
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 15 1928 FARMER COLUMN Constantine Performance PRESENTATION BY SPORT WEEKLY WERE ON THE ROWLS TRACK Cunged from last The British Pharmacy COLON The im Fow Team mewhat small sig dette embed white are They are most of her but very fond of roaming the same discovered in die beste The tantung dividede Frides anges pencilind iter pek white e secilie IS NOW LOCATED AT From the Weedy Guardian Loury Coutartie was the hurricane fund this precis recipient of another presentation at sin fund would have realised more Saturday afternoon the Bande complimenter. Constantine on Brand at Watford Squire in predecinte de puncte property ciation of his performances in Eng the money as many other men und with the West Indies Cricure that amount is samThe presentation and Sport Work however Raja Rancoins Bus in the presse Softlar wento at siver outierbering which mu an chichte had at pas suster the entines etting it. Constantin, hoping that St.
is family and time would live Took the form to use it uti cate put Coved the rift con with fine moud TRUM ette that the station Cote in un and promised to sit among Indic es pots hoping that when Contine Ti me bore he would be able to its rift in a The surrutia and of his fairy seedul perform wice talum were insetost in 1928 presented through the 11. 1154 11th STREET Correr Building Cpponite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies சdiaris The fowls diwidysiver sene The Hamburg with dark Erme hem but it is about a few score years sime it was introduse in she is from me LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY Lazassana FRANKLIN WILLIAMS BUILDER DESIGNER st of 22 Street, Guachapali, House No. 18 Furniture Renewed with Artistic Dressing to match your desire The Prestation past. He was all Major Rust Xe but it had trought that he wisely in seid ide that afternoon over ing to die of the ауреаtiоr tome of the admin und the way he did and hopes of Mr. Coutine They that in years to come he would be Small that Mr. Constantine had ju tate to point to the property as a wurd from England after many cift by the Trinidad publie in a DENTIST noths bone and it afforded him ton of tuis 192 performatie MASONIC TEMPLE peat pleasure to be there to sey Speaking of the game in England. Office Hours: Som tom words. Personally be was y Constantine admitted that 30 pm to 30.
of the widest member she was very cold at times, but the Sundays by Special Appointment Queen Park Club and took a great suits were due to the superiority of Mosonic Temple ith Su interest in spor of all kind. Many their opponents. He hoped to do s Box 787. CETOBAL of them had spent several hours at best for Trinidad so long ae Trini PSONE: OFFICE 1664 the spring board of the Telephone and would have him and if he was Company watering the score Creallowed to play next year, the proRENCES ket, be knew, was one of the gamemised them to leave up stone which led in the beart of every turned to retain the cup in Trinidad Trindadian and he would adder, Loud applause. ery Barbadian laughter. In the Mr Attade the Major Rast course of this residence be had metfor making the presentation and the Sany. peat cricketer he knew Mr function closed with three furty Constantine father, Cumberbatcheers for Mr. Constantine and Ma.
and Plout, and Trinidad might air jor Rust.
to have produced some very cricketers. One of the most X MAS DECORATIONS SPEGIALTY Lier Brahma The Light Emmanuel has hid high en ane is so being anisome insane firm the begin rood couro medium whit tems they can hold their The dark as a similar build in colour they are white with track pencilimps and weight from te 22 The when in groot developed conditio These birtis malce a pood cross for reeding both in straina tute him Turis The chief is of turkeys are the common turkey, the white In the Month turis fhosed the last name has been produced by Cosing the wild black turkey with an army hen.
The white Balune turkey sexceedings handsome and has not the same into to Tomice of the other varieties Breeding turgs my be made very paying industry the farmer has a plenty of space gets a good sort of stock to begin with me willing to devete a great deal of this time to them because they me was very troublesome te they must be kejt very dry, show ers are witry detrimental to them and fed liberally on werded mer Cemete NEURALGINA a cricketers in the murde, mas me. The Barber and his NEED Pole.
FULLER Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
NEURALGINA Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, Geese Totanse Embden geese are the mitat varieties Bong Kong, white chinese African and Candian the other writies The Emboe geese are white pure ly, but the Toulouse a light gres with darker grey shading were the body, head and neck Beth varieties are popular and it is mure matter of taste as to which of these would be selected when looking for stock birds. They are frequently crossed and this is easily observable. Geese require rum About the stable et pratit has to the made on the result of farming.
For sale both Wholesale and Retail career AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.
Ducks ham Warer, was bort this colo wy: theme wa Lord Haris whow me was a household word among the cricketers of England. Be According to tradition, Alexander had been present when an England the Great started the shapotb face DROP IN AT es was beste at the Queen patyle of saving He shaved his ows Park Oral much to their astonish face and bade in Macedonian At present, the Intereplonistshase off the tande by which Cup was held by Barbados and it my could seize them. The bar 122 CENTRAL AVE www up to the Trinidad cricketersbers have been with us ever siden.
to do all they could to put it back But shaving was ubed in the word You ill Find Them He had no doubt that when theitiready in Alexander time. Many time came their friend Mr. Con primitive peoples hate insisted upon Moderately Priced.
tantine would exist then in pettangkeping themselves It hack (upplause. He was in Eng while the patriarths of the Hebrew tond this year and went to Keration were cultivating long beards to Oval to witnes the match the natives ancient Mexico were between the West Indies and Surrey busy kreping their faces free from He was siso at the same match inkor by means of pieces of volcanie 1923 when the West Indies Hurrey licking and was in hope Many nations worshipped long that this year they would have rebeards; other peoples regarded these poated their wocess; but their team with abhorance. The orientais wa hard to fight against bitterly cold dislike hair of any kind Advertise in the Worlman on the weather. Ble, for example, wore his face. Our Indians religiouslykezt peys thickest flannels and overcoat and themselves clean shaven. Pieces of could not keep warm, so they could flint were used to pull all hair from DENTIST HOWELL imagine what the team had to face the face. When Pather Garnier, the In the open. Then again they were Jeruit in Canada showed the An House No. 912 La Boca up against two of the finest bats conquins pictures of the Saviour Canal Zone men in the world. Hobbs and Sand with beard the warriers were conOPPOSITE RESTAURANT hem and the team was defeated. It vulsed with laughter. For God.
ww. very difficult task to set their sake. wrote this missionary back PHONE 1941 BALBOA boys, but they did credit to ther France, send me picture of selves. They all remembered the Jesus without a beard. Parkman, in match against Middlesex when con the Oregon trail, observes that any. RYCE stantine made 86 runs in the first body who desires to keep the good innings and took seven wickets, fol. opinion of Indians will use his resur RENOVATOR lowed by 103 runs in the second is freely.
DYEING PRESSING ping (applause. Lords Cricket Barber shops have been establishLADIES SKIRTS ground was one of the most celebra ed institutions in civilized commu.
med grounds in the world and therenities since the days of ancient SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO performances of Mr. Constantine cypt, Greece and Rome. The ancient HOUSE 19 21st STREET took place in the presence of some shops were essentially the same GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY of the greatest critics of the game modern shope. We have added con who were unanimous in their praisenveniences and refinements, but the (applause. When the news of Mr. general plan remains about the same. FLOWERS Constantine exploits reached here in Europe until the latter part of Sports Weekly decided to get the 13th century barbers combined Abogado. Attorney at Law little memento for him. The idea with their trade the practice of surOFFICE: No. 44 ST originally was to give him a shill cery and dentistry, BOX NO. 35 PANAMA CITY Our moden barber pole is a relie ing for each run and for every TELEPHONE No. 1377 Wicket. If that Idea had been carri of the days when barbers were also Practicing before all the courts of ed out, today they would have been surgeons. The spirally painted pole giving Mr. Constantine 1, 381 shil sa symbol of an armbandaged the Republic since April 1914 lings for runs and 107 for wickete efter blood letting Formerly a brass taken; but at the same time the basin. to catch the blood was also Port ot Spain Gazette started on to remolatoare dhe the barber sien. BOWEN ther fund which he was glad to in this country the basin has been Row amounted to considerable largely discarded, although it is still TAILOR wum which was presented a week retained in England.
No. M Street San Miguel Ago. He felt positive that but for the The PATHFINDER Panama City CALL IN AT The Workman BOOK STORE CARLOS MENDOZA STREET Rosen and Aylesbury are two of the most popular varieties and when good strains are kept they should with proper handling, prove very renumerative Aylesbury dacks are pure white and lange handsome birds likewise very free layers of large eges There is a variety of duck known as Mammoth Pekin and the birds are large, pure white with bright yellow bills.
They are hardy and attain a great sine to that almost as geese.
Carolina, Moscovy, Black East Indian and Coll ducks are other varie ties.
Guinea Fowls These birds are natives of Africa and are fond of roosting in trees Their eggs are spotted, but very rich, and the birds are execellent eat ing. They are all over spotted with white slate coloured feathers To be continued, when we will treat on feeding and diseases and their infections No. 72 AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL GOOD SELECTION OF NEW BIBLES Hymn Payer Books WIL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required BERNARD ANDERSON Gramaphone Repairer HOUSE 980 LA BOCA.
GARAL ZONE Efficient Workmanship fronte SOLD IN DRUG STORES


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