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PRICE CENTS Activities Strange Case of Atavism Dis Panama calorean Younes fue bonist im Form Character First Then covered in England. Uplift The Weak Successful.
a to ama.
Cases attention and Resume of the Weeks News to to the Interesting Musicale Before Appreciative AuLast Wednesday dience at La Boca Three and a Half Years Old Girl ExhiAn exceedingly interesting musical Miss Barnes pleased RepresentIs Humanity First Law Says Wrier bits Signs of Wild Animal evening was spent and enjoyed by ative Audience in Violin Recital lu South Africa Paper.
the members of the above named So ative Audience in Violin Recital ciety on Wednesday night last in La Boca, Dec. 14. Miss Myrtle The reason why there is so much patent in this country, where e The London Observer of re kept in a cot with high bars.
Geddes Hall and the occasion affor lon Barnes, step daughter of the fuss and muddle in the world is be legislation is arrayed against cent date says. Physically she is very ed many members of the society anRev. John Mulcare of La Boca, aue most men do not want to fuce Europeans with the so called hject It has been reported to the powerful child, of nice appear opportunity to contribute to the and late of Westwood High School, facts. There are times when even of enabling them to develop along Willesden Board of Guardiansance, but she has very little program.
Jamaica, where, among other succes the strongest men will blink at facts their own lines. The true interprete by the House Committee that brain. She cannot talk and she The unselfish attitude of the sex she earned English diplomas for and this strong weaknes will yet tion of this is that men will not adthey have in their control a girl, certainly acts more like an ani Society on occasion like these is proficiency in music, succeeded ad lead to a word war that will destroy mit the possibility that pupil can three and a hali years of age, mal than a child, by walking worthy of comment from the fact mirably in her debut in a violin re humanity.
teach tutor. This being true, how who is in reality an uncontrolled round on all fours. She eats any that many of the contributors were cital last night in the auditorium of wild animal.
amount of food members of other churches who volun the la Boca Clubhouse. Miss Barnessists of two classes of people, white and intriguing Broadly speaking, the world con can one expect such things as war Her parents are respectable cered and were accepted.
cease? These Application has been made to had for her pinnist Miss Lydia Hol and non white. In Africa, America spectres can only be destroyed when the Middlesex County Council working class people, whose Mrs Wilde is chiefly res der, who si conceded to be among the and Australia non whites are treatmen are able and willing to face to remove the child, as the Willother children are quite norma, ponsible for the entertainment which most efficient accompanist in Paned as inferiors, and legislation for facts and treat their brothers as lesden Guardians have no pro The Guardians are anxious featured Christmas items.
them is also made inferior. Those they would like to be treated. Until vision for such remarkable to get her into a home for men It is certainly not possible to make lally defective cases where she vention of all The young violinist justified her who make this legislation know this is done there will be perpetual the contributors, The Middlesex Council have can receive proper there being so many who acquitted appearance in public. She displayed that they are not facing facts be strife. The rule of expansion and Laken no notice of the applica. The Park Loyal Hospital. where hemselves so creditably; but Miss marked dexterity in her playing and cause the first rule of humanity is it must not be expected that a certion to them, and the Board of she is now, is a Poor Litwins Rodney Pinnoforte Solo, Mrs Doris that which would ordinarily be ex uplift the weak. But it would seem growth must be recognized, so that a stage presence much in advance of to form character first and then tain class will remain inferior all Guardians have expressed distitution, and there is no accom reece item, and Mr. Grant read. pected of a debutante of such tender that the world so mistrusts itself the time.
satiiaction with their inability modation for such cases. ing certainly met with a grand re age. She appeared three times in that it must needs to provide suitable accommoda would appear to be the duty o.
introduce In South Africa at present natives parts recital playing, consecutively for the create machinery that would upset are being ejected from farms solely tion for the girl. mumber of the Middlesex County Council option: all others did their the board who has visited the to take charge of the child under ell, keeping the musical fires of first time, Maritina (Wallace. the very purpose for which it was because of their conneetion with the enthusiasm burning brightly.
child states that she is entirely the care of the Mentally defecReally all were enjoying Xmas zicata (Delibes. then the Overture Souvenir (Franz Didla. and Piz. supposed to be erected. This faet, is (Continued from Page 4)
unsuitable for any ordinary hostive Act, before it really comes. The evening ampa (Harold. and offering on pital.
WOLF CHILDREN: was conducted by the Rev. Wade.
The child is said to be an ex(Continued on Page 8)
PARALLEL CASE ample of atavism, a return to to the primitive state, and she parallel to the case at Will is in all ways an animal. In ap. Peter, who was found in July, lesden is that of the wild boy, SPARKLETS banana workers strike of un. created by the fire from his gun.
precedented proportions, said pearance she is a pretty and de: 1725, in a wood near Hamelin (By have been instigated by bolsheviks, Lyle Womack, American, whose lightful child and the picture of in Hanover walking on his hands is reported to have developed in wife, Ruth Elder, gained fame and health, but it is necessary keep her in a cot with high bars and feet, climbing up trees like THE INFERIORITY COMPLEX (incompetent or dishonest leaders of Santa Marta Colombia. Scores of money and is in the movies now the Race, for which reason they workers have lost their lives or in through her bold attempt to cross to prevent her getting out. She a squirrel, and feeding upon West Indians, for the most part has torn to shreds the strongest grass and moss. He was brought another of their jured as a result and shipping has the Atlantic in an aeroplane, is sincloth and has cost the Board of to England in the following year descendants of Ham and children never again trust Guardians a pound a week for by George but could never be of men who were held as chattel own; rather, they are now confiding been completely tted up. The Colom. ele again. He was granted an inter: clothes. She is now clothed in taught to articulate more than slaves and freed therefrom less than everything in a Scandihoovian. But bian government is said to have the locutory divorce from her om it is an interesting case, when it is situation well in hand.
grounds of cruelty and desertion.
the strongest sackcloth that can other fifty years, mainly on few syllables. He lives for an a century ago, naturally suffer to known, that if the Scandihoovias When Ruth returned from abroad a some extent from the inferiority be obtained, but she has gnaw. farm near Berkhamsted schoo. complex.
bank clerk absconds with a bag full The giant British ocean liner, the and had gaind fame and affluence, ed this through of new, crisp greenbacks of large Celtie of the White Star Line, Lyle went from here to New York to At Berkhamstead School his dog COT WITH HIGH BARS. collar and chain are still preserv Pacetious in the Panama Tribune, replace him, not with a West Indian, 412, went on the rocks Bell, who writes Frank denominations, the Scandihoovians with 265 passengers and a crew of meet and greet her with, among off Cork other things, a kiss. But Ruth gave The childs reminds me. said.
is apparently strong in his opinion but with another Scandihoovian with Harbour, England, at about p. him the cold shoulder, elinching it a Willesden authority last night, Few cases of these children that the inferiority complex contri a higher rate of pay, insufficient re on Monday last.
who has often seen her, of a like animals, sometimes called buted in no little way in inspiring muneration having advanced by the and crew were rescued.
The passengers with don be a damn fool.
wild animal in a cage prowling wolf children. from the sug the Negro deacons of the Cristobal directors as probable cause for the about and waiting for feeding gestion that, like Kipling Colon Baptist church to decide to rid conduct of the former clerk.
Colon Eric Walrond, Negro jour Mowgli, they have been nur their church of the services of the Press reports from. Trinidad, Bri.
nalist, who came here from the She is a strange mixture, fortured by animals. have been Rev, Williamson, The inferiority complex has caustish West Indies, indicate that on We whilst she will tear to pieces ev known in Europe. They come are in a position to neither make ed and is still causing the few to Monday last eleven persons were kill United States to gather data for his erything she can get hold of she mostly from India. One is men refute nor affirm any statement to suffer in many cases. It is commoned and nearly a dozen injured when future extensive work, sailed for is very fond of her nurse and tioned in the Reminiscenses of the effect that the inferiority comPort au Prince last Monday. Mr.
knowledge that the majority of hired an oil well caught fire, the flames Walrond expects to stop gets quite excited when she Lady Login a child of four of plex played any part in the deacons cooks, for instance, most of whon spreading over a large area.
Haiti go gather more data.
comes near her.
five, whom she had seen in suffer from the malady, have attitude. There was The statement that she has Ondh, with fine, solf downy Newman, young American to be kept in a kind of cage is hair covering the whole body, however. which steadily gained head tributed in no little way in rendering way and must have been flashed it almost impossible for some Two hundred and eighty thousand not quite accurate. She is in the who walked and ran on all fours across the ears of not a few that their own whose standard of intel. engineer on a banana plantation on children ward, and to prevent and could only utter a her prowling about she has to be cry, like the yelping of a hound the gentleman of the cloth suf ligence, early enviroment and train the Gatun Lake, earned 30 days in dollars passed hands between the fered from an idiosyncracy an ocing removed them from the lowest jail for having defended himself, local branch of the National City local from natives with his gun. He had Bunk of New York and the strata, to secure adequate fool QUIET WEDDING NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENT casional but dangerous inadvertency. wherever both come in contact and transmitted an Hello to a native property owner, Florencio Herbru no doubt of, once in a little while, very quiet but fashionable wedembarrasing his uneducated flock some of those who suffer from the wife which was not taken in good ser. Mr. Herbruger is reported to have mortgaged 25 proporties which faith by her husband who was sehe owns in this city and in parts of ding was solemnined in St Peter A White Friend. Your letter re by reminding them of their inferior superiority complex predominate. people impregnated with the companying her. After he had emerge intelligenee and of his own superior the country for that amount, and to Church. La Boca on Tuesday night ceived and will be published soon.
chanced with wounds from a clash last by the Rev. Nightengale education. The rumor went further inferiority complex have no the husband, mob developed have agreed to redeem same at the assisted by the Rev. Mulcare. them god speed on their marriage that in this the Bachelor of Arts reof suceeding alongside another wh are obsessed with the Superiority against him so he said he had to rate of 50. 000 annually covering a The contracting parties Mr. life.
ceived a little feminine encourageretreat under cover of the scare the period of five years.
Darnley Coleridge Taitt of this city men! The whole thing might have complex. The one must remain unand Miss Iris Felicia Sealey of the and respected family in the island of Mrs. Taitt is from a well known been just rumour; but if there is a contented menials and the other se.
island of Barbados British West In Burbades and had lived for the past underlying truth the exponent of the curely positioned aristocrats with it. BABY CL NIC CLOSE Before His Honour at Balboa dies. The Bride was given in mareight years in West Africa where gospel of Christ suffered from a fa. tye or no fear of being bothered riage by her brother the Rev. Clar she taught in a Government school tal malady an acute stage of weaktheir esser brothers.
On account of lack of funds the ence Sealey who is in charge of being appointed from Barbados to ness which is incompatible with the Don apply any funny things or La Boca Baby Clinic which was be AMADOR VIERA, black Panaman.
the Free Methodist Church at Red succeed her sister who resigned the man should take it he wishes to re have written today, gentle rendes. house by the Health Department of trial in the Dist. Court at Ancon on proper attitude which an educated place a wrong construction on what ing conducted at the La Boca Club 22 years, is in Balboa Jail awaiting Tank Canal Zone, while the bribe groom was attended by Mr. Archie position to settle down in city of ceive a maximum of support from, for instance, you are a pygn the Panama Canal for the benefit a charge of Grand Larceny.
Butcher who acted as bestman.
an uneducated following. That would intellectually, am not lending you for Canal colored employees living was arrested on the 10th instant by Miss Daphne Geneteau was chief Miss Sealey resigned her position re be defective leadership, transparent any encuragement to help you forn in that section, has been temporarils 1e Pol. Garcin of Ancon on Bridesmaid and Miss Mabel McLeod cently and left direct for the Ithsmus even to the ignorant and is never an idea that you are the equal of closed, as announced yesterday after plaint of Lt. Wi Cooper. He is an little Miss Olga Charter and Master stopping two weeks in England on known to be condoned by them. By inental giant. What mean to internoon by Miss Luby, head nurse in able to put up 500 for bail.
Ronald Charter attended at the her way here.
the way, we are not discussing the est you in is: if you find yourse charge. The Clinic was opened at (Continued on Page 8)
Mr. and Mrs. Taitt will be at home busniess of the church; we give the soaked with the idea that wou were that place a short time ago and has case only passing mention. destined to remain a serf, and you proven of much convenience and gratification to the authorities for After the ceremony at the church, to visitors on Sunday (tomorrow)
The inferiority complex, it is true, believe that Fate has thus treated benefit to mothers who could have the services rendered by the Clinie, the party motored over to the resi evening.
is responsible for much of the hard yoy, then you have cursed God to their babies examined there with a when told of its temporary closure, dence of Mrs Maude Geneteau where ships we suffer here. Many are al His face and should be stoned to defects and from there receive re funds will be sufficfenly augmented, view to detect physicial and other and hope that the Healh Department a reception was held, and where a ways ready with a carbon copy tale death and your dead body left on the commendation and medical advise at the end of six months, or even select number of friends of the bride All road leads to Juan Franco of ignorance of their having been spot to be devoured by winged seat for the proper care of their young earlier, so that such a useful work of and groom had gathered to wish race Track tomorrow. bitten at one time or another by engers.
ones. Mothers expressed profound the Department will be continued.
time over at consome rumour, of with were conchurch.

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