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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN DECEMBER 22nd, 1928 Important Notice THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Is Now Located in more spacious quarters at No. 72.
Carlos Mendoza Street Tomorrow Races Africa Will be Redeemed, Says New The following is the ProYork News gram for tomorrow races:FIRST RACE Growth of Pan Africanism Sets Furlongs. Purse 100 Colored World Thinking El Chichi 126 Straight White Race Must grinita 112)
Pistol 115 Bow to the Inevitable No Candlewood 90 Race War.
SECOND RACE Editor Note: We are glad to wel Furlongs Puree 100 come the New York News to the Don Sirro: 126 fold, and we earnestly hope that it Infimo 115 Dempsey 105 will remain there. Pan Africanism is Grafico 122 cartainly growing, and it thrives on brotherly love. So, let brotherly love THIRD RAE reign.
61 Furlongs Purse 10. From the New York News, Dec. 8)
Dardanela 114 The Growing Pan Africanism Tunney 115 The current issue of Opportunity Lena 114 Honey Dew 114 rofleets upon a world wide growth Corocha 26 of Pan Africanism in its Editorial Mayara 103 entitled The Transvaal. We are FOURTH RACE leath to believe that the Caucasian Furlongs. Pitre 125 race is growing, so blind in its race rejudice as to force upon those of Piebieums 10: African extraction throughout the La Nena 120 Lucero 119 world the conviction that they must Roscute 113 and together for purposes of a comnon defense as well as offense. The FIFTH RACE editor tells of the prenomenal pro3 Furlongs Purse 123 gress in South Africa of the IndusVietoria trial and Commercial rkers UnMrivolous 92 La Chiquilla 108 ion unedr the leadership of Clements Marcela 132 Kadalie. Under the crushing heel of the Boers, more than one hundred SIXTH RACE thousand of the natives of the Trans.
612 Furlongs Pure 810 vaal have been forced to unite to Pistol 115 Dempsey 92 try to secure equal wages for equal Dieciseis 119 work, humane working conditions Don Simon 106 and a freedom from the serfdom and Grafico 102 Tersecution of the Dutch farmer Oandlewood 90 Lagrimita 1121 sind industrial magnates. That KaCalie has been able 99 Infino the to resist Ilandishments and the siren songs SEVENTH RACE of Communit agitators from Mos. Furlongs Puree S125 Cow; that he has prevented open Bolsheviki 118 warfare against the bloody invaders Melib 10: Chomio Gonia 120 of his fatherland is a tribute to Kitty Gill 115 the potential equality of the native Africans. This conservative race mag azine, Opportunity, draws a depresing parallel between the Africans 300 Granted for Five at home and those of African extraeHydrants in the Parish of tion in America. It declares that St. Andred Jamaica CHURCH SERVICES Christian Mission of Panama inerica, too, is making the same imAMERICAN EPICOPAL CHURCH Bride, 50 on Honey possible demands upon the patience FOURTH IN ADVENT.
In view of the fact that the fire and Christlike spirit of colored men.
ST. PAUL CHURCH, PANAMA brigade of the Parish of St. Andrew moon With New Fourth Sunday in Advent Panama 11. a. and 7, 30 Elder Helpless, they both are, with the is inadequate to meet demands in CITY St. Peter By The Sea, La Boca Burke Mate 21 machinery of government, with the case of fire emergencies, the Acting Governor of Jamaica has decided that Chorillo 11 a. J Benskin industrial and educational weapons (Rev. Nightengale, the Kingston and St. Andrew Corpo Matins and address, 11 a. 30 Springer of protected majorities against them.
ration expend the sum of 1300 for Rector.
Church School, P.
the installation of a su firent number Choral Evensong and sermon, 36 La Boca 11. a. McCollin 6:30 a. Holy Communion The BOSTON, Dec. Press de Opportunity points out by inference 30. Taylor sprich from Boston, dated Dec. 3, that the time is not far distant when of hydrants to cope with any serious Roetor. The Rector, fires which may arise in the future.
Paraiso 11. a and 30 Jarvis 10:15 a. The Litany Mr.
must join hands to states that a 50 year old bride, for all Africans The preposal has been already Christmas Eve Tarly assistant Gatun 11 pastor of Firststrike a common blow for mutual approved and the sum will be taken a. and 30 J, Boyce Atwell, Lay Reader.
from the trust fuhds of the Corporation Christmas Carols on the north porch At 11. 30 pm, the Choir will sing Colon a A Nicholls 10:30 a. Holy Eucharist Ser. Christian Church in Lynn, and her progress if not self defense. The orto erect extra hydrants.
21 year old husband and former Sun gan of the National Urban League 30 pm. Williams and steus of the Church, alter which min The Rector.
Upon further consideration of the cny school pupil, were on a honey concludes its doleful lamentations Voluntary before service acheme. the Acting Governor finally there will be a choral celebration of CHURCH NOTICES moon today with this startling disheartening con decided that the money be taken from the Holy Eucharist with sermon. The Hymns. M) 58, 49, 318, 203.
clusion: Parochial Funds and not the Trust Preacher Special music will be in Rector will be the celebrant and (British Conference. Communion Service Simper in There is nothing we care to say, funds of the Corporation. In the Transvaal, as in the United This amount of 300 will be evidence throughout the Communion. FOURTH SUN. IN ADVENT. 12:00 Holy Baptism. the bride, Mrs Theresa Eliza Deane, placed on the Supplementary Esti office PANAMA. 11. Rev. Wade. 5:00 Church School.
For the benefit of members living said, as their train left. Her husband States, there has been an active minority of the dominant race who mates 7:30 7:30. Rev. Wade outside La Boca there will be a second Choral Evensong Leonard Clarke Wade of Swamp. have not been blind to this unforcelebration at a Christmas Day Subject. Mary, the Mother of our Sermon The Rector.
scott, looking more like her son, said tunate situation, nor have they been To everybody a most cordial invi Lord.
Voluntary before service to reporters: Yes, you are dismis deal to the insistent pleas of the The Bethlehem Church of ation is extended to the mid night Christmas Morning Service at a. Hymns 52, 53, 49, 51.
natives. Their courage and patience God Holiness Service MULCARE, COLON 11 and 7:15. Rev.
Psalms 101, 103.
In Swampscott, Wade parents are bright stars in a murkey and Cousins.
Magnificat Robinson.
were endeavoring to find som storm clouded sky.
Nune Dimitis Boyce.
grounds for annulment, but without 30 a. prayer meeting 11 Bartholomew Church, Las Cas. CHRISTMAS MORNING SERVICE Voluntary after service.
We do not believe that the world cadas.
Divine service Bro. Ifil preacher much success, since both principals Christmas Eve (Midnight) Holy had complied with all legal forma and black race war. We credit the is moving headlong toward a white m. Sunday School LA BOCA. 11. Mr. Frank Reed.
7:15. Mr. Walters.
Eucharist Sermon. Song Service Bro. Yatins and address, 11, a. Mr.
Kties. Brathwaite, Lay Reader Caucasian with too much common Catherwood Monday night 30p. Prayer p. Church School.
NEW PROVIDENCE. 11. Mr. ST. ALBAN CHURCH, PARAISO, The Rev. Glen Morse, who tied the sense, if not a sense of justice. We and Praise meeting Wednesday night CHRISTMAS Johnson knot, occasioned momentary confule not believe that there is only an 730 Beleivers meeting At a there will be a Matins PARAISO. 11. Mr. Cousins. 7:45 a. Holy Communion. The Rector of St. Paul in charge) sion by failing to identify Wade as active minority of the dominant race Bro. Webley Acting Pastor On Satuday night the 22nd inst is invited. The Lay Renders; Messrs and address. Everybody in the village the bridegroom and by addressing that is not blind to this unfortunate 7:30. Mr. Payne 8:00 Church School.
there will be the annual Sunday School rathwaita and Rwany will officiate. CHRISTMAS CAROLS ON SUN 7:30 Choral Evensong ad ratively elderly best man, Samuel merican people have the his opening remarks to the compa situation. The majority of the Aultimate MULCARE, at our church formerly these used to be tickets for the occasion but the DAY NEXT. 30th. AT THE WES dress Mr. Osborne, Catechist Twombley of Salem.
sense that they cannot forever subPriest in Ceharge Christmas Day a. Holy Euchateachers has decided this time to make two jugate their fellow citizens, even if LEYAN Mrs. Wade, a widow with change and instead of tickets hey St Simon Mission, Gamboa rist and Sermon.
adult children, first met young Wade they are black. We do believe that CHURCH PANAMA have left it to the generosity of the The annual Harvest Festival Ser ST. MATTHIAS MISSION, LAS when he came to her Sunday school Africa will be redeemed; that the when we were kids we always rice will be held at this Mission to on Sunday the 30th the Wesleyans SABANAS class at the age of 14. Wade became fatherland its hands as a nation rich tried to enjoy the good things of life morrow of Panam and we must remember that the kids presenting an attract (The Rector of St. Paul in charge) 21 ears old a week before his mar and powerful among the equal of today look for the same thing Natins, followed by a cclebration of At 145 am, there will be ive programme of Carols. The Pan 3, 00 Church School. riage.
nations of mankind. The Caucasian there will be Reciations, Songs, Solos the Holy Eucharist, with sermon xma Symphony Orchestra figures pro 130 Evensong and address world, we think, on the other hand, Plays etc. a good time is anticipated The Priest in Charge will be the minently in the programme and the Mr. Richards. Lady Reader.
is rapidly coming to the conclusion a silver colection will be taken at the celebrant and preacher.
soloists include Mrs. French of the doer so every one can do their bit.
was detained by the Police pending that there is no power on earth that Come and enjoy yourselves come one Choral Evensong and sermon.
At there will be a Short Aneon Cathedral and Mrs. Olga King an investigation as to the probabili can forever stay the progress of the come all and hear the children on The Rev. Jas. Craik Morris. Dirs Reece and Mr. Davis. An Neu Notes ty of his killing his wife on the sec black race. It knows that any perSaturday night the 22nd inst. Doors will be the the preacher. It is un unique attraction will be the Tableau ond instant. Neighbors claimed to manent attempt to cheat the black open at 30.
necessary to invite our members and representing the Three Kings from have heard Alvarez and his wife warld of its rightful heritage will be friends, believing they have all settled the Orient, the place of the Nativity making a record in transit of ships her death. Alvarez is said to have fraught with suicide for the white not be at the morning services, but to turn and the Adoration of the Shpherds, through the Panama Canal. During claimed that his wife died from a race.
out in large numbers to welcome and complete programme will be pub the first seventeen days an average fall while fixing a window curtain.
lear the Bishop li hed later.
of 19. 78 per day was maintained. On Wm MCKINNON CHRISTMAS December thirty one vesels used The Lay Reader will conduct the the Canal. On that day 32 lockages WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR If you have a Prescription to be BOYS WANTED usual mid night service, to which a made at Gatun and 33 each at very cordial invitation is extended to be made up take it to the blishing new records for lockages at made up take it If you have a Prescription to Pedro Miguel and Miraflores, esta you will get courteous and obliging APPLY AT MC. DONALD ALMANACS all in the district.
to the National THE WORKMAN OFFICE St. 71 Street and corner 22rnd National Pharmacy, Santa Ana all locks.
Advertise in the Workman Plaza, where you will get courPharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where No. Carlo: Mendoza Street CHORRLLOI it will bring good results.
Juan Alvarez, 24, Panamanian, reservice.
teous and obliging service. sident of the Province of Darien, Near Javillo who arrived here on Tuesday last public FOR


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