
PAGE THREE THE WORKMAN Shipping Tragedy at Trinidad The Contemplated Reorganization OF THE WORK MAN Newspaper has Begun MR. WHYTE. La, Boca, has been adde: to the Editorial Staff as Contributing Editor MR. KING Author of Sparklets)
will re orga, ize his well known Column MR. Elijah. HUNTER Silver City, will be a regular Contributor estisevere an MRS. EDITH COLE, La Boca, is now writing La Boca Social Notes WAS Plans are being developed to have permanent representatives of the Paper at La Boca, Red Tank Paraiso, Gatun, Silver City. In Colon the Paper is being handled by HASKINS NEWS AGENCY The Coloured element here is showing decided signs of drifting together for their common good, and the WORKMAN, the paper which for the past sixteen years has been standing by them in its humble way, has now been given the assurance of some of our active progressive and constructive thinkers that a reorganization of its forces is now in order, therefore, Demerara New BRBADOS TRINIDAD Governor.
Rain and Thunder SPEECHES BY SIR GUGStorm GISBERG RECORD DOWN POUR Sewerage Schemes Muddle.
Georgetown, British Guiana, Nov saw the heaviest fall of rain for ulto, says. Friday night last week mber 8th, PCB. Sir Gordon Gug the year and for many grisberg, re deed searcely any resident can re years. In Rennie Regis of No. Marine Suare, Port of Spain, and Patte.
plying to an address of welcome member such a downpour in from the Mayor and Town Council bados.
Baru King also of Port of Spain were bith involved in a serious see det declared he was a firm believer in Municipal government. There were The day was moderately fair, with lost week, which endel in RX the makings of a very fine city in heavy clouds and some heat. Shortly ke sing his life and King receiving Georgetown. He was wholeheartedly after nightfall a heavy down pour me fracture ribs. This occurr. at in agreement with sewerage work.
lasting for over an hour ushered in about a. on November 15 while what was to prove a night of rain the Belize was anchored off Parla.
His Execelleney said, am There was a slight ahatement but tuvier, Tobago.
tle bit mystified by the following around ten o clock the rain again sentence: That the original it appears that both men were at mates of the cost of the scheme in started and every living thing and their usual work in a small boat progress have already been exceed person sought shelter. The rain was alongside while a raft was being ed, and so on, but for the life of accompanied by a thunder raised from the water into the ship.
me could not find estimate, storm, deafening peals and rever Unfortunately while the raft was except an estimate for part of the berating rolls alternated, and the still over their heads, the cable that work. do not think that the pre the terror of the scene. House hold mass of wood crashed down on the vivid flashes of lightning added to supported it burst and the ponderous sent time or any time in future is the time for trying to find out who ens remembering the fatal occurence heads of the unsuspecting men. Reis to blame and for throwing stones. of a month ago buried their heads in gis received the full force of the We have got to accept the fact, Mr. the bed clothes and prayed for deli impact which smashed his head while Both Mayor, that there muddleverance. Through every crevice the King was struck on his side.
somewhere, a very bad muddle. bright flashes streamed illuminating men were squeezed down breaking ali around.
have got my own ideas as to where through the seats to the bottom of that muddle came from. But am Some time after midnight the the boat. Regis died at once, but not going to throw any stones.
thunder storm abated but the rain King was more fortunate.
The scheme, he said, was going continued to fall in torrents.
Dr. Clarke of Plymouth to cost about 750. 000, exclusive of When daybreak arrived the full attended to King injuries and perany legal expenses in the pending extent of the ravages of the weather formed a post mortem examination action and for correcting alleged) were apparent. Fortunately there on Regis. After which the body was defective work by the original con had been an absence of wind but the put in ice for the return.
tractors, but he did not think 9750 deluge of rain had wrecked havoc The Belize left Scarborough at 000 was very large for a scheme in upon the amateur efforts of our 30 a. on November 16 and arrived cluding house connections in a city road makers. The absence of any at here with the flag flying at halfthe size of Georgetown.
tempt at drainage had driven the mast at 30 The coffin draped torrents of water into the streets, in the union Jack was then carried Sugar Industry Importance and in some places ridges and away by the undertakers. The funReplying to an address by the chasms had been cut to a depth oferal took place on the same afterRoyal Agricultural and Commercial two feet, leaving exposed gas and noon to the Mucurapo Cemetery. It Society His Execelleney said there water mains.
is stated that Regis who has his could be no question of the enormBut if the roads suffered, the wife at Union, St. Vincent, was makous bedt the Colony owed to the su conditions of the tenantries were a ing preparations to return home gar industry. Immigration schemes horror. Kensington Tenantry was for the Christmas holidays. His had not provided enough labour. perhaps the wortt. Houses were children are away in the United Whatever plans were introduced in surrounded by water in some cases States of America.
the future the Government could to a depth of over four feet, and take no part in any system that had occupants had to wade or be lifted within it either the name or con out. Fowls and ducks, goats, pigs, break of fever in that densely peoditions of indentured labour.
sheep were lost in abundance, all plea, undrained swampy, flooded East Indian Immigration around and that there was no loss areas. would not criticise the past sys of life is a matter for gratitude. His Execelleney the Governor was tem of indentured labour supply. The Rain gauges in some parts of out and about inspecting various the Governor said. What one has St. Michael registered inches. districts next morning. It is to be to do is to be guided by the result Kensington Tenantry especiallly is hoped the various representatives and the result of the indentured sys a standing menace to the health of on our publie Roads will be alive to tem here today is that we have no the community. It is hard to imag their duty in the face of a menacimmigration worth taking about. ine that there will not be an out ing situation.
It has been definitely closed down by the Government of India, not only for British Guiana, but for every other country in the Empire.
What ask you to remeber again, is that if we did advocate the resumption of an inventured labour supply system, we should meet with a severe rebuff by the Home Government.
The general opinion of the nations of the world is influenced partly by the League of Nations at Geneva which we must remember has a very powerful influence politically in all questionss affecting labour, and the opinion of those Home Governments whatever their action may be, is definitely against any system indentured labour.
Indian Settlement Scheme. will take your first step toward indeHis Excellency told the East Indian Association and the Indian Congress that the Government proposed to carry out an Indian settlement scheme which would, he said, have by financial needs. savings account to run its course for a year or two.
Speaking to the Village Chair cuts the ropes that bind a man and men onference, he said: will take an early opportunity, as early as possible, of going into the affairs of the Village Councils. They are a form of local Government of which one cannot help approving, and especially as the Council appear to have to happiness. start an done a great deal of work, which hope to see later on with my own with us at per annum.
Get your Cepy of the WORKMAN every Saturday It now a Question of a Short Time and you will be having the Workman. Twice a Week STOP! LISTEN. Open the Way to full Assortmet of CRICKET GOODS Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards Etc. Etc. Etc.
Open a savings account today and you COME IN AND INSPECT THE STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE pendence. No man is really free unless he is in a position to act unhampered PANAMA HARDWARE CARDOZE Jr. CATHEDRAL PLAZA permits bim: to walk freely and act freely when his opportunity arrives. Open your way to independence, to freedom, account day BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue The National City Bank of New York Panamá Colón House Rent Receipt Books Dr. JOHN THOMPSON Mechano Therapist If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging service.
IN SPANISH ENGLISH Our Savings Department is open for deposits Tuesday evenings from to o clock and from to o clock.
No. 24th ST. CHORRILLO Panama City For Sale at the WORKMAN PRINTERY


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