
PAGE SEVEN NOTICE We beg beg to advise that our LUCKY STRIKE PREMIUM DEPARTMENT will be discontinued effective December 31, 1928 We thank our customers for their co operation in having made this Department such a sucess.
Objects or Subjects The Prosperity Tailor CLEANER DYER our Telephone 695 DYEING, GLEANING PRESSING or Work Done While You Wait be happening where justice demands Dr. Fred Sterling it that outsiders should or cannot THE NEW YORK DENTST know now, prefer to reply that!
OR THE LONGEST DAY HAS God Knows. And that the mills of 182, BOLIVAR STREET ITS END.
God (the GREAT AM mean)
CULON, Box 171, CRISTOBAL, slowly, but they are grinding It has become over too proverbial as surely as TELEPHONE247 COLON they did about the as well as only too common for time Israel doubted where it was some time now of specific notoriety possible for deliverance to come to in the Panama Star Herald recently among a certain element of us in them from Egyptian bondage God is a Negro; Nedd by name (I know the country to not only joke over Almighty was speaking to Moses Berbice Nedd in Guiana, talk others throwing it into teeth from the burning bush on the said about being black! that chap is, but caluminously but to indulge, in jests topic. Objects in another man he is one of our best doctors over among ourselves ignorantly, about country or subjects of a great and No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue in that country, and real British our being objects of abuse in foreign good country and Government, de scholar and graduate at that: Is lands while others of us are con liverance will come we can rest a PANAMA CITY Nedd) Nedd is a native of Essequibo tinously making boasts about our while.
county. And Neddor any other nationality person, white, black, yellow, brown Feeble in If there are any or many persons Appearance But Com or grizzle grunted gray, have like lines mendable who, as they read the head chances or rights to exploit the What little that has been publishthink that it is my intention to write wealth of that rich country and to ed about a crime committed in dea sort of commentary on the topic OF THE HIGHEST ORDER die or do it in their way rather fiance indicated by the read lines, they will common justice denied by than being made the pawins jurists or jurors in a civilized land be greatly disappointed as regard slaves of remorseless capitalists, it a subject too weighty for discus must no doubt be appreciated by foreign white or otherwise.
all lovers of common human justice.
sion without specific knowledge of es They are expectant at the present sentials in its consideration, and for And Jest we forget, there are times time of getting some sort of wholeother reasons among which is the when it pays to suffer in patience.
some capital from the Mother counRemeber too: The wheels of God fact that there are too many of us try in the Colony and so better times but surely who are capable only of blowing hot turn apparently slowly IRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED are acoming to the colony for the also.
and cold in the same breath and honest laboring being.
give the impression ultimately that Qui Vive Status Necessary.
Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Negro Societies can Help.
West Indians are the greatest nin do not kriow if should use the If the various and too many West compoops and cowards on the face word status here; it ought to be Ladies Garments carefully handled Indian Societies, fraternal and bene of the earth.
rather attitude. But this is what volent, will only consider the matter soberly and reasonably, seeing Serious Moment Just Ahead.
mean: instead of the lax and far REID Proprietor we have at our command what other Despite mockers and skeptics, the from over lack of thrift in all our groups like the so to speak immorforecasts of happenings, to come to manner of life to make it easier to tal May Flower company of comthis world of ours, the deductions of work out means of relief to escape Patriots have done in the world of those who can see into the future a serious time indicated away from today richest Republie; having to tell us that there is a terrible time what we might still call our native heartier welcome than British West going to get title inperpetuity to Mr. Thomas has hirted it. our credie a land already partly things even coming to Mother earth in the not land and looking at distant future; and that there is the with our human prospectives, we can Indians from any of His British ziven area of country in Costa Rica Say, have you read about a fe. inhabited and civilized to go to, ou Majesty Caribbean Colonial pos or the Said Nicaragua in proximity low who has just discovered plati canal and railroad and other road need for some serious thinking and suy it is hardly possible of thoughtful as well as urgent action pariencing in suid countries or places sessions would receive in British to the area of the aforesaid Canainam aluminum or something, around building, sanitary and the like know we should begin to do all in Guiana. Don Mind what the land and resell home site to the said Tiger Island British Guiana. ledge all to our credit, with a lump our at the present time.
sharks and stool pigeons in West Indian workers to make them Whether it be Aluminum, god, of cash which is being used by the There are not many people or power; use up all the means at our belief that country tell you about your fuu feel more at home, removed from diamonds, iron ore, silver or what rich in the various banks, they coull places that will escape what the na disposal toward our tions of the world are themselves when we have begun to do our best Panama. Tis true that they are perplexing immigration laws, nation not, there is wealth for our taking easily send a small company (2 discrimination is in the beautiful land down the first) from among the societ preparing as the mess they will have and look like people prepared to build dams and roads galore, but al prejudice, insular certain march, the word and way to do so lit means the British West Indians with real rights and privileges of ci South American Atlantic main in groups to procure the necessary land to digest, but there are to get the dogs share and even tizen ship in the land of their abode, the big British Colony and it is grant from the British Guiana Gov.
nooks where some will be permitted may come. cannot see how even the promises beckong us to Come and we will doernment, and without the have been thinking along lines that at the hazzards of our lives.
necessity to Stand still and see God salvaIt might be alright If Uncle Sam of tenement quarters and even bet you good.
to go to work for others, go and tion despite the anathemas of war only too meagerly hinted at by Not Like South Africa And The work for themselves and dependents makers and war speculators about quite a young leader (Where are the whom we delight to serve even for ter wages than at present with the older fellows at this time) in a let a pittance (envied us with under construction of dams and all the Boers.
and build up a great isthmian col. slackers.
ter he wrote in a panama paper machinations against colored work roads in the country will give the Some have constantly asked why ony of British Indians right on About News Papers Muteness.
the case uppermost in many minds ers etc. was going to build another relief a law abiding people, citizensie British Guiana is such a good, British terra firma and under our Persons have tried to get me com even the blow soft and cold too quick Canal In Nicaragua and this time of a Great State and Nation deserve, rich and inviting country the Bri own vine and fig tree. That is what mit myself in expression within the ly to accomplish anything kind was going to take lessons out of the unless this time when the expected tish dont develop it? Well will give brother Cyril Thomas wanted to last few days regarding happen expect some white man or official hardships suffered by his alien buon comes and the gambling evi you an idea. In south Africa and tell you. know because we have nings to some of our colonial con to rise up and do for us what we employees denied the rights of of the country are winked at our whole Africa for that) white people, frequently discussed the possibility fraternities or brethrens (in its wid can do ourselves much better. re the provisions of the United Sta e people will at such a time having and Boers have gone in there and and practicability too.
application) in this fer to what the writer suggested Constitution where the Stars token lessons out of past experi made of the real natives what will Will the societies est sense or wake upl country mean the Republic of about some of our people getting to Stripes fly and where the said West ences and treatment use means to be done to some of us in the west Arise and build. and be working Panams and as to what the future Demerara. Say, as stupid or simple Indians built for him all he has in get their dependents out of theern hemisphere if we dont wake up off at least some of the families might bring. At this time since it as that and what others of us it this country with his white help. country with a view of following and get rid of our miserably gamb for whom no houses will be provided is also claimed that such news or might from time to time say on the despite present day abuses and our them.
ling propensities or the hope to get in the Canal Zone and are stiffling gans as should have spoken have subject, can see no other door of own indifference as to vital About British Guiana. rich suddenly, evil: make abject in prisons in the terminal cities.
been mute, and can tell what can )fering better opportunities and welfare. Unless He (Uncle Sam) was The writer has before, and now prons of you. That man you read of To be continued.
exare our


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