
PAGE THREE The Open Forum THE WORKMAN Open the Way to The Contemplated Reorga nization FREEDOM or Get your Copy of the WOR IAN every Saturday ourSir: To the Editor: The Workman Please allow space for the following: sound Mind in a sound Body ought to be the Precept of every thoughtful and ambitious young man and woman. The Educational de velopment of the individual charac teriz whether this advantage is being exemplified, and whether seek OF THE ers after knowledge considers this maxim in their search, for, if the WORKMAN Newspaper has Begun brain, mind, thoughts, moral, neOpen a savings account today and you tions, and indeed every individual or separate function of the human MR. WHYTF. La, Boca, will take your first step toward indesystem do not move in accord, the has been adde to the Editorial Staff as whole structure will become chron pendence. No man is really free unless ic, and possible cure will undoubtedly provoke long and tedious study he is in a positio to act unhampered Contributing Editor. To this extent it should be the endeavors or by financial needs. savings account men to rise above this state MR. KING Author of Sparklets)
cuts the ropes that bind a man and condition, develop themselves in all phases so that will re organize his well known Column they be morally, permits him to walk freely and act freeeducationally physically, and spiritually fit to combat the surround ly when his opportunity arrives. Open ing enviroment which is daily fore.
MR. Elijah. HUNTER Silver City, ing its fangs stronger and stronger your way to independence, to freedom, into our community.
will be a regular Contributor to happiness. start an account today We have often heard of the term The survival of the Fittest. This with us at per annum.
MRS. EDITH COLE, La Boca, should mean those who out live all surrounding handicaps, such a man or woman who have attained success is now writing La Boca Social Notes The National City Bank of New York after battling against all adversities who stood the bulwarks of all inPanamá Colón dignities, and has proven that man without trials is not perfected, por Plans are being developed to have permanent representatives a stone without rubbing polished. Our Savings Department is open for deposits of the Paper at La Boca, Red Tank Paraiso, Gatun, Silver The Great maxim WILL TO DO Tuesday evenings from to o clock and ought to be the guiding light of from to o clock.
City. In Colon the Paper is being handled by every man and woman. Let it not be forgotten that we live by exHASKINS NEWS AGENCY perience, and that man by contact with man, gains knowledge.
Some people detest reading, and Boxer Gave His Blood Farmer Column The Coloured element here is showing decided signs of drifting tog ther often severely criticize those who infor their common good, and the WORKMAN, the paper which for the dulge in it. Let the writings of the To Save His Mother Life, And We re on the fowls track this week past sixteen years has been standing by them in its humble way, has now Great Masters be never laid aside, At Night Won bout In the Ring.
Brown Leghorns.
been given the assurance of some of our active progressive and construc dwell upon them, settle them upon the mind, cite them upon occassions Omaha, Neb, Oet 17 tive thinkers that a reorganization of its forces is now in order, therefore, After submitting to a blood transTHE HOUDAN.
make it a point of busniess to fusion early yesterday which may thoroughly understand them in their be the means of saving his mother This is a French variety of fowl and full extent, and all their circumlife Freddy Penn, 18, Omaha fighter, an exceedingly pretty breed of poulstances. We should acquaint selves fully with the principles of stepped into a Council Bluffs, Iowa, try. In colour, they are black and original authors, bring them to a ring last night and in the last round white and the comb has the form of It now a Question of a Short Time and you will of his bout knocked his opponent a double leaf, likewise there is a consistency and make our own dedue down four times, winning the fight. well developed top knot. They are tions, search our own imaginations be having the Workman Twice a week a Penn gave more than a half pint good layers, but bad sitters. In for the truth, and we shall surely of blood to his mother, who has weight the cocks average lbs and find light.
been near death since Saturday. The the hen lbs.
The light that leads to knowledge transfusion cost Freddy precious Brown Leghorns.
and make our path brighter.
poundage in his boxing match and The colour of the male female Convince ourselves fully by thus or he entered the ring 13 pounds differ, the first named black breast dering our studies, use every energy lighter than Clarence Berger, hised and the hen salmon coloured on in the attainment of our goal, rise above the animal passions of our opponent. Freddy mother was re the breast. All variety of leghorns are greatly esteemed, and they are nature, be more than merely human ported improved today.
excellent birds for eggs production.
se that in the end we may spend White leghorns are exceedingly pretthe latter days of our earthly soty birds, and good for crossing with journ in the satisfaction of having If you have a Prescription to other varieties for the production done our duty to god and our fellow be made up take it to the of ege laying strains.
men, saying with the noble past we National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plymouth Rocks. full Assortmet of have lived our lives sublime, when Plaza, where you will get cour An American Variety of fowl, and our day of parting comes, shall is said to have its origin in Mas.
leave, footprints on the sands of teous and obliging service.
time. SMITH It is an extremely popular varie.
back to the West Indies to practice ty, and rightly so because these said the professor. Continuing Mr. birds are hardy, of sound constituMcGill is Prefered Emtage said the school is run on the tion, good free layers, steady sitEtc. Etc. Etc.
English publie school line, with ters, and at the same time excellent By West Indians the perfect system, and scholars are eating. The cock birds frequently trained for the Oxford and Cam weight from to 10 lbs and the Says Principal of Lodge School bridge joint Board of Examination, hens to 8lbs. They are big boned ALL BEING OFFERED AT SACRIFICE PRICES.
and many distinguished men have birds and fairly square in their Barbados is not only linked with been educated at Lodge School.
build colour white or barred, Andalusians.
Canada by a reciprocal trade treaty Strange to say, continued ProCOME IN AND INSPECT THE STOCK she is also connected educationally. fessor Emtage, we have turned out a These birds are almost the same Many eminent personages have great number of Chief Justices, size as leghorns, and have white BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE commenced their education at Lodge For instance, there is the late Sirear lobes and a blue coloured pluSchool Barbados, and finished up at Aubrey Gerald Goodman, who was mage.
McGill University, said Profesor Chief Justice of the Straits SetttleGame Fowls. Emtage, MA. principal of Lodgements; also the late Sir John The game fowls are probably the School for over 30 years, who has Carrington, Chief Justice of Hong oldest variety of domestic poultry, recently been visiting Montreal. Kong, and Sir Herbert Greaves, and their doings in the Cock Pit CARDOZE Jr. In the course of an interview, Pro Chief Justice of Barbados. Then (cocking) has been written from the fessor Emtage said that his schoo there is Greaves, Senior earliest times, and re written even CATHEDRAL PLAZA was first started in 1721. It aims Assistant at the Royal Observatory in the present day.
at a very high standard of educat Greenwich, England.
At one time in the past it was tion, and was the first school in the Turning to Montreal, continued regarded as lawful sport, but it is BRANCH STORE British West Indies, being primarly Mr. Emtage, you have here in this now in some countries a criminal 125 Central Avenue known as the Codrington Grammar city Dr. Wesley Bourne, and Dr offence to indulge in this ancient School. Gowdey, and many others, whose pastime to see two birds punish Over two thirds of the doctor names cannot recall at the mo ing each other with their fighting in Barbados and other West Indian ment, who are old Lodge School gears on. All game fowls are exceed islands have come to Montreal for boys.
ingly courageous, and will fight to the MeGill medical course and gone You see said Professor Emtage, a finish. There are many game birds BOWEN we look upon McGill as our natural in species, but the principal ones ADVERTISE TAILOR University for graduating rather are the brown breasted, red game, No. M Street San Miguel Dr. JOHN THOMPSON than the English universities be Indian game, Erle Derby game cause we find there is such a big Spanish game bantam game. For Panama City Mechano Therapist future for our boys who come to a deseription of these, the reader Canada, whereas they find it very must refer to some other word on No. 24th ST. CHORRILLO difficult to make their way to Eng. poultry. Or if time affords will be Advertise in the Workman land. They have greater chances inserted in this column later.
Panama City it will bring good results.
To be continued.


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