
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN DECEMBER 22nd, 1928 FARMER COLUMN THE FOWL TRACK The British Pharmacy COLON highly refarming whole 00 11. 1154 at Drummond Cato, supply thou at home.
us we have This century ou survey way not from important countries of the world NEURALGINA Weekly London Grand Tea Meeting Letter Friends we are now refresh ng your memory of the Grand West le dian Tea Meeting, which will ke (BY ANDREW BLACK MORE place at the Liberty Hall, 11th, st.
The Study of Sociology Central Avenue, Broadway, on Mon. often finds considerable difficulty of the Jethro Temple of Mosaic The student of the social science day night Dec. 24th, 1928. under the auspices of the Officers Members in prosecuting his studies owing to Templers of Central America, who his ignorance of where, and how pay to their members that are in necessary information may be obtain ed. That difficulty will soon be over good standing with the lodge the sum of THREE HUNDRED AND come. Three years ago the work of SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS. 375.
IS NOW LOCATED AT preparing a complete subject cateco) death grant, or to any of their.
kogue of the books and pamphlets lumiliy who are registered in our the British Library of Political ar books this ammount will be locally the Londo paid. Any information required can 11th STREET Txonomie Science School of Economies was commence be had from any of these old timers and it is hoped that the catalogu at any time. Mr.
Correr Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK will be ready for publication in th Teacher at Silver City, Mr. Wm course of the next few month. Silver City, Mr. Hemming, Where our customers will receive the usual the work has has progressed its scop Teacher, Colon. Mr. Emest Belamy, has been extended, so that the cata Colon. Age not under 20 years and Jogue will now embrace other Lon courtesies don collections. The valuable Gold not over 60 years for membership. Be smiths Library of Economie Lite sure and get your tickets, they are all getting away, we also want to re rature belonging to the University mind you of your past days at London, the special collections Ten Meetings, this is what we exare tracts at University Colier LOOK FOR THE SIGN and the libraries of the Royal Stapect from our noble speakers le enjoy a good and grand Xmas Eve tistical Society and the Roya INI Anthropological Institute win be in memories the grand time Night once more and recall to our BRITISH Crent in Tea Meetings this will be PHARMACY cluded.
The catalogue will consist rought about the first one for the Isthmus of five thousand pages, in four vol and we want never to forget it. Om umes. Three volumes will form Chairman Vive Chairman, alphabetical subject catalogue, and all are well known and they are anthe fourth will contain an alphabe xious of having your names on tical index of authors; and supple program don forget that you will mentary catalogues of of additions also have a popular comedian CemJ. Small publications will be issued from tim pany performing and singing. The to time preliminary FRANK WILLIAMS DINTIST Queen also expect a very good lookthe field shows that the British ing young gentleman to be her guest MASONIC TEMPLE brary of Political and Economic who will unveil her. Come one, come BUILDER DESIGNER Office Hours: am to 12 pm Science itself includes about 500. 000 all. We are looking out for you so. 30 to 5, 30 pm volumes and 250, 000 pamphlets co as to teach the young ones who don 22 Street, Guachapall, House No. 18 vering a very wide field. Anothe know what a Tea Meeting is like Sundoys, by Special Appointment important factor will be the cata Tickets are on sale by the AforeMasonic Temple Ilth St, Furniture of Varied Quality and Up to date loguing under their subjects of near mentioned old timers at 25 cents O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL Designe ly all the the official publication of a Cy.
PHONE: OFFICE 1664 PRICES DEFY COMPETITION When administrators of the work is is completed, the the in the form of a well printed but RESIDENCE 538 the collections concerned will be prepared to lend inexpensive booklet which can after wards be bound, and it is largely that students who cannot study the Luke Hansard that this is possible, to approved librarier, due to the ability and enterprise of books where they are kept will be From the begining of his official able to secure them for use ele life he spared neither cost nor perwhere. He will thus be saved the sonnl labour in endeavouring to im.
annoying and wasteful experience of prove parliamentary reporting and travelling from one library to an printing and to reduce its cost tor other and interrypting the continul minimum. To achieve this end hi: ty of his studies.
expenditure was immense; his type Should be in every office to immediately Novel Experiment in Educatio. alone weighted 117 tons.
soothe any neuralgic pain caused by The Board of Education have pub At first Hansard reports depend NEED lished a pamphlet giving an accounted upon the newspapers, but soor.
excessive mental work.
of one of the most interesting edu his Company achieved complete inde cational experiments of recent years. pendence. Later, in 1888, the GovThe children of a typical rural vil ernment helped it with subsidy WATCH?
NEURALGINA lage in Oxfordshire were organised until in 1909 it was deemed advithe sable to to make a general survey to make it entirely a DROP IN AT of countryside, under the the Civil Service. It is Should be in every school to soothe bad supervision of their teachers. They tribute to this fine old printer that took as a starting point the officia his name is still used in connexion headaches and reduce the fever of Ordinance Survey map for their with the Reports. In the 77th year parish and district, and from this of his life he stated, as s energies 122 CENTRAL AVE.
they proceeded to trace the outlite waned, that he would never relnx o the parish fields. On the dingrin his duties while Parliament sat. This You ill Find Them thus made they marked the inst effort of his to complete the crops of NEURALGINA each field and collected specimen too severe for his health, and as a a session proved to be Moderately Priced.
of the soil. Then they worked cu the reasons for the parish bounda result he died, leaving behind him Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes ries, and entered a detailed occountname memorable in English constiof all farm stock. The main oecu tutional history.
the heart, pations of the of the villagers were tabulatThe Spectator.
ed and a a study of the local market.
was formulated. Investigations re For sale both Wholesale and Retail One of the best known of British made into communications by rond periodicals the weekly Spec.
rail and canal. And so forth. tator. There are many other BriSTRAT THE When the survey was completed a tish reviews which are well known, careful search was made of old vil widely read, and which have been AMERICAN PHARMACY lage records, the object being tein existence for a good number of draw up a statement comparing the years, but none of them occupies a Advertise in the Workman present state of the parish with that place of JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor equal importance. In the existing in the year 1080 when the words of the Prime Minister, Mr. Panama.
King had caused to be prepared the Baldwin, who was the guest of the celebrated Domesday Book, contain evening at the dinner which was reor ing a similar survey of many dis cently given to celebrate its cente DENTIST HOWELL tricts. It was discovered that the nary. the Spectator has become in villagers, who are mostly our country a national institution. House No. 912 La Boca engaged in agriculture, and numbe. great many homes would feel altogether, possess that some great landmark had been Canal Zone nine motor cars, eleven motor cycles removed if the Spectator ceased to 168 bicycles and and 25 OPPOSITE RESTAURANT CALL IN AT wireless sets exist. This is a remarkable tribute to striking indication of their pre the inherent characteristics of the PHONE 1941 BALBOA sent prosperity. During the surves paper, characteristics which may be. the children acted as map makers summed up as its innato British socioligsts, geológists, botanists, and stability and outlook. RYCE historians and archeologists, and One of the early campaigns waged dh acquired much more general know RENOVATOR ledge than they could ever have by the Spectator was an agitation on behalf of the Reform Bill of 1832, a school.
Further DYEING PRESSING more, the records so obtained re and since then it has always been an No. 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET LADIES SKIRTS Te advocate of worthy causes. In mopermanent and most use fal contribution to comtemporary rat dern times it has earned public SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL knoweledge of a typical English coun gratitude for its attention to the pro try village, and will doubtless be of HOUSE 19 21st STREET blem of the better housing of the for its GOOD SELECTION OF great value to all students of the indefatigable GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY 20th century conditions in England animals. In one particular it pleading for better treatment of has NEW BIBLES Official Parliamentary Reports. been astonishingly fortunate: It has of exceptionally L FLOWERS Hymn Prayer Books The hundredth anniversary bahad a succession just been celebrated of the death of gifted editor proprietors, each of Luke Hansard, who was responsible whom has held his post for a a long Abogado. Attorney at Law for over fifty years for the publicaregimes.
roughly covering a tion of British Parliamentary generation, OFFICE: No. 44 ST it on a solid footing. To quote now done by. Mr. Baldwin again, the BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY ports. This work the Spectator TELEPHONE No. 1377 staff of Government employees, and has always been loyal to lofty standalthough the aceounts of the debates erds. We admire it because it has Practicing before all the courts of WII STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR at Westminster are called Official Reports, their unofficial title. may not like them at times, but it always stuck to its principles. We the Republic since April 1914 still Hansard, in memory of the has stuck to its principles regardless famous printer who first organised circulation, of profit, or of any in this parliamentary reporting BOWEN country in a manner noteworthy for other consideration.
No hot irons or special combs required hoth accuracy and speed. When ParTAILOR Tament is in session, the official Advertise in the Workman No. M Street San Miguel report of a day proceedings is SOLD IN DRUG STORES available to the public next morning it will bring good results.
Panama City of a very inte (Continued from last week)
Feeding of Poult y.
All Fowls should be fed early in the morning ad at night with midday meal when not at large of dry corn or peas ete. In winter or rainy Season especially these tro pical climes warm food quisite and does the birds lot of good. Persons doing are very found of feeding their poultry with handy meals to hand, but its not commendable in every case, it all depends on which end you are this therefore aiming for success, must be either on the commercial or the social point.
When fowls are kept chiefly for It is desirable to have a commercial eze production, moes especially if though proportionately smallthrough out the year a small amount of flesh food should be given daily.
Green bones such as gristles and certain parts of the bones from the butcher meat when convenient and ta there hardly demand for same in that line in particular and is cooked, this can be minced by the use of a bone grinding mill forms one of the best means of giving this; and to the minced bones meal such as barley, can with advantages be added.
may appear to some ordinary farmers to be troublesome reading in this column for farmers the uses of meal and bones for poultry, but you will find much benefit in taking these recommendations to task in to your pocket purse for your time in farming economically and scientifically It should be generally known that poultry and cattle are from the animal Kingdom and since the vegetable side, they need nerve and they need good blood to build strength to be productive as we need to perform our heavy toil nature design to function aright.
Diseases Infections, Roup (or Fowl Distemper. Most persons who unedrtake the rearing heartake breeding of poultry are acquainted with this complaint It is is unquestionably specific lisease infectious nature.
In either wet and dry forms of the disease are sometimes spken of, but these terms are of little significance When roup appears in a poultry yard it is advisable to sort out all diseased birds, and remove the healthy ones inmmediately to clean ground, well away from any source of infeetion.
It must be borne in mind that all feeding untensils, and utilities, or ap pliances are capable of acting as medium for the transference of the disease to other places. Treatment to be applied to the area as deodorizer or disinfectant so as to dislodge the germs from the ground, the free use o of boiling water, hot time, and disinfectant will do much towards cutting short, an out break of this malady.
When the same ground has to be used again it is advisible to top dress it with hot kas lime and then dust over with Goliah Dusting say in a couple of months, plough it The Prominent Symptons of Roup are general dullness, a catarrhal disa charge from the nostrils and eyes, with swelling of the latter. Postration is marked as is shown by the bird when it attempts to move. The throat is inflamed, and there is of ten a croupy like deposit upon it.
Keep diseased birds warm. Give warm food and 20 drops of brandy along with drops each of tineture of capsicum and sal volatile, and to this add drop of encalyphus; Repeat every hours, steam the throat with the vapor from boiling water to which 5 drops of oil of encalyptus has been added.
Repeat night morning. Wash all diseased parts little disinfectant and water.
To be continued, with these treatments and symptons of the most pre Ivalent remaining diseases of the Fowls next issue; after which another interesting Track will occupy the colmns.
Interested parties should place these treatise on file week after week or apply to the office for the back number if required may cona of a part surrounding is a remarkabe FULLER ng Reports of a over.
is pays with a The Workman BOOK STORE gathered inside pres tribute.
people and If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courRent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the Three such editorial period.
placed it each Re Contra Crespo WORRELL THE TAILOR Corner 16th. Street West Panama,


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