
lenor For the Christmas Season LA MASCOTA Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels. and is Also son on the the very latest designs Challenor.
a that (From the West India Committee Published on Saturday by Rates for Advertisement on apCircular. WALROND, at the office No. 72 plication, correspondence on all mat Mr. George Challeacr, the wellCarlos Mendoza Street, Panama, ters of public interest invited.
AT THE known Barbados cricketer, and All copy for publication must be youngest son of the late Mr. Robert Challenor and Mrs. Challenor, of Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, The Garden, Barbados, British West Box 1102, Ancon and must be accompanied by the Indies, was married on November RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION name of the writer, not necessarily 12th to Hilda Watson, eldest daughtmark of er of the late Mr. William Brown One Year. 40 for publication but as a good faith and Mrs. Brown, of Vellore, Polmont Bix Months.
1, 20 Stirlingshire.
Three. 60 We do not undertake to return The announcement of George ChalOne Month. 25 rejected correspondence. fine selection of le nor engagement and marriage will have been received with as many The Libers of the Press is the palladium of our rights JNNIUS manifestations of pleasure in the West Indies as it has been among THE WORKMAN DECEMBER 22nd, 1928 s many friends in this country. propos of this, Mr. Ernest Thomas, of the Humber Fishing Fish Manurec CONGRESSMAN SAY IT IS oncerning his mill manager, Mr.
UNFAIR Isekson, who hails from Mrs. Challenor Country north of the Tweed, is a great admirer of George. The Washington Pos of December 7, 1928, has He writes that on returning from published the following a cicle, which we believe will London, where he had seen the Bebe read with unusual interest by the silver alien emnedict, he was asked by Mr Jackployees of The Panama Canal. Well! and hoo did ye find Mr. WOOD URGES REPEL OF WELCH SALARY ENGLISH TWEEDS Chailenorr, Sorr? put LAW most dolorous expression could, writes Mr. Thomas, and replied: Repeal of the Welchay raise act was advocated un sorry to say have brought back ome very sad news, Mr. Jackson in the House yesterday by representative Will Wood Nr. Challenor has damaged a finger (Rep. of Indiana, who dcribed the measure as a rather badly, but have for worse monstrosity. Wood said that the Welch act was abnews than that.
solutely impracticable and has failed to carry out the Surely Sorr, he interrupted, Nowishes of Congress, in chat it failed materially to help ting serious has happened to Mr.
poorly paid employees in the government service.
LA MASCOTA The best thing that could happen in the interest Sad to say, replied, something of good government and in interest of maintaining the MULLER, very serious has happened, the facts are that Mr. Chatlenor has also conmorale of the employees of the United States, Wood tracted wife, but that isn the declared, would be to repeal this act.
In the debate that followed, the interpretation plac37 Central Avenue.
worst of the news. The evil is that he has selected a young lady who ed on the Welch act by Comptroller general McCarl comes from a place which am told is a veritable Sahara; a place that is was criticized, and it was declared that the morale of miles removed from civilisation; a the government workers had been badly shaken as a place that is rightly described as beresult of that interpretation. The debate broke out Changing Immigration Quotas. Christmas Fete Postpono Tiling at the back o beyond, and a place while the House was considering the Treasury Department Post Office appropriation bill, which carries in dream of setting foot in unless he (From the New York Times. Thursday Next was forced.
creases caused by the Welch act.
In his annual report, Secretary of Labor Davis Awful Borr, awful, he sympa Right here, gentlemen, said Wood, who was dis advocates several changes in the immigration laws.
The Christmas Fete planned by thised, and where might this tercussing the bill, wish to say that the so called Welch The most important is an increase in the number of the young ladies, of St. Agnes Guild rible place be? Have heard of it?
act is a monstrosity, absolutely impracticable, and has Europeans who may be admitted, with a limitation of of St. Paul Church, Panama for don suppose so, said, in it failed entirely to carry out the purpose for wihch this the Latin Americans and Canadians. He reprints a last Thursday night at Kennelworth resterday, on the map it is called Congress believe it to be enacted. As a matter of fact letter which he wrote to Senator Johnson last Spring Park was completely washed out by POLMONT.
interjected Representative Connel (Dem. of New commenting on a proposed bill embodying these and the heavy rain which fell all after You should have seen his face. York, did it not increase the higher paid officers and other changes. His explanation indicates that he is noon and throughout the night. Th annot write his reply in Seoteh, but fail to compensate, in a larger measure, these in the anxious to give all concerned the most favorable pos arrangements have now been made you can imagine it. In English it was lower brackets? That is correct, replied Wood. sible consideration. For example, he would adhere to hold this function on Thursday something like this: Polmont, he When that bill was pending before this house. the the present quotas for European nationals where these night December 27th at the La Boc sarked, Polmont uneivilised! a members were led to believe that its purpose was to in quotas are larger than the allotments under the so playshed when the same progrem or have we know that Polmont less han three miles from ma mither crease the wages of the lower paid employees; but as called national origins provision, which has been defer entertainment will be carried through doorstep, and where was born (he it turns out, instead of making a substantial increase red until next June. Where the quotas are larger unIt is hoped that all persons who meant the house, of course, not the in the salaries of the lower paid employees, it gives der the national origins provision he would accept were disappointed through the in doorstep) and if yo don know where Polmont is, its in Stirlingthem a pittance of an increase, amounting to about them. As for immigration from the American nations element weather on Thursday nigh shire, the finest County per cent. The salaries of the gentlemen who are receiv and Canada, he favors a quota which would reduce the will find it convenient to attend th airth, and mony the time it is ing larger salaries, 7, 500 and in that nieghborhood, Mexican influx by 90 percent, but postulates one for Ca Fete at La Boca next week, All the walked my were increased from 20 to 25 per cent, and, through the nada in excess of the average immigration from that attractions which had been plan was courting, and if Mr. Challenor interpretation made by the Comptroller General of the Dominion.
ned for the previous occasion will has chosen a bride from Stirlingshire United States, two of the brackets from which they only goes to prove that he has as These details will be thoroughly discussed in Con be the special features on the com fine a judgement of women as he were advanced by degrees, under the discretion of the gress. Many points are sure to be made. Should there ing occasion.
has of fertiliser, etc. ete.
department heads have been entirely obliterated so that be any radical change in the present quota system. By this time my colleague conthey jump from four to six and eleven to thirteen, and The law provides that the national origins clause is THE BUNCO GAME cluding remarks had lapsed so far in in consequence all who were receiving 7, 500, at one to come into effect on June 30, 1929. This diminishes to Gaelic that failed to comprehend AGAIN.
jump, under the operation of this Welch act and the total immigration from Europe and reduces the his final observations, but have through the decision of the Comptroller General, have German and Irish immigration at the same time that an idea that he was emphatically been advanced to 9, 000 a year, it increases the British and Italian. Congress has been ing innovations of the local buneo One of the latest and most amus commenting on my deplorable ignorance of geography and was impresho In other words. put in Connell, the average unwilling to risk the animosity of the foreign groups increase of those in the wer bracket runs from 60) which oppose it. strong movement exists to discard same by which organized street ning hipon and especially ties Promotie lingshire, of thieves rob vast sums of money from My anxiety was that he seemed like to 120. Yes, said Woo 1, or about per cent. it. If this is done, the present quotas, based on the cenRepresentative Garret (Dem. of Tennessee, re sus of 1890, will remain in force until modified. It is confederates make the rounds of the might produce the bagpipes as the unsuspected people, is that two male choking called that Representative Woodrum (Dem. of Virgi wise to change this basis so drastically, as the plan city and collect sums of money os linal triumph of argument. Anyway, nia, had predicted that the Welch act would bring about which Mr. Davis approve? The Davis project wouud in tensibly for defraying funeral exgather that George has appreciatthe situation that now exists. Woodrum introduced a crease the total European quota immigration from Mr. Jackson esbill that would have given all employees a flat 300 in 164, 000 to 204, 000. The national origins plan would re penses of a poor girl who died and timation, but realnie bank tenke nobody to take charge of the fun weeks to console him regarding my crease. The prophecy made by the gentleman from duce it to 150, 000.
Virginia at that time has proven true, continued Wood, The next point is whether it is fair as well as expe one of the couple, mistakedly dupli carding Polmont.
eral. During this week one Osorio, own apparent lack of knowledge re and it should simply impress upon the members of dient to make an obvious discrimination between the this House how little we can depend upon those who quolas of Canada and the countries of Latin America cated his appeal for funds to the same person between are enthusiastically behind one of these ineasures; that as compared to the countries of Europe. The latter terval. His appeal yielded him Miss Iona Barnes is with reference to its practical effect when it is put quotas are based on percent of the foreign born reinto force. daresay there were not fifteen men in this sidents of those countries in the United States accordance to the Police enty deliver Young Violinist House, who had any concaption of what the practical ing to the 1890 census. For Canada and Mexico the ance to the Police and thirty days in effect of that bill would be, and we are in this dilem basis is 10 percent of the 180 census. For Canada and TO PLAY IN. CLASSICAL ma now, that we have different branches of the Gov Mexico the basis is 10 percent of the 1890 census and ernment making different interpretations of it. for the Latin American countries a figure much in ex SMUGGLER FINE REPROGRAM When Representative Connell asked if the House cess An additional provision is made for an annual inDUCED BY 8, 000. 00 had the right to modify or change the Welch act, Wood flux of temporary laborers from the two neighboring Miss Iona Barnes, the young vioreplied, Absolutely, and added that the act should be countries amounting to 10, 000.
For having smuggled into the linist no created a wonderful impresrepealed. The morale is very badly shaken now, said It has never been claimed that the use of the 1890 Republic 200 cases of foreign whis sion in her debut in recital at La Connell. have many instances of that. There is census as the basis of establishing quotas was either ky valued at over 18, 000. 00, and Boca will be one of the contributors no doubt about it, agreed Wood, and it is perhaps ideal or altogether just. Those who have studied the having been found guilty in cases of to the elaborate program which will more serious than any of us comprehend.
national origins figures are inclined to believe that contraband in which he succeeded in be staged by the Colonial Classical If that is the feeling about these inequalities in their obvious errors more or less cancel each other, getting into the country 200 cases Orchestra at the Excelsior Theatre the States, where all have got something from this act, and that the results more nearly approximate the of whisky, 200 of cognac, 200 of on the 30th of this month. Other atwe wonder what would it be if these Congressmen avowed purpose of preserving the present proportions wine and it is alleged, quatity of tractions include St. Darling, knew that on the Canal Zone, where it is said that of various racial strains in this country than does the of wihky, 200 of cognac, 200 of wine baritone, who will render Nazareth 180, 000 has been appropriated as a result of the act, present law. Another system has apparently been over and it is alleged a quatity of Spanish from Gounod.
fully two thirds of the employees here have not got looked to use the records of the immigration service slippers, valued at more than 27, Miss Ambrozine McKay, and Mts.
cent of that amount. What was in the mind of the legis as far back as they exist, including the figures of the 000, 00, the local liquor dealer, An. Louise St. Hill, sopranos, will also lators, and especially the originator of an act, should al latest year, as a basis for determining the quotas. This tonio Guerra, had received a max. be there to delight the expected ways be kept in view in the operation of the act. The would be somewhat unfair to the old American stock imum fine from the Treasury Depart large audience with their well known silver employees have been told, we understand, that that made up the bulk of population a century ago. But went of 53, 944. 62. During this melodious singing, as well as George the act did not contemplate them. If they are at all em as in the case of the national origins plan, the errors week his attorney, Fabian Velarde, Abbott with his silver toned flute.
plovees of the Government and they certainly would more or less neutralize each other. No foreign after presenting technical The concert promises to outclass are. it seems that strange that they were not contem group could feel that it was denied a fair basis for its points of law in his client favor, all previous ones rendered by the plated.
succeeded in getting the fine reduced Orchestra.
on God lassie to to Polmont when nee of. a short ina jail.


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