
THE WORKMAN Miss Myrtle Iona Barnes NOTICE We beg to advise that our LUCKY STRIKE Premium Department DECEMBER 31st, 1928 Clubwhich made this advertisement TO GIVE VIOLIN RECITAL AT LA BOCA CLUBHOUSE.
Published on Saturday by Rates for Advertisement on apWALROND, at the office No. 72plication, correspondence on all mat.
Lovers of classical music will be Carlos Mendoza Street, Panama, ters of publie interest invited.
given an opportunity to enjoy a rich All copy for publication must be. Box 74, Panama RP. written on one side of paper only, Violin Recital which Miss Slyrtle Box 1102, Ancon and must be accompanied by the Barnes, daughter of Rev. and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION name of the writer, not necessarily Mrs Mulcare of La Boca will be for publication but as a mark of staging at the La Boca Cluhouse ane Year. 40 Cy Six Months.
good faith next Thursday night, the 13th inst. 20 Miss Barnes graduated with honors Three 60 We do not undertake to return from Westwood High School, JaOne Month. 25 rejected correspondere maica, last June. She holds six cer.
tificates from the The Royal AcaThe Liberty of the Press is the palladiun of our rights JUNIUS deny of Music, London, England, having successfully passed the Theo THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 1928.
retical and Practical Exams bearing on the piano and violin. Miss Lydia MAN TO MAN.
Holder, popular painist on the Pacific side, will accompany Miss Bar(Continued from Dec. 1st)
nes, and also contribute selections to the program. Mrs. Mulcare, who Since the last issue we have been privileged to read has not appeared before the publie an address delivered about a month ago, in Washingeye for veveral years, will make a ton, by Mr. Wm. Green, President of the American new bow to her old appreciative Federation of Labor, on the subject Human and Spiritfriends and admirers, and give them ual Relations in Industry. He also stresses the ima platform from which they will be portance of religion (perhaps meaning Christianity)
Will be discontinued effective able to judge whether or not, she in industry, and calls upon the Church to shoulder this has lost her vocal power. Mis Leonora responsibility. There must be a right way which men Jump and Mr. Agard will also should follow in industrial relations just as there is a contribute piano and cello selections.
right way in business, do nestic, and professional reIt is the first time that a recital lationships. There must be a standard of industrial of this kind will be staged in the ethics to which all should conform. These are some of Auditorium of the La Boca the very pointed and clear cut statements that he has We also wish to thank our cushouse, and it will be Miss Barnes made, and in view of the attitude of branches of the debut. For such a high class proA. here, the address should be of considerable ingram as follows, the price or adterest to us and is accordingly published elsewhere in tomers for the hearty support mission is very reasonable. Rememthis isue.
ber doors open at 30 But, wherefore these problems, after all? Why PROGRARM should men continue to be so selfish as to close their Opening address Dr. Carring.
eyes to the right and just and noble Like Burns, we ton.
believe that men are not all villains, but if self the such a success. Sweet echoes of the Nightengale wavering balance shake, it is rarely right adjusted. Piano Solo) Miss Lydia Holder.
This selfinshness dogs man path from time to time BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO Co. Panama) LTD.
Valse. Oh how deligtful (J, and blinds him to his duty. The division of the human Molly. Mrs. Mulcare.
family into groups called races is the hot bed of this (a) Maritana (William Walhoe)
trouble. Some persons hold themselves as of the domi(b) Souvenir. Franz Didla)
nant race, and all others of subject or inferior races. c) Pizzicato (Ballet. Delibes)
They further subdivided into classes of endless varieEternamente (Angelo Mascheroni)
ties. All this work they claim to do in the precious name Mr Muleare of Science. They just look the color of the skin, or eye, Piano Solo (Selected. Mis Leo or hair, and so on, tell what the brain is capable of nora Jump doing, how much of intellectual and spiritual power it La Ginguantaine (trio Violin, Cel.
possesses, and how much of manhood should be accordconsecration of the Cathedral, and much persuasion the old fellow said lo, Piano) Misses Barnes Holder, ed the possessor. But before they were claiming in the West Indian Seamans the subsequent visit of the Duke and that they could sleep in an abandon and Mr. Agard name of Science they maintained their arbitrary disContinued from Page Duchess of York.
ed church, across the street. For tinctions by divine right. By this means slavery All desire, he told the Daily want of any other shelter they acINTERMISSION flourished as a proper human institution for ages, al The Moonbeam. Elbrige Holder)
though it had nothing to support it but sentiment. It is seeking someone who will fit him Dispatch. is a boat with a 2014cepted and retired for the night.
keel preferable a ship old lifeAbout two o clock in the morning Mrs. Muleare was only after the light of reason was applied, that out for the project. Holder)
Harry left his home in the Westbout which would have rigged out the landlord heard the church bell Overture. Xampa)
god fearing freemen helped and the slaves themselves with a hurricane deck, a mainsail ringinig vigorously, and sent his son Lovely Flowers, Pray.(Faust)
resisted, until that monster was overthrown. Happily. Indies at the case whom anden side and a jibsail.
Another British colour over to see what was the matter. Mrs. Mulcare.
men minds are so constituted that they will not per then has sailed the world in sain ed man, a native of Jamaica, is Jake brought back the report. a) Traumeri. Sehumann)
manently accept what they believe to be false because and steam from a small ketch to a ready to accompany me as my sole There isn anything the matter. b) Humoreske. Dorak)
British battleship. He has made 13 they are told that it is unavoidable.
companion. There isn anything the matte. e) Hungarian Dance. Johannes voyages round Cape Horn, As it was chattel slavery, so must it be with ecoHe was the only coloured seaman have had hard times Pon, but the gent in pew twelve Brahms. Il Bacio.(Luigi Arditi). Mrs nomic slavery. It must be overthrown, and all must to gain the during the war, sorts of boats, and am not afraid.
wants a couple of gin breathe alike the economic atmosphere by which they which he earned shortly before the (At the age of 16 with three others, right over.
Muleare Orpheus In The Under world (Pisare surrounded and which they are engaged in keep Battle of Jutland for the part he one of whom was a coloured man, ing pure. The Romans at one time said the Britons played as a gun layer in sinking an we took a 40 ton ketch from Dover no Solo. Offenback. Miss Holder were so stupid that they could not even make good enemy submarine in the North Sea to the Bahamas.
Week News Hawaiian Farewell Song. Mrs.
Mulcare, aceompanied by Violin slaves; but that did not prevent the Britons from provHe was the only coloured member. Theatrical troupe arrived in a ing it untrue. We know what the difference has been (Continued from page 1)
New England town late for centuries between the positions of Rome and Bri IN ROYAL GUARDS OF HONOUR of the guard of honour tain. Mr. Balfour of England told John Redmond of Ireat the burial services of both Qeen ning to find that no acommodation this year, a total of 275, 059. 80 Winning Essays land about the beginning of this century, When it Victoria and King Edward, and the was to be had in the only hotel that was collected from a total of 602 comes to the question of an independent parliament in only Negro reservist in the guard the place afforded. The landlord did vessels which transited the BY IRIS PERAL GRAHAM Dublin, say, sir, that is not on my slate. but before the mounted for the State visit of the not seem a bit affected by the sad waterway during that period. This after represents a daily average toll colContinueu from page 1)
cetury was a quarter through Balfour was proven King and Qeen to Liverpool for the plight of the tourists, but lection of 73, 388. 38, and of tran ishly we will not have sufficient to wrong there was indeed an independent parliament in sits, 19. 42.
Dublin. Less than a hundred years ago men were deport Ahe fault is ours. But, when every circumstance is takcarry out the works that are useful ed from England to Australia as convicts, because they en into account, we regret to have to state that a great and helpful. Money when The report also shows that there away can be made use of when the had attempted to unite to bargain for better wage deal of injustice has been done us by them since the were 14, 920 people working on the days, or times of necessity arise.
they were all of the same superior race. but the off completion of the Panama Canal.
Capal 3, 140 Gold and 11, 780 Silver If is not money alone that we can spring of those outraged men were amongst the giants The Governors have always been more of less dis employees.
save. We can save jewels, provisions, who went forth to save old England from extinction a little while ago; and the others of their class at home posed to gradually improve the lot of the colored alien proporties, houses or anything vaemployee; but the opposition has been unbroken. Gov Christmas Carols now constitute the Opposition Party in the Mother of ernors Goethals and morrow said it was because of our luable, that may be useful and help Parliaments. This latter is the work of trade unionism. race: and who can say it is not? What is our position ful to us in later days of want and If you say that no case of the Negro is cited, we can At the Wesleyan Church need.
point with pride to the achievement of Toussaint Ou in the lives of most of us? Nothing higher than the now, after over twenty years of service the best years Panama When in the great Worlds war if the United States of America verture in winning the freedom of his country with Nenot thrifty, a great number of her gre soldiers of his own making, against the picked mop and broom for us and our children. This is a English and French of Europe.
splendid outlook for an old employee who has served Carol Singing will never lose its We have generalized in this way because we forced out of the job he is not to get another like it. and Christian people have expressed their vation.
with efficiency in some higher capacity (for if he is charm. Christmas is not Christmas own people, and those of many other without them. For many centuries nations, would have died from starearnestly desire that there be some reasonable solution for thechildren it must certainly be a grand inspiration joy of Christmas in song and the We as children should take of our local labor difficultiesa peacefull solution, of manhood. Are not our children born here reasonably happy melodies of the Carols help us special pride in one that will cause us to look with admiration upon entitled to better treatment? And are not the older carry us back to happy days of old young to practice the art of saving Christmas and beginning when those who are now making enemies of themselves and ones who have given the best of their years in this ser The Wesleyans of Panama are from our little. For by saving the oureslves. Things do not always happen as we plan vice? We are glad to say that there are many white arranging a unique service for Sunday dimes and cents to day, that would them. the best laid plan of mice and men, gang aft mericans here who are with us.
afternoon of the 30th.
be wasted for candies and harmful agley. The white workers in the Canal Zone can more We are not crying: we are trying to reason. Those programme of instrumental and sweets. we may ere long be able to tell what tomorrow will bring to the world, than can who believe like Mr. Green that the spirit of justice vocal music is being prepared. Mrs. realize dollars saved which can be anyone else. Such incidents as that recpunted in the should be given full play in industry will find no dif are color Amcon Cathedpulariu fing used to better supuedo ser cand and also our own soprano story of the lion and the mouce are of frequent oc ficulty in agreeing with our complaint. The Panama Mrs. Olga King. An unusual and more lasting benefit to each of us.
currence in human life. We are asking no more than a Canal is a profit making industry which is being sup picturesque attraction will be a Let us not forget that as the old square deal. We have always admired and commend ported by the world shipping This is not sentiment: Christmas Tableau representing the proverb runs, penny saved is a ed them for their determination to fight for what they it is a fact. The employees of the industry should be Kings from the Orient and the Adora penny gained.
want. But surely, there is a limit to everything. Live treated on the basis of the financial capacity of the tion of the Shepherds. large and let live. The indifference of West Indians to their industry. The citizenship element that is said to be at crowidexp sected to this service. If you have a Prescription to own welfare has always been a source of grave con the bottom of our differences (but which is really race)
be made up take it to the cern to us, and we believe that on account of this care should be additional benefit to those who are citizens.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish National Pharmacy, Santa Ana free and self satisfied attitude on our part, the other We are being grievously wronged: for goodness sake and English for sale at the Work Plaza, where you will get cour workers have been induced to think us dead. Much of give us a square deal.
man Printery.
teous and obliging service.
in all fizzes sent Piano.
one evegreat stored WAS with


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