
Form Character:THE WORKMAN for the Christmas Season Cyng AT THE AL Obec ZATE OF ISCRUTIONS LA MASCOTA sont fine selection of THE WORMAS SATURDAY DECEMBER 15 1994 THE RIGHT KIND OF SERVICE Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels. Also ENGLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs db We have been follow with a great deal of in scret the discussion that sas been going on PREBE, since three weeks on the action the Editor of The Panama Trube weeksid paper in connection with the empatment of alien West Indians on the Canal Zone Astar en stated by himself, he has ter seved Col Burgess, Be Governor the Panama Canal, and Mr. Wynne, ce of the leading men in the organized labor movemer amongst Americans on the Zone, and he has publish a letter and a circular from the Governor, and eomma from Mr. Wynne, as the result of his interview. Be nas also made editorial comments on the matter We have been approached by a number of persons for an expression of opárn on the subject, but we LA MASCOTA have been somewhat loathe to do so, because we are 21xious to keep clear of being possibly misconstrued as be ing undriend to our younger brother, but morese beC. MULLER, Prop.
use the subject is one st the greatest importance to the welfare of our grow, and should therefore be handied with the utmost eure Here we call to mind 37 Central Avenue this thought of the erini al poet Oscar Wildes: Bost men kill the thing they lose Sommet till it with a kiss and some men with a sword 200 this of the immortal and saintly Milton s: They also see who túy stand and wait per authority from their governing body. The value of The Open Forum Dario expect a high moral standard It is in this frame of mind that we have been endeavor such a policy should be readily seen. It obviates indis ing to deal with publike questions of moment, and par criminate actions and muddling for too many cooks THE WOREAK PEENTER ticularly with the one new before me.
spoil the soup and too many rats dig a bad bole. We To The Edmor The discus the For many years the white American employees os sink it was unfortunate that the Eastor did not conSir Alow me for the form the the Zone had marked out a limit for the colored West fer with the Management of the Panama Canal West met ons in Suth indian alien employees hat of messenger or janitor, indian Employees Association, and we trust that in the The advantages for gummg sum above which wey should not go. During those year future he may not forget to do so, under similar cir.
kind an Eation sught to be the they tried to win the syzopathy of the administration cumstances. The action of the Editor has also caused aim and money thou to this policy. It was difficult to succeed, but they were many to feel that all is well. This is what we have heard.
full and sing young man and this item undaunted, they kept up their agitation in every pos. Of course, there are those who had always been feeling table form that their active minds ouvid device. As far that all was well; but it is likely that some of them had amiliar with schools in America 28 we knew the administration was always opposed to received a little shake up from the announcements of the age they der then the most this harsh kind of diseriormation. But in the labor the Metal Trades people, and may have been plannin method of tuition and the short ne and its afeg Day issue of the Star Herald of this year, white to join hands with the Association. It might, therefore, time atsed for the final em Seth African Series we had the organized labor published a supplement covering pret be a good idea if the Editor of The Tribune would seitsemit ty fully their zetivities from their beginning in the make it clear to them. We are satisfied that the cause Zone In that supplement here is an article by Joe of the laborer can best handled by a workers organ.
minations. This sught in the beds as Surat Gerrie Milim.
Wynne on elerical apprenticeship, in which he makes ization, and that all other efforts are secondary if the statement that at last the Governor had tentatively not nil.
cuumape the rest Wines The South Africans. descrit agreed to their claim to supplant the alien West Indian most of our young men and women dr Paul Ribes the me Negoes bolding clerical positions by the hundreds of VIM VIGOR VICTORY Themes and much to See this periode their boys and girls leaving high schools. This was folparents can cougar and help their Show Boat as me the best lowed by the statement from the President of the PanBy HERBERT KAUFMAN willing children they get to multi ama Metal Trades Council, in the two leading English se sme to the benefit of their the white has the Cailies here, that the American Federation of Labor You must pey for your progress, for there no sucos tad accepted this policy of theirs and had pledged them Where the wolf pack of covy does not yelp and press tre future. They werendis etiam e che growth the meme all that the term des wh assistance in furthering it.
You must pay for your courage you can dare the stars Seeding and chuchimg housing Shad the be made sure In the face of these published statements, we find And escape without anguist and bruises and scars should not be the antiest legislation the Editor of the Tribune going to the Governor and The cheat and the coward are trailing your track Mr, Wynne to find out if they are true. The Governor The weak lurks behind you to stab in the back informs him there is to be no drastic change. We have Kero bonor, no matter how beary the cost, periods in the regulating of childrens The two sideshow underlined the word drastie that our brother might Keep honor, and nothing that counts can be lost future in the fathers desire for use the man take a little better notice of it. What more could he have expected from a eultured and straightforward person When the device lies before you to be or seem right, thing and the mother for the master that he has see Then, to bell withe appearances stand up and fight desire, and very en in the show and was the dus like our Governor is? But be wily old Joe for onee beof the father, she se een at me Shimet nuk came a panster, and sent cur little brother away won Your front is too pretentious for the merchandise behind the child and train him that the smuts dering what the words were all about. And to eap the Examination soon reveals the cheapess of your mind then choice, which prug is the respect from the the demande climax be has published what he has heard, as well as shop Dormance ever wa most une and Times with the time e mights Sis comments on them.
child desire as seen by experience It is in the burime the He has tried to inform the shrer employees what Cy Flaunting goods that ain within is thwarted by her info and strong Ships have been absch a good man the Governor is, as if they had not known Bluff always over dress the partcuming On such questas parets sides. Such caut saithe heel it. While he was not so favorably impressed by the That how we know them at the start; ought to agree, there should be the besige the guit other gentleman, to him he was not so bad after all. Their part db are far too smart dividing line, the higher egentent and micrust The Go These are two great discoreries our little brother has Extreme assurance raises doubt, ought to dominated that which ment to made. But did he know that there was existing in the Real merit has no need to shout tends to anape the child and at take a si me Sales Reset Zone at that very time an organization know as The his the marring anama Canal West Indian Employees Association. What is your record? Port your pasther desire. It is hoped that parents and will in this site is that that that organization was recognized by the GovernTell us the job you handled last who had been blendering will reste duty in this drew theme ment as representative of the silver employees, and had The winning man, the honest store to make sacrifices for their children to me is the been in constant touch with the Government on such Can prove their worth it in the score selare as a suggested the to matters, and would consecuently continue doing so? N. SITE memdum. Gal wil the man Did he know that as early as 1924 (the first year of the of Summum existence of the Panama Canal West Indian Employees Smije Away Your Cares Tommy On, mamma. ve swallowwhere, ami greet to the Association) that association wrote to the Panama are back court, charged with comment kang masam ed safety pin Metal Trades Council; advising them of the silver employees becoming organizel and asking them for the Margarite Is your love to me an Mamma So that where all win and having visible means their angeminations will rem Gemel Hestong Native Nils comity and friendliness that should exist between such sely welfish?
pins. you cal!
support. What are you to fue recall these dealing with the bodies, and that Mr. Wyme their then Seeretary re Architekt Aksciutely, dear.
yourself this time? Why don you the frame and the Band plied much as he did at this interview? Well, these are Margarite Then wish you would Peevit man can hardly wed me to work things that the Editor might have known had he given to womewhere diese tonight sless he can show the girl the matter the kind of consideration that prudence in Hanamme promised to call ExedoDat it Jedge; jest Bioetuses.
and experience should dietate.
This action of his has left the world to conclude Diske Two licenses?
Dat ma main trouble. Al gets Dixie White that the silver employees are still helpless children. Mr. Sade Ay masband has left me Pezzin Yes: marriage and autonome job and Al tank at find needing the constant attentions of a guardian. For that He ran away with our maid. bide for lifeden de boss tells TAILOR is not the way in which the affairs of the other group Mr Tube How terrible!
Madrid BUEN HUMOR of workers are handled. Whatever is published in the Prs. Suds Isn it? It so hard to quit, cos fericht 28. loth West pressuis done by themselves, and we believe with pro find servants now.
Jurige Well, Exedes, see you work and to light for they werk PANAMA mitmes the hum mammet me to


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