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Upper Part of City.
Marta Colombia Unroofs Church and Doors Damage to 800 PERSONS KILLED IN BATTLE BETWEEN Other Buildings POLICE AND STRIKERS.
Revolters Preventing Men From Returning to Work are Shot by Soldiers Says President Cardoze of the Junta del Carnival sea struck, or are in men.
From indications visible, it apA most unusual Phenomenon was, en fully 30 minutes to extricate pears that the 1929 Carnival proexperienced in the upper part of this her. She sustained internal injuries mises to be an overwhelming succity on Wednesday afternoon last a which it is however believed are not ces. The personnel of the Junta del little after o clock when a violent serious.
Carnival of which Mr. Moises Car gust of wind in the form of a ty. The Methodist Chureh near the sea doze is president, augurs well for The Jamaica Gleaner of the 15th, sunset or before daybreak, for it was phoon travelling in an earsterly direc wall also came in for a fair share the success of this Panama grandThe Minister Rengifo made this up apparent that at any moment the evening the following declaration in tion from the struck several the typhoon havoc, as the roof est Annual Fete, and the hope is inst in reviewing the strike buildings and caused great damage of the sacred edifice was completely forecasted that when the day final heaval in our Sister Republicat activities of the rioters would be ex relation to the banana strike in Magand injured several Lifted and hurled against house Noly dawns for the big Mardi Gras, Santa Marta, states that up to Wed tended, and the ravages of the out dalena.
It was stated by those who saw 13 on Street, three blocks away, the brilliance, illumination and ex nesday last battles were still being break if fought at night would be Up to now have not received the unusula occurrence that it trav causing serious damage to the front citement of the occasion will be well waged between the strikres police and much greater than in the day.
new notices out the strikers; but to The Metapan arrived here judge from rumours and the manner elled from the sea in corkscrew art of that structure.
up to past occasions, when the Duke fruit companies on the banana planshape extending upward and on Several other houses in the im of Balboa was the head of these big tations of Santa Marta. According to yesterday morning from Santa Marof organization of the mhitary de reaching land spent its fury againe mediate district were struck by the etes and steered them to such hap the information which reached here ta in ballast. There was fruit in the fence, if the rising has not yet been the building of the San Felipe pub cyclone, doing such damage to the conclusions. In those good old yesterday, the then result of the fray Colombian port, and there was la definitely terminated it will soon be.
lie School at 7th Street and South balconies and roofs that the tenants ays every foreign community on was said to be that some 800 men, bour to be had on the docks; but The Minister of War supplies the Avenue, causing considerable damage were forced to vacate them until rethe Isthmus was represented and the chiefly the strikers, were killed and with the strike on the plantations following data. More than 5, 000 la they could not get the fruit on the bourers are making application fo.
to the school and three other nearby pairs can be made.
Carnival fete was looked forward a large number wounded.
bulidings and injuring three persons. Great excitement reigned among Lo with consirable gusto. But here it It was stated yesterday that the spot to load the vessel. Therefor work. Their representatives had a The balcony and roof at the rear of those who witnessed this unusual must be said of the Mr. McGuiniss, bodies of the dead lay thick on the the ship will load a large amount conference with the United Fruit the school were completely demolish phenomenon, as it was feared that that, like Shakespaere wife he has plantations, and vultures were dis here to go for the American mark Company, and they arrived at an ed, causing a flood of water and de some great calamity was about to a way of doing things, which is pe posing of some of them there not ot. agreement whereby the Company rebris to pour into the class rooms. overtake the city. But a state of nor cularly his own way, and its the being sufficient volunteers to go up NEWSPAPER ACCOUNT. cognises some of the points which It was indeed a happy coincident maley was quickly regained when it way that gets his crowd.
to the battle fields to bury them.
The following is a traslation of an the laboureres had put forward bethat the children were out in re was discovered that the cyclone had 3g things are expected of Mr. Moi On the docks of Santa Marta there article which appeared in La Pren fore the strike.
cess at the time the building was spent its force against the buildings ses Cardoze as head of the Grand lis absolutely serenity, no commotionss of Tuesday 11th December, of The pact having been signed the there might otherwise that had been struck.
Pete next year and it is hoped that whatever, it is in the rural parts Barranquilla.
workmen returned quietly to their have been many fatalities. force of policemen, firemen and his presence on the Junta will do where bananas cultivated Sitionuevo. December 10. To day labours but a large group of the reA fourteen year old pupil, Conwilling persons nearby quickly clear. much to pull this great fete out of large quatities that the riots have the destroyer Colombia arrived in volters tried to prevent their return ception Martinez, who it is said wased away the debris in the hope of the chaos into which it has apparent taken place. The strikers were not this port with soldiers of the to work, and the troops were comin the school at the time got buried reseuing any unfortunate ones that fallen for the past many years received, and with the fruit com Ricaurte Regiment on board and pelled to protect the workmen under the debris, and it took work. might have been buried underneath. The local Government has autho panies refusal to bow to the laws handed over 15 of the strikers to the lives. The soldiers attacked them and rized an appropiation of 500 to and dictates of their opponents. the ioval authorities.
in the fight that ensued eight were the fund, and the Junta expects to latter have resorted to this act to communication has been receiv killed and many wounded. The riot raise about 12. 000 or 14. 000 more. get what they demanded.
ed from Pivijay which states thaters took to flight and the workmen The President desires to make it To assist in subdiung the rioters the forces sent out by the Governor were able to return to their work.
SPARKLETS known that it will be endeavoured a guard of policemen was sent to Osorio, and the National Police have the number of the malcontents has (By as far as is possible to eliminate Santa Marta from Puerto Colombin, captured 50 of the strikers. About diminished considerably. Many have drunkenness, brawls, etc, ete, from the local being imponent 40 of them were released however, died, others have received the three days sport. He also states against the combined attack of the as they could furnish the necessary wounds and many hundreds have When, on last Monday evening, We believe, as. Pope did, that or that it is desired to have all the strikers.
been made prisoners.
the Editor called us up on the tele der is heaven first law; and, this foreign communities in Panama rephone and asked us to shoot in, at confesed, some are, and must be presented as heretofore, and to this the Custom and Police authorities from Pivijay to day to complete the The Government issued orders to More forces are expected to arrive The Cabinet in Council yesterday once, our copy for the special Christ greates than the res. But we find end a cordial invitation will be ex to allow the morning resolved to remove the milmas Number; that the linotype oper that the great is taking to great Cusom guards and quelling of the strike.
ator and his machine had been ab advantage of this by their almost tended to all.
policemen to go abot the streets It seems as if the matter is drastary restrictions in vie wof the fa normally busy all day in consequence faultless system of organization to srmed to reckon with their hosts is near to its close as telegrap), vourable reports that have been late of which both were waiting to turn keep the rest in subjection for no ly received out more salleys; that the make up thing but the expressed purpose of PRESIDENT VETOES in case they were attacked. Shipping telephone and Railway lines have Commerce has suffered seriously man and the pressman of the giant perpetually exploiting them. BILL ON MORALITY agents were also instructed that the been re opened all through the bacylinder press were also in suspense, crew of the vessels in the harbour ana zone and peace has returned and the whole region has been ad As West Indians, we are numernuoladi.
anxious to reel off the annual edi ically and, no doubt, spiritually PUBLIC HEALTH. should not leave their ship after the villages.
versely affected.
tion de luxe of the Workman, an excess of saliva, automatically releassified community here. But these two into effect drastie stronger than any other single clas lengthy Bill which would put ed from the pancreas, lodged somemeasures to rewhere about the larynx AIR MAIL FOR CANAL attributes have not up to the present gulate morality and public health and inten and inten sified our well known scareity of stood us in very good stead among within the Republie was vetoed this ZONE.
speech. We had not a line on the united, thrifty, practical, tactful, on paper The plain truth is that per wide awake members of the other week by President Florencio AroseStates.
that we had a communities. This year has been an menn. The Bill was returned to the munthly air mail srvice betweea dry on matter up to a minute or two unusually unfortunate one for us. It law makers with the usual Presidenbefore, and had just struck upon the Press reports incileate that a such th say something about the has brought some definite change The Boston Globe, of December 4th among our colored brethren. Th the Canal Zone and Miami, Florida man Hector Connor who, for the which tend to reduce us to the mer effect that it is not the intention of carried the following editorial, en latest report issued by the Burea: will be inaugurated next past few years, has been demons est bread winners. Nevertheless, we withhold titled, The Up and Coming Negro. Education at Washington reveal month. postage rate of twenttrating before the boys and girls of have time at our disposal in which the Chief Executive to ourselves and cooperation in Since the close of the World War on the striking fact that the South five cents will be charged ter ea. it regulating publi our village a little of practical Gar we may look around prepare to veyism (putting Gaveyism into pra effectively health and morals, but that the Bm the position of the Negro in this orn Negro at home is just as defiialt ounce of mail.
well as with tive, mean. would be perfectly in treat with them, as was not only inconvenient but im country has been undergoing rapid nitely on the move in matters of pro order. But, according to the inner probably more drastic adverses.
practical as submitted. The Messag and significant changes. This has gress as his migrant friends North HUNTER PATIENT IN workings of practical journalism, it With the reminder from the Editor was accompanied by a substitute bill been due, in part, to the northern orn centers. survey of 79 institu became incumbent upon me to help. that the annual formal GORGAS HOSPITAL keep the office staff busy, hence expressions of good will is at hrana much modified in length, but which migration which drew hundreds of tions of Negro educaton dselce of the thousands of members of the colored that 77 of these are now doing col We regret to have to announce you have been deprived, pro tem, of we have to abridge our week dis would take adequate care a little discourse on Mr. Connor to course and settle down to write a original intentions of the vetoed bill. race from their old haunts in the lege work, whereas but 31 were do the detention in Gorgas Hospital, hear some of my riper views on the Christmas Message, which you wili South to industrial centers in the ing college work a decade ago. En Ancon, of our Atlantic Side significance of the Season. have the pleasure or displeasure of MR. AND MRS BENNETT CELE Middle Eastern and Middle Western rollment in these institutions hue correspondent, Mr. Hunter. He Christmas, the Day on which we reading BRATE DAUGHTER BIRTH States. The opening of the new era grown by the amazing figure was admitted on the afternoon of celebrate in recognition of the time NIGHT.
of Southern industrialization has also 550 per cent in 10 years, 80 that the 17th, and is in ward 12. As far when the Lowly Nazarene was supOUR SPECIAL CHRISTbeen a potent factor affecting the there are now 15 Negroes in college as we have learned he is making posed to have been born; a time of for every 10. 000 of the race in this satisfactory improvement. We wish the year when we carry out some MAS NUMBER. The home of Mr. and Mrs Bennett position of the Negro.
formal house cleaning and extend of 19th Street Guachapali was very To many it seemed, perhaps, that country. And of the 79 institutions him a speedy recovery and return glad greetings to everybody in line beautiful decorated on Monday night the enthusiasm for cultural activities examined, all but five are situated to his several useful activities.
with the peace and good will which As per announcement appearing last 17th instant when the celebra among the Negroes, of which there not above he Mason Dixie line, but Mr. Hunter has just been re electthe Lowly Nazarene had intended elsewhere this below it!
journal the tion of the birthday of their year have been plentiful tokens in poetry ed Chairman of the Cristobal Colon disseminate among us but to which special Christmas edition of the daughter (Pearl) took place.
the majority have been immune, is Workman will appear on Monday fiction, social criticism, the drama, All of which stresses a fact worth branch of the Panama Canal but three days from today fine juvenile gathering was pre the dance and other arts have been remembering: That when a race be Employees Association, of which asmorning next brim full of Christmas sent (and danced to the beautifu in the main the result of spiritual gins to feel a new energy, interest sociation he is also the Vice PresiAs we take on years, gentle read. Messages of Peace and Goodwill for strains of music from the Persever release produced by change in envi and enthusiasm for progress, the cur dent.
oney mounting intretineita det er and your consideration at Christmas the ance Band. among them being the ornment.
Undoubtedly the new and rents set in motion defy peopren perience, we better of course more accurate view of the time when all men should forget self Missess Redwood, Edwards, Smith, vigorous Negro press, and the strik phical restriction. If the Northern of the Pan American Union, all conduct of man. In which case we and be of service to his neighbour Gladston Bonner and others. ing achievements of spoks men for the Negro is becoming more and more rails in the future intended for de are getting more and more to appre who may be less fortunate ciate his philosophy of Christianity. himself in this world affairs. Been in honor of the little girl by acade, have in the popular mind been so is his Southern brother. few appropriate toasts were giv race which have marked the past de conscious of his long latent qualities, very in the Republic, but addressed Panama, Canal Zone or Colon, It is pure and simple the Canal Zone, will be returned to the o the littest might is right. This sure therefore to get a copy and in few of the invitees expressing the associated largely with cities such as NEWS NOTE country from which they originated.
the immortal poet was perfectly crease your happiness at this Christ. best wishes for the future, after New York, which has Harlem in its It is thought that this will terminate aware of when he wrote: Man mas tide by reading the many mes which the evening terminated with midst.
According to a letter sent out on the practice in the future. This ininhumanity to man makes countless sages therein contained for your be the strains of Home sweet Home But there are decided limitations tor of mails and telegraphs in the veloped into large proportions reTuesday of this week by the Diree correct addressing of mails has dethousands moun.
from the band.
upon such a view of the things astir Repubulic to each of the 21 countries cently Negro Progress in the United idea that meet and of in than

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