
BARBARTXAMEWWANEX IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable AD Panama Wesley an Unique Entertainment Activities The Prosperity Tailor to CLEANER DYER No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 DYEING, GLEANING PRESSING Novembers Rainfall FEATURED BY GOOD SAMARIRecord TANS AT LOYAL JONATHAN The subject Religion and the The consensus of opinion with reAccording to recent reports from Race Problem was well treated on gard to small Fraternal OrganizaZ. Kirkpatrick, chief of survey Wednesday night last in Geddes Hall tions on the Isthmus is that they the Governor of the Panama Canal under the auspices of the above are not worthwhile, and are not cap(Col Harry Burgess. the rainfall named Society by the Rev.
Eable of producing anything of merit.
record for the month of November Wade. The paper presented to the However that may be, this statethis year has surpassed any month society revealed some important facts ment is not always true; with Mr.
in any year for the past 32 years, in connection with the subject which Alex. Sanchez, a veteran in the field and while this matter is apparently dealt with almost every race on the of fraternity sponsoring the pleasant trivial in many respects, it has to face of the globe.
Sunday afternoon on the 25th insa great extent impeded the progress The members took a keen interest tant at the Loyal Jonathan Hall, of business in the terminal cities.
in the meeting, paying striet at an exceptionally pleasant time was eertain writer says there an tention to its proceedings. feeling spent.
ill wind which blows somebody good of regret was experienced by the The Chairman of the eevning Mr.
and while the farmers and the autosocietty when Bros Rollocks Geo. Nathaniel Roberts having been mobile drivers may have smiles on took the opportunity of explain introduced by Mr. Yearwood, their faces, there are others who, on ing his intending departure for the evening proceedings began OF THE HIGHEST ORDER account of their particular line of Colon the following day, It is Mr. Evan Taylor our well konwn business would will it otherwise if only a short while since young musician of this city with a small they could; but there is a certainty Rollocks associated himself with this band of Choristers, and with the that the tide will turn sometime in branch of the Christian Endeavour, assistance of a few other artists Work Done While You Wait the future when the smiling parties but circumstances over which he suceeded in putting over a reputable will frown and the others who now has nd control is responsible for Programme.
frown will take on all smiles.
the change; the Rev. Wade remarkAmong the contributors were Mrs.
PUBLIC MARKET OF PANAMA TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED ed that the Bro. is not leaving the Clarke andaughter, Messrs In a bill recently presented to the circuit, consequently, he would still Henry Adamson and Fred Paynter assembly by a number of the Depube connected with the work and others prominent in Social and ties for the enlargement and imporThe evening terminated with elos Musical circles.
tant improvements of the Mr. Dottin Panama ing remarks and the Mispah.
was accompanist for the evening and was ably assistpublic market plans have been reted by Miss Violet Agard. The recommended for much modern equipCHINA FACES GREAT PAMINE.
quest for a repitition are unanimous men including a refrigerator and and should such a decision be arother modern facilities; a suggestion recent Press despatch states rived at, it will be on a somewhat for another market in some convethat the Republic of China being the larger plan, when George will also nient part of the city has also been most thickly populated country on oceupy his usual position.
recommmended and accepted.
the face of the globe, it is no wonImprovements to the pier adjoinRUTH THE MOABITESS TO der that, that failure of one riceing the old market have also been crop is responsible for a famine in you have a Preseription to be BE RE STAGED IN GEDDES mentioned; this will provide better HALL which 100. 000. 000 face hunger; this made up take it to the National accommodation for coastwise vessels The members of the number of Chinese is to be found in Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where Panama which now move in this vicinity.
an area of 350. 000 square miles. you will get courteous and obliging Wesleyan Choir are getting ready These important improvements are The shortage of rice crop in some service.
to re stage the much talked ofbeing looked forward to with much Cantata (Ruth the Moabitess) on interest places is 40 per cent below normal while in others 60 percent; and in Wednesday December 12th.
a few cases, it a complete failure This will give an opportunity tol BIRTH DAY owing to the dryness.
those persons who did not find it THE OPEN FORUM The condition of the populace is AND convenient to attend when it was staged last year. It seems as though (Continued from Page 2)
Commerce has made an appeal to the provincial Government for assist FINE SELECTION of seeing and hearing this dramatie Press, and various others; in many production.
eases, and with the advancing years ance.
AT THE This story of Ruth is both popular the climax of these youngsters is Supplies are also being sought and interesting, and this production Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET from other sources.
only reached after they have travelled to more advanced countries there committing it to memory.
AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL and then to achieve their desires, No. 72 BRITISH VICE CONSULATE every often in the study of law or otherwise, this being so, give NOTICE my friend all credict. for upholdCORNER JAV ILLO ing the ideals of his fraterally Information is required at the THE NEW YORK DENTST organizations and while he may be British Vice Consulate in this city 182, BOLIVAR STREET ght, there no reason why he to the whereabouts of Mercedes House Rent Receipt Books should not debating and other socieCULON, and Augustin Leandre St. Lucian Rent Receipt Books in Spanish ites from a desirable angle.
children of whom enquiries have and English for sale at the Box 171, CRISTOBAL IN SPANISH ENGLISH Yours Workman Printery.
been made from that ikland.
Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled REID Proprietor Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can haue them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN serious, and the Hankow Chamber of Wedding Cards anyone would hardly ever be tired WORKMAN PRINTERY will undoubtedly assist anyone in Carlos Mendoza Street Dr. Fred Sterling


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