
PAGE THREE British Railway THE WORKMAN TO OPERATE AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES Companies Open the Way to FREEDOM The Comtemplated Reorganization OF THE recent Press despatch states it is was announced recently in London that British railway companies are contemplating an application to Parliament for power to operate air transport services. This explains the persistent refusal of the railways to make a working agreement with the Imperial Airways Company for through air and rail consignment notes Sir Felix Pole, General Manager WORK MAN Newspaper has Begun MR. WHYTE. La, Boca, has been added to the Editorial Staff as Contributing Editor MR. KING Author of Sparklets)
will re organize his well known Column MR. Elijah. HUNTER Silver City, will be a regular Contributor MRS. EDITH COLE, La Boca, is now writing La Boca Social Notes ed recently. It is safe to say that the railways will not make the mistake of adhering slavishly to one form of transport but will adopt all forms according to circumstances whether by railway, road, sea or air.
The London Northeastern Railway goes farther still and issues through road and air tickets to passengers by its steamers to the Hook of Holland, where they connect with the Dutch. Swedish and German air routes.
Following swiftly on the issue by the Air Ministry of a cireular urging the need for municipal airdromes Manchester has announced that it will reserve a site for one and Nottingham will apply to Parliament for powers to establish another, Open a savings account today and you will take your first step toward indeof the Great Western Railway, stat pendence. No man is really free unless he is in a position to act unhampered by financial needs. savings account cuts the ropes that bind a man and permits him to walk freely and act freely when his opportunity arrives. Open your way to independence, to freedom, to happiness. start an account today with us at per annum.
The National City Bank of New York Panamá Colón XMAS AND SANTA CLAUS Plans are being developed to have permanent representatives of the Paper at La Boca, Red Tank Paraiso, Gatun, Silver City. In Colon the Paper is being handled by HASKINS NEWS AGENCY Our Savings Department is open for deposits Tuesday evenings from to o clock and from to o clock.
The Coloured element here is showing decided signs of drifting together for their common good, and the WORKMAN, the paper which for the past sixteen years has been standing by them in its humble way, has now been given the assurance of some of our active progressive and constructive thinkers that a reorganization of its forces is now in order, therefore, With the approach of the Xmas season, it is quite probable that in thinking about presents and other things, the importance of names will take a high place on one agenda; and if it were to be put to the vote, we are sure that Santa Claus would have a fair claim to one of the highest places in any category.
are thinking about Christmas and Christians shortly after we remember this famous old man with his never shaven beard which seems to be as old as his age.
GAS STOVES ON When we Get your copy of the WORKMAN every Saturday TIME PAYMENT It now a Question of a Short Time and you will be having the Workman Twice a Week Dr. JOHN THOMPSON 100 00 Mechano Therapist No. 24th ST. CHORRILLO Panama City STOP! LISTEN. PUTS THIS WONDERFUL ROPER STOVE CRICKET GOODS Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards Etc. Etc. Into your Home with a Complete new Installation.
You Pay the Balance in Ten Small Installments on DOWN DOWN Parson on Woman Dress full Assortmet of Under the above caption the Gleaner of the 15th ulto, says: The Rev. Armon Jones, on the occasion of an impromptu debute last night under the auspices of the Coke Wesley Guild, gave his opinion on modern women dress. In Etc.
the course of the picking of subjects on which to speak, there fell to the lot of the Rev, gentleman the question: Are women dresses too ALL BEING OFFERED AT SACRIFICE PRICES.
He said: have seen some women in Kington and wish they wore COME IN AND INSPECT THE STOCK their dresses a little bit shorter.
They are simply trailing the BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE ASK FOR DETAILS ground. But generally speaking my answer to this question is Yes. am always in favour of the short dress but think the fashion of the present makes the ladies dresses too (M. CARDOZE Jr. short. do not know why it is that ladies who are very independent in FUERZA LUZ)
CATHEDRAL PLAZA their outlook upon things generally must feel themselves bound by fashion. You very often see a woPANAMA At Your Service COLON BRANCH STORE man who is most independent in her way of doing things, even in her 125 Central Avenue speech, but as soon as fashion comes out she succumbs. Now, why is it?
LABOURERS WANTED Why must she change her dress?
Why cannot the same dress she wore in September be worn at Christmas?
Haskin News Service reports that Dixie White BOWEN Why must she cut off that halt on account of the fast approaching TAILOR inch? Why cannot she be bold coffee crop, labourers are needed at ADVERTISE TAILOR enough to put on two inches rather Boquete. Next year crop promises 28. 16th West No. M Street San Miguezles me. think if there were two and it looks as if labor will have than take off a half inch? This puz to be a big one, the report stated, PANAMA Panama City inches added it would be much more to be imported.
to my taste. But you see, am a mere man. know that the ladies Advertise in the Workman will say their dresses save Rent Receipt Books in Spanish it will bring good results.
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