
COLON LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY In a reent issue of the Jamaica Gleaner a representative of that Journal describes in picturesque terms a performance given by the Military band with an historie background as setting. The leader and the band were highly complimented for their display and their devotion to the art. So great was the appreciation of this unique entertainment, that many have made requests for frequent repetitions.
The musical appreciation here in Panama has reached a somewhat higher standard than in previous years; and despite the many handicaps such as prejudice, ignorance deceit and enmity connected here with musical enterprises an appreciable standard is still being formed from among our ranks; great is the musical spirit that more functions are fostered here than in many other places.
It is always interesting to read of foreign achievements of persons who are similary engaged in any enterprise that is being undertaken locally; but the climax has not yet been reached. It is hoped that the future will mark better understanding as cooperation among our folks here is sadly needed. Altho the complications such as national, and oecupational are many, it is assured that the West Indian Community will (if they think well) arrive at right conclusions with regard their interests in many undertaking.
If they aim high, their goal will most certainly be assured.
GREAT PUBLIC DEMONSTRAIn a minute to the Legislature TION.
when laying the draft estimates for 1929. His Excellency the Governor BELIEVER IN GOVERNMENT OF of Trinidad intimated the intention CO OPERATION.
of the Government to re introduce penny postage to places within the Georgetown, British Guiana. His British Empire and to the United Execelleney Sir Gordon Guggisberg, States of America. It is also proposK. British Guiana sed to reduce the stamp duty on IS NOW LOCATED AT new Governor, has arrived accom cheques and on receipts from 20 panied by Commander to 1d.
Hardy, RN, Rear Admiral 11. 1154 11th STREET Fisher, Private Secretary. Mes WIRELESS TELEPHONE FOR Fisher who will be Hotess at Gov.
TRINIDAD Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK ernment House until Lady Gugais berg comes and Miss Irish Fisher It is proposed, at an expenditure Where our customers will receive the usual Sir Gordon received an overwhelm of 1, 700, writes the Port of Spain ing welcome transcending any de Gazette to instal a wireless telephone courtesies monstration accorded previously to service between Port of Spain and an incoming Governor. His Exellen Toce, to be connected up with the ey inspected the Police Guard of Telephone. Coy System. In the Honour, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides event of the experiment proving sueAt 30 Sir Anthony de Frei cessful the Government contemplates tas, Chief Justice, adminis an extension of the service to other tered the oath in the Public Build isolated parts of the colony.
ings in the presence of a distin guished gathering In the course of a short addres Thunder Storm Over His Exelleney said: am a believer Port of Spain Trinidad in a Government of co operation with the reservation that the world The Weekly Guardian of Nov. 10th co operation should be used in thostates that a thunderstorm of unJ. Small right sense. My definition of the usual severity broke last week FriDENTIST FRANKLIN WILLIAMS word is this: that from a full know day afternoon Port of Spaia MASONIC TEMPLE ledge gained of the needs of the accompanied by heavy rainfall. At Office Hours: cm to 12 pm BUILDER DESIGNER people and the country, a 45 o clock two blinding 30 to 30 ment should adopt a definite policy flashes followed almost instantly by Sundays, by Special Appointment 22 Street, Guachapali, House No. 18 and base on that definite policy terrific peals of thunder, marked Masonic Temple ilth St.
smaller policies governing our acti the attainment of maximum interFurniture Renewed with Artistic Dressing to match your desire vities in every direction. It is not sity. The disturbance soon 0, Box 787. CRISTORAL aftersufficient, however, to have just awards came to an end.
PHONE: OFFICE 1664 MAS DECORATIONS SPECIALTY poliey. We have got to have that There was some interruption of RESIDENCE 535 policy so cleariy iaid down that it the electric lighting and telephone cannot be minsunderstood. We want services in various parts of the city to have that policy published so that which in most cases appears to have the lowest in the land can read been temporary. It is reported howif they want to eve, that one or two telephones which Population Public Health and were put out of commission have Education net yet been restored to working Now, in executing a poliey am order.
a firm believer in frequent confer The phenomenon of sparks issuing Should be in every. office to immediately ence, frequent discussion with th from the electric wires with a snapmen who know the subject with ping or cracking sound was observ.
soothe any neuralgic pain caused by which the policy deals. Standing ed in several premises at the inhead and ders above th stant of the occurrence of the two excessive mental work, others, by far the most importart major flashes. In the TRINIDAD poliey in this country and the one GUARDIAN office this was very to which this Government intends marked and the effect was to short NEURALGINA DROP IN AT to devote its utmost energy is that circuit the electric current, which is of population, but it is very little obtained from a dynamo worked by Should be in every school to soothe bad use in making a population if you headaches and reduce the fever of are not going to keep them alive power plant or the premises, for a few minutes.
and if you are not going to children.
them virile, energetic and full You ill Find Them initiative. That means public health. The third thing is education, West Indian ConferModerately Priced.
NEURALGINA not education of what call the de ence gree and what am afraid very ol.
Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes ten is the education that leads to The following Unofficial Members the heart, the following of the vocation of the Legislative Council have the parasite mean the education of the good citizen and all that been suggested by their colleagues as the Colony representatives to For sale both Wholesale and Retail good citizenship means in knowledge the West Indian Conference which of books, skill of hands, devotion 2613 AT THE to duty, and service to fellowmen will meet in Barbados in January. The Hons, Dr. McShine, want to tell you candidly that AMERICAN PHARMACY have been seandalised at the system Owing to pressure of business the Kelshall and Gaston Johnston, Advertise in the Workman of education in British Guiana and JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Hon. Reilly, am not overpleased at the steps did not allow himself to be sugPanama.
taken to reform it.
gested as a representative. In keep DENTIST HOWELL ing with the rules of the Confererce which provided that the ColoHouse No. 912 La Boca No Improvement in nial Secretary of every colony shall Canal Zone be one of the delegates, Mr. Jackson, the Colonial Secretary of this OPPOSITE RESTAURANT colony will accompany the Unof PHONE 1941 BALBOA CALL IN AT WEST INDIAN TRADE ficial delegates.
COMMISSIONERSHIP. wireless message received by the TRINIDAD GUARDIAN RYCE Georgtown, British Guiana. nounced that Sir Edward Dayson ferring to a statement in the Ol has been invited and has accepted RENOVATOR ficial Gazette of the revenue col the invitation to preside over the DYEING PRESSING lecter by the Government for the Conference.
LAC IES SKIRTS nine months ending September Mr.
If you have a Prescription to be SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO Austin, President, in the AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL course of his remarks at yesterday you will get courteous and obliging HOUSE 19 21st STREET meeting of the Chamber of Commade up take it to the National merce, said the difference between Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY GOOD SELECTION OF service.
the aetual estimated receipts clearly NEW BIBLES indieated that the improvement duties of Trade Commissioner for which it was hoped might possibly these parts said that while the colJL FLOWERS Hymn ayer Books occur in the last six months of the ony proportion would not amount Abogado. Attorney at Law year had not yet materialised, the to very much, British Guiana blnet shortage being in the vicinity ready had its own Commissioner in OFFICE: No. 44. ST of 270, 000. The Chamber of Com London and if they lose their identiP. BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY merce yesterday reconsidered the ty by merging into a general federTELEPHONE No. 1377 question of the appointment of the ation, they would possibly suffer in Practicing before all the courts of WIL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR West Indian Committee Trade the long run. On the other hand the Republic since April 1914 Commissioner for the West Indies, there was little doubt that a combiBritish Guiana and British Mondu nation of all the colonies would carras which has been brought up ry more weight.
If you have a Prescription to again by the Trinidad Chamber of It was finally decided to write Commerce. The President, comment the Chamber of Commerce, Trini be made up take it to the ing on the suggestion that an annual dad, that the local Chamber would National Pharmacy, Santa Ana subsidy of 2, 000 be paid the West like the matter postponed for an Plaza, where you will get cour SOLD IN DRUG STORES India Committee to undertake the other year.
teous and obliging service.
The Jamaica Gleaner of the 14th ult, says that Mr. Ewen, Protector of Jamaica Labourers in Cuba tells of many deportations from that country during the months of May and June which in his opinion were a boon to the colored population there.
In many instances, these poor people have been robbed of all their hard earned savings, thus leaving them to the merey of others who may feel disposed to sympathize with them.
Such a state of affairs has been going on for years, and with the precaution which is now being taken, it is hoped such occurrences will cease.
of pays, The Jamaica Gleaner of the 14th ult, states that: The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
has decided to carry out certain improvements to their wharf at Kingston in addition to the asphalting of the Road at Duke Srteet.
The contract for this work will be undertaken by Messrs Henriquez Bros. Reports from the London Of fice states that the concrete wall and gate at Port Royal will be done by Mr McFarlane Murray, a prominent contractor of the city of Kingston. This will undoubtedly be an imposing structure and will also be an adornment to this area; the completion of which will ast only a few weeks.
Colony Finance anThe Workman BOOK STORE No. 72. CARLOS MENDOZA STREET BERNARD ANDERSON Gramaphone Repairer HOUSE 980 LA BOCA, CANAL ZONE Efficient Workmanship Guaranteed as Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required BIRTH DAY AND Wedding Cards FINE SELECTION AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street COF NER JAV ILLO


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