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PRICE CENTS Sent Home Daniel Beckford hails from the Strike Riot at Colombia Said to be The Story of Howard Students Claiming that Daniel Beckford British Ambassador was man Fight Against United Fruit Co.
How He Retnre and was Behind the Scenes in DeportaMILITARY PROHIBITS SALE OF ARMS AND tion of Garvey from States MOVES TO SEIZE WEAPONS IN BANANA AREA parish of Clarendon, island of JaUnited Fruit Company Glaims Employees are For many years he was a resident Attempt to Denounce Him at Opening of New International Club in Leaflet Intimidated by Agitators.
Calling Him Imperialist. hich is Government Ordered Gunboat to aid Troops Dismissed by Officials as Students Politics msica, and is about 55 years old.
bilecegendy twenty four wounded in ince of Santa Marta in order to be ed the uprising as a struggle expiration of which the police autho as interested in the occasion as one possible by susberiptions of friends of the city of Panama, of the section known as Calidonia, and carried on the calling of cartman. In plying his trade he frequently had occasion to be in the Canal Zone, and such occasions he used to improve by cutThe Jamaica Gleaner of the 18th Jeral railway stations and farm port, had cleared for Kingston, Ja ting grass and loading it into his inst, published the following cable houses had been fired by rioters. maica.
cart for the purpose of feeding his despatches in connection with the Disparities apparent in messages craftmule. It was on one of these oeThe current issue of the Negro The ambassador, following the exstrike riots taking place at Colombia STARTED AS PACIFIC STRIKE.
from Barranquilla, Bogota, and other casions in the month of June last, world publishes the following: ercises, together with members of an account of which appeared in the Washington, Dec. Assurances, cities of Colombia are explained by a it about in the morning, that the Sir Esme Howard, British Ambas. the International Club, deans of the last regular publication of this were received by the State Depart. glance at a map of the country and trip to Corozal. so he said) deviated new International House at Howard ficers and members of the several wise Daniel, in returning from sudor, speaking at the opening of the various schools, administrative of paper:ment from Bogota to day that a knowledge of transportation facili from the direct road to Panama City, University last week, faced opposing faculties was the guest of the uniBogota, Colombia, Dec. Of. mericans will be protected ties. According to men who have ficial announcements on the disturb. Secretary Kellogg said he under travelled through the country, it came by way of Balboa and cut and propaganda circulated by students. versity at luncheon.
ances in the banana region of Santa stood the Colombian Government is takes nearly twelve days to get from loaded some grass into his eart in the propaganda, lengthy mimeograp The purpose of the organization of Marta to day said that General Cor fully capable of maintaining order Bogota to the coast. If one travels the enclosure at the Balboa Shops. ed documents bearing the tes Vargas, chief of the civil guard and that he does not contemplate on the Magdalena River he is requir. But he did not only load in grass, he of George Padmore, describel as the by Murray, president.
name the International Club was set forth organisation of weapons, prohibiting asking the Navy Department to landed to transler shuttle which affords also loaded in seven 50 lbs tins of secretary of the International Antitheir sale by commercial establish marines to proteet American lives transportation around unnavigable Cunal, which had been stolen from white lead, property of the Panama Imperialistic Youths League, objectIt is the first of its kind sponsor ments, and thus impeding the arm and property. Concern over condi portions of the river.
ed by Negro students, and has as one ing of the strikers. Several leaders tions around Santa Marta was allay.
ed to the presence of imperialists, the Balboa Storehouse and hidden and declared that the ambassador For this reason communication beof its objects the elimination of raof the movement have been arrested. ed to day by a report received by the tween the scene of the labour trouble there just the night before. Of had played an important part in the cia) prejudices in international under The government has ordered the Colombian Legislation from the Min and the capital is difficult, telegraph the placing of the paint there al. deportation of Marcus Garvey, Nestandings and development of intercourse, Daniel was innocent about gunboat Colombia to Santa Marta to ister of Foreign Affairs at Bogota. and telephone communications have though the Storehouse had been mis. ero leader, from this country and racial good will.
aid the land forces. More troops are The workers in the Santa Marta been severed by the rioters.
It will aim to ustain close contact cn route also.
banana zone, the Foreign Minister sing this material in such batches statement by the Trade Union for a few weeks; but the police took Officials of the school repudiated with international organizations of barracks in Cienega but were driven as it was not possible to reach a liam Foster is executive secretary course a hardened court group of strikers attacked the suid, ordered a pacific strike, but, Educational League, of which Wilhin in, nevertheless, and in due the documents and declared that Pad the world, and expects to provide a off leaving eight dead and five legal understanding and the strikers appealed to more was not enrolled as a student. fund with which to send delegates failed to wounded.
American workers to sympathize with his prottestations of they described the incident, how to world conferences.
In the International have taken an aggressive attitude, lend moral support to the cause of innocense and imposed a sentence of ever, as student polities.
House are (Dispatches for Barranquilla which the government has been forced to the Colombian fruit workers. In a 100 fine and 30 days in jail on him. Sir Esme in his address did not refer quartered both native and foreignis near Cienega, said that ten were declare it state of siege in the Pro cablegram to the workers he pictur He did all of this sentence, at the to the attek. He stated that he was bum students. The house was made this fight. Both the Ministers of War and of serve order and guarantee all rights. agents of American Imperialism. the waters of the Atlantie bewteen able to take efficacious steps to pre against the United Fruit Company, rities thought it was prudent to put tending to promote between nations principally from New York, the State told newspaper men that the The rest of the country is perfectly better understanding of each funds having been raised by student Government was taking all means to quiet and the government is in entire said their employees with few excep house, and decided to send him back rian who has not had the opportuni Howard University has 200 foreign United Fruit Company officials Daniel and the paint at Balboa Store other problems. He said that the members of the organization.
overcome the disorders and would cor. trol of the situation and able to tions, have not struck, but are at to Jamaica But somehow his ty to rub shoulders and exchange students enrolled, 150 of whom are guarantee the rights of foreigners in the banana business immediately up volt.
suppress any tendency towards re present being intimidated by agi connections in Jamaica could not be ideas with men and women of other from British colonies and protectoon the re establishment of law and tators and radicals, allegedly drift traced, and the necessary conuslar nations has foregone the most im rates in Africa, Central American order.
Lawrence Cotie, American Vice ers from Mexico. For several days papers could not be issued for his portant part of his edcuation.
and South America.
General Jose Maria Nuñez Roca Consul at Santa Marta, informed the after the beginning of the strike going, and he was released to reGovernor of the Department of Mag Department to day that striking lab three weeks ago, the workers consume and continue his residence in dalena, has resigned. The post has ourers in the banana zone attempted tinued at their jobs, but the thous Panama. The wise Daniel thougiht SPARKLETS toen offered to Alberto Valez Calvo, to prevent workmen from returning ands of stems accumulated could to work on Monday and military not be shipped by rail or steamer be with the paint was all over, and was all the fuss about the little affair an attorney who formerly was pres dent of the Chamber of Deputies. Corces intervened.
cause of intimidation of workers. M. His friends assert that he could conThe Council added that since then private dispatch received from pursuing the even tenor of his way STRENGTH tities has been acquired from mere he had received reports of actual en Colombia stated that fifteen strik the 26th instant to be more exaet. when on the day after Christmas (or trol the situation.
Fully conscious of the economic individual sparks of righteouness, counters between troops and strikers were killed at Cienega on the the police showed that they had not weakness of our community, in spite amplified by the united energies of BLOODSHED IN OTHER TOWNS. ers and also of a menacing attitude afternoon of the 8th inst, in an engiven up the matter, by calmly rop of its great numerical strength, we curtain sections of the human family Barranquilla, Dec. Advices re on the part of the strikers. counter between strikers and a deceived here to ady indicate ing him in for carrying into effect think it proper, gentle reader, to ad who saw in them vitals of a greates that FRUIT STEAMER CLEARS Port. tachment of troops engaged in sup the deportation plan. And now, he dress you on more or less imperti and nobler future for mankind. Stand there has been blodshed in other pressing disorders.
is on the high seas, bound for the nent to our present line of though, ing on the rock of righteousness the towns than Cienega. The immediate Private message received from BoSTRIKE CASUALITIES Isle of Springs the word, in the main, is defined as early Britons wrung themselves from cause of the clashes was the procla gota said that 1, 200 Government power to resist force, especially ille the Romans and subdued other dismation of a state of siege, which troops were on the scene at Santa Barranquilla, Col. Casualties growgitinate, ill intentioned or destruet poilers of human progress. Tikewise aroused the populace.
Marta. The advices added that 1, 200 ing out of the strike in the banana The situation was returning to more soldiers from outlying districts industry yesterday were put at 10 KING GEORGE ILLNESS ive force. Last Saturday, we drew) id the Pilgrim Fathers break away from what they considered British normal and the gevernment was stat were on the way.
killed and 24 wounded at the Town The prolonged illness of His Ma your attention to a little example of mis rule and initiated the construe.
ed to be in control.
Another dispatch said that the of Cienegu with the firing of farm jesty King George of England is strength which makes for progress tion of what is now regarded as the Army aviators flew over the dis United Fruit Company steamer houses and railway stations and still causing much anxiety among when we told you that the religion seeend strongest organization ereditturbed area and reported that sev Santa Marta, which had been at the bloodshed in other towns reported. his subjects.
of Christ, in spite of the numerous to the ingenuity of man.
His physicians reported on Thurs defects in its application and praeanimated The same sipirt which tice by professed Christiansand day last his condition not being saTHE SPORT OR QUEENS tisfactory, as there has been a re some present day representatives of and is maintaining Christianity is Canine racing, which by some is Christ, as well as the adverse eriti that which constructed and is mainlapse.
cisms to which it has been subjected, tining the Commonwealth of Great WEST INDIANS NICARA Chiriqui and carry out an investiga termed the Sport of Queens because His Majesty has ceased to take remains the most powerful religious Britain and the powerful United States of America. It is the same GUAANS CLASH THREE CAU. tion with a view to gain first hand no doubt, of the unusual number of nourishment, and his strength has force of today.
SALTIES knowledge of conditions, as a basis women that has taken to this more been less maintained consequently, One who has intelligently listened spirit which animated and stabilized of further than any other ofrms of sport, is there has been a check in his pro to the Reverends Cousins, other governments, the driftin toelimination telegram received by the Sec. for the to make its annual bow in a benefit gress which is considered serious.
retary of Gevernment and Justice troubles. Mc Donald, Nightengale, Geo, gether and unity of races and comprogram at the famous Kennelworth on Tuesday reported a serious life Austin and Park this evening. Eight races will 3am and death elash between nearly one the pulpit; or has read their contri organizations; and it is the hundred West Indians and NicaraPANAMA CANAL COMPLAINS be run. The actual season will com BYRD REACHES 2, 400 MILES butions on the Fatherhood of God spirit which holds together well orFROM HUMAN HABITATION ganized families and make diviand the Brotherhood of Man through duals successful. It guans in the city of Esperanza, The Executive Secretary of the mence early in January next.
is the spirit Province of Chiriqui. The battle is Panama Canal has complained, by Christmas Day found Commander the columns of the Press, cannot fail reported to have raged from Christ letter to the Secretary of Agricul.
Richard Byrd, United States an to deted and be favourable impres which each and every West Indian in Panama needs the spirit to mas Eve continuing on Christmas ture and Public Works of Panam, RELP BEING SOUGHT tartic explorer, and his ships crews sed by the distinctive sparks from mould our efforts from trangívility Day and resulted in at least one against the inconvenience to traffic FOR FARMERS of picked men, two thousand four the enormous potential strength of into communal strength.
death an dinjuries to several others. caused by the activities of the Com The Panama Assembly has just hundred miles from the nearest hu Christianity. The histories of the The disturbance was quelled by a pania Nacional de Electricidad in passed in last reading a Bill to pro man dwelling, according to cable powerful Commonwealth of Great Facing the coming year numericalspecially recruited force of police installing underground cables for vide loans through the Banco Nation graphic advices reaching the Itth Britain; that of the formidablely strong, let us sit up, now, devote from David. Twelve of the partici their company. The company is a re al to planters of the Republic. It mus from the noted explorer. The United States of America, and their a little time into peeping into the pants are said to be under arrest. cently organized concern which con. the Bill is signed by President Commander indicated that they had present lative towering strength future of our lives in Panama, and Due the frequency of riots in templates, among other improve rosemena, 200, 000. 00 loan fund reached the great myterious ice must convince even the confirmed see whether we will be easily brushthis section, the Chief of Police has ments in electric lighting, a reduc will be created thereby, to be used barrier which presents a elite high pessimist of the virtue of strength. ed from all respectable avenues to visit the Province of tion of rates.
as an advance to planters.
er than the mast of a ship.
The strength of these powerful en(Continued on page 5)
Resume of the Weeks News Powerful Wade, from munities, industries and


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