
NEWS FROM THE ATLANTIC SIDE Grade 2, were the the rates faced on rather we saw came was not Rave looked was anchor of the locks, were WAS.
twos were a gaze out to Orehestra the the air are wont to INTERESTING JOTTINGS through. little further, and be Favorite let go another whistle held two black gates, one on either This was a curve in the cut. It was MY TRIP THROUGH side of the massive concrete walls, 25 and we caught first sight By ELIJAH HUNTER and when remembered the an of the Santa Barbara since she epTHE CANAL nouncement which was made a lit. ped away from us on the Lakes.
INTERESTING JOTTINGS The other event was that of Los (By Victor Hunter, STORY OF THE TRIP ble while a hand observed the mass Then we saw to the left the tower ter Morand, a young man of Silver siveness of the gates, wondered in Gold Hill, the Alps of the Canal City who was employed as Motor to myself if these on the other side by the unof hell. But seeing no flames, nor governable Lion Hill in the centre Silver City School)
Truck Operator by the Commissary The past week has been The night before the 29th, was a smoke, nor brimstone, nor anything of which we beheld the bronze tab.
Division. This young man was at his somewhat restiess night for me. In that sort which they tell ne are let erected in memory My Friends: This is the first trip erentful on this side.
of Colonel work on Saturday. He had driven other words, my sleep was ruffled, hell, and also because of t1 Gaillard of Gold Hill fame, Whereas the rains of the previous his truek to an elevator on the see peaceful repose. was brutally ob. to the conclusion that these were not piacid, and did not have altful coolness enjoyed, came reached Cucuracha slide and have had through the Canal. It is at 33 very interesting. The people behaved week have subsided somewhat, we ond floor of the Commissary WareThe Favorite was still going very nicely, and am very glad for are still having showers, but not for house at Mount Hope, and sessed with a desire which haunted the gates of the Locks. Ahead of strong, and she brought us to pa it. saw an Alligator. was me, and my mind was possessed of was a big ship on whose hinder raise while the Orchestra vive us wild ducks. saw the little houses on. the. so long, and mostly in the night, waiting there for the elevator to an idea morbidly dominant. dreamt part was inscribed or painted the At intervals, the wind is high, ana descend from the third floor where dreams, and saw visions, and name SANTA BARBARA. was yes, and those who were dancing is the edge of the Canal. saw. the it for the greater part of the day, it had gone. The wooden guard gate not in a ship; but in a dream.
made the trip through the Canal, told that this was a ship of the didn do anything elese. Here we launches and the Cranes. The Cranes there is bright sushine. There were Grace Line. Just at this time, the had a good view of the Hercules are very very big. saw the waterwas closed, and while Morand was not so many social functions as the My dream however, true Santa Barbara and also the Favorite and the Ajax. Canal Cranes, and falls.
week before, and so the rains did not waiting, his truck, in some my for the 29th arrived without any stopped, and the massive gates clos. the same little girl that entertainThe Locks are ingenious. There have as many wash outs to perform. terious way crashed into the gate, rain, and with just the brilliance of rd behind us. looked over, and saw ed me with her charlestion a little smashed it in two, and dropped in a sunshine. beautiful morning men throw lines, the other ends of while before are hundreds of lives that were lost asked me Mister, to the elevator pit about forty feet dawned, and for me it was peace. which were attached to some funny are those two big things the dev Tein building the Panama Canal. I have said that the past week below. How Morand was not smash peace. reached the Rail looking things on either side of the Of course, told her they were not, am only a little boy and these were and told her what they were; but born when they were building the their called mules; but they had neither was. eventful. must verify that ed to atoms is a real mystery, the road Station before the train which walls. They told me statement by narrating briefly at heavy truck having covered him up ladies from Panama, and when she heads nor tails, and y wondered it like that be the gate, they really look Canal, but got a sail through it, devil.
least, two of those events. The first completely. His compatriots rushed arrived, there was only standin room was looking at freaks. Soon, The journey was not yet ended so and have had the pleasure of sailfor myself and others who made heard a signal bell and these mules we kept on and reached Pedro Miing in the West Indians blood.
was a suicide, a rather shoek ing to his assistance and with commend immediate use of the spaces alloted began to pull. felt tremor on guel at 45 The Favorite en The Ladies and Gentlemen event. Our friend and acquaintance able speed and an exercise of good to us by the daddy of the trip, beard, and when Mr. Evans King Thompson, native common sense, lifted the truck This, of course, has reference to saw troubled waters whirling here, tered the east chamber of the Leksus lots of foot works, but the best at 50 while the Orchestra played foot works were Mr. Joliffe of Barbados. tailor by profession, from over himn first, then lifted him the Station at Mount Hope. We soon there, and everywhere. Up and up. Don Cry Baby and by as we saw the wonderful Gold Hin. and a resident of Hudson Lane, Co out, and rushed him to the fresh reached the Station at Colon. Some higher and higher we rose, until we were sailing this side of Pedro Mistood pat, others sat tight, and could see everything around us at guel. Then we came to Miraflore saw the Lion Hill too. It was on the lon, is said to have been ailing for air. The ambulance was soon on the soon we were shunted on to the track a level with the high walls. This and entered the Locks at 40. The right hand side.
some time. He about forty spot and carried him off to Colon leading to the pier where the Fa was told was the passage through Orchestra played Melancholy vorite stodd at Arriving years old and followed his profes Hospital. He has since been trans1 of chamber saw a slab memorial of Colonel and the Baby. They seemed to have been Gaillard.
sion at the address given above. It ferred to Gorgas Hospital where hy those already on board. How we had passed up three chambers none aboard, and at 15, we there, we were greeted with cheer same thing occurred twice again, so thinking of babies; but there wer am saying these few words to was observed that Mr. Thompson report says he lies in a serious con these got there before did, was a or flights to the top of Gatun Locks out of the Locks into Miraflores you because am satisfied for the had become quite melancholy on dition from internal injuries. mystery to me; but the they were and beheld the district of Gatun Lake where we met the ss. Crafts trip, and hope to have another beWednesday and remained so until there, so, lost no time. Me aboard in all its beauty. Then, uttered a man and the Cauca, and the Much sympathy is felt for this said 1, and aboard. fore become a man.
Thursday when, in the afternoon, he By the suppliant prayer. Out of the Veronica of the Grace line. threw himself from the balcony of young man, and rightly so, and also and the three they came, and deaths have come, Lord!
little while, and we beheld Balboa Victor HUNTER.
the house where he lived into the for his parents, especially his mo her when the Clock registered 45, the little ahead, saw another gate We were in the harbor whenee we which was closed; but as street below and died a short time who is a person of religious tem whistle blew, and away we went All faces weap viewed to great advantage the lofty perament. She keeps a Sunday brilliant with afterwards. Needless to say the ocprouebed, this commenced to open. Administration Building on the top MY TRIP THROUGH THE CANAL Indians, Wider and wider became School at her home in Silver city smiles. There were West the gap of the hill where the Canalis ad currence caused a great deal of ex.
and Hindoos, and Chinese, and even until the gates rested in the places ministered, and our destiny shaped citement, and the general By Leila HUNTER every Sunday, and she tries to inexp. es.
Pananans, all bent on making provided for the purpose in the The Orchestra played. Show Me sion of those who know what to say way, something which is fluence the young in religious trip through the Canal for the walls, exposing to my the The Way To Get Home and a On the 20h. of November which in such circumstances was, what real double purpose of enlightenment, and placid waters of the Gatun lake. It the Favorite cast her lines necessity among our little ones contributing to a worthy cause. An was a pity, poor fellow. join in the An was now 11. 15 A, Santa Bar make fast, the end of a perfect day was Thanksgiving Day, had my general sympathy for this unfo tu.
was on board, and they bura ahead, Favorite following. The was fittingly ushered in by the first trip through the Canaland The young man himself is quiet struck up a lively piece. am not Scenery on both sides presented a playing of the tune perhaps it is the last, although nate West Indian, who, in an un and decent in his general deport sure, but it sounded to me somewhat beautiful picture The lofty hill Mid pleasures and palaces, hope not. This trip as everyone guarded moment a moment when ment, and it is another pity that like Sweetie Charlie. Up the boy tops in the distance bedecked with though we may roam, knows was arranged by the thoughtlife burdens must have weighed he should have encountered such a we sailed until we came to the Nature shrubbery the sea gulls Be it ever so humble, ful McCauley Bayne in behalf of heavily upon him when both the serious accident. From as far as the tlantic entrance to the Canal, and the and wild ducks in flocks and singly thre no place like home. the more unfortunate West Indians present and the future contained layman can see, there is not much Orchestra at once changed from an flittered round and about, now up in English air to a Spanish don the air, then upon the bosom who suffered from the effects of a nothing but darkness, gross dark chance for his recovery; but it is know what the name was really lake, and again taking a dive as If you have a Prescription to hurricane which took place between ness, and when, in a fit of despera sincerely hoped that the Physicians but for my own purpose, will cal such birds tion he committed the rash act! will be able to bring him around, if it La Paloma. Someone take it to the the 12th and 18th September last.
with do. We reached Colorado Island at be made up acco left Cristobal Docks aboard the voice shouted. we so are 12. 10 when we met the Truely, what a pity, poor fellow that is possible, and restore him terrible National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Balboa Favorite at 45 and arnow about to enter the locks, and Achen steamship from the am informed that Mr. Thompson unto his mother.
we are 85ft, below sea level pre end, followed by the Pacific Plaza, where you will get courContinued on Page 8)
was a bachelor; but that he left offpare to meet your doom. thought Spruce of the Dimon Line, and the teous and obliging service. spring, a little boy about five years this was a funny announcement La Perla. Five minutes later of age. hope that for this little Adios! Next week, may be, will because was not prepared for any we encountered the Point Junot dith, boy, the Good Samaritan will be tell you things that will not make doom. was looking for a trip, a tremendous lumber tramp.
Panama Things The Workman Would like to see found.
you sad as the things have told a doom, and so was everybody elege. Here, first sight of However, consoled myself saying. Railroad lines was had since you this week.
doom or no doom, am going bade adieu to Gatun. We were taking in the scenery, and some were Jury amongst West Indians. The spirit of practical UN ACQUIRE USEFUL TRADES.
dancing on the SCHOOL for HIGHER upper deck to the tunes of the Orchestra, the members The West Indian worker and TECHNICAL EDUCATION of which did not forget what they converted to the DOCTRINE for West Indian CHILDREN by were on the Favorite to do. They WEST INDIAN EFFORT.
were good dancers there, and good OF UNIONISM and COLLEClooking girls they had plenty of TIVE BARGAINING. CORPORATION to take foot works which enjoyed im Wages in the CANAL care of West Indian FINAN ON THE ISTHMUS mensely, old as am. To tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing ZONE and PANAMA paid the CIAL INTERESTS but the truth, don object to the worker without regard to his The Workman OWNED shortness of the modern skirts. race, color, or citizenship a job by a company of WEST INWhatever others think or say of for a man and not a man for a DIANS.
am somewhat inspired when job.
here Every West Indian drinkenjoyment was redely interrupted West Indian PARENTS ing BALBOA and SILVER At Prices to Suit You by shouts of Alligator! Alligator. helping their CHILDREN to SPRAY. looked across, and saw a tremendous mouth protruding from the Percolator Coffee Sets. 50 45. 00 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS water. The eyes were large and Waffle Irons Sets.
13. 50 27. 50 brilliant, and to give you an idea 180 Table Stoves. 50 14. 50 Three Pieces Waffle Set. 27. 50 Refrigerators, Servel 70. 00 100. 00 what a big brute. But was not Ffigadaire.
Floor Lamps. 30. 00 125. 00 15. 75 scared. am accustomed to seing mouths of such proportions in AlGas Stoves.
Bridge Lamps.
12. 95 ligators Street, Silver City, where Table Lamps, Bridge Lamps. 98 15. 75 have had the mirfortune to live Bed Lamps, Floor Lamps Egg Boilers 50 for some time, and better ht still Radio Sets Accessories. 12. 50 Piece Set. have hear the barkings from 11. 50 those mouths. It AND 12. 45 was Violet Ray Outfits.
and were Percolators Sets Pieces att Toaster.
Ciamita 75 11. 50 17. 00 45. 00 Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 about two miles from Sewing Machine Motors.
22. 50 Vacuum Cleaners. 20. 00 40. 00 little further, then another shout Vibrator Massage out Fits. 15. 00 of Alligator. another big brute. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Electric Irons 758. 80 With Floor Polisher 70. 00 This was 12. 50, and the Orchestra 50 11. 50 was playing a Egg Boilers.
Charleston which Summary of Contents: Cake Mixers 22. 00 25. 00 Combs.
kept a nice girl busy showing her artistic foot works to the amuseHistory of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Curling Irons Wavers Combs. 255. 75 Hotpoint Automatic Toaster. 11. 50 ment of all. Alligator. this time Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, little brute 12. 55. The Favorite did not mind the Alligators, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, LOTS OF OTHER GIFTS she kept right on, and as we ap.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, preached Gamboa, the Orchestra Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua SEE OUR STOCK FIRST struck up, Ramona. The Favorite let lose her whistle, and we were Players at Gamboa curve. Next came Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Palmas Signal Station, and we came to the entrance of the Culebra cut.
Interesting Some one shouted, we er goin up the narrows. That was right. Then Price 50cts. FUERZA LUZ)
we came to La Pita Signal Stationit was now 10 The Orchestra struck up a pain of a piece en Secure yours now there will be a great rush PANAMA COLONR titled, Thats My Weakness Now. for them, AT YOUR SERVICE and believe me, could not help muttering. Glory, glory, glory for Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama Up the narrows we sailed and the the GREATEST GIFT DISPLAY them, XMAS PRESENT eser beheld them, but my its size, there we was chorus of, STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History we Gamboa times Las THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS Ime


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