
THE WORKMAN Winners in School Essay Contest BY NATIONAL CITY BANK NOTICE We beg to advise that our LUCKY STRIKE Premium Department DECEMBER 31st, 1928 tomers for the hearty support Through the courtesy of the Published on Saturday by Rates for Advertisement on apmanagement of the National City WALROND, at the office No. 72lication, correspondence on all matBank we are able to give the list Carlos Mendoza Street, Panama, ters of public interest invited.
of the winners of the Essay Prize All copy for publication must be Contest from the schools in PanP. Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, ama and the Canal Zone, which are Box 1102, Ancon and must be accompanied by the RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION name of the writer, not necessarily as follows: for publication but as a mark of Republic of Panama, Essay written One Year. 40 Cy.
food faith.
in Spanish: Six Months 20 1st Prize, 50 gold, Silvia Leonor Three. 60 We do not underlake to return Torres, Escuela Profesional, PanaOne Month. 25 rejected correspondence.
The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS 2nd Prize, 25 gold, Alice Hendriks Escuela Normal de InstitutoTHE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER N928.
ras, Panama.
3rd Prize, gold, Alfonso Herre ra y Franco, Colegio de la Salle, THE TRAINING OF OUR Panama 4th Prize, gold, Palmira Biendi CHILDREN cho Escuela Republic del Paraguay. Colon.
5th Prize, gold, Jesus Maria Sosa, Escuela de Artes y Oficios, The news item published in our last week impresPanama.
sion relative to the conviction of a father for disorder6th Prize, gold Jose Maria ly conduct. in having gone into the La Boca School Lerma, Escuela Manuel José Hurtaand attempted to assault one of the teachers on behalf Will be discontinued effective do, Panama of a child of this father s, should be looked upon as a 7th Prize, gold Maria Quelquematter of more than ordinary passing interest. It jeu, Colegio de Maria Inmaculada should be so regarded, not because this is the first time Panama and the only place that a pirent has acted in that way, Canal Zone, Essay written in but because it has been runored that there have been English: several occasions on which teachers in this school have 1st Prize, 50 gold, James Quinn, been similarly attacked in and out of school. and for We also wish to thank our cusBalboa High School the further reason that, with the very limited oppor2nd Prize, 25 gold Sarah Reytunities afforded colored West Indian children here for nolds, Balboa High School.
social and intellectual advancement, parents should 3rd Prize, gold, Thirza Clara show a greater interest in the welfare of the children Robinson, Balboa High School.
by co operating with the teachers and in fact with which made this advertisement (Jr. the scholl authorities, to the fullest extent. The conduct 4th Prize gold, Jack Byrne, of parents as above referred to can not be regarded such a success.
Balboa Jr High School.
as giving this cooperation or as being in the best in5th Prize, gold, Charlotte Wahl terest of the children.
Balboa High School.
Education without discipline is generally of little BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO Co. Panama) LTD.
6th Prize, gold, Rita Dris.
value, and is somtimes dangerous. Discipline implies coll, Balboa High School.
training in orderly habits, duty, method, and strict 7th Prize, gold, Marion obedience. Its enforcement is of paramount importance Neely, Cristobal High School.
to the success of a school or scholar, as far as character West Indian Schools, Essay writ.
building is concerned, and the rod from time imten in English: memorial has always been regarded as its most suc1st Prize, 50 gold, Enid French cessful instrument and arbiter. In the Good book we New Village School, Caledonia.
read, Don spare the rod and spoil the child. 2nd Prize, 25 gold, Iris Pearl Graham, Gatun Colored School.
whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool hack. The new theory of training children 3rd Prize gold, Gwendolin MAN TO MAN Gooden, La Boca School.
in disregard of this principle has unquestionably not Burial of Earl 4th Prize, gold, Lemuel Shirley been a success not justified by results. There has resulted from it too great a desire on the part of childKitchener Gatun Colored School.
ren to disobey and do as they please, with the natural The subject of human intercourse, the conduct of 5th Prize, gold, Adelaide Airall, Silver City School.
consequence that when they grow up they find it dif man towards his brother, is one that is always full of interest. From what we have been able to glean from (By Louis Lincoln Burke, 1918)
ficult to get out of this rut, even when they want to written history, authentic or legendary, as well as from The peace and stillnes of the night quez. Christ Church School. Colon.
6th Prize, gold, Austin HenriWe have learned that in the Zone colored schools that there is a striking and unbroken sameness in hu As there ensued deadly tight personal knowledge and observations, it would appear Were broken by the cannon roar 7th Prize, gold, Olive Lucille White, Colon Continuation Sehool.
corporal punishment may be administered by the prin man conduct from age to age. We have read in Holy Where the daring sea gulls soar. The Bank is very well satisfied with cipals only. We do not pretend to know very much about Writ, Put not your trust in man, nor confidence in the results of the contest. There school administration, pedagogy, or psychology, so far were 288 essays submitted, of which as the latter contemplates the absorption of facts; but princes. That warning was evidently, uttered when from time immemorial men have this earth was probably pretty young. Less than a hun(known 144 pertained to the West Indian we firmly believe that we have the average informed dred years ago, the great Abraham Lincoln (now of The grave horrors of the reef Schools, 110 to the schools acquaintance with human nature, and it is our belief revered memory) said, Man inhumanity to man Where the great Nelson skill was Republic of Panama and 34 to Canal that about 95 per cent of children need a whipping och makes countless thousands mourn. In other words, it (shown Zone Schools.
casionally, if they are to be disciplined. Of course, it appears that, while man has been making considerable and the Armada was brought to The Judges read the essays withmay be different with white children, or at least those improvements in relation to his surroundings, he has (grief. out knowing the here may not have partaken of their full share of hu been marking time or rather standing at ease in his authors nor the schools to which man nature; but we firmly believe that our estimate relations with his fellowman. So we find that human There the Teutons before us fled they belonged. In spite of this the is not far wrong as far as our own children are con society has evolved from the crude cave dwelling stage, or found their watery graves prizes winners in the Republic of cerned. Again, the white children have these advan through the various stages of savagery and barbarity, The sea was strewn with Prussian Panama are from different schools tages over the colored: better home training from the up to its present stage of arts and sciences, astounding (dead and six schools are represented by start in most cases (which we frankly admit, though and transcendent; while on the other hand, despite the While Great Britain rules the the prize winners in the West Inwith regret. and higher training in the high schools introduction of various moral and religious codes, such dian Division, and colleges afterwards. So that with this latter ad as the civil laws of states, Judaism, Christianity, and The Judges were as follows:Panamanian Schools: vantage, a troublesome child in a grade school may so forth, we still retain the old murderous spirit of a er dreary planes and burning conveniently be humored with the hope that in the suc Cain, the desire for serfdom, bondage or slavery, Mr. J: Duncan, ceeding years higher intellectual development will cor as it was with Babylon, Egypt, Rome, and the rest.
Kitchener stepped with colossal tread Miss Otilia Jiménez, rect him.
The question comes, Why should man consistent. And fought in different climes and Mrs. Manuela de Espener, Mr. Samuel Lewis, Now, considering that there are from 600 to 900 ly improve in one direction, and stagnate in another?
Mr. Posé Isaac Fábrega, children attending a colored school today, and assum How may this strange phenomenon be reasonably ac and his armies to victory led.
Mr. Crespo, ing that even about per cent call for the attention of counted for? We believe the reason is here. Our acMr. Nicolás Victoria teachers will either have to go from their rooms to the sources, and must necessarily produce too groups of As he thqught of the present wari Mrs. Harry Burgess, principals with defaulting children or that he will have results of proportional variance. The poet Pope says, and his vietory left to resign Two principles in human nature reign, By the great hero and Sirdar.
Mr. Crede Calhoun, to leave his room for theirs, and it must also be evident Miss Sue Pearl Core. Self love to urge, and reason to restrain.
that there must be considerable interruption in this Yet he did not die in his battle.
Mrs William McCormick, way, and much time unprofitably spent. Then it seems Self love or sentiment and reason are the well springs or no sabre pierced his breast, Colonel James McKinley, physically difficult for the principal, and in course of of human actions. Sentiment is merely feeling.
It was not where his cannons rattles Mrs. Heald, time he becomes tired and adopts a concilliatory at do not like you, Dr. Fel, The reason why, cannot tell; That our Kitchener was laid to rest. West Indian Schools: Captain Woodward, titude towards defaulters. That makes defaulters hap But this know, and know quite well, do not like you, Dr. Fell.
Rev. Nightengale, py, defiant and tantalizing to their teachers. Again, it is known that the principal is responsible for the This is a splendid example of sentiment. It seldom if He went down with the wave Mr. Walters, tuition of a room. How much tuition can be reasonably ever knows why: reason always knows. Sentiment of oh, alas! while millions cried alack Rev. Mulcare, ten arrives at conclusions even without facts; reason, Now known as Kitchener Rock.
The hero found a watery grave, expected of him, under these circumstances?
Miss Margaret MeKenzie, We believe that a petition from a representative not only collects, classifies and compares facts, but it number of parents in the Zone to the Supenrintendent also takes into consideration all attendant conditions Dr. Fairweather.
of Schools on the points that we have already set forth, and circumstances, before arriving at conclusions. So It shall go down in song and story would very likely be rewarded by a reconsideration a chemist would hesitate to publish any discovery in Until the waves wear it away The prizes will be awarded on December 3rd at 4:30 p, at the and modification of this regulation. Then with each his laboratory, until he has fully satisfied himself from Where Nelson and Jellicoe sain teacher having full disciplinary control over his room, would exercise no such cautiousness in expressing an And our great chieftain laid his repeated tests of the certainty of his find; while he (their glory Bank offices in this city, and prize winners are, therefore, requested to the parents should cooperate by doing their part to (clay. be present at the Bank on the day the children by way of timely counsels at home. opinion on a social question. It is this lack of restraint. parent teacher association would be a good thing to and this absence of sufficient and reliable data, that If you have a Prescription to be and hour stipulated hasten the bringing about of a better understanding, make sentiment of feeling so dangerous to society some made up take it to the National twe hope this discussion will catch the eyes of all our moral codes are generally founded on reason. you will get courteous and obliging and English Per Bale at the works times.
Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where Receipt Books in Spanish concerned, and the Division of Schools in the first place will be sympathetic towards it. Continued on page 5)
MAN Printery.
do so.
in the names of the (waves (sands (lands Mr. Carrington, Mrs. Neeley,


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