
versely an entartainment which was JOURNALIST ABROAD INTERESTING JOTTINGS Plans for Road to Expobeing held for such a cause a hurricane relief fund. However, it!
In a recent issue of the Negro sition completed (ELIJAH HUNTER)
is hoped that a little here, and a World, our journalistie friend Arrangements (between the SecThis has been a week of incessant about this, and if there is, it is only, lunch carriesrs are actually search little there, all put together will Gaskin of Isthmian fame is seen rains. Some have enjoyed it, and the strangeness that these schoolsed. The serutniy is so severe that make a decent contribution from the wielding a facile pen in the cause retary of Public Works, Luis Felipe Clement and other property sorne have not. Those who own Mo were not here before. It is rumored some have decided to get smaller West Indian Community here to this of right.
Those of us here who know friend owners) have been completed for tor Cars, and those who own them that one is going up at Red Tank, poeket handkerchiefs, so that they wery deserving cause. We say, betby proxy (whatever that means) one at Gatun, and excavation is pro can be carried in their pockets with ter luck next time, if luck has any. Casking will remeber that not so the necessary lands to construct a had a double enjoyment, viz: the peeding for one at Silver City. out producing a buldge. In other thing to do with it.
long ago he was a regular contri highway through exposition grounds Adios, till next week!
words, all pockets must be flat, and butor to this journal, and he always to Calidonia Road copnecting with enjoyment of being able to get dabbled in such subjects as religion, Street, and will connect with about without shower baths, and all carriers inspected. It is amusing The headquarters of the Comthat of observing the plight of nonto watch the Policeman and the THOMAS Me PHERSON HAD politics, eivics, economies etc. his the new street recently made to the wers while they indulge in their misary Division, Supply Department Watchman when the whistle blows at NARROW ESCAPED mission to the United States is not Tivoli crossing, have been removed to Mount Hope. o clock daily. The hundreds of silfully known, and whether he intends Three hundred meters have been shower of blessing.
All the Wholesale Sections are now ver employees pass out through the to go in for one of the profes taken over for the purpose from used in one big building at Mount gate at same time, and the guardian It seems as though one has to be sions is not sure, but this can be Luis Arias, and arrangements for And while speaking of baths and Hope called, COMMISSARY WARE of the law, assisted by the official very careful when crossing the said for him that despite his other lots have been also made with showers, the girls with the big hats, aouse. It is said that this build scrutinizer sure have a brisk time. streets in Colon, as quite recently, choice for any other profession, his other land owners. The opening of a think they call them Lindy. ne is the largest Warhouse in this They work, and work hard untill as many chauffeurs have been run in aptitude for journalism is a fore this new highway will greatly facilave suffered from much embarras art of the world, and there is no have passed out, after which, they for gone conclusion.
litate autoists who travel from Ti went as a result of the use of these loubt that this is so. The General retire to some place provided for On Sunday morning last, Mr.
His style of writing is free, easily voli to the San Miguel church across McPherson had a umbrella hats. They have come to Manager Office is located just op the purpose to cleanse their hands very narrow understandable, and appeals to news. Calidania into Avenue and to the the conclusion that these are too osite this big Warehouse on the and divest their brows of the bead escape while crossing 6th and Broad paper readers quite readily.
Exposition grounds.
floppy for rainy seasons, so they enemtery side, and this is a comof sweat on them, the result of hard way on his way home when a speed That he will make good in his will be discarded for the dry season, nodious and cool building, well labor. But it is not supposed that in car ran into him and knocked new field is no guess work.
If you have a Prescription to and for the Theatre where it serves quipped and conveniently located. they mind this little hustling behim down, fortunately, he was not the beautiful purpose of preventing Vl this new arrgement does awayenuse this is the only hour of the seriously hurt be made up take it to the those behind from seeing the picture. vith the Old Offices down in old Cris day that they do any real work, and The number of the ear up to the Rent Receipt Books in Spanish National Pharmacy, Santa Ana obal which were known as Depot they. like all others, should expeet present time is still unknown. and English for sale at the Plaza, where you will get courThe Royal Bank of Canada win Commissary, and also the old Whole to eat their bread in the sweat of COLON NEWS. Workman Printery.
teous and obliging service.
soon be installed and ready for ale Sections; but it does not do their face, in conformity with the held on Tuesday night last under The benefit concert which business. They are located way with the old employees (silver Scriptural injunction.
corner of 11th street and Bolivar mployees) just yet, although it is the auspices of the Excelsior LiteHighway, facing the Chase Nation umored that these will be done a rary Club at the Cristobal Club Things The Workman Would like to see House was quite a success; the peral Bank. It is being said that there way with as opportunities present There is nothing else to report is going to be some chasing in the themselves by the process of gradual from the Atlantic side this week exformances were all up to mark, and The spirit of practical UN ACQUIRE USEFUL TRADES Banking business. The winner is not elimination, the requests for a repetition areITY amongst West Indians.
cept to say that the have SCHOOL for HIGHER now in sight, but it will go the Be that as it may, these new washed out nearly all the Society The West Indian worker and TECHNICAL EDUCATION usual way. The best bank will chase seadquarters speak well for the functions. That is good for some of converted to the DOCTRINE for West Indian CHILDREN by the other. uture of the owners and reflect both them; but very disappointing for OF UNIONISM and COLLECWEST INDIAN EFFORT.
organizing ability, and the power others. For instance, the Concert NEW AGE TIVE BARGAINING CORPORATION to take The thrift drive of the National of organization. All business con which was to be staged on Sunday Wages in the CANAL care of West Indian FINAN City Bank has created some fun in nected with this outfit can now be evening by Miss Rose Morgan was Our observation!
Almost every ZONE and PANAMA paid the CIAL INTERESTS.
this little City. little girl came to handled with more efficeiney, more completely washed out, and is subseriber thinks he knows how to worker without regard to his me and asked me to take a chance conveniently, and perhaps with great generally felt that it is unfortunate run the paper, and most every man race, color, or citizenship a jolby a company of WEST IN The Workman OWNED for a nickel on her broach which er case, and whether, there is jus that this should have been so. This who advertise thinks he knows how for a man and not a man for DIANS.
her father gave her as a birth day tification for whole hearted interest Concert was for a good purpose to run advertising. Well, the adver job.
present. When asked why she was raf odness or not, one cannot help admir. The other Concert by the Excelsior tiser is siek, does he doctor himself? Every West Indian drinkfling her birth day present, she saiding great accomplishments if one Club was affected somewhat by the Not if he wants to get well. West Indian PARENTS ing. BALBOA and SILVER Any port in a storm, sir, all my to keep himself abreast of this inclement weather also. The attend. The Advertiser would buy a home.
helping their CHILDREN to SPRAY.
other friends have a bank book, and intelligent age.
ance was not nearly what it should Does he draw his own deed? Not must have one too. Perhaps, this have been considering that it was it he would keep the house. The little thing emphasises the saying This whole place is surrounded effort to collect some funds to advertiser owns a yacht, Would he that, the end justifies the means with an almost impregnable fener make a contribution to the Leeward sail it in a storm? Not if he would set in concrete, and everybody must, Island hurricane fund, and it might set home. The advertiser would eat The schools for colored children according to official dietumenter well be admitted that if our friends good victuals. Would he cook them are getting numerous in the Canal and leave by the front gate only the West Indies here would as himself? He would not. The adverZone, and this is as it should be. If which is guarded by a Policeman sume the proper attitude towards tiser would go gunning. Would he it is true that this is civilized and a Watchman. Each passer by is worthy things, no rain or anything make his own powder? Not if he is Country, there is nothing strange subjected to a severe scrutiny, and elese could wash out or affect ad. to fire his own gun. The advertiser would run his machinery. Would he run the engine himself? Not if he wanted his business to run. The The advertiser would manage the details of his advertising.
Nobody knows.
The advertiser who knows enough to run what can be successfully advertised ought to know enough to stick to his business and let his doctor manage his health, his lawyer attend to his law, and his advertising man attend to his advertising No man who knows enough successfully build up a great mercantile house has the time to practice medicine. law or advertising.
The great business mind minds generalities and hires people to take care of details.
There never was a falser doctrine than that which advises one to take care of the pennies because the dollars would take care themselves. There is not a dollar in a cent, but there are a hundred cents in a dollar it a FOR SALE CHEAP Chlorodont the best Dental Cream Good Assortment of to Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
of STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923. AND GOVERNOR OF BARBADOS SEES AQUATIC SPORTS Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Press despatch from Barabados states that a succesful aquatic sports meeting was held at the Engineers Pier under the auspices of the Barbados Aquatic Club. His Excellency the Governor Sir William Robertson and Lary Robertson were present. There were many interesting events, including swimming, diving and canoe racing but the special feature was the cutboard motor racing. At the conclusion of the sports, the prizes were distributed by Lady Robertson. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
72 Carlos Mendoza Street and corner Javillo Fill OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD.
PANAMA CITY If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get cour teous and obliging service.
Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama


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