
PAGE FIVE Canal Zone 1929 License LA BOCA NOTES Give your baby the benefit 1928 Canal Zone motor vehicle licenses may now be renewed for the coming year at the office of the Division of Civil Affairs, Room 301, Administration Building, Balboa Heights. Owners of vehicles which are not licensed for 1928 may obtain 1929 licenses commencing January 2, 1929 The following is the schedule of fees for 1929 motor vehicle licenses.
VEHICLES OWNED BY RESI DENTS OF THE CANAL ZONE Passenger automobile operated for personal use. 00 a year Passenger automobile operated for hire of 29 horse power or less of more than 29 horsepower. 30. 00 Oranibus or truck. of ton capacity or less 20. 00 or more than ton and less than tons.
30. 00 Oi tons or more.
Motorcycle. 00 VEHICLES OWNED BY RESI 20. 00 THERE IS EVERY EVIDENCE to show that many children grow and Apparently thrive on indifferent nourishment. baby can look well and even grow fat, but yet not be thoroughly and properly nourished.
Mother milk gives complete nourishment to a baby because it contains certain substances which give warmth weight, muscle, energy and growth. substitute for mother milk might give a baby the appearance of good health and yet fail to nourish particular important systems of the body of the effort to digest such a food may lessen much of the benefit the food might contain LACTOGEN being comedo pure cow milk which has been shared that the quantity and each part rembles clearly those contained in human will to the form hos LACTOCEN today bra is not will But ONLY the form which is naturg to labies from day of Give your Baby the benefit of 10. 00 LACTOGEN DANE NATURES DOUBLE PRED NOTE KOKKOKKOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK FLOWER SERVICE LA BOCA CHURCH SCHOOL RALLY.
WESLEYAN. grand rally will come off at St.
Everything possible is being don Peter La Boca on Sunday 16th at to make this service enjoyable. The This will be a competition ralyoung people are rather enthusiasiy between the various classes of the tie and have decided to excel on thi church school; fully ten classes are occasion.
competing. The proceeds of this ralIt will be borne in mind that ly will assist in financing the anual Sunday 16th is the day for Harvestist of January celebrations. PaThanksgiving Services at the Werents Guardians and friends you are lesyan Methodist Church of this requested to attend and rally for town. Three services will be held your favorite p. there will be a special Flower Service, Miss Ambrozine Villiesr came Those Flower Services are very first in the Junior elocution contest attractive because of the beautiful held at the Clubhouse on Tuesday flowers and bright children we find night last under the auspices of the there. It is not the first of its kind La Boca Athenaeum. Master Barton to be held at the Wesley, its an an Niles came second and Miss Jose al service which forms part of the phine Bonnies, third. The first prize Thanksgiving Celebrations; and winner recited The Raven, Master usual a large attendance is expected Niles The Fisherman and Miss to the capacity of the church.
Bonnie Belfrey of Burges. The judges were Rev. Mulcare, and VISITING EVANGELIST AT Messrs Reynolds and Clan Mckenzie.
AMA Next Tuesday night the soc ets will hold nomination and election ine Wesleyan Church, Panama is officers for the January JJune 19 to enjoy the services of Mr. James term.
Reid a visiting evangelist on Sun day night. Mr. Reid is an evangelist BABIES CHRISTENED.
of an unusual type. Much of his Gospel is told in song. pianist of extraordinary ability, amounting to Mr. and Mrs Hogan of 1019 an penious, Mr Reid is a delight to any Mr and Mrs Sylvera of 1030 family audience. On Sunday evening he is quarters of La Boea, celebrated the to preach and sing and play all with christening of their infant child on one objetive to tell the story of Je Sunday last at St. Peter Church sus and to win men and women to the sea. The ceremony was perform His standard. The service will comed by the Rev. Mulcare.
mence at 7:30. The Rev. Cous The Sponsors were Messrs Ot ins will be in charge of the prelim ta, Phillips, Riney and Mrs Lil inary part of the service. Rev lian Prescott, also Misses Agnes and Wade.
Olivia Riney, delightful and entertaining eve For the month of November the ning was spent by all who were in Panama Canal collected 2, 225, 937. 48 vitted to celebrate the occasion.
in tolls from 527 commercial vessels and small launches which transitIf you have a Prescription to ed the canal. The daily average tolls be made up take it to the collection amounted to. 74, 197. 91, National Pharmacy, Santa Ana and the daily average number of Plaza, where you will get cour transits, 17. 6T.
teous and obliging service.
For delicitates Lucroar NESTLE Une NESTLE Milk Food for the weaning time.
THE WORLD BEST TOOTH PASTE CHLORODONT Pasta dentífrica blanquísima danien. color blancs deslumbrador.
FREE TRIAL TUBE To every one presenting this Ad. at TRUTE BROS 46 North Ave. Javillo DENTS OF REPUBLIC OF PANA. INCL! DING COLON BEACH AND NEW CRISTOBAL Passenger automobile operated for Prsonal use 03 a year Motorey etc. 00 Passenger automobile operated for hire.
12. 50.
Omnibus or truck. 15. 00 In addition to license fees prescribe above, is charged for the tax for motor vehicles owned by residents of the MUNICIPALITY of PANAMA 1929 motor vehicle tags have a white background with red raised letters and numerals.
Reciprocal Canal Zone licenses for vehicles owned by residents of the Republic of Panams will be issued only upon presentation of a receipt showing the vehicles to be licensed in the Republic of Panama for 1929.
icantions for 1929 motor vehicle licenses may be made in person or by mail. Written applications should give the owner name, place of residence, post office address, number of 1928 Canal Zone license, make and engine number of vehicle, type of body (touring, roadster, coupe, sedan, truck, omnibus. and class of license desired (private or commercial. In the case of transfers of ownership of motor vehicles not heretofore recorded in the license bureau, the current or last registration may be transferred only upon submission of from 1401 executed by both parties to the transfer of the vehicle. Blank forms 1401 may be obtained at any Canal Zone police station, post office, or customs office.
Postal money orders or checks in payment of license fees should be made payable to The Collector, but sent to the Division of Civil Affairs, Balboa Heights, Canal Zone, with request for license.
OFFICIAL automobile licenses of the 8000 number series, official motoreyele and official bicycle lilicenses, need not be renewed. CALHOUN.
Chief, Division of Civil Aftairs THE WORKER CORNER Activities of The Panama Canal West Indian Employees Association Grand mas Fete This is election month for the Asso day night, 17th inst.
ciation, District Officers, Executive Gatun District officers will be Officers, and Representatives on the carried over.
Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors will meet La Boca Janama District held elee in La Boca on Saturday night the tion last night at a meeting held in 22nd. It is being expected that there the Community House, La Boca: will be several new representatives The following was the result: at this session, and the election is Alexander, Chairman, Edgar Me gonig to be uncertain and interestCarthy, Vice Chairman ing. considerable amount of matDavis, Secretary Treasurer, all re ter is to come before the board, inelected. For the Board the following cluding plans for carrying on the representatives were elected: work during the coming year. It is Phillips, Harris, Leslie believed that the session will have to Reed, King, Perkins be carried over into Sunday the Davis.
23rd, to complete the list of busiCristobal Colon and Red Tankness. general invitation is extendDistricts will hold meeting on Mon led to the membership.
KENNELWORTH PARK LAS SABANAS Thursday, December 20, 1928 AT 30 Panama Wesleyan MEN LEAGUE OF SERVICE TO HAVE SPECIAL MEETING AT LA BOCA Various Attractions and ADVERTISE In the Workman IT: PAYS Amusements FANCY STALL, FISHING WELLS REFRESHMENT STALLS GROCERY STALL Mrs. GERTRUDE FORDE RICHARDS In connection with the Men League service of the Panama Wesleyan Church, there will be a special meeting at the La Воса Church on Thursday 20th inst, when Mr. Allan Cumberbatch of Panama City will occupy the chair. Among the speakers will be Dr. Johnson also of Panama City and Whyte of La Boca.
In addition to other musical items Messrs Harris and Davis will contribute selected numbers; much enthusiasm is being shown in this proposed meeting by many of the men, it is hoped that all will turn out to assist in bringing this affair to a successful termination.
BEAUTY PARLOUR ISTHMIAN SYNCOPATORS Will Furnish Music Madame C, Walker Method Shampooing, Dyeing. Pressing, Facial Massaging, etc.
Price 35c.
De 15c.
Consultation Free House 64 Ancon Ave.
Advertise in the Workman it will bring good results.


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