
IN THE REPUBLIC Always Fresh Quality Unsurpassable The Prosperity Tailor CLEANER DYER Telephone 695 DYEING, GLEANING PRESSING OPEN TALK savants and not completely oblivious to things heard and seen at times, it would appear that there is a subverTo our Friends And Co Workers sive, if not abortive sentiment deepGOLD Employees In The Canal er and more subtle than the external Zone Of Great attitude Republican Government And Chris.
of good democrats and christians suppsedly tian Nation.
good protestants in particular, toward other honest workers whose co labors only (By Negro Subject of Great a maniac would be so insane as not Britain. to realize makes possible the others! am going to make use of a reability to handle a regular bulky ference to a picture have on my paycheck, unless, too, a catholic desk as endeavor to put these com priest is a better christian, a man No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue ments together as a sort of with a better heart and cleaner open letter to OUR friends in, and across conscience, with a saner and more PANAMA CITY the national boundary line; citizens rational judgement, who, in spite of a great Republican Government, of being a good American citizen and a Christian nation: the GOLD save and except he might not be reemployees of the Panama Canal etc. ceiving a monthly or any pay check, It is with no wish to acusse the at all can reason salong the lines OF THE HIGHEST ORDER innocent, among the said people of of common sense as regards the comthe chances of perverted slangs used mon desserts of other poor laboring out of animous against other people souls under the Star Spangled bangovernments and their nationals ner, which in the estimation of true Work Done While You Wait when say it that know it as a Americans like the father of the fact that there are those who, when Republic and the great hero of shall have stated who the picture unity, liberty, justice and true deI refer to herein represents, who mocracy: Washington and Lincoln of TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED will say to ell with your king.
Yesterday, and other this side of. King George Picture In Print. the Great Divide then yet possesWe too, the West Indian Negro sed of Living consciences Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices subjects of England are being servHate and suspicion caused by the ed these days with pictorial perio abortive conjeture which some perLadies Garments carefully handled dicals picturing persons things in sons themselves manufacture or which there is direct or indirect in bring on their own pates as terest on our part.
fruit of their own sowing are aboThe pieture am about to speak minable traits in the sight of God of just now, is that of King George Almighty. These make for strife of England. as it appears vide and, war. The Panama Tribune of 11 25 28 The writer spoke afore of the on its front cover page. It looks as ages of himself and the present king to the same in the western world.
though it represents an old man; fEngland, who for some causes The Law Of Retribution.
does it not? What the writer known and unknown to his people on am not superstitious; am no wishes to say in connection there and off British territory are at the idle dreamer or through viwith is that if he, the latter, could present time praying that he in this sions or else, but firmly believe grow hair on his face as the king hour of physical affliction, might in the law of retribution.
does he would look as old or even be restored to health. Of course the have, on many occasions, been older than His Majesty, being the comparisons between us, two absurd struck by what appeared to my way latter senior by 35 days precedence as they might seem, might say of looking at such happenings, as in this vale of tears.
this much about, that with myja direct reaping by a people some It is the writer age then and Brito German blood too (like the what of the measure they sowed to his idiosyncrasies as an old man, king s) despite mine is mixed as others. bit later in this humble which he hopes will excuse him from they claim, were the king and the message to you dear christian friends the illwill and feelings of such as king me and he was situated as among you white people hope to might not be willing to reason along some of us are between Panama, Cu show you how displeased God manithe lines of the position which he ba and near by places in the West fested Himself to be because of sins takes in this review of. circum ern hemisphere, discriminated againt of the superiority Complex or rastances in the discussion, on behalf insulted and robbed, the tactics con cial discrimination toward others of others wherein he too like others, only of the Kaiser in treating con whom He showed were their equals AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL is in directly effected. These others ventions or rather European Under to such an extent that he manifested త కర are of course the objects or more standing as Scraps, woul be tried His preference for the latter sercorrectly, the subjects of King with those of the western world; but vice.
George of England, despite being the example and tactics of our great At the present, or in this instalthe erstwhile servants of the Great American cousins in looking out ment of the treatise it will suffice, North American Republican Govern for and demanding protection of the when have given a few examples House Rent Receipt Books ment, known here as silver employees life and property of their nationals of where it appeared that almost of. the Canal Zone government. outside of the United states would immediately after some hue and cry Sort of Covert Hate and Suspicion. also be tried out. Right and wrong with unchristian discrimination IN SPANISH ENGL ISH To the mind of one somewhat ob In the Eastern Hemisphere is equal against the socalled silver For Sale at the WORKMAN PRINTERY ployees by their white co workers. helpers. whatever helpers mean)
somewhere in the realms of the American world, and its activities some disaster follows on its heels. could name some in life and history, some happening right up in the states as in the case of Loeb and Leopold, rich, cultured and educated but worse at heart than many Negroes; and am at this time in clined to cite the prowess of one of King George Fifth of England West Indian Negroes and how he rescued a seore or more of white souls from a watery hell (grave; hades) as against or compared with how the white, trained and doubtless cultured (many citizens among the rest no doubt) behaved in the awful catastrophy. This too can be the voice and hand of Omnipotence soon or just when good white Employees were devising means and ways to take a morsel of bread out of the mouths of poor little brats simply because they happen to be Nnegoes and the subjects of King George of England with what hear of whisperings or of picking a quarrel and spreading suspicions against a hitherto loyal and hardworking people at present under the Star and Stripes.
Follow the Workman. and when am through with this message to white people and feel free of any egotism in my heart will come right out in the lime light and sign myself in my true characters, believing as do, that this is no time to practice mummery since our adversaries too are coming out for all they are capable against us like some of old, and seeing they are apparently aiming at something when they so stupidly declare that alien West Indian Negroes British in particular while in case of war (With whom. might be used as underlings, low down, may not be trusted as clerical helpers. sensible person would conclude that in case of a bloody (let us let them see we under stand what they are at) issue, a man with a sledge hammer, a machet and so on might be more dangerous than one with a pen or pencil. Let us give thanks for the Canal ete.
To be continued.
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