at the same time few hours later the same afternocn.
With ereference latest (though in a feeble and humble development in the move way. the arguments that may be for helping them. The colored people ny, who was educated at the Univer white workers on the Canal Zone to fication of the administration poli despair, and teach their children to appeal.
advanced by the Governor in justi should look up, never give way to sity of California, also signed the forces many of them to resort oust West Indians from to, Reckless Driving clerical. ey in retaining us in service, as has skilled and This appeal says that Howard Pim delicate ends to be able to respond semi skilled poritions, already been done by verhope.
Governors The colored people cannot and in view of the excitement that Goethals and Morrow and Colonel be chairman of the Johannesburg Joint to the inevitable demoralized urg Walker himselt.
The rationa long kept down, and the Indian com Council of Europeans and natives, these excursions. it has produced in our ranks, am Vincent Armstrong, asking that you have the kindness desire that we be not employed in The American labor organizations munity cannot long be kept down. laid before us the very serious are aware that there exist legiti youngster of 17, who gives his na to publish the following letter on the any capacity above that or janitor aleready many influential white peo. position in South Africa in conse mate and justifiable reasons, once in tionality as Costa Rican, living in taking up quence proposal native legisla a while, for a West dian exeur La Boca with his grandparents, wa Panama Canai or messenger. The Panamans affectingsion train; but they must at the same arrested on the 28th for reckles West Indian Employees Association more rabid; they wish that we be native, and the influence is going to tion namely, three bills groups tell in the long run.
to the Governor of The Panama not employed at all. Both the native franchise. me frankly admit that the thing driving and is now on Canal, as far back as December 26, are vicious, only in different de If the position of the native im The legislation is described as a has developed into proportions dis 20 awaiting trial in the Magis.
grees. Our best answer to them is trate Court at Batbos. Vincenti: proves you are going to share in disastrous retrograde policy which inetly incompatible with saneness 1926. and published in our Annual the story of the industrial develop it You are surely not going to be may have far reached effects else. wanton waste of money earned for one of the rising generation why Report for that yearAssocia the Republic of Panama, where in the world.
the most part under conditions most like thrills. few mornings ago the tion was not asleep, but most of the including the Canal Zone, and the left behind, concluded Mr. Sastri.
revolting to the spenders.
chauffeur of a chiva parked it in employees were. The letter follows: part that the West Indians have Yours truly, played in it. Thousands have La Boca and went into one of the laid the fell diconvenient places there for a while WHYTE MARBLE HEARTED seases rampant here in the old days, President, and from accidents in the building SPARKLETS During his absence Vincent jumped INGRATITUDE in and ran the bus off, only to colof the Panama Railroad and Canal. By The Malthusiasn law of the pres lide with an automobile belonging DIAN THE PANMA CANAL WEST IN. The official records should furnis0999000 sure of population upon subsistence to an American woman, a short dig.
EMPLOYEES ASSOCIA data as dynamite explosions and TION LA BOCA, CANAL ZONE. train wrecks and collisions in con EXCURSION TRAINS. teresting phase of the situation is olf preservation, and marble heart tunne from where he started.
nection with construction work, such ingratitude, December 26, 1926.
as Shakespeare they Having missed the regular pas that there was a time when Colonel Walker. as occured at Juan Grande, rould put it on the part of some AEmpire senger train on which held a re could hire these trains at a flat rate CHAPTER 14 OF ACTIGovernor, The Panama Canal, Bas Obispo, Pedro Miguel, Mind, turn trip ticket for Panama, once which would leave them some marginerican workers here, and on the VITIES Balboa Heights, Canal Zone.
Miraflores, Gatun, Ancon Quarry, It is our understanding that the Porto Bello Quarry, Corozal, Cuca rode over from Colon on a West In of profit. But the regulations govern other hand, lack of enterprise on the Governor leaves for Washington, racha, etc. which will indicate that an excursion train. It was my first ing that form of rental was subse part of West Indian builders of the Panama Canal, are the principal Tomorrow being Garvey day, the end of the present the percentage of West Indians in and also represents my only rail quently amended so as to switch the month and that some of the matters the casualties is so high as may be road trip of that class since my flow of the little margin of profit contributions to the basic reasons there will be a special observance he will have to deal with while there regarded as exclusive. fifth into coffers of the rich why the Panama Metal Trades Coun of this at 30 when Teacher will have a a direct and possibly deci But we are not sive bearing on the West Indian sil sacrifice alone, for we know plechows that of a century ago. 11 abnormal busi: affluent Panama Railroad Company ell. the spinal chord of North Amer: Myers a prominent member of choice employees. This latter impres evidence of such does not necessariness or pleasant social intercourse we had at least expected that thatican labour on the Panama Canal vision No. 17 will deliver an address.
There will also be other special sion had been made on us by per presuppose valuable service. We, makes it incumbent on me, or it little discouragement would have has been for years waging a relent less fight put an end to the em features on the Programme.
sistent press reports during the cur therefore, beg to aver that our ser happen to miss another regular demoralized the energetic promoters.
rent quarter reports emanating from vice, in the unskilled and semi skill. may again be forced to resort to But is didn It is quite apparent, ployment of West Indians in any local labor leaders (American and ed part of the work, was indispensa a handy West Indian excursion spe. therefore, that their prime object capacity above the grade of DEATH OF RAILROAD Panaman. as well as the Canal ble. We came here when some were EMPLOYEE Zone labor representative in Wahsing unable to come and contend with einl. But by the way, gentle reader, for running these specials is not senger or labourer on the Canal ton, Mr. Hushing who has even climatic conditions, and when others and strictly between us two, what financial gain. they are merely The Panama Metal Trades Council, stated that some of the vexed ques who were here were, in addition to do West Indians get out of these ex ordinary leaders of the merry riders. after getting their national head to We regret to record the death of approve has ions regarding he silver alien em. being numerically insufficient, ab cursions of the employment of these Hence, merry rides on expensive had it transmitted to the interna Apollinaris Peres (Polo) which sad ployees will be settled by the new solutely too lazy to undertake excursion trains, anyway? To my cursion trains still remain the fen. view of the foregoing a determined roundings. This has given us some in development work in their own sur mind of course this is strictly con ture of our holiday programs, lend. tionally influential American Federa Jevent took place at his home (Caleassault upon us, a weak unorganiz. what a prescription right, which fidential. they more often than not ing support to the carefree, the tion of Labor for its approval as well (donia. He was of advanced years having and well positioned, and the impend. to disturb. We drained the swamps around. More than that! What do ed people, by the strong organized court of equity will not be willing gain ridicule from other national irresponsible the unthinking and the as its influence to make the principleasure drunk youths who form ples effective: reached his 76th year, up to the time ing probable consequence that may ete, under white directors, and made 99 of the excursionists, to develop Whereas the United States Gov of his death, and was employed at ーーーーーー be disastrous to us of such an as the place fit for occupancy by the chey lase by persistently promoting into community wrecks menialsernment has spent of the freight house. Panama Railshould not better (1) ones.
sault, we feel that we these excursions? Why, much of the pretermit this opportunity and let laid up In support of this contention you go back to face this question we little pay they earn, of course, plus and serfs. Yes, by these excursions money in the construction and oper road Department. he was Without some direct expression of beg to quote from the Canal Re. that which they must of necessity hundreds of our young men and wo tion of the Panama Canal; and. for a period of tive months before Wieho by ourselves. This attempt on cord of December 13, 1916, page 204. borrow to keep up with the appear men are frequently forced to beg and whereas in time of war attempts he expired. LABOR SUPPLY By process ance and other demands which such borrow; and who will dare deny might be made by the citizens of our part is purely on the principle He leaves a wife and children to is inContinued on Page aadi alteram partem. and trips unconditionally demand. An in that the situation, quite frequently. Continued on Page 8) mourn their loss, colored ar bail et வல their lives down.
from about ver mesvast sums


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