
your term: the benefit ATHENAEUM ELECT OFFICERS rs. Burgess, wife of Givernor Bur85 of the Panama Canal.
The La Boea Athenaeum held an The girls presented a splendid asimportant session at the Clubhouse srtment of sewing and health postlast Tuesday evening. After clean. e which were judged in their resing up a volume of business for the pactive department. Unice Simons of year the following officers were Taraiso won first prize, sewing baselected for the January June, 1929 it, and Violet Smith of San Miguel Cyrus, President; leather purse as second prize in George Westerman, Vice President; the department of sewing.
Johnson, Secretary: Victor Smith, Assistant Secretary; George Richards, Chaplain; Seweli, Critic.
The society goes into recers until In the health posters department January 8, 1929 Bildred Rowe of La Boca won a ranicure set as first prize, and Claudine Yard of Red Tank receivlei similar award for second prize.
GOVERNOR WIFE ATTEND Prizes of pins and diplomas were GIRI RESERVES MEET piso awarded to each of the four groups of Reserves represented.
Judges of the sewing were: Miss La Roca. Dec. 18, The girls of Peterson, Mrs. Dwelle the Pacific side Girl Reserves, under and Mrs. Kenny; and those of Supervisor. Mrs. Susie Neely. were the Health Porters department: Mise happy yesterday afternoon. In addi Fatherin Luby, Mr.
Greiser tion to bringing their work for dis. and Mr. Attaway.
play and to be judged, they had the Mrs. Burgess spoke in favorable pleasure of having in their company time of the work of the girls. 0, THERE IS EVERY EVIDENCE to show that many children grow and apparently thrive on indifferent nourishment. baby can look well and even grow fot. but yet not be thoroughly and properly nourished.
Mother milk gives complete nourishment to a baby because it contains certain substances which give warmth, weight. muscle energy and growth. substitute for mother milk might give a baby the appearance of good health and yet fail to nourish particular important systems of the body of the effort to digest such a food may lessen much of the benefit the food might contain LACTOGEN being compued pure cow milk, which has been altered so that the quantity and quality of each part resembles clely thout contained in human will, gree to the entire system, in the same ruly digested form, the same complete and through ourishments mother mul. LACTOGEN superior to ordinary milk powders, because LACTOCEN contains nothing which is not found in human milk but ia mill ONLY the form which is natural to babies from day birik Give your Baby the benefit of. race LACTOGEN DAME NATURES DOUBLE PREPARED BY Net Before His Hon ur at Balboa You better tastes lacrocor SIX FROM BALBOA TO GAMBOA PEN IN ONE DAY NESTLE Mill Feed for the weaning time.
NESTLE On Wednesday this week the Ancon District Court handed marching orders to half a dozen men for the Gamboa Penitentiary.
CHICO CHING, Oriental, got year and a fine of 00 for indulging in his native custom of smoking opium. He was arrested in Balboa with his full smoking equipment shortly after midnight one night, lulling himself in dreamland about 00 a. in. the 7th instant.
This was a color question case.
Norden was signed on in Amsterdam, The white members of the crew objected to the company em.
ploying colored men that it was keeping white Hollanders out of work. So it developed that on this particular morning while Nordez was at his toil as messboy washing dishes Wallroth yelled at him to make less noise at the same time calling Norden names which involved Norden mother. By objecting to this he soon found Wall roth out to add injury to insult.
But Norden was not to be outdone then, he was game, and took the first chance with his trusty razor, sending Wallroth running for help, even to Gorgas Hospital. He is satisfied that he was able to defend his honor with his own right arm.
FOR SALE CHEAP Good Assortment of AMADOR VIERA, black Panaman, 22 years, got 29 years, for snatching a purse from one Mrs.
Henry Wilson, a guest at the Hotel Tivoli, while she was walking along Tivoli Avenue towards Ancon Post Office in broad day light about 11:00 a. December 6, 1928. He ran away and escaped, but was roped in by the police on the 10th.
New York, December The New York American yesterday telephoned to the household of the Marquess Douro at Stratfieldsaye House, Mortimer, Berkshire, England, in an effort to confirm rumours that the Marquess daughter, Lady Anne Maud Wellesley, had become engag.
ed to the Prince of Wales.
Lady Anne sister in law, Lady George Wellesley, came to the telephone.
The magic of the radio phone was working perfectly and Lady George tones could be distinctly heard. The conversation ran like this. We have a report here in America that the Prince of Wales has become engaged to wed the beautiful Lady Anne Wellesley Could you say anything about that. Oh, that is a mistaken ru mour. There is no engagement. But Lady George we under stand that during the recent illness of Lady Anne the Prince kept constantly cabling London to learn how she was. know nothing about any.
thing like that. But Lady Anne has been ill hasn she. Yes, she has been ill, but she is much better now.
There was a pause, Lady George inquired. Is that all? Good bye.
There was a distant air of gayety as Lady George answered the questions of an American newspaper, as if she knew something of great mo.
ment, but by no manner of mears could she let it out.
As a matter of fact royal etiquette probably would not sanction any authentie announcement of the Prince gagement, with his father on what may prove his death bed.
Nevertheles the possibilities thit King George may relish throne, to account for his vart stew ardship before the King of King.
has served to draw attention again to he royal line, and to the Prince marked addiction to bachelorhoori.
In choosing Lady Anne, who is Orly eighteen, the Prince would not be marrying royalty but he would be claiming as a bride a descendant of a most illustrious line. Lady Anne father, the Marquis Douro, is the eldest son of the fourth Duke of Wellington.
Therefore in her runs that same heroic blood which turned the course of Empires at the battle of Waterloo, when Napoleon threatened in a last daring reprisal to resume world hegemony.
Lady Anne made her debut at the first royal court of this year.
LIKE GRAND DAME She is a dark eyed beauty, whose hai. is coiffel in a mode almost Victorian being merely parted in the middle and smooth toward the dges after the manner of the grande dames of old( before the Kings of Europe tottered on their thrones in the cataclysm of World War.
Lady George Wellesley, who responded to this newspaper request for information was formerly Louise Nesta Pamela, only daughter of Maurice FitzGerald.
Her first husband, Captain Richard Wellesley, was killed in action in the World War, October 29, 1914.
In 1917she was married to Captin Richard brother, Captain, George Wellesley, who had become Lieutenant Colonel in the Royal Air Force and served in the World War from 1914.
ARTHUR FRANS NORDEN, 24 years old brown Dutch Guianese, got months for doing some carv ing work with a razor on one Sietse Wallroth, a white Hollander on the BOSKOOP of the Royal Netherlands Line while at anchor in Balboa Harbor at Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
of the 14th Infantry at Fort Da vis, got years each, for entering a house at Pedro Miguel and stealing, on the night of the 6th instant. They were then deserters from their company, and were evidently furnishing themselves with stores and funds to help them on their journey.
ADVERTISE in the WORKMAN Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Mrs. GERTRUDE FORDE RICHARDS BEAUTY PARLOUR 72 Carlos Mendoza Street and corner Javillo Fill Madame C, Walker Method Shampooing, Dyeing. Pressing, Facial Massaging, etc.
Book Binding!
JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET AT THE Dixie White TAILOR WORKMAN PRINTERY 28. 16th Et. West AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL PANAMA

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