
NEWS FROM THE ATLANTIC SIDE. and SAW we more W3 are and were as, the perin a.
crane We went an at in INTERESTING JOTTINGS The Concert My Canal Trip My First Trip Through The Canal.
ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON LAST sale and disrespectful that such at stance, the one we are now, discus My Dear Friends :So far as know, nothing out of (By Patrick JOLLIFFE)
the ordinary took place this wa itude will encourage the child, espeI have the pleasure of telling you sing (By The STRAGGLER)
On November the 29th, which was sally if such is not properly dispos.
during the past week. As said las My friends of the profession must about my new sights. never be Thanksgiving Day. had the op. to become refractory, rude, and have observed the tendency on the became seved would have seen such beaut peruunity of time, the rains have now On Sunday afternoon, becom saising through the mostly nocturnal, and one enjoys aantalizing and that the teacher part of a majority of parents to tired of staying at home listening ul sights, and doubt if will see anana Canal on the Favorite, Jest efforts wit finally be just so disregard the importance of a proper to the wife fretting over her los hem again. We started from Cam very much pleased to say tnat somewhat better sleep during these nightly showers. The bright sunshin auch time and energy lost. Then, attitude toward them they must ses. She bothered my head talking obal, and on our way, there were be may experiences on the trip.
in the daytime is a welcome changeverybody is disappointed. The teach have observed the effects of kuch how she mis interpreted her dreams sirds flying in front and at the here were more than two hundred und illustrates, think, how mind is dissatisfied with the result of attitude on the conduct and general of Saturday night, how she did not sides of the ship. The sea was very persons abourd, and take it that ful mother Nature is of her child labors, the parent is disgusted deportment of the children in and fix up the numbers right, and all calm, and it was a cool day.
al: these were proud to take part in ren comforts and says that the teacher the other things she did not do. She On the right hand side of the Cathe effort made to help the was no out of the class room. Yet, a lambpoor good, and the child is just as igno like docility on their part, and made resointions galore, and promisnal there were little houses, persons who had suffered from the must take this opportunity o rant and uninformed as if it never mineral acceptance of the conditions ed that next Saturday night, she around them saw some turkey hurricane of September last.
the nmarking that have observed went to school. is evidenced by their seeming in will go to bed with a pencil in her on the left hand side, In going through the locks there marked improvement in the Work But this result would only have difference over such a protracted bosom, and as soon as she gets her Railroad. saw some pretty water was a steamship, the Santa Barbara man Newspaper. Niy good friønd the oven brought about by the wrong at period was all the attention given, dacam, she is going to get right up Calls, and they reminded me of the ahead of the Favorite, and not only proprietor had always been promis citude adopted or assumed by the until now, it appears to be rather and set down the numbers exactly as song Ramona. When went through the locks, but all the way the late, and certainly difficult they will be played on Sunday. She through the locks, we saw the big through the Canal. The Favorite had in this change, and he had been parent, and the charge that able to keep his word. The leading teacher was no good would be most to correct this social disease. even mentioned some things she will gates close, and the water rose to left Cristobal doeks at about 50 in Panama very great height. They told me and overtook the Santa Bar.
articles are interesting and they anjust, seeing that the child It is my fervent desire to see a peschase on Monday attitude among my when she goes to eash her ticket, it was 85 feet above the sea level, bara at the Gatun locks. This was deal with important matters of cor actually deprived of its training change of cen to the Indian in these parthrough the ignorance of its own friends, the teachers should like and Goodness knows what she did and then we went down to the sia 10, 16 and a tandem lockage The tone of the articles is moderate parent.
to see them asserting themselves in het say. This was too much for me, level. There was music on the hip was performed. The performance of and respectable, indeed, they Too much cannot be said on this protection of the dignity and presso straggled down the road, and but was so busy taking in the lockage was very pleasing, and lot of experience deep, and make very pleasant reale question of attitude, It is a deciding tige of their honorable profession when pused by the Silver Club sishts, did not look at the dancers. gained a tanding saw the Gamboa bridge, and nowledge. After leaving Gatun, all ing to those who read aright. They factor in the life of the child as it and of themselves, because, if they house, saw a few persons lead one thoughts in a sober man is in most others matters with whi. take a firm stand against the things on the porch. enquired what was saw the entrance to a tunnel on the along the Canal route there ner and in the right direction and we have to deal, and it is greatly that are humiliating and repugnant, about to take place, and was told Railroad track. also saw the toother pleasing sights such have heard comments to this of we hoped that those parents who are the attitude of all others concerned that Miss Rose Morgan was putting boats by the side of the Canal, and Gold Hill, the memorial to Colonel feet on the Atlantie side. wrongly disposed will see the nect. must of necessity conform to theirs, or a Concert, the same one that was there was a Machine Shop at the Gaillard, waterfalls, and such things sity for a change.
and the cancer of ignorance will be washed out by the rains of the prePedro Miguel was reached at p. was particularly interested cured by the powerful influence of ous Sunday, asked what the and another lockage was the leading articles which dealt with entrance fee was, and was told 25thering about her dreams; but formed, which was executed in about education and enlightenment!
While on the question of attitude, the Training Of Our Children. and might be excused the improprie. y ents. placed by hand in my Jeans, took a chance, and when reachd 15 minutes. We continued on our which made reference to the La Bo for saying that by observations whi. Here is a demonstration of the and found a quarter dollar which home she was fast asleep, 80 said way to Miraflores, arriving there at importance of a right attitude. the miserable woman had oversight my prayers and went to bed. 53 Another lockage, and we ca father who took the wrong att extend over a period of years du There was a man had a wife. She be ed, so felt that could take in The PROGRAM tude and did the wrong thing in were out at 24. upon the bosom close that the attitude of the teacnconnection with an incident at the longed to that disgusting type the Concert and get a little relief Piano Solo selected Miss Jepee of the lake. The journey was conScholl at that place, and who ers themselves has not been in the whose only purpose was to harass, from the tortures of dreaming Solo The New Kingdom Miss Rosetinued to Balboa which we reached main, what it ought to have been,. was fined ten dollars by the Balbue that they have, during this long pe. The husband was patient and long annoy, and domineer her husband. woman.
Morgan a: o clock. The time between then Magistrate. Perhaps that little fire riod, submitted too willingly to er suffering. He could not do anything Violin Duet Evening Breezes Misses Continued on Page 8) went up the stairs and saw a Smith Francis.
will change his attitude in relation cumstances and conditions which to such matters in the future, and it have been distinctly demoralizing this wife, so he gave her te curbe the devilish propensities of fair number of persons, but not as Solo Heard The Voice Of Jesus Nr ought to serve a good purpose in her own many as had expected to see since Collymore.
both to the profession and to them way in all things. Her favorite ex heard that it was going to be a Clarinet Selection Mr. Martin Mrs. saw a long thing going up into the same place where the tugs were. preventing others similarly dispozd from making the same error. Hour selves as individuals. For the pur pression to him was. Ladies first. pleasant evening. At any rate, sat Martin.
air like a tall step, and was told ever, one knows, and regrets to Spy pose of these observations. quote One day, they had ocasion to walk down and waited till the artists be Solo Solitarus Mrs Sambleton that it was from an eminent Physician as fol.
it, that this man is not the on y together on a country rond, and with can to walk in with Violins, and Solo Abide With Me Mr Peter Smelthrough another lock and then we parent who is nousnesed of lows. erime that can neither be her usual aggressiveness, she insist some dreadful Music Books some of lie.
sighted the Miraflores lake. Through titude like this. There are too many named nor forgiven is that commitler that she would walk front these must have been reigning since Solo Guide Me Thou Great Jehovait we went, and we reached Balboa.
futhers and mothers also, who asted on themselves by folks who bo of her husband. Presently, an infuria Noah day, for they showed great Miss Rose Morgan We landed and went to the Rail sume very peculiar attitude recome aware of the first symptomsed bull rushed around the corner, ge on their covers. Then, in came Closing Address The Chairman. way Station in Panama where we garding their relation and that of of a disease and do not give them snorting, prancing, and doing every the familiar Mr. Elijah Hunter, the Closing Chorus Miss Rose Morgan boarded the train for Colon, and their children toward the teachers any attention, thus aliowing the thing else. Immediately, she tried to man whom they always select for others.
our journey was through who are responsible for such train danger to increase, until some day. get behind her husband; but her Chairman at decent functions. This ing of children as can be given in it is too late.
husband held her and kept her right gentleman is not what would call the Class Room. They do not realise This, of course, has specific re to front of the approaching bull, a handsome fellow; but his bearing Things The Workman Would like to see that the teacher must fail in the el. ference to an organic disease; but saying ladies first. Poor wifie and deportment is very imposing, feetive discharge of his duties it every bit of it is applicable to so: screamed and praneed to get out of and even if he could not preside as The spirit of practical UN ACQUIRE USEFUL TRADES.
their attitude towards him is hos. Veial diseases also, such as, for in the place she had always insisted well as he does, his appearance fits in very nicely with a chair on a high JTY amongst West Indians. SCHOOL for HIGHER platform. When did not know him. The West Indian worker and TECHNICAL EDUCATION used to think he was some lawyer. converted to the DOCTRINE for West Indian CHILDREN bys But this is only by the way. The OF UNIONISM and COLLECWEST INDIAN EFFORT.
principal thing is the Concert. was TIVE BARGAINING. CORPORATION to take anxious for a beginning, and when Wages in the CANAL care of West Indian FINAN this came. was greatly relieved. Mr ZONE and PANAMA paid the CIAL INTERESTS.
ON THE ISTHMUS Patten the promoter went up on the worker without regard to his The Workman OWNED stage, and introduced the Chairman race, color, or citizenship a job by a company of WEST IN.
as the man of business for the eve for a man and not a man for a DIANS.
ning. The only fault find with himjob.
was that he wold not speak like a Every West Indian drink4. West Indian man for a minute. If my eyes were PARENTS ing BALBOA and SILVER helping their CHILDREN to SPRAY.
ciosed would swear that was liten At Prices to Suit You ed, would swear that was listening to a lady. When Elijah came Percolator Coffee Sets. 5045. 00 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Waffle Irons Sets.
forward, the people clapped hands 13. 50 27. 50 as if he had sung a nice piece in a Table Stoves. 50 14. 50 Three Pieces Waffle Set. 27. 50 nice manner. said to myself, these Refrigerators, Servel 70. 00 100. 00 Frigadaire.
Floor Lamps. 30. 00 125. 00 15. 75 people fall for this man. He made Gas Stoves.
a humorous address, and got the Brid: Lom 12. 95 people in a good mood to listen to Table Lamps, Bridge Lamps. 98. 15. 75 Bed Lamps, Floor Lamps Egg Boilers. 50 music, and we sure got some good musie, and although, as said be. AND Radio Sets Accessories 12. 50 Piece Set.
11. 50 fore, the house was not full, the Violet Ray Outfits Toaster.
and 75 11. 50 Percolators Sets Pieces items were all well rendered. 17. 00 45. 00 Sewing Machine Motors 22. 50 everybody went away feeling satisfiA Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Vacuum Cleaners. 20. 00 40. 00 15. 00 ed that they had really spent Vibrator Massage out Fits El Afternoon. The Iron 758. 80 pleasant Sunday With Floor Polisher. 70. 00 Summary of Contents: only thing was that was afraid to Egg Boilers. 50 11. 50 Combs.
Cake Mixers 22. 00 25. 00 go home again, for did not know History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Curling Irons Wavers Combs. 25 75 whether the woman had finished þo Hotpoint Automatic Toaster. 11. 50 Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, GIFTS on having, until the husband felt Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua that she had realized the folly of Players SEE OUR STOCK FIRST such insistence. The bul was then Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and just a few feet away, so her husband in order to save her, threw her over Interesting the embankment, and he jumped up Price 50cts.
on fence. After the excitement. FUERZA LUZ)
this wife embraced her husband and said, dearie, from this day henceSecure yours now there will be a great rush forth, shall always ask you for my PANAMA for them, COLON assignment. This husband attitude AT YOUR SERVICE Copies may be bad from the office of the WORKMAN converted that woman and made her resolve that she would thereafter Panama take the correct attitude.


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