p. 8


PAGE EIGHT The Big Fight Toniget My Trip Through the Canal Important Notice Weather permitting, there is going to be some crowd at the Bull Ring tomorrow evening to witness Young Harry Wills and Billy Grime do their stuff in a 15 round championship bout for the lightweight Crown of the Isthmus.
Those who witnessed the last batthe between these two boys some weeks ago were treated to such brilliant show of fisticuffs when they, fought to a draw that they are all to a man eager to see them in action again, as it is a question of which of the two ts the better, and public opinion thus far is evenly divided That there is going to be a cut and go from the first tap of the yong is to be expected as neither is satisfied with the last decision Each feels that he had the better of the last bout. So all you fons make up your mind and go prepared to see a fight, the like of which has never been witnessed in the Bui Ring before THE WORKMAN PRINTERY (Continued from Page 6)
where a lockage was performed rived at Gatun Locks at 10. 15 along with the Santa Barbara This lockage was completed at 11.
15 On the way from Gatun, encountered many different sights such as the Gold Hill, Lion Hill, the Memorial to Colonel Gaillard, beauti ful water falls and so on. It was wonderful to behold the happy flocks of birds of different kinds flying here and there, alighting sometimes on the waters and having a good time indeed. Then the sight of large Alligators rising to the surface of the waters on the Lakes every now and then during a cer.
tain period of the journey. should think that all this scenery created interest and added zest to the other attractions of the trip.
Pedro Miguel was reached at p. and a lockage was repeated with the Santa Barbara and Favorite. We arrived at Miraflores at 53 and the lockage was concluded at 25 pm. We reached our destination, Balboa at p. and spent the time visiting friends until 30 when we bearded the train for Colon, arriving there at a few minutes after eight.
more than satisfied be cause gained knowledge did not have before. The only situation that made me feel a little disappointed was the fact that there were not more young folks like myself on the trip. think many more should have embraced the opportunity of taking in the trip for by so doing, they would have learnt something and gained experience in the oper.
ation of the locks and how things are done when a transit is made through the Canal.
MISS LIELA HUNTER Cristobal, Dee. 3, 1928 Tomorrow Races Is Now Located in more was spacious quarters at No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street.
The following is the Pro gram for tomorrow races:FIRST RACE 6Furlongs. Purse 100 Dempsey 11 Fenomeno 90 Barba Roja 123 Lagrimita 1:20 Candlewood 118 SECOND RACE Furlorgs Purse 100 Lolimo 110 Pistol 1:6 Gralien 122 Dieciseis 112 Don Simon 121 THIRD RAE Furlongs. Purse 100 Honey Dew 121 Tunney 109. orocha 132 Dardanels 120 Mayr 97 FOURTH RACE Furlongs Purse 125 Privolous 110 Super Gloria 118 Golondrina 115 Victoria 103 LA Nens 126 La Chiquilla 112 FIFTH RACE Furlongs. Purse 100 Lagrimita 119 lofimo 124 Dempsey 104 Fenomeno 90)
Dieci cis 126 SIXTH RACE Furlongs. Pur e 100 Grafico 109 Mayata 114 Pistol 113 Tuoney 126 Barba Roja 90 May 103 SEVENTH RACE Furlongs Purse 125 Copi 132 (Kitty Gull 120 Boleheviki 107 Chombo Gordo 127 Popo 90 Wm MCKINNON WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR POR Mc. DONALD ALMANACS 71 Street and corner 23rd St.
CHORRILLO Where with the more modern facilities such as a Linotype Machine Printing Presses we are better able to me the demands of our many patrons. WORRELL THE TAILOR No.
Calidonia Road Panama, RP CHURCH NOTICES Wesleyan Methodist Church (British Conference. CHURCH SERVICES CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE VISIT to our new Place of business SECOND SUNDAY IN ADVENT St. Peter By The Sea, La Boca Panama 11. Mr Martin 15 Rev. RE Wade Subject: The Bible and the Present Age.
Colon. 11. Mr. Whittingham 7, 15, Mr McKinsey of the Bible House La Boca m Rev. E. Wade. 15. Mr Perey Hind: New Providence 11. Rev.
Cousins, Paraiso. 11. Rea. R, Wade. 30, Mr. Walters.
will Convince you that Christian Mission of Panama Matins and address, 11 a. Mr Brathwaite, Lay Reader Church School, P.
Choral Evensong and sermon. 80 The Rector, MULCARE, RECTOR St. Bartholomew Church, Las Cascadas.
Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11. 30, The Rector, Church School and Confirmation Class, 30, MULCARE, THIS IS NO BLUFF BUT REALITY Panama 11. a. C. Brewster 30 Herbert Chorillo 11 am Elder Burke 30 Taylor La Boca 11. a. S. Taylor 30 Burke Paraiso 11. a Taylor 30 Bro. Padmore Gatun 11. a. Bro. Griffith Colon 11. a. Dash 7:30 Bro. Griffith The Workman Printery St Simon Mission, Gamboa Matias and address, 11, a. Mr.
MeCarthy, Lay Reader Church School and Confirmation Class, 80 MULCARE, Priest in Ccharge 72 Carlos Mendoza Street Salvation Army 11, a Holiness meeting Sunday School Salvation Meet.
ing Adjutant DADD.
AND CORNER JAVILLO If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging service.
If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging service


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