
1. MADURO JR. 60. 50 Merry Christmas And a Prosperous New Year Preciado Stationery Prosperous New Year PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 29, 1928.
Conditions on the THE WORKMAN Canal Zone.
Here is another straw show as Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 what way the wind is blowing: how CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Cathedral Plaza Opposite Central Hotel the radical element amongst the white American workers in the Ca. Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon ral Zone are conducting their camRATES OF SUBSCRIPTION TOYS AND CHRISTMAS GIFTS paign of hate against their fellow ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
employees, who happen to be eitiSIX MONTHS. 20 For Young and Old.
zens of the British West Indies.
AMA PROJECTS UNION Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all mat(By Electrical Workers)
ters of public interest invited. CONDITIONS IN PANAMA CAAll copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, NAL ZONE ARE FAST MOVING and must be accompanied by the name of the writer, not necessarily for TOWARDS CONDITION WHERE publication but as a mark of good faith.
AMERICAN UNION WORKERS We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
Our Annual Stock Taking Are the building trades crafts men in the Panama Canal Zone To take stock and balance the accounts of a busiAmerican Citizens going to be reness has long been recognized as the only sure way of placed by alien negroes of England determining what is the true condition of the business.
in the employ of the Army?
On the surface, the temptation is to regard stock takThis is the burning question in Paning as primarly intended only to list the goods and ama one that is agitating, every their prices; but a little examination into the matter union man heart. The negro leaddiscloses that it goes much farther. It is to serve as the AND BOOK STORE ers are ever alert and much pressure accountant basis for making up the books; to will be brought to bear on the efTo all our Patrons appraise the goods at present value, as there is always forts of American employees who fluctuation or rising and falling in market prices. In are strong to uphold the American MERRY XMAS this way depreciation is determined, and what is known skilled mechanic. The Star and He.
as dead stock the kind that has been occupying and a rald devoted to West Indian inter the shelves and storehouse for a long time, and not callerts reported in full my letter to ed for by by patrons, is discovered. The usual outcome the JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL of this discovery is removal as loss. It equally points WORKERS of September, which out what has been the degree of demand for each class and PRECIADO BOOK STORE opened this question, gave a of goods carried two column editorial comment. Cites 35 Central Avenue If the accounts balance on the good side the trader two paragraphs. will ordinarily plan to maintain his position, by con Recently there have been importinuing the method by which such result has been obtant conferences between members of tained; or he may, as is generally done by those with the Army Staff and representatives an eye to business, extend his operations along the cristian MISSION OF PANAMA Choir fall short of anything that FARMERS COLUMN of union labor. The immediate point same lines. If they balance on the bad side, he will set PRESENTS FINE XMAS, PRO night have been expected of them; of controversy was over the employhimself to find a solution for the difficulty by some the Gloria and the Hallelujah Chorus ment of aliens on small building modification of his methods possibly by cutting down GRAMME.
were well rendered by the Choir. Continued from Page 4)
projects at Corozal part of the Alexpenses, intensifying in the lines of goods that have been found to be the best sellers, or in extreme circumTuesday last of this week (Xmas eel pieces for the evening.
these being two of the most techni fections, therefore spreads out in the brook Field Project The siginificant stances he may elect to go out of business. Without this day) was an exceedingly important credit must be extended to the Di. kept under unhealthy conditions.
Much yard more especially if the birds are fact is that these four cottages were being built out of general funds procedure of stock taking and accounting the business day ofr the members of the above rector of the Choir of the patience man can not find out these things. It also helps him to named Church.
The chief signs are wasting away trical workers and plumbers were appropriated for Albrook Field. Elec excercised in training the voices to gauge the general state of the line of trade in which he The presentation of their Christ meet this occasion.
going light and moping about.
affected. There is little use in going is engaged. It is so valuable that traders are now reThe liver is the organ that com. into detail as to the character of mas programme by the Sunday quired by the leading political governments to observe School and Choir met with a hearts intendent of the work led iw praxer death on examination will show this to say that these union representa: Mr. Taylor Assistant Supernonly suffers tubercularly after these extensive conferences, suffice it ty so much so that if a trader went bankrupt and it was response from both within and with while the Pastor Elder Burke to be studded with small fellow tives left no stone unturned, and that found that he had not been conducting his business along this line, he would be charged with a criminal of. out: with Mr. Moseley as Supt. presided over the entire function for tubercules perhaps over the whole they moved by gradations from staff of the Sunday School and Brew the evening.
fense, as if he had held up someone at the point of a ster as director of the Choir, an exof its surface and throughout its men to the powers that be. The upgun and robbed him. This is a crowning example of its ceedingly fine evening was went.
If you have a Prescription to be shop of the matter is that the army importance. It is to the trader what the chart and comThe children of the Sunday School made up take it to the National In many cases stone like tremours officers showed a spirit of co operapass are to the mariner the stethescope and thermome a quitted themselves in a very ere Pharmacy, Santa Ann Plaza, where will be found attached to the intes tion, and finally an order was issued ter to the physician.
This principle of a reliable and systematic guide and recitations, ditable manner, both in their songs you will get courteous and obligingtines or rather their lynphatic gnads. replacing the said aliens by Amerineither did the service In this discovery, clar out the en cans citizens. Whether this incident in these affairs that we have named, is general to all tire stock and start afresh on new is to create a precedent in favor of the affairs of life. It connotes observation and a regrounds.
employment of American citizens resultant application in conduct. On the very verge of the This is radical cure, and the only mains ao be seen.
close of another year we are sure the West Indian comknown reliable one. During the next five years it is munity will unanimously agree that they should do Go in for strong stack next time. expected that about 12, 000. 00 of con some intelligent and conscientious stock taking and acstruction work is to be done the counting. What is the condition of our affairs? Are we Canal Zone. This will be done by the earrying any dead stock. stock not being carried by Cleaned and Dyed Army, and by firms to whom conour competitors, and not called for by our patrons. it National Assembly tracts are let. It has been reported must be remembered that dead stock, in addition to octhat the fill for the Albrook Field cupying valuable space in our establishment, is generalREVISE CONTRACT BEproject will be made by the Canal.
ly a menace to the safety of the good wares that are TWEEN ELECTRIC profit making, in that these dead goods frequently harCOMPANY he danger for the building trades bor vermin and insect. How much of profit making 15 Street, Panama AND GOVERNMENT.
standpoint is that they may be left out of the contract. There is even goods do we have, and to what exten do we propose to Panama 453 danger that a use them in our business? What about our comOn Thursday last the foreign contractor National petitors, are they, doing anything in restraint may get the work.
Assembly decided to revise the of our trade and inimical to our welfare? How about Contract between the local Government in the states be made fully It is essential that the labor moveour own conduct in the business, have we been intelliment and the Compania Fuerza y aware of the situation here, and that gent traders in the use of such great profit making Luz. It will be remembered that for it be awake to render full service goods as unity. Co operation, organization, Dr. Fred Sterling, the past few weeks this question honesty, education, etc?
at the other end. We can not ima. has been very much discussed in the gin why aliens should be employed These are some of the questions that each memE. WORRELL local legislature by Assembly led ber of our group will have to answer during this in THE NEW YORK DENTST specially by Deputy Generoso Simons in preference to American citizens.
ventory process. If all is well, if our balance falls on THE TAILOR who took up the legality of the Con to inform, and to keep informed, the Union workers here are anxious the good side, then our plan will be for an extension of 182, BOLIVAR STREET Corner 16th, Street tract. The matter was referred to various internationals at home so our method of business; but if on the bad side, it will be COLON, West committee appointed by the Assem that full co operation can be given.
up to us to find a solution. From the writer own ob Box 171, Cristobal biy, the first of which recommended Certain international officers are alPanama, servation, it would appear that our balance is on the the wholesale bad side. It appears that we are possesed of a considerTELEPHONE247 COLON anullment of the ready, on their way to Washington contract, but the second committee to aid in the fight.
able amount of dead stock. We are still putting in a after studying the question thorough great deal in dances, and excursions, clubs, lodges, and Union workers here are just a ly advised a revision which was little perplexed at the turn of afso forth, multiplying them from day to day, and thesg do not seem to be raising us either socially or econo Canal is another example. great deal of the credit dopted by the National Assembly fairs. They can not understand why mically. It appears that our better class men are either for the construction of the Canal belongs to the West Thursday after one of the liveli. there should be any question about shut in away to themselves, or they are spending too Indians, and has been testifiesd to by the canal build est debates in the Assembly Hall the permanent employment of Amer much time in useless and harmful diversions. It ap er himself. They were identified with almost every since its session. The recommenda ican citizens. They feel that, if for pears that even in fields of activity in which we were phase of the work from the very begining; and yet to tion for the revision was led by De no other reason, patriots and nathe pioneers, we have allowed oureslves to be crowded day they are being crowded off by the Americans, who puties Everardo Duque and Ani tional pride should make the powers off by others; and that although we have the power to are trying to make it appear that the presence of West bal Rios.
that be want only American citizens regain those fields, we show no serious concern to do Indians in the service is something new and is becomepiployed. But larger questions are 80. In this regard the Chiva Traffic now being domi ing a menace to American welfare. To this malicious involved. There is the nated by the Hindoos is a glaring example. West In propaganda West Indians are offering but negligible question of dians were the first in the field as operators and as rebuttal.
If you have a Prescription to be question of national safety. In time quality of work: and there is the patrons. They remain first as patrons, but not as opermade up take it to the National of war, what will be the status of If our group is not to go bankrupt, and that pretators. If they refuse to ride with the Hindoos, the lat ty soon, we must unitedly and conscientiously apply Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where alien workers as compared with Ater must lose their premier position. It is simple, and our minds to a judicious application of what we have you will get courteous and obliging merican citizens. yet the West Indians are unable to do it. The Panama discovered by our stock taking.
service. Continued on page 5)
HAVE YOUR SUITS By TROTT The TO et Phones: Balboa 8029 Colon 250


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