
PAGE FIVE Details of Heroism LA BOCA NOTES Is it ble?
save Krasonable?
on LACTOGEN Yor Better Bottes PREPANDO ACTOGEN ONESTLE CLOSE CHLORODONT rusty. ܙ wil la celor de stumbrador, swam 46 North Ave. Javillo some (Continued from page 1)
got up to my neck and my shovel The Athenaeum that count more so with baies, the went swimming away. We tied our loss of a few ounces per week mean.
selves with ropes and got in line, whole lot for a baby it may be The Athenaeum rendered a splendid due to various causes passing sacks of coal. Around midwhich the program last Tuesday evening. Mr. nurse or Dortor may detect. Sparnight the port boiler was submerged, Wesley read a Paper and that boiler stands ten to fifteen on ng two hours per week for a visit Reading Maketh a Full Man. Mr. to the Clinie feet high.
may Philips recited the Viltears a few months later.
mother The ship was pitching, Is it be up and mert a baby body to con lage Preacher. Miss Fenton read of strength and vigurt the food it receives dos down and sideways. We would be hot nourish qually every part of it system? Mother a famous president of the United NIGHT TOPIC AS ST.
complete food because it contains in the corred bounced in a bunch from one boiler PETER properties what is required to make bene, nourish themes tes; MI Florence Smith gave and to give warmth, weight, much, my and growth Cow to another, and the chief engineer CHURCH milk contains the webstances mother milk but NOT in a reading on the peculiar longevity the proper quantities, and therefore, cannot supply ally all or somebody, kept shouting orders that a baby mond of the life of a toad, and Master to keep on stoking.
LACTOGEN ble milk powder prepared from co Osley Bynoe entertained The topie at St. Peter La Bo.
milk which has been altered in its various parts so that it is saw Jimmy Oliver, my bunkthe each one care in quantity and quality, and therefore, provides iano. Next Tuesday Mrs Cumber on Sunday night was, though some the woment, en and growing power as mother mate, go down with blood on his milk LACTOGEN being composed of the substances of milk land will give a reading; Mr. Smith whyt unusual very interesting, ONLY, must not be mistaken for ordinary milk powders LAC face, and we pulled him up with the TOGEN gives with every feed all necessary nourishment in pro will sing and Miss Unica Simmons was not a sermon, nor lecture porties that are correct and suitable to the age of the child rope tied around his waist. All of us will give a piano selection.
which we usually expect, and 01 men knew the ship was done for, which many are afraid; indeed in Perfect Treasure but not one of us broke away.
does well to take a peep into either Definite plans for the Early Monday morning, Perman Give your Baby society of the four places of Divine Worthsaid, the firemen were told to leave Junior Elocution Contest which ship on a Sunday night, you might the benefit of the stokehole and take to the lifecomes off at the Clubhouse next never tell where you may pick up boats. As they were leaving, they Tuesday night were gone through something worth There are at least nine competitors the friencis of La Boen who did not while certainly were chased down again by the who will take the platform on that visit St. Peter on DAME NATURES DOUBLE storekeeper. They were kept emptySunday night ir:g sacks of coal into the main boiler occasion to battle for supremacy in lost something worthwhile.
until a few minutes before the Vesthe art of elocution. Much interest An article from the House o tris sank, Perman, Ford and Oliver ir being evinced in this connection Bishops was read to the congregu agreed in saying, and it is expected that a good timetion, by special order of the house were Door Was Rusty will be spent with the youngsters of Bishpos. This topic was chief Their opinion, reiterated by on the occasion: on unity of the Churches, not ou NESTLE Milk Food for the weaning time. 12 dozen other firemen, including any particular branch of Chin All members of the Athenaeum but of all Christian Churches and van Hampden, was that the defee.
tive coal port was the direct cau. 10 who are well in body are expected exhortation to all christians to pray of the sinking. This door is five feet to be present at the Clubhouse at for the churches regardless of crete eight o clock tonight (Saturday) to or nation. What is here mentione square, heavily hinged, and maritim safety regulations require that it take part in the society official Jis a very slight reproduction of tha securely fastened and locked. The reception of Mr. William Jump, a article which was fuli and length edges of the steel door frame na foundation member who with Mrs but so far is written just to give a sealed with putty. similar do Jump and their youngest daughter idea of what kind of a subject the is ret on the port side Rosa returned from a well earned churches are putting forward. Som Vacation in the United States.
THE WORLDS BEST TOOTH PASTE The men krew the door was not future date it might be possible to locked, Perman said. It couldn ba publish the whole article for the tecked, because the bo sin mute, be Juniors are reminded of the benefit of our readers.
sides the carpenter, tried to pound thenaeum Junior Semi annual Es it together and couldn There say Contest. The subject for the WOMEN LIFE PROBLEM CLUI wasn any putty. The thing was Esssay is What Benefits Can Be Pasta dentífrica blanquísima Derived From a Literary Society in On Thursday next 13th, Nomina No orders were given to the firea Community. Juniors as far north tion and Election of Officers men to abandon the stokehole. They als Gamboa on the Pacific and of take place at 30 pm. at the FREE TRIAL TUBE were left helpless in their confuthe Isthmus are eligible to compete. Boca Club House. All members ar.
sion, it was charged. They They must not reach their 17th requested to be present, To every one presenting this Ad. at out finally when all the boilers had birthday in order to be eligible There will be a grand reception for TRUTE BROS been submerged close to о elock Mr. Mrs Jump at p. Thurs Monday afternoon, to find the deck LA BOCA WESLEYAN CHURCH day Dec, 13th, all members are slanting skyward and men and wocordially invited mensliding like bundles on Harvest Thanksgiving Services in vast uptilted floor.
When say you should be thrifty, connection with the Methodist EpisRISING ELOCUTIONSTS Religion, morality and spiritual Human and Spiri it doesn mean you should be miser excellency attain their highest point Each for Himself copal Church of La Boca will take We had been ordered to do what juniors Names of some of the tual Relations ly.
of influence and strength in place on the 16th of this month. who will try for elocutionary honors we were told, Perman said. When For the last two months there has at the La Boca Athenaeum Junior opinions of individuals in either of munities where the social and eco there were no orders what been a series of Thanksgiving Ser Elocution Contes to be held in the Continued from page these groups will not prevent the awhere moderation prevails and where we do? We didn know, it seemed vices among the various churches, La Boca Clubhouse next Tuesday through the creation of discontent reasonable, rational and wise polies tranquility of mind blends with a ing for some one to tell us to get Church or Labor from following a nomie order is equitably balanced, like hours in that stokehole waitThis might be the last of its kind night: and unrest.
the for the year, but certainly will not in all their relations with each other social atmosphere created by civic out. Nobody came: We knew Gwendolyn Young No doubt the Church is in acord As a rule, the position of extremists and community righteousness.
be the least.
ship was gone, and we were wait.
Nell Jones.
with organized labor in its efforts upon any and all questions is unServices will be conducted in the Religion exercises an ennobling ing to die down there.
Ambrozine Villiers.
to protect women in industry, to sound, untenable and unreasonable.
morning and afternoon by the Rev.
Oliver said he held on to a cabin civilization without religion is inLynn Gasby.
abolish child labor and sweatshops, human relations. Wade Pastor of the church.
It is not expected in any contact influence in door and for one indescribable miMaria Aberdeen.
to protect the health of working men which the Church might make with conceivable. We shrink from the nute watched the tumulton the special feature will be the Flower Shand.
and women, advance the cause of employers of labor or the represen contemplation of a world devoid of deck.
Service in the afternoon. Much time Josephine Bonnie.
industrial hygiene, to protect in the and religious It was and energy is being spent tatives of organized labor that the religious influences case of every man for Babington Niles.
products of free labor from the com Church would inject itself into pure teachings. The organized labor mo himself, he said. saw a bunch practices for these services. TeachVivian Niles.
petition of goods manufactured by Walters is in charge of the Nora Young ly controversial questions such avement realizes this fact, for it rush for a lifeboat and pile in, and conviet labor, and to choir and Miss Simmons pre1. Dixon.
secure the opne or closed shop or purely ad knows that in the settlement of before anybody had gripped the enactment of scientific and adequate ministrative details. Those are col controversies which arise between sides some one had loosened the sides at the organ.
workers compensation legislation.
lateral questions which the Churehemployers and employees the law of ropes and the boat went down nose These are social justice problems might regard as of imponderable righteousness, religion and moralitty first.
Winning Essays which lie at the very basis of hu consequence and which must be ler must control if settlements arrived a prodigious wash sent Perman and man welfare and social progress. In for settlement to those directly con at are to be just and fair to all.
Ford over the railing. Ford saw a Owing to the heavy showers for (BY ENID FRENCH) any study of the problems arising cerned.
woman bobing about in a the last two months this clinic was out of human relations in industry From the crest of a wave a spar The ultimate objective of the CHORILLO NOTES lunged forward, striking her on the on the wane but now we are having (Continued from page 1)
which the Church may undertake, the very best of evenings and what it must come face to face with the merican Federation of Labor, in ali head. She sank.
its diversified activities, can be excan be brighter for the babies than something in the bank every month.
organized labor movement. It must Demeanor Grave If a child is not thrifty when he pressed in two words, Human Bet The Bible Truth Day School is a sunny afternoon walk, surely noPerman clung to a raft, Ford to is small, he should be encouraged counsel and confer with its official terment. It seeks, through the planning their annual Entertainment thing is better.
The clinįeis run by the Canal Zone by his parents, because he will be representatives, for in on other way establishment of a just and sound which is to take place on the 20th a table and Oliver swam to a lifeinstant, at the Director Star Friendly boat, all rescued in the darkest Doctors and Nurses for the benefit the future man of tomorrow. He can it come to understand or know industrial relations, to elevate mate The Dedication of their New Edifice hours later by the Myriam.
of the mothers of La Boen, and meet can be easily corrected by buying the great heart and mind of labor. economie system within the realm of Society Hall The reperesentatives of organized The Lamport Holt Line yesterin the Club House on Friday even small bank boxes or opening small when Pastors and Members from shoes at the Seamen Institute.
ings from to It is said that accounts in the bank. The parents labor are conscious of the fact that rial, moral and spiritual standards for Worship in the Chorrillo Disthis clinic carries an average of 40 should see that the child puts away there are those within the Church among the masses of mankind. We wiet, will take place on Dec. 16, 1928 day provided 127 men with suits and want to bring about the acceptance every local Denomination will be They wandered about the library at least half of what is given him. who view, with feelings of apprehen of this great truth that man was not present.
or 50 babies per month.
and dining hall, some gathering in La Boca is very largely populat We should never think anything sion, any action on the part of the made for industry but that industry groups. Their demeanor ed; it would appear as if mothers too small to be put away, because Church which might tend to lead it was made for man. We must make Director Star Friendly Societyg gave naturally grave. One tall, lanky Neinto the field of industrial conmachinery the servant of mankind, brilliant send off to Mrs. Ward gro laughed when a match burned or rather some of our mothers are from small beginnings, troversy. On the other hand, there a primary, contributing factor in the member of the Society) who left his finger trying to light a ciganot aware that its the little things large accounts.
are those among the workers who march of the human race toward the here for her native home Barbados on rette and he looked about as though believe that the Church is opposed realization of a just social order and to their organization and their leMany, a propriate addresses ard he had been guilty of sacrilege.
the enjoyment of higher, richer and songs were rendered after which regitimate endeavors to secure adeThe call came late in the afterbetter life.
freshments were served. The Society quate wages and the enjoyment of donated a beautiful purse noon to report at the Federal Builda higher living standard. social condition in which pover Members and guests enjoyed them ing to be interviewed by assistants BEAUTY PARLOUR It is fair to hand and great selves with dancing the remainder of of United States Attorney Tuttle.
that the ty on the one wealth the ther prevails is not the evening untill 12 o clock. The Government, the Governconductive to spiritual growth or Madame C, Walker Method ment! was the cry.
There are many means of saving spiritual properity. The steds of There was a moment jubilation, that are not noticed, but have great gospel truth cannot take root Government seemed to mean meanings.
grow in the soil of human poverty.
seme magical contrivance from would advise every man and wo Nor does religion appeal to Dixie White which they would derive liberal man to put their savings in the possessed of great wealth who spend financial returns for what they had National Bank of New York, begin their lives in riotous living. social TAILOR undergone.
ning with One Dollar; woul advise order where such extremes exist i: Consultation Free House 64 Ancon Ave. every child to pone small accounts not good for the Church, society or 28 16th Et. West in the Bank and not spen every cent civilization.
PANAMA Advertise in the Workman in sweets, movies and candies.
sssoooooosad it will bring good results.
comcould the er was unwe get Mrs. GERTRUDE FORDE RICHARDS assume OP Shampooing, Dyeing. Pressing, Facial Massaging, etc.

    ExtremistWorkers Movement

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