
PAGE FIVE LA BOCA NOTES How Only Negro In All America Football Grimes and Harry Wills Alleged Smuggling of Indians Team Became Big World Singer TO MEET SUNDAY DEC. STH.
two sea.
He a 80 THE ATHENAEUM red to the Executive Committee for (By Hannen Swaffer in London people who have recently come to Billy Grimes (the Australian kan Messages from the Province of disposition. It is not expected, how Calling)
England, primarily to earn a living, caroo) will again meet Young Harry Chiriqui said to have been address Two weeks more, the eleventh of ever, that the Committee will go Paul Robeson came to England an of course, but, in spite of this, as wills (the Shiek of Calidonia) tomored to certain representatives of the this month, a junior elocution con through with the scheme at this unkonwn actor, touring with. Mrs. unsent missionaries of the idea that row week 9th inst in a fifteen round National Assembly and subsequently test will take place at the Clubhouse time.
Pat Campbell in Voodoo, which the children of the slaves imported bout, at the Panama Buil Ring, and taken up before that body, complain under the auspices of the La Boca never reached London. He came by brutal men into the Unites States the general opinion is that the Aus of the alleged introduction of West Athenaeum. During the past The society is planning a welcome back, a year or two afterwards, in have a right to work out for them. tralian Kangaroo will win. The con Indians into that place by the Chic Jones, weeks applications for entry continue back for Mr. and Mrs William Jump The Emperor clusion of this statement is drawn riqui Land Company for work on because selves a new economie freedom.
to come in and indications are that and their youngest daughter, Rosa, Charles Gilpin, who created the part, He is a man of culture. At his from the discussion given in the last its plantations. It is reported that bout in which the referee gave his between five and six hundred West a goodly number of youngsters are who for the past months have been would not cross the Eugene University of Rutgers he became a over rated, getting ready to stage a grand treat on vacation in New York. The Jumps Neil play was decision for a drawn game.
but member of an honourable fraternity, Indians have been clandestinely in in elocution on the aforementioned are expected back on the Panama Robeson scored a great personal one of those strange mysterious On account of the artistic show troduced into that province by th date. It is believed that applications Railroad steamship Ancon next success as the jungle haunted sav things with Greek letters for a name, ing made by Grimes in the last meet land company.
will be received up to the end of this Wednesday.
age whom the self appointed black And so great an athlete wa she, that it seems to be the concensus of opin week so as to give all a fair opporemperor proves to be when stripped he was the only black member of ion that he will undoubtedly out VISITS PANAMA tunity of taking part.
of his splendor and glory in the the All America football team.
fame Wills in this trip; it might be good program is arranged for next Tuesday evening when Mr.
forest, and left alone with his fears. was singled out as the finest player otherwise, but this argument is bas Moore, Piano Tuner from th Sometimes, at night, Robeson was in the team, and was chosen agained on certain grounds which appear Windy City was a visitor to Neely will sing, Mr.
rowed to a yacht in the middle of the following year, the only Negro to be authentie.
ama city yesterday on business an Phillips recite and Master Osley the Thames, and there FICERS.
he would in America greatest team.
At the same time. Young Harry at the same time took the opportan Bynoe play the piano.
croon negro melodies to a few is in no way daunted, having already ty to meet a few old friends.
friends, the rhythm beating the In sipte of Nigger Heaven and LA BOCA NOTES The Isthmian Literary and Musical Thanksgiving Day was very slight the new literature which deals with made a name for himself in the ring Waters League held their quarterly meet iy marked here by way of celebrathe position of the black man in Awhen this opportunity arises. In he feels sure of defending his title ing at the Clubhouse on Saturday tions this year. It was rather a loneRobeson first discovered that he nerica, Robeson finds difficulties in night last. Among other items only day, seems from the absence of had a voice when, in the house of the country of his birth. Over here order that the majority of the gold WANTS KILLER GIVEN MORE white friends in New York, he was colour does not matter const inhabitants of the Atlantic SEVERE PUNISHMENT the Agenda was election of officers visitors who usually arrive by much.
for the next term 1929. The follow special train from the other end.
first asked to stand up and enter. We are used to Indian maharajahs, seeing the Kangaroo in action, he side may have the opportunity of tain ing were elected: King, and Egyptian law students, and Mrs. Josefa de Dosman does not President; Hector Connor, Vice Pre Born to Mr. Mrs George Lewis can do anything, he replied. black youths who come here from the consider that the sentence of six sident; Whittingham, Secret of La Boca a boy now only two days Then, almost forced to his feet he West Coast to learn medicine.
years handed down to Antonio Sin.
ary, Mrs. Florence Smith, Assistant old. Mother baby are began to sing a spiritual he had under the They brought him here to sing in He sat in my study, the other day, isterra for having killed her husSecretahy, and Neely, Trea care of Mrs Edna Springer, popular Icarned at his father knee.
surer. While a report from the Ma Show Boat and he was its success, explaining it all, a Greek god in band Vietor Dosman sufficient Much to my surprise. Robeson His one song, OI Man River, was physique. a gentleman in speech, penalty for the crime; she has theremid wife of La Boca.
gazine ommittee showed that some told me, the company began to the triumph of the evening, and, scholar in culture, charming in his fore appealed to the Supreme Court cry.
progress has been made to finanace restraint. felt, somehow, though, of the Republic against the sentence.
such was his artistry, that the League proposed bagazine, the Mrs Lewis of La Boca, mid His father had been a slave when he stood at the back of the that unseen chains were still upon The appeal has been turned over to first issue of which should appear wife will be sailing for her home North Carolina, and when after stage, whittling a piece of wood, it his wrists. He seemed to hold them that high tribunal for decision.
some time this month, the reponse Jamaica today on a vacation trip in wards, a Methodist preacher holding gave a note to the picture, People as though they were used to sub BURIAL OF EARL KITCHENER.
was to expectations that island. Her friends wish her revivalist meeting, he used to sing watched him fascinated, even when mission. Perhaps it has not come up only the and the matter was therefore refer a pleasant voyage.
the songs of the slave days, the boy he stood still. Now he can fill Drury parts he has to play, Paul learned them and carried them Lane all alone with his spirituais, Yet, like thousands He mixes with white culture here will be undergoing training at the about, sunk deep in his heart. Out and, although he is ony thirty, earn more of his Cristoball tomorrow at pm, CHICO CHING, CHINAMAN, HELD MAGNOLIA CLUB TO MEET of them now he is making a great 700 a week or more when he likes kind, he carries everywhere with consequently those persons who may.
international reputation.
Recently, Robeson has shouldered him the colour that many folk consequently those persons who may find it convenient to see him All members of the Magnolia Nobody taught me to act, he blame. He signed contract to ap sider shame. It is something that not Chico Ching, chinaman, 40 years Dancing and Literary Club are here said, execept that Eugene Neil pear in a cheap revue, and then can never be washed away. It spoils in action at the ring, will have their old, suid to be living in Panama by reminded of a special meeting to encouraged me, and Isadora Dun found himself in England, unable races. It makes people say awful curiosity apeased. As far as Harry City, was arrested a little after mid take place on the 14th inst at the can brother, Augustin. Nobody to go home. Equity threatened him things. It is a perpetual reminder to is concerned, he is rather wellnight on Sunday morning last in La No. 17 Division of the LA. No. taught me to sing, except that, after with suspension unless he went back. us white people of the wrongs we known by all fight fans and other Boca by officer Walston, for viola 29 Street when business of vital had been singing for some time, must work out my career as have committed members of our community.
Somewhere, deep in their hearts, This article is not expressing ting the Narcotic Drug Import and importance will be transacted, in learned a few tricks to save my an artiste, he told me. will pay Export Act. Ching was being heldcluding finance.
voice. cannot understand it. sup whatever damages Equity thinks some of these black people hope for sentiment on behalf of either party under a 55. 000 bail for preliminary ALKINS pose it is born in me, deep down should. My own black people blame things that frighten us. They have in the game, but when you are talk.
hearing in the Magistrate Court, somewhere in my nature. must be me for letting them down. They do rights as well as we. What is there ing about interesting bouts, you President Balboa, when, on Tuesday morning, a natural artiste.
not understand am an artiste. waiting in the future! One day may be sure this will be one in the be became suddenly ill and had to be Beresford Drayton Superlative Degree.
Paul Robeson is one of those black cannot sing blues. It was all a mis. they will want Africa again!
admitted to Gorgas Hospital. He is Secretary still a pattient there, it is believed.
Separation from his pipe might be responsible for his attack.
If you have Prescription to be made up take it to the Rent Receipt Books in Spanish National Pharmacy, Santa Ana and English for sale at the Plaza, where you will get cour Workman Printery.
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MAN TO MAN Orange Pekoe Tea TER (Continued from page 4)
For instance, the Christian has his Golden Rule As ye would that men do unto you, even so do ye unto them. There is nothing sentimental in that statement: it is plain, logical and reasonable. It is the same doctrine that most people and groups proclaim from the housetop from day to day, in secure matters the square deal. It was the same that the framers of the Declaration of Independence of the United States had in mind, when they declared, All men are created equal. that it was their inalienable right to the enjoyment of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
But, sadly, when we come to the practical application of these high and rational doctrines, we find an infusion of sentiment and a resultant conduct contrary to our high professions. On this account we have often heard the question, Is Christianity a failure. or Is Democracy a failure. The Rev. Wade of the Panama Wesleyan Church stated a few months ago, in an article in this paper, that Christianity will be a failure if it fails to create a better understanding between man and man, to adjust and bridge the differences between races and classes, and to solve the various problems that have been produced by these conflicting interests. We readily acquiesce to such a dictum. To be continued in next issue with application to Canal Zone Workers. The TEA with the Exquisite Flavour oz. packet. 7cents FOR SALE EVERYWHERE


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