
FARMER COLUMN The Open Forum Hookwofm Campaign Palais Royal FINE COLLECTION OF Woolens, Flannels, Serges and Men Underwear as ALSO THE LATEST IN READY MADE CLOTHING To the Editor the Workman Sir Please allow me space for the STARTED AT JAMAICA following:The year 1928 will soon disappear to be forgotten by some, yet leaving Arrangements have been made by with us varied experiences and ra many of the leading physicians of flections. It was indeed a scholarly the various parishes of the Island year, and the lessons left should to start a hookworm campaign to resteel many with a determination to live the present situation in this make 1929 a commendable year.
particular connection.
So that my theme on Education In view of this scheme, Dr. Escofmay not be entirely forgotten by frey has taken up work at Mandereaders of the Workman, will here ville and is meeting with much sucquote the sayings of past minds, cess, he was visited by Dr. Washwhich believe have done much in burn head of the campaign who exraising the standard of Education in pressed himself being highly America.
pleased with the progress made in School houses are the Republican this parish.
line of fortification. Horace Mann The St. Ann Bay unit is now in In this country every one gets a charge of Dr. Hall who is at mouthful of education but searcely ene a full meal. Theodore Parker present taking a course at the John Hopkins University, Baltimore, We shall one day learn to super. and is expected to return to cede Politics by Education. Emerson Jamaica in the near future.
Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who means to be the Governors must arm them of a livelihood should not be the aim selves with the powers of know. of our people, we should strive to ledge.
James Madison. become acquainted with all the arts Promote, then as an object of and sciencies of the age, aim to emuprimary importance, institutions for late the wise and thriving peoples the gen diffusion of knowledge of the world. The Year 1929 should in proportion as the structure of meet us with a determination to adthe government gives force to public make every endeavor to lift those opinion it is essential that publithat are down so that when the grim opinion should be enlightened. reaper shall announce to us the day George Washington.
of parting, we can go in contetment, Let us all by wise constitutional saying, have done my duty.
measures promote intelligence among Again, call upon the Lodges and the people as the best means of pre other societies and Churches to do serving our liberties. James Monroie. more than merely exist in name only Religion, morality, and knowledge lift your brother and sister to the being necesary to good government standard of intelligence so that they and the happiness of mankind, may be able to be of credit to themschools and the means of Education selves and their posterity, put aside shall forever be encouraged selfish ends and help to make this North Western ordinance of 1773. life worth while to others.
These are wise and old sayings May the New Year bring all readand upon them the Educational in ers of the Wonderful Journal Prosstitutions of America were built. We perity and peace, Health, Wisdom are too much satisfied with things and Understanding.
half done. Just the mere obtaining SMITH The Fowls Track continued from last week, with the treatment and symtoms of some of the most prevalent diseases.
Quite frequent and common.
Worms in the Air Tubes. Gapes etc. Poultry etc, are very frequently troubled with minute thread like worms in their car tubes and these cause gaping or gasping for reath, It is a complaint that very often causes enormous losses in fact, on the game keepers and poultry keepers scourges.
The worms are exceedingly minute an known as sclerostoma synganus or bronchial filarise.
The presence of these parasites in the minute air tubes causes a lot of bronchial inflamation in other words mechanical bronchitis.
Treatment Separate those that are affected from those that are not yet apparent iy, infected, changing site and in this action prevention is better than all medicinal after treatment when dealing with this complaint. There are numerous remedies on the market. Nevertheless stitch in time saves nine especially where probably area is advantageous to the outbreak in an industry. feather dipped in oil of Eucaliptus and inserted down into the throat then with drawn is good remedy. Each bird should be treated this way. If only one or two birds are affected it is far better to des.
troy them at once.
Avian Tuberculosis All kinds of birds are subjected, but fowls and turkeys are most often affected with it, in fact this disease accounts for a considerable proportion of deaths amongst these birds; it is due to the entrance of minute organisma basilli gaining entry into the system, and being in(Continued on Page 4)
The Compliments of The Season to our Patrons PALAIS ROYAL PEREIRA ner Street Central Avenue TO OUR West Indian Customers May this be your Merriest Christmas and your Happiest New Year, and may our affiliations with you become even greater this coming Year ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE THE The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
PHONES PANAMA 65 COLON 84 FOR THE HOLIDAYS Coca Cola, Cascade Pale Dry, Orange Kist, Lime Kist, Lemon Kist, Nu Grape, Chocolate Soldier, Cascade Butter, California Eggs, Louisana Oysters, Kist Ice Cream in a variety of flavors, Frigidaires and Fountain Supplies.


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