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PRICE CENTS West Indian Seaman Panama Wesleyan Details of Heroism by Negro Seamen on Vestris Ambition Winning Essays By West Indian Children Women League our water.
nor any one else.
To Cross Atlantic in 20Donates Clothing to foot Sailing Boat With Hurricane Reliete ComSolitary Companion mitte.
In School Contest On Thrift By Worked Valiantly In Stokehold For The Manchester Daily Dispatch of The members of the Panama National City Bank recent date says: Wesleyan Women League of which Two Days Without Food the wife of the Superintendent Mrs WHAT SAVING MEAN TO Fired with an ambition to achieve WHAT SAVINGS MEANS TO THE RE. Wade is President, have NEW YORK, Nov. 16. From Ne stant cries of Chief Engineer Asomething for the honour of the INDIVIDUAL ANYONE British coloured races in general, donated 105 new garments and 320 ero firemen who had worked neck dams. Keep at it! Adams would shout, and coloured seamen in particular, a second hand ones to the hurricane deep in water, foodless themselves FIRST PRIZE for two days while feeding under according to Ford. Keep giving it SECOND PRIZE relief committee at Montserrat.
British West Indies Negro who pressure of continual command the to her.
ENID FRENCH IRIS PEARL GRAHAM This contribution will be sent to served in the Navy is seeking an four huge boilers in the stokehole The force of thirty six men on the the Rev. William Sunter opportunity to cross the Atlantic at Ply of the Vestris. came explanations day wateh had not left the stokehole mouth Wesleyan Church in that Saving means a putting away for Thrift is that which anyone can with a solitary coloured companion yesterday of her sinking, for forty eight hours, taking their country who will be responsible for the time of need or necessity. When do, from a child to a grown up in a 20 foot sailing boat.
The coal porton the starboard rust where their shovels lay embedthe distribution of these valuable side was not watertight when the ded in the coal piles. They were one saves money he does not save It is not understood by many per He is Norman Harry, aged 47, contributions which will assist great ship left Hoboken. There for the present alone but principally sons. It should be the aim of every married, with family of nine who in relieving the necessity of the crevice between the two steel slabs kicked off their shoes. The was a stripped to their waist, Many had for the future. Saving is very help one to be thrifty.
for many years when not roaming unfortunate wietims of the hurri of the door, which close like scissors rose above their knees and steadily water ful to the individual.
It is easily done if you start a the seas has made his home in Upcane.
For instance if a man places a bank account with the National City per Stanhope Street, Liverpool. Lack and the first blow dealt by an angry higher.
certain amount of money in the bank Bank of New York, beginning with or means alone is preventing his such a noble band of workers in green shoulders of the sea burst it the pumps to pump out the water, It is also very fortunate to have sea widened it. Finally, the great There was no use counting on and continues doin so, it will cer a dollars and in a few years you embarking on his adventure, and he our midst who can and will rally to open.
tainly be ever increasing the amount will have a large account.
Ford said. Water had swept coal (Continued on page 8)
such a most deserving cause.
If a child is thrifty when he is because a yearly interest will be adThis was the story the firemen into the bilge pumps and they beded to the amount he puts therein. small, he will make a good man in told as they lolled about yesterday came clogged. The bunker filled up That principal, as well as the inter this world. This prevents borrowing at the Seamen Church Institute, and the list had me standing on my est remains and is augmented until and begging.
stripped of their dungarees and new head almost. needed.
If you have a few dollars at hand SPARKLETS ly clothed in suits, shiny black and This was Sunday morning. was In course of time he may be in and see something you don need, dun colored. They were refreshed on watch from four to eight. The (By trouble or great distress and he will you shouldn buy it because you from a night sleep on board the outlets of pipes that were four feet French tanker Myriam as she cut above water level were drinking in find that his savings will be help have the few dollars. Buy things fui to him. Saving is also necessary that are necessary and up the coast for the harbor and water and shooting it into the stokeput away The editorial writer of the Pathing the future of West Indian em told what they knew freely.
for the individual against sickness the rest.
the hole. The other coal doors in finder, the newsiest weekly that ployees of the Panama Canal: Gov.
or old age.
If a child gets some money, Washington, produces, seems ernor Burgess letter, it is believed, tween the halves of the coal port on It was getting to be a flood. There was a bit of a crack be side of the ship were loosening up.
When one saves money it can be should not put all in candies, but to be a real modernized man. He will allay the fears of a large num the starboard side, We said Joshua used for many good purposes. By put at least half of it away. takes no chance with the modern ber of Silver employees, who no kept working, up to waists able to Ford. We left port with it that saving money one will be Saving does not mean that we woman. He razzes her and then doubt will look forward for the way. It should have been shut tight elevate himself and family through save in money alone, but in many ne pets her. He draws her attention beneficial changes indicated. The and locked. When the water began Then There Was Hell it He will be able to purchase the other ways as: If you have a fam to where she naturally belongs and Govisnor letter referred to indi coming in, the German carpenter Another fireman, William Perman necessary equipments needed to 18. you shouldn prepare, more than tells her to stay there. Then he cated that no drastie changes af tried to tighten it. was there when took up the story. He spoke slowly carry out his plans, to make his the family needs because you have would say, The women of the world feeting the Silver employees are he tried, and he used the handle of and smoked cigarettes continually.
future out of comfort and happi a large food suply. Cook just what are finally coming into their own contemplated.
a shovel and a hammer, but is was no The starboard boiler filled up.
ness. With careful attention he and is sufficient and put away the rest. The tide is set their way, and there Typical Isthmian West Indian use. Then the catch broke, and the and then there was hell, he said.
hie family will be no trouble to the You should never spend more is no use trying to sweep it back apathy has been given splendid en door just stove, and in a second the it was in the afternoon, Sunday.
government, nor to his neighbours, than you are able to spend, because Recently he poked a little fun at couragement by the publications re water was rushing into the coal Adams kept giving orders. Ile would you will have to be borrowing and Sinclair Hill, lending English film ferred to above.
say the captain was sure the ship Saving enables one to enter busi paying bank all the time. If you director who thinks there is some Keep at It would be saved and that we had to Seemingly in love with a maiden ness of so important and extensive don spend more than possible, you thing about English girls that keeps fair whose hands he had not yet The stokehole, deep down in the keep on feeding.
nature likely that others may also will be thrifty and never have to them from becoming good movie received, friend Whittingham bottom of the ship, was filling. In The stokehole was full of steam be helped by his wisdom at econo borrow.
actresses. and at the same time re posed as a poet and wrote Out of to the mouths of the boilers, big as and we choked.
We worked like mising had a box, and saved untill marking that the Englishman makes the Night. Since that time he had barrel hoops, the black gang kept bloody cows down there. The water progot Nine dollars and Seventy Six the best movie here.
The individual who not really come into his own until heaving coal, spurred by the con(Continued on page 5)
pares against old age. Such an indi cents. 76) and now have startReaching over to the Englishman, he busted into print last week Vidual may be able to purchase a ed an account with the National the editor referred to above, also and wrote of Perils Which Con beautiful home in which he and his Bank of New York reminds us of our dignified front our Race. calling attention family may be able to live happily If the people in a country are Geo. Nathanial Roberts of spats to the fact that if the Race keep as well as provided him with other progressive, you must know that and monicle fame. Said he, Mr. producing teachers, lawyers, doctors necessary support and comfort.
they are thrifty because people that Hill bold talk. is new or restenegraphers, clerks, etc. instead Saving is not beneficial to the in borrow can not be thrifty.
volutionary sort of expression in of more inventors, chemists astron Standardization of Manufactured Goods Has Led to divuals alone, but, also person should have a plan to England. It is very much in line emers, engineers, and the like, the Specialized Service And Huge Labor Turn Over, Creattries, governments, nations races, work by, and know how much to with the traditional attitude, of the former field will be over crowded; etc. If we should waste monew foll spend every day, and try to put lordly male of this country. Those that will make the Race top heavy ing New Problem of Industrial Relations (Continued on page Continued on page 4)
tall fellows have suceeded in keep and eventually tilt over and perish ing their women subdued better We concur.
By WILLIAM GREEN than any other civilized men. The President, The American Federation of Labor husbands are generally the bosses The following quotation is from just as there is a right way in busithere, and it is the men who keep KING GEORGE an address under this caption, de llness, domestic and professional rethe art of dressing on a high plane livered by Mr. William Green Pre lationships. There must be a standMrs. Olga King, conceded to be and set the pace for the world.
sident of the American Federationſard of industrial ethics to which al Late reports indicate that The quota of immigrants whose whil government entry into the Republic of Panama the most accomplished colored sing. Hardly a clerk but His Majesty King George of Eng. of Labor, at the weneral convention should conform. It would be a seris restricted by Law, is fixed at ten er on the Isthmus, has been heard sort spats and a cane and a mon land has not grown worse, his conof the Protestant Episcopal Church, Jious reflection upon the virtue and for each class for the coming year. over the radio from station NBA icle, wears his topper at a rakish dition is still being viewed within Washington, October 17. efficacy of religion and morality it The people restricted are Chinese, on Sunday night last. That was the angle and flashes the gaudy colors. some alarm. Members of the royal 1928. It should make very interest industrial wrong should permanent.
Negrons whose original language is second time she broadcasted from That true, Mr. Editor, the English family ar reported to have beer: ing reading in this community, inlly triumph over industrial rightview of the attitude of the locailleousness.
not Spanish, Syrians and Turks. that station within 4, month. Mrs. man is living nearest to nature in cancelling wall highly formal enterbranches of the American Federarocent ruling of the foreign office King introduced Negro Spirituals that connection. That he has suceed tainments and ed better than other civilized man Majesty andition. Prayers from watching his The Church can help in all this tion of Labor towards colored West work through a sympathetie study gives individuals born in Syria un on one of her annual classical song in keeping his women subdued, also all over tv great British commanIndian workers: der the protection of the govern recital programs early this of human relations in industry and ment of Spain, France and England She was later requested by the afinelines to tempt us to believe that wealth ar being offered for his The evolution of industry has of the economic and social problems free access into the republie. Here ficials of NBA to put them on the he has reached a higher peak of civ speedy rewery.
produced great changes in our eco which arise therefrom. This involves other civilized nomie and social life and these tofore the Law was interpreted to air. Radio reports indicate that Mrs ilization than any a study of mass psychology, of man.
changes have affected the habits, include them in the restricted class. King is a singer of no mean ability, adequate living standards, specialiNOTE OF REMOVAL Comrade Joe Wynne lives and thoughts of all classes 0hence it is quite apparent that she statement zation in mass prouction indus ries, of people.
For the first time since 1903 al has been satisfying many radio to the Panama Tribune anent Caindustrial fatigue and the need of HUMAN AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS the workers for leisure, recreation Negro has been elected to the Con understood that Mrs. King has nenal Zone American labor past, Dr. John Thompson Mechano It is inconceivable that the Church and rest.
gress of the United States of cepted an invitation to sing at the present and future intercourse with announce merica. The new Congressman will Balboa Y, tomorrow (Sun Canal Zone West Indian labour re Therapist, begs to that divinely commissioned to preach the The problems of unemployment, be Oscar De Priest of Chicago. He day) afternoon. Her audience on presents a master strategem. It is owing to the increasing demands on gospel through its chosen represenmachine displacement and the care won the place during the recent this occasion will compose of white sterness against the West Indians his practice, he has been compelled totives to all men, teaching them of aged and disabled workers are political race and will succeed the Americans only.
parcelled in tact and presented to to remove to more spacious quarters to observe all things whatsoever serious problems, for they are so Brother Young in fine conventional and is now located at No. 36 Ancon have commanded you, would be and the Nation. Wide spread, unlate Martin Madden. Congressstyle. You can beat the alert. the Ave. upstairs, where he will be betman elect De Priest was bitterly According to the report of the indifferent or unconcerned about the vital to the home, the community wide awake.
ter able to meet his numerous cusopposed, according to press de Governor of the Panama Canal to problems which arise out of hu employment, lone, creates untold miAnd here is the palliative offerspatches reporting his election, by the Secretary of War of the United man relations in industry. Theresery and suffering. It constitutes a menace to national security certain republicans and some dem States for the month of October of led by the Panama Tribune after publishing a letter from the Gov Al Road will lead to Juan Frage must be a right way which ocrats. Continued on page 4)
Contioned on page ernor of the Panama Canal regard to morrow should follow in industrial relations saves own Human and Spiritual Relations in Industry to counResume of the Weeks News are vour, tomers.
our men


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