
THE WORKMAN DECEMBER 22nd, 1928 PAGE SEVEN NOTICE We beg to advise that our LUCKY STRIKE PREMIUM DEPARTMENT will be discontinued effective December 31, 1928 We thank our customers for their co operation in having made this Department such a sucess.
The Prosperity Tailor CLEANER DYER in.
DYEING, GLEANING PRESSING crease Evidence of Too the other week) one of our old construction days sanitary experts.
Panama Wesleyan much Sickness In fact he was Health Chief at the Atlantic Side. Suppose for arActivities Rument sake the said gentleman (By SANITAS. should a he doubtless has already.
Wednesday night last featured a The facts in evidence by the sick been struck by the actual structural lists of the various societies visited states of things in Colon at the prevery enjoyable Vmas Social in Geddes Hall under the auspices of the or reports given out therefrom, the sent time as compared to what they above named Society; games were overeerowded clinics, dispensaries were up to the time the military played by the members and other and like places of public resort in order took charge of things in the forms of amusement were indulged the case of sickness, together with a medically ete? He might, withvery large number going across the out getting closer in touch with us The usual Xmas presents were disline day by day on the hospital car, poorer class in the community come No, 6, 19th Street Central Avenue tributed by Mrs Wade Mr.
all go to demonstrate the fact that to the conclusion or be forced into a situation so deserving of closer the belief by misinformation that Harris.
PANAMA CITY attention exists in our midst as to all of us are blessed by the building Telephone 695 Many choruses were sung to piano warrant the conclusion too that boon in Colon. Of course, the good accompaniment and a very fine there must be as consequence an in physician knowing something of our evening was spent; refreshments the rate of mortality in the sanitary fire would excuse us if we were also served and the evening ranks of those forming the bulk of were near and told whoever said so terminated with the Doxology.
the poorer class in the country.
that it were rn lie.
OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Question of Expert Opinion.
Say friends. How did you feel a ETUDE CLUB TO MEET.
To the mind capable of quick think couple of days ago when you read ing, it does not seem very difficult of what the French who some of us to determine the main cause of the Negro pe ple have been in the habit Work Done While You Wait very important meeting of the increase of sickness and death as of calling the most humane people Etude Club will be held tonight at well as to divine that there are ave in the world, where the rights of 30 in the usual Quarters.
All members are requested to be nues for bettering the existing state dark skin people are at stake when of affairs before they get byeond you read the story about poor Adbel TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED present.
human control or be then extra bur krim and how they have him in an densome.
old musty den they have fooled him Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices STOP EMBARASSMENT OF The Chief Causes and thrown dust in his eyes in getFLAPPERS In the absence of what seems ating him away from his native land Ladies! Garments carefully handled which those socalled civilized chrjslack of more expert interest and acSince short skirts became the tians: the French and Spaniardstivity, feel sort of free to express divided among themselves? Have Vogue, a Seattle, Wash. shoes shinC. REID Proprietor ng emporium has installed metal an opinion having formed the conknee guards to relieve the embarasselusion in my own mind that as far you got the idea. Of course Abdel ment of women customers.
as this end of the colored commu Krim had more backbone than many nity is concerned (native and alien) of us dark skins in Panama; he was a real warrior and a good one at the two major causes for the big dai that. But that will give you an idea iar reason viz; because its the govt. paid one one heart. The time in DEMPSEY LOSES AGAIN ly sick list are poverty and teneof how some of us appreciate the who are the realtors and the Gov. wheh we live au big disasters oement congestion, and the latter or Jack Dempsey, though a ring both causes, in spite of the appear tact that there is a well being stead ernments or government has no landouring on sea and land demand son BERNALD ANDELSUN favorite, fails to make a hit in The ance in the structural or building built around us in Colon without for sale, Chought and consideration or others.
Gramaphone Repairer Big Fight, a Belas :o stage producThe necessity then is for some to some times thing happe improvement of or in and about the any sign of escape while another lor tion, so it is said that the produeterminal cities night be mistaken of socalled christian people segreHOUSE 80 LA BOCA, Lion is withdrawn.
for general economie state of af gate others of us not addicted to get out. of town then. Let us hope murety as a freak or nature and was that who ever builds the trans isth workings; at other it can be in CANAL ZONE fairs. The latter fact seems rather bleaching, while (God knows whoenian and from Colon to Porto Bello vyze o ine Aunguty speaking a to augment the conditions spelling made them or where they came from vad or vice versa, they begin soon. man: man know and study thysuit Eficient (Korea:skip uarabeed Dr. Fred Sterlirg disaster to the economic conditions for they are not really Caucasians at Then the drones might remain in 10 some of us the calamities of the laboring poor from a double all) they claim the white superiority THE NEW YORK LINTST point of view, e. with an ever in complex; well they are Caucasians. own, the loafers, gamblers Co. watch human life goes out like friethese too are some of the vice makon lignt speak volumes. saya 182, BOLIVAR STREET those crease in population among So you see, we are smoked her.
unable to provide adequate increase rings and we are packed together to ing for the awful economic condi e present time in human history. their peace and safety. He went CLON, Bil and bodily support for said increase starve and die because of the two tions, the social stagnation, the indus peen suid in connection wiin too.
We might well rejoice in the fact in families, the crowding together main causes and the others. Heavy crease of disease and death among ce volcanic eruption of mount rele the dark skin population in Colon woich destroyel St. Pierre in a few THL PHONE247 COLON of our physical or geographical into uninhabitale dens, families too rain season etc.
minutes, that the wild animals large for the 10x12 or 12x12 rooms, Ray Of Hope In The Clouds location in the western hemisphere, seen but we of ourselves have no power and the same, instead of at decreas Thank God the darkest cloud has Sorrow Softens The Human Heart. the city and around it were leaving the area for days, while the within ourselves to create anything be made up take it to tha If you have a Prescription to It Should ed rentals, consequent of increase in its rifts and lifts and offer chances governor of the island who so tangible that it cannot be remov. National Pharmacy, Santa Ana construction taking place in the to see its silver lining.
That the soul that has its own od if removing it helps in other Plaza, where you will get courcommunity, the rents of any sort The Lining in the clouds do not or burdens can sympathize with others away at Fort de France the evening of shaek goes up with unimaginable cannot with the proper beneficial in the hour of trial is a law which before came over in time next morn. ways. The removal of the powerful results be achieved by tenement sys even those nations as well as indi ling with his message of peace and has at times helped the powerless. teous and obliging service.
To Hlustrate. tem of land lord and tenent not evenviduals have appreciated from time safety to the city with its 10. 000 member old Pharoah et al?
human souls soon to be hurled inThere is in our mjdst at the pre if every colored employee on the immomorial. few more salient points.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish sent time (for had the pleasure of waiting list be given quarters. It Often inspite of our own personal to eternity because St. Pierre gavTo be continued next week, and English for sale at the meeting speaking with him just cannot be achieved in Colon for sim troubles, the troubles of others are ernor and others of its gods proclaim these in was progress.


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