
THE WORKMAN DECEMBER 22nd, 1928 PAGE SIX JAMAICA THE WORKMAN Properties Change Hands Open the Way to FREEDOM The Contemplated Reorganization during the subsidiary United The National City Bank of New York HASKINS NEWS AGENCY over squall.
The surplus of is partial Get your copy of the WORKMAN every Saturday you will Over 50 distinct properties changed hands in the Co Lindo deal in Clarendon alone, exclusive of those in St. Catherine says the Gleaner.
The total acreage involved in Clarendon was 36. 500 acres. In regard OF THE to the King Street wharf which was acquired by the United also in the deal, they have been surveving it WORKMAN Newspaper has Begun with a view to extension past week and we understand have Open a savings account today and you practically decided to to go ahead with MR. WHYTE. La, Boca, extensions so as to convert it into will take your first step toward indea first class wharf, capable of takhas been added to the Editorial Staff as ing their biggest ships. The wharf pendence. No man is really free unless will not be used for loading fruit however, owing to the lack of rail he is in a position to act unhampered Contributing Editor way facilities, but will be used almost exclusevely for their passenger by financial needs. savings account trade.
MR. KING Author of Sparklets)
cuts the ropes that bind a man and CANADIAN OO. TO CONTROL will re organize his well known Column PLANTATION AT JAMAICA permits him to walk freely and act freely when his opportunity arrives. Open According to a recent issue of the MR. Elijah. HUNTER Silver City, Gleaner, the St. Catherine Estate your way to independence, to freedom, Limited and the Clarendon Planta tions Limited are new concerns which will be a regular Contributor to happiness. start an account today has just been organized under the Canadian laws to take over landed with us at per annum.
proporties at Jamaica.
MRS, EDITH COLE, La Boca, These companies are of course organisations of the is now writing La Boca Social Notes Fruit Company, but they are Canadian concerns, with a Canadian interest, and they will operate chiefPanamá Colón ly in Canada.
canada To that end an organization known Plans are being developed to have permanent representatives as the Canadian Banana Company has been formed. This will market Our Savings Department is open for deposits of the Paper at La Boca, Red Tank Paraiso, Gatun, Silver in Canada the fruit for the two comTuesday evenings from to o clock and panies above mentioned.
from to o clock.
City. In Colon the Paper is being handled by Up to the present the Fruit Despatch Company of the which sells the bananas of the United Fruit Company, has been operating in Canada. It will cease to do so from January 1 next year, the Can.
the Can trees having been levelled in the BRITISH GUIANA The Coloured element here is showing decided signs of drifting together adian end of the business being takfor their common good, and the WORKMAN, the paper which for the en by the newly formed Canadian Banana Coy. The The situation has caused much past sixteen years has been standing by them in its humble way, has now this first class irrigated fruit, if any anxiety, and the price of bananas Fund for G, Stu.
been given the assurance of some of our active progressive and construc will be be sold in America.
But as per bunch has reached two shillings the Canadian market is tive thinkers that a reorganization of its forces is now in order, therefore.
to dents large stems, and some of the largest and three pence 3.
and best fruit in Jamaica comes from the irrigated proporties, there An Unemployment IN THE UNITED STATES might be no surplus left over from the Canadian market.
Bureau Georgetwon, December WHAT OF SUGAR AND RUM?
At yesterday meeting the LegisWhat is to be done with regard lative Council, approved the Colony It now a Question of a Short Time and to the sugar and rum made on the recent issue of the Daily Gleaner taking part in the scheme establish formed Lindo properties in Vere and states that An um employment As fed by the Director of the Commonbe having the Workman Twice a Week St. Catherine? As was stated in a news article printed on this page yes in the city of Kingston for the pur for study at American U: ve sities.
sociation has recently been formed wealth fund for the award of fellow: ships to British Graduat Etudents terday, that question has not been settled. The present crop will be pose of alleviating conditions in this It was stated that the Colony will be particular respect.
taken off by Mr Cecil Lindo; but, in addition to thắt crop, land has been considerable interest not only to the whose salary exceeds 150 a month This movement proved to be of incur no expense, unless an officer is selected for fellowship, when ghed up, young canes planted, un employed, but also to the commu the difference between the offier etc. for two years ahead. Therefore it is certain that even if sugar manu. Ally in general. At present the nato salary and the allowance of 150 per facture is to be abandoned on the has been presented to the Legislative Fund for living expenses would have anu ter is making great head way, and mon month made by the Commonwealth Vere and St. Catherine proporties Council for to be provided by the Colony.
that will not happen until after the While the members of the Asso.
The Legislative Coureit als nb.
crop of 1930. There will be, rough await the appointment of proy ly speaking, a two yers breathing deputation to the Governor, meeting ing in a scheme to be intoduco by proved of the Government co op ratspace, during which time it will be are being held in Kingston and lower the Secretary of State, for the er decided whether all the lands are St. Andrew to encourgae support ganisation of a unified Colonial Ayrı good for bananas, or whether como from various quarters cultural Service.
of them may not be better suite to Messrs Bryan, King The Colony will have to prov de sugar than to fruit.
Durham, Kennedy and Har y 160 towards the establishment and full Assortmet of If cane will do better than bare have been appointed on a committe maintenance of headquarters of the nas on some of the soils, there being to assist in carrying out the schems Council during its initial stages, and a sufficient area to be planted out economically in cane for the sugar part of the Colony totai for factories in Vere and St. Catherine, financing the organisa.
to about these factories may be maintained. NEW MOVIES TO HAVE SHOWS tion, which will amount But if the lands are equally adapted IN AFTERNOON 12, 000 a year.
The President pointed out that Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards to banana production and the de. 160 was all they would be called to mand for bananas continue, the probabilities are that the factories will According to the Chesner of re pay this year and full contribution Etc. Etc. Etc.
be scrapped.
cent date, a novel development will would not have to be made for sevtake place in the moving picure eral years. The Colony he said would game here when the Palace Amis benefit by the scheme to the extent Noble Deed ment Company have completed the of 20, 000 per annum.
extensive alterations to the Movies Theatre at Cross Roads in NO BABIES WILL IN FUTURE they are now BE BORN IN PRISOV The alterations will be of suci a Forty Thousand DolCOME IN AND INSPECT THE STOCK The Gleaner learnt that it has character that the theatre can be lars Suit been decided that in the fuuture all closed to all light from outside so BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE women at the General Penitentiary as to permit of performances being who are in a delicate state of hen th given in day time a costly and very will be sent to the Jubilee Hospital introduced into the new threatre by The points and terms of arbitration special system of ventilation being Georgetown, December Formerly the convicts used to ve which it can be kept at almost any in the 200. 000 dol. suit for damages birth at by Wild and Company ex Sewerage prison but Dr. Cyril temperature required.
Gideon, acting Prison Surgeon, short So perfect will this system be that Contractors against the Government (M. CARDOZE Jr. ly after he assuemd his duties went on the hottest day in summer you and the Georgetown Town Council fully into the matter and will be able to sit in the new the tre for wrongful termination of contracts have been agreed upon by the CATHEDRAL PLAZA mended to the authorities that the when closed in the day time in ab tract prison accommodation was not suit solute comfort in fact ih a tempera contending parties, states ture and cool breeze exactly as you Daily Chronicle. Sir Thomas Willes able for such cases.
At first the matron of the Jubilee require the intention of the Palace Court of England and Kings Remem. Chitty, Senior Master of the Supreme BRANCH STORE Hospital was against the proposal which has however been approved Company as soon as the alterationsbrancer has been accepted as legal 125 Central Avenue by the proper authorities.
are complete to start regular af arbitrator.
ternoon performances at the Movies from about p. onwards.
BANANA CROPS ARE DAMAGED If you have a Prescription to BY HIGH WINDS.
be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana If you have a Prescription to The Banana crops in many par Dr. JOHN THOMPSON Plaza, where you will get cour House Rent Receipt Books ishes of the country have been serbe made up take it to the iously damaged due to incessant Mechano. Therapis teous and obliging service.
high winds during the past months; No. 36. ANCON AVE.
National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Riversdals, Richmond. Watts Town, UPSTAIRS IN SPANISH ENGLISH Panama City and English for sale at the WorkPlaza, where you will get cour Yallahs, Bath and Friendship are are among the devasted areas, many man Printery.
For Sale at the WORKMAN PRINTERY teous and obliging service.
ploughed approval.
ciation STOP! LISTEN. CRICKET GOODS 400th par revenue ich engaged to give birth PANAMA HARDWARE a the New


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